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The Long Ride Home (Cowboys & Cowgirls)

Page 10

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  Holton shook his head. “No, I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Come on!”


  Holton looked to his right and then in front of him, but wasn’t making eye contact with the screen.

  “Look at me,” Elena said. “I’m not going to get mad.”

  “It’s not that.”

  “Then what?”

  Holton took a deep breath and then looked directly at the camera. “I ended it, okay? I only had sex with her because you went to homecoming with Garret Brandt.”

  Elena’s eyes widened and she gasped.

  “Okay, my turn.”

  “Oh no you don’t!” Elena exclaimed. “You…had feelings for me?”

  Holton looked in the camera, trembling. “I’ve had feelings for you for a very long time.”

  Elena’s hands shook. “Holton, how long?”

  “Since then.”

  “I was 14.”

  “Yeah, and I was always way too old for you, Elena. I am too old for you now, but I don’t have the strength to stay away any more.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Are you kidding? Your parents would have had me thrown in jail.”

  “My parents have always loved you!”

  “They wouldn’t have if I dated their only daughter.”

  “Holton, it was my dad that was pushing me towards you since high school.”

  Holton looked at her curiously then shook his head. “No, I don’t believe it.”

  “Yes, believe it. I can’t believe you had sex with her.”

  “I didn’t want to tell you.”

  “I’m not mad. I’m flattered. Thank you for telling me.”

  Holton nodded and then looked up with a smile on his face. “Why did you really call me when you were 17?”

  Elena flushed a bright red and started laughing. “I completely forgot about that!”


  “I don’t think that’s an important question, Holton. Ask me something else.”

  “No way.”

  Elena bit her bottom lip and smiled. “I wanted to have sex with you.”

  Holton’s eyes widened and he started laughing. “No, that’s not what you called for!”

  “Yes it was. We were talking about sex in health class and everyone in my class was doing it. I wanted to know what all the hype was about. Don’t you remember me asking you if you carried your wallet around everywhere?”

  “Yeah, but…” As if it finally dawned on Holton, he laughed really hard. “You wanted to know if I had a condom with me?”


  “Jesus, Elena, you were only 17…”

  “Yeah and you were a really hot 25.”

  “Fuck. I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “You would have said, “No, Elena, go play with your friends.”

  “I would not have.”

  “Holton, are you kidding me! Up until three months ago, you ignored me like I didn’t exist.”

  “I think you have me mistaken for someone else.”

  “No, I don’t think so. My turn!” she said giddily. “What did you think about when you called me that night on the phone?”

  “What night?”

  “You know what night, Holton.”

  “Oh, that night,” Holton smiled. It was a seductive smile and it lit Elena’s insides on fire. “I thought that you were the sexiest woman in the entire world, and I wished…god, how I wished you were with me.”

  “I have never done anything like that. I was nervous.”

  “You were wonderful, Elena. Have you been worried about that?”

  “I thought that maybe I did something wrong.”

  Holton looked at her beautiful face and smiled softly. “You were so good, Elena. I can’t wait to be with you for real next time.”

  “You want to?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Your turn,” Elena said, laughing at his expression.

  “Sure now that you have me all hot and bothered. “Um, most embarrassing moment?”

  “That’s easy…you were there. It was the day my dad and mom were in the yard and told you that I was now officially a woman. I was 13 and I started my period.”

  Holton laughed. “I remember. You were very embarrassed and I thought you were adorable.”

  “But not the love of your life,” she said, laughing.

  Holton didn’t say anything. He just smiled.

  “Okay, your first love,” Elena said. She took her blanket off and picked up her hairbrush that was right next to her desk. She started brushing her long hair.

  Holton swallowed. This was it, he thought. “You.”

  Elena looked around nervously and then looked at the screen. “W-what?”


  “Holton, I just asked you who your…”

  “I heard you, Elena. I love you. I’m in love with you.”

  Tears streamed instantly down Elena’s face and she started hiccupping. If she didn’t look so adorable at that moment he would have laughed.




  “Elena, you have to know.”

  “No, I didn’t. You’ve never said.”

  “Why do you think I want to know everything there is to know about you?”

  “I don’t know… maybe you’re nosy?”

  Holton chuckled. “I am that. Well, I better get going. It’s really late now. Tomorrow is going to suck enough without being tired.”

  “Yeah, sure. Holton?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Tell me again.”

  Holton smiled and looked right at the camera. “I love you, Elena.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Holton clicked off, smiling. Being in love wasn’t so bad after all.

  Chapter 10

  Holton spent the whole next week talking to Elena and working on the fair project as well as keeping his and Elena’s ranch’s afloat. He was beyond exhausted and ready to see Elena. They had a date planned for Valentine’s Day, but that was a little over three weeks away.

  “Holton, can you help with the livestock show?” Joe asked as he got out of his truck and walked over to Holton. Holton was saddling his horse.

  “Yeah, of course. I actually like doing that part.”

  “That would be good. Hey, I just wanted to tell you…well ask you.”

  “No, I will not date you, Joe,” Holton joked, looking at Joe with a ridiculous grin. “We hardly know one another.”

  Joe guffawed. “Yeah, no that’s not it, well close.”

  Holton’s eyebrows went up and he looked over to Joe.

  “Sarah and Me… we’re getting married. I was wondering if you’d be my best man?”

  Holton grinned and slapped Joe on the shoulder. “Man, that’s great. And yes, I would be honored.”

  “Great. You can bring Elena with you. She knows Sarah, but they don’t know one another that well. It would be nice if they could get along.”

  Holton smiled, thinking of Elena. “Yeah, that would be nice. I’ll call her tonight.”


  “When’s the big day?” Holton asked a smiling Joe.

  “Valentine’s Day.”


  “Guess who’s getting married?” Holton asked as he got Elena on the phone.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Joe and Sarah.”

  “Aw! Well that’s great!” Elena exclaimed, hoping that he was going to say him and her.

  “Will you come home and be my date?”

  “When is it?”

  “I know this kind of sucks, but we will still be together. Valentine’s Day.”

  Elena smiled, thinking that she just wanted to spend the day with him. “That sounds perfect.”

  “I’ll get you a ticket and you can finally come home. Joe asked me to be his best man.”

  “That’s wonderful, Holton.”

“He wants you to get to know Sarah.”


  “Because, he’s my best friend and you…you’re my girl.”

  Elena giggled. “Oh, I’m your girl?”

  “You know you are.”

  Chapter 11


  Being in love sucked. Holton was so exhausted. Each night, after Elena got off work from the diner she worked at, they would Skype. Skyping and emails were all he had to look forward to each night, and of course the occasional text. And then there was Valentine’s Day and the wedding.

  Holton was out feeding his chickens when the text came.

  He looked down at his phone. It was from Cheryl, Elena’s roommate.

  *Holton, Elena’s been in an accident.*

  Holton stopped what he was doing and pushed the call button on his phone, trying to get Cheryl on the line. His heart raced in his chest and he could barely breathe. What kind of accident?

  “Holton, is that you?” Cheryl’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

  “Cheryl, what happened?”

  “You better get here, Holton.”

  “Cheryl, tell me what’s happened!” Holton demanded. He ran into his house and grabbed his wallet and the keys to his car.

  “I…it’s bad, Holton. She was hit on the way to school.”

  “What do you mean, hit? She doesn’t have a car…”

  “Yeah. She was crossing on third and Stark when the drunk driver ran into her. She’s unconscious right now.”

  “Oh my God!” Holton cried. “What hospital?”

  “State. I’ll tell her you are coming when she wakes up. I know it’ll be a while. But she’ll…”

  “I’m flying. I’ll be at the airport soon. I’ll call you once I’m in the air. Tell her I love her, Cheryl. Tell her, please.”

  “I will,” Cheryl cried. “I promise.”

  Holton hung up the phone and called Joe next. He let him know that he was going to be out of town and told him about Elena. Joe offered to come over to the ranch and help with things until Holton could get back.


  When Holton got to the airport, he was able to get on the next flight to Sunnybrook, which left in 45 minutes. Those 45 were the longest in his life. Holton felt sick to his stomach. What if Elena died? What if she didn’t come back to him?


  When Holton was finally in the air, he called Cheryl and let her know his flight time. He assured her that he would get a rental car and make his way to the hospital as soon as humanly possible. Cheryl informed him that Elena still hadn’t awakened, but she did tell her that he loved her. Holton closed his eyes and thought about Elena…

  5 years ago

  “Holton, Elena’s on the phone,” Holton’s mother, Moira, called from the other room. “She says it’s important.”

  Holton took a deep breath and went into his room and picked up the phone. “I’ve got it.”

  “Okay, honey,” his mother said, hanging up the receiver.

  “Hello,” Holton said and sat down on his bed. He was exhausted. The day had been excruciatingly hot. One of the hottest days of the year in Dallas. The weather predicted record highs for the next 7 days.

  “H-Holton?” Elena stammered.

  Holton always liked the sound of her voice; it was a mixture between sweet and sultry. He had to remind himself often that she was only 17 years old.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “Well, I was wondering…”


  “Do you carry your wallet with you all the time?”

  Holton laughed. “What kind of question is that? Do you need some money, Elena?”

  “No! I mean, no. I don’t need any money, Holton.”

  “O-kay, well, is that all?”

  “No, I…well, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “No, I don’t always carry it with me. I mean, I guess most of the time I have it on me, why? Planning a robbery?”

  Elena laughed nervously. “No…”

  “Okay. Everything alright, Elena?”

  “Yeah, everything is great. I’m just…well, I’m 17 now.”

  Holton didn’t need the reminder. The girl was a killer to his libido. “I know. How’s that going for you?” Holton asked, and then winced.

  “You don’t have to make fun of me,” Elena said softly.

  “I’m sorry, Elena, I’m not…Did you want anything else?”


  “Elena,” Elena’s mother yelled loudly. Holton could hear it on the other end. “Time for dinner.”

  “I guess I better go. Maybe I’ll call sometime?” Elena finished.

  Holton closed his eyes and thought about saying something to her, but changed his mind. “Have a great weekend, Elena.”

  “Yeah, you, too,” she said solemnly.

  Holton looked out the window as they passed through some clouds. The flight wasn’t a long one, but it seemed as if it was taking forever. His lip trembled. He just got Elena in his life, and now he was going to lose her. A single tear fell from his eye, before he closed them once more.

  Eight years ago…

  “Holton, can you help me with a school project that I’m working on?” Elena asked Holton as he arrived for dinner. His family and her family had dinner every Thursday at her parents’ place.

  “Sure, brat, what kind of project?” Holton asked as he walked over to the kitchen. Elena put out her hand and grabbed his, leading him to her bedroom.

  “Come on, my project’s in here,” she said. Holton looked uncomfortable as he followed, but didn’t say anything.

  “What’s this thing about?” he asked. She pointed to her desk chair and offered him the seat as she sat on her bed.

  “It’s a project on me. I’m supposed to get five of the most important people in my life and interview them about me. All you have to do is answer some questions and fill them out so I can put them on this project board. And then, I’m supposed to get a picture of us together and I’ll put it on this.” Elena smiled as she got out a sheaf of notebook paper and started numbering down the side.

  Holton thought it was odd that she didn’t already have the questions ready, but didn’t say anything.

  “Okay, sure. I can do that,” Holton said.

  “Great!” Elena exclaimed, smiling. “So, first question,” she said, biting her bottom lip, “What’s one thing that you like about me?”

  Holton smiled at the question and playfully tapped his chin before answering. “Hmm… this may take a while,” he replied. Elena slapped him with one of her bed pillows.


  Holton chuckled. “Okay, brat. One thing I like about you. Okay, I like your hair,” he said as he picked one of her strands up and tugged it, before letting it go.

  Elena smiled and picked up her pen, “Okay, you love the way my hair looks, all flowing and gorgeous down my back,” she said as she wrote.

  Holton’s eyes widened. “I did not say that!”

  Elena smiled, “But that’s what you meant, right?”

  Holton rolled his eyes and laughed, hoping that Elena was joking. She was 14 for God Sake! “Next question.”

  “Okay, if you and I were the same age, where would you take me to dinner?”

  Holton laughed. “Is that really an appropriate question?”


  “Okay, I would probably have to borrow money from my parents and then we would go to lego land or something.”

  Elena’s eyes rounded. “That’s not what I meant! And, I’m 14, not 4, Holton!”

  Holton laughed. “Okay, where would I take a 14 year old. Maybe the DQ?”

  “No, if I was your age and we were on a date!” Elena whined.

  Holton felt like this was not a safe zone of questioning, but he didn’t want to hurt the girl’s feelings. “Okay. I’m sorry, Elena. I would probably take you somewhere really nice. Probably Lento’s—that Italian place in Grencion County. I know how much you like
Italian food. I would order you a glass of merlot and buy you a dozen roses.”

  Elena smiled widely. “What color?”

  “What color, what?”

  “The roses?” Elena asked. There was something different in her eyes that sent warning signals all over Holton.

  “Red,” Holton swallowed. “I would buy you red roses that match your gorgeous hair.”

  “Elena, you can leave Holton alone now!” Elena’s mother yelled from the other room. “It’s dinner time.”

  Elena smiled at Holton and took a deep swoon-like breath. “Thank you, Holton. I would love to go to Lento’s some day with you.”

  Holton swallowed and nodded, not knowing what to say to this 14 year old tease.


  “Cheryl, how is she?” Holton asked, worriedly. “Has she woken up yet?”

  “No,” Cheryl cried. “I’m really worried. Her heart rate slowed, too, and the doctor said that she doesn’t look too good.”

  Holton felt the bile rise up in this throat. He put his hand over his mouth and made his way back to the airplane restroom. Minutes later, he apologized to Cheryl and made his way back to his seat, praying for the first time since his mother’s death.

  “Doesn’t my little girl look beautiful?” Elena’s father asked Holton as he came to the house to see Elena in her homecoming dress.

  Holton looked at a very grown up looking Elena and tried not to show his feelings toward her. It wasn’t right; he was way too old for her, but he couldn’t help it. She was breathtaking.

  Elena walked over and rolled her eyes. “Nice, Dad. Nothing like you embarrassing me in front of this old guy,” she joked as she poked Holton in the shoulder.

  Elena’s father smiled and walked back toward the barn, leaving them alone.

  “Old huh, brat?” Holton joked back.

  Elena laughed. “So, I got an A on my project. You know, the one where you said you would take me to Lento’s…”

  “I can’t believe they made you ask me those questions.”

  “They didn’t really, Holt.” Elena grinned. “I made that all up.”

  Holton looked over at her and asked why.

  “Don’t you know, Holt? I’m in love with you,” she said dazedly.

  Holton smiled at the thought of this teenage Elena falling in love. “You’re years too young to be in love, Brat.”


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