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The Long Ride Home (Cowboys & Cowgirls)

Page 6

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  “Thinking about me?”

  “Yes,” Elena admitted quietly.


  “What do you mean?”

  “What were you thinking about?”

  “Well that’s personal,” Elena said, laughing.

  “It is…”

  Elena took a deep breath and sighed. “I was just thinking about you. I’m really glad that you called. I’m happy, Holton.”

  “I’m happy, too, baby.”


  Holton left late Friday night for Sunnybrook and got a hotel room a mile away from the University. He would sleep most of Saturday away and then see Elena that night at six. His ranch hands were left in charge of the ranch while he was away.


  “What are you getting all dressed up for?” Cheryl asked as Elena came down the stairs.

  “I’m going out.”

  Cheryl looked surprised. “With Holton?”

  “Yep. He asked me out earlier this week when he called.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  “How could I? You were so preoccupied with Denny!”

  Cheryl looked unconvinced. “So, let me get this straight; you are going out with Holton, and you didn’t think that was important enough to share!”

  “It’s not that!”

  “You’re nervous!”

  “No…yeah, okay, I’m nervous.”

  “Why? He’s been calling you every night this week.”

  Elena looked at her curiously and Elena waved her hand like it was no big deal.

  “Honey, I’ve heard you yapping all night. Remember, our rooms are right next to each other.”

  “How can you hear me when I can’t hear you!”

  “Denny and I don’t usually do that here. We like public places!”

  “Oh God. You have got to be kidding me!”

  “No, we couldn’t do that here with you next door!”

  “Well at least there’s that!” Elena said, laughing.

  Cheryl looked at Elena and smiled wickedly. “Penis!”

  “Oh, you are so mature, Cheryl.”

  Cheryl grinned. “That’s just to get you ready for tonight’s date.”

  “Oh, thanks for that!”

  “And, I have another surprise for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Denny and I are renting a hotel room. So that means that you and Mr. Stud have the place all to yourselves tonight. And please, for the love of God and all that’s holy, get you some!”

  Elena reddened and smacked Cheryl’s shoulder. “You’re bad!”

  “I know, and hopefully you will know how that feels tonight.”

  Elena smiled, shaking her head, hoping that she would.

  “Well, I’m heading out,” Cheryl said as she heard Holton’s car pull up. “I think he’s here!”

  “Don’t you say anything!”

  “I won’t. Remember what I said. I won’t be coming home until late afternoon tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Be careful.”

  “You, too.”

  Elena opened the door and quickly went outside, hoping Cheryl kept her promise not to say anything. As soon as she saw Holton, her heart sped up and she smiled nervously. He was dressed completely different in a black suit and a crisp white shirt. He looked so sexy that she nearly couldn’t breathe.

  “You look…I like your suit,” Elena said softly as Holton took her hand and led her to his car.

  “Thank you; you look beautiful as always.” Holton held the door open for her and then went around to his side. Elena was wearing a beautiful blue sash dress that clung to her figure. Her wild hair was worn down and she had hoop earrings in her ears. She looked great.

  “So, where are we going?” Elena asked, hoping her nerves didn’t show.

  “It’s a surprise,” Holton said and started up the camero. “How was school today?”

  “Oh, it was good,” Elena said as she nervously sat in the passenger side, twiddling her fingers.

  “I don’t want you to be nervous around me,” Holton said quietly. “It never used to be like that.” He chanced a look at her and saw the feint blush of red on her skin.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked. She kept her eyes down and on her own hands in her lap.

  “You, you’re fidgeting.”

  “Not that; you said it never used to be like that.” Elena looked up and smiled, “It was always like that.”

  “You were nervous?”



  “You have to ask, Holt? I told you once before how it was for me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Well, can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Holton said, waiting for her question.

  “Why are you here—really here?”

  Holton pulled off the side of the road; there was nothing for miles, and Elena had no idea what he was doing. She looked at him and he grabbed her hands. “I wanted to see you.”

  “Well, you see me…”

  “Yeah, I see you.” Holton moved his right hand up her arm and then to the side of her face, his thumb stroked lightly at her skin. Elena trembled and her lips parted.


  “I…” Holton leaned in and brushed his lips softly over hers, igniting a fire in them both. His tongue moved expertly with hers, in and out of her mouth. Their hands held, grabbed, and stroked each other as if they couldn’t get close enough.

  “Oh, Holton,” Elena moaned. Holton leaned over and undid her seatbelt, pulling her across his lap in the small car. Elena’s hands were in his hair and then on his face as she kissed him. Minutes felt like hours, until blue and red lights were silhouetting them in the car.

  “Shit!” Holton exclaimed as they heard a tapping on the glass. He leaned his head back and sighed just as Elena pushed the window down button.

  “Well, what do we have here?” the officer asked as he shined his flashlight in the car. “Everything okay?”

  Elena smiled. “Yeah, no everything is just fine, Officer.” Holton groaned and Elena tried not to laugh.

  “Well, this is a no parking zone here, but there is a hotel less than three miles down the road.”

  Elena moved to her seat and laughed as the officer left them with a warning.

  “I’m sorry, Elena,” Holton said gruffly. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “I’d say nothing, but that would make me sound a little slutty.”


  “Oh, come on, Holton, lighten up.”

  Holton smiled at Elena and then pulled the car back on to the road. “We’re going to be late if we don’t get going. Fix your hair.”

  “Yes, Sir!”


  Three hours later they were leaving the opera. It was a complete surprise and Elena loved that Holton was the one to take her.

  “I still can’t believe you brought me to the opera!” Elena gushed. “It was wonderful.”

  “I don’t know why you can’t believe that.”

  “Have you ever been to the opera?” Elena asked; her eyebrow quirked up to the right.


  Elena laughed. “Well, I hope you liked it.”

  “I loved it,” Holton said honestly. “I think I like the look on your face more though.” Holton smiled and Elena returned it.

  “My God, Holton Dade, are you flirting with me?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I think I am.”


  They just pulled up to her apartment around midnight. “Do you want to come up? Cheryl’s car isn’t here…” Elena let the last comment float around them. She chanced a look at Holton and could almost feel the tension around him.

  “I better not. It was a great evening.”

  Elena looked at him curiously. “Okay, well…”

  Holton leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you for going out with me tonight.”

  “Ye—ah, of course.
Thanks for inviting me.”

  Holton laughed softly and got out of the car and went over to her side. “Come on, Princess, let’s get you inside.”

  “Thanks for tonight, Holton.”

  “You’re welcome. I can’t come up next week, but I can be here on the 22nd. I have a Cattleman’s meeting next Saturday that I couldn’t get out of.”

  Elena looked up in confusion. “Couldn’t get out of?”

  “I tried, but Jake and Thomas don’t know much about the ins and outs. I’m bringing them this weekend though, that way this won’t happen again.”

  “What won’t?”

  Holton smiled. “I won’t have to miss seeing you over a Cattleman’s meeting,” he said.

  “Oh, okay,” Elena said, confused. “So, you plan on coming to see me again?”

  “Definitely,” Holton said, as he looked deep into her eyes. He moved closer to her and wrapped her in his arms, leaving a small space between their faces so he could talk with her.

  “Oh,” she whispered.

  “Oh,” he echoed. “Listen, I know I pretty much screwed everything up between us, and I realize that you may not want to see me, but I’m hoping that I can coax you into something.”

  Elena smiled shyly. “I’m sure it wouldn’t take much, Holton.”

  “That’s what I love about you, Elena.”

  Elena’s breath quickened at the promise of love. “What’s that?”

  “You forgive even a moron like me.”

  Elena laughed. “Well, I guess I do have some good qualities.”

  “You have a lot of good qualities, Elena,” Holton said as he moved his arms up her back, caressing her with his hands. “I have never been in a serious relationship before,” Holton admitted, and then looked into her eyes, “but I’m willing to try for you.”

  Elena’s eyes misted. “Are you sure that’s something you want?” She almost hated to ask in case he would change his mind.

  “Oh yes,” Holton breathed as he moved in for a kiss. The kiss was like a promise. It was long and slow and absolutely delicious. Elena closed her eyes and gave in to the passion

  Moments later, Holton pulled back. His eyes were closed and slowly, a grin appeared on his face.

  “I’ll see you in a few weeks, Elena.”


  “The 22nd,” Holton said as a reminder.

  Elena nodded her head. Holton leaned in once more and kissed her forehead, then her eyelids and lastly her lips. “Sweet Dreams, my Elena.”

  Elena opened her eyes and smiled once more, “Be careful.”

  “I will,” Holton said and then got into his car and drove away, leaving Elena feeling ecstatic about their new relationship.


  A few minutes later, the phone rang in Elena’s apartment. She walked over and picked it up. “Hello?”

  “Hey,” a male voice said.


  “Who else would be calling this late?” he asked.

  “I didn’t even think about that! What are you doing?”

  “Driving to my hotel,” he said and then laughed. “Did you lock your front door?”

  “Of course. Miss me already?” she chanced. She walked up the steps to her room and closed the door.

  “Yeah,” he said gruffly. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “You should take something for that,” Elena joked.

  “I thought I just did.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I had to see you. I just drove ten hours overnight to go to the opera with you, and now I’m going back to my hotel for a few hours before I have to get back up and make the return drive.”

  Elena sighed. “I’m sorry about that, Holton. It’s too bad we’re not rich.”

  “Well, I’m not poor, but if you were thinking flying every time I wanted to see you I would have to have a lot of money.”

  Elena smiled and opened her closet. She switched the phone to her other ear as she attempted to undress herself.

  “What are you doing? The phone sounds all muffled.”

  Elena could feel the heat of a blush take over her body, which was ridiculous since he wasn’t there to see. “I’m…getting undressed.”

  “What?” Holton coughed and then accidently swerved to the right.

  “What was that?”

  “I swerved.”

  “You are ridiculous.”

  “And you are naked! What are you trying to do, Elena, give me a heart attack?”

  “I’m not naked, Holton, I’m wearing a bra and panties.”

  Holton groaned. “I shouldn’t be thinking of you wearing those.”

  “Why?” Elena asked amused. “I’ve thought of you—”

  “Don’t tell me,” Holton interrupted. “You’ll ruin my image of you being a good girl.”

  “That’s the whole problem, isn’t it, Holton?” Elena asked seriously. “You can’t see past me being a little girl. Maybe you should try a little harder.”

  “And what exactly did you have in mind, little tease?” Holton flirted nervously.

  “Well, you should have come up when I asked you to.”

  Holton swallowed and pictured Elena on the bed wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

  Elena cleared her throat. “You still there?”

  “Ye-yes,” Holton stammered.

  Elena laughed.

  “What color are they?” Holton asked boldly.

  Elena’s pulse hammered.


  Holton groaned. “You’re killing me, Elena.”

  “Lace,” she added.

  Holton swallowed and closed his eyes as he came to a stop in the hotel’s parking lot.

  “And why were you wearing something like that to see an opera?” Holton asked, amused.

  “I wasn’t wearing it for the opera, Holton. As you are already aware, I had no idea where we were going. I was wearing them for you.”

  Holton shut the door and walked to his hotel room, getting the key card out of his wallet and inserting it into the door. It opened with a click and he went in, locked the door and picked up one of the little bottles of alcohol from the mini bar. He picked a Southern Comfort and took a small swig.

  “You still there?” she asked coyly.

  “Oh, I’m still here,” he said and then walked over to his bed and got undressed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting undressed.”

  Elena bit her lip and leaned back on the bed, getting underneath the covers. She’d forgo the pajamas for the night. She closed her eyes and pictured Holton there with her, underneath the blankets, cozy and hot.

  “You there?” he joked.

  “Mmm,” she said, eliciting a groan from Holton at the sound of her voice.

  “What are you doing now?” he asked as he slipped beneath the covers of his own bed, blessedly nude. Unlike Elena, he didn’t wear pajamas.

  “I’m lying here with my eyes closed, picturing you here beside me.”

  Holton took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He couldn’t believe he was talking to Elena this way. It wasn’t as weird as he thought it would be. “I wouldn’t be beside you if I were there,” he whispered.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” she replied. “What would you be doing?”

  “Well, I would be getting an eyeful of that red lace right now.”

  Elena laughed. “I picked them out just for you.”

  “Sure you did, you little tease.”

  “No, I did. I bought them for our honeymoon.”

  Holton looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. “I’m so sorry, Elena.”

  “Don’t do that, not now,” she said.


  “What are you wearing?” Elena asked, laughing a bit. She felt silly doing this, but she wanted to know.


  “Now you’re killing me, Holton. I just knew you slept in the nude.”

  Holton chuck
led. “I don’t like any bindings when I’m in bed.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Elena whispered, disappointed.

  Holton was shocked she actually said that. “You surprise me, Elena, he said softly.

  “I hope that’s a good thing,” she said.

  “It’s a good thing.”

  “So, what would you do, Holton? If I were there in bed with you…”

  Holton took a few seconds to respond, shocked at the line of questioning, but not shocked all the same. He supposed they were leading toward this since he called. “I would taste your skin right now, starting at your wrist…going slow.”

  Elena gasped. “I can almost feel it.”

  “Your skin is so soft. I love the way you feel on my tongue,” Holton said softly. I move my mouth up to your shoulder and then across your chest and up your neck. My hands are moving up your arms, tracing where my mouth just was. I’m itching to touch you, to feel you in lace.”

  “Oh my God,” Elena moaned softly.

  “Move your hands up your arms, Elena, feel where I’m touching you.”

  Elena moved her hands up, keeping her eyes closed as his words penetrated her brain.

  “My tongue is on your neck, licking up the side to your ear. You have a beautiful neck, Elena. Now I’m up to your ear, I suck on the lobe, as my hands move to the sides of your face. My mouth travels across your cheek to your sweet, sweet mouth. I have to have you.”

  Elena moaned. She could feel him there with her, his hands at her face and his tongue in her mouth, coaxing it open.

  “As I kiss you deeply, my hands move down slowly. First I touch your shoulders, then the top of your breasts. Mmm, Elena, you have the most beautiful breasts.”

  Elena gasped as her hands moved down, feeling the full weight of her breasts in her hands.

  “God, I want to feel the lace in my hands right now,” Holton moaned. “Are you touching yourself, Elena? Can you feel it?”

  “Yes,” she said softly. Her voice was strained.

  Holton closed his eyes. Just the thought of Elena pleasuring herself was driving him wild. “My mouth is moving down to where my hands are now, tracing the lace with my tongue, making your nipple hard, readying you for my mouth. Oh God, Elena, I want you so bad.”

  “I want you, too, Holton,” she moaned. “I want you so badly.”

  “Touch me, Elena; show me.”

  Elena gasped at his words and then pictured his mouth on her as her hands moved down to his erection.


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