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OMEGA STOLEN: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 1)

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by Susi Hawke

  I nodded and said with a grin, “Okay, but you can all just cool it with the Alpha shit. My name is Jake, the same as it's always been. I didn't ask to go off and start a new pack, it's just kind of fallen into my lap. I'm not even sure why you guys are calling me Alpha, when we're all alphas. Is it because it's my aunt that owns the place where we're heading?”

  The guys all shared an amused chuckle before Owen said: “Jake, dude, you're the strongest alpha of all of us, and you know it. None of us could take you in a challenge, and you know that too. Not that we would want to challenge you, I'm just saying. That's why we've unofficially declared you our Alpha.”

  Daniel added: “When we get through this, and get settled up north, then we can establish the pack. After we all swear allegiance to you, and trust me, we will, then you can decide everything else.”

  Seth nodded in agreement and said: “But for now, we will focus on finding and rescuing Jenny. Omegas first, pack later, right?”

  “Now, that sounds like a plan,” I said with an amused chuckle of my own. I'm not sure why these guys wanted me as their Alpha, but I will do my best to rise to the occasion. I just need to get Jenny and the guys' friend and get us all safely to my aunt's property before I can stop to worry about all that stuff.

  We drove another half an hour up into the hills, passing the lake that sat just outside of the pack-lands. Daniel parked upwind of a small cabin that sat on a small plot of land near the lake.

  The area around it was well lit, both from the light coming from through the windows, and from the porch light that somebody had left on. I looked around as we got out of the van, but I didn't see anybody patrolling. However, I know that doesn't mean that there isn't at least one guard inside.

  Sniffing the air, I realized that I couldn't smell any of the guys as I said, “Did you all spray on scent blockers too? If there are guards, I don't want them to smell us coming.”

  “Shit, Jake.” Daniel scoffed at me. “What is this, amateur hour? Of course we're all pheromone blocking.”

  Seth stepped closer to me and said softly: “Tell us where you want us, Jake, you're the boss.”

  Owen and Maxx were waiting behind him for me to give direction. I stood there a moment, quickly analyzing the situation and plotting our moves.

  After a few minutes, I motioned for them to all come closer as I said with a soft voice full of authority: “Here's what we're going to do.” They all gathered around, and I laid out their roles for them. Hopefully, we could pull this off and be on the road north by sunrise.

  Chapter 2


  So far, the Alpha hadn't touched me yet, thanks be to Fenris. The morning I left home, my dad had driven me to this cabin out by the lake where the Alpha was waiting to take possession of me. My dad took the bag of gold the alpha paid him and left without even saying good-bye.

  I was appalled when I first saw the Alpha. He was way older than my dad with a head full of greasy, yellowing white hair. He had a full beard that touched his chest, and it was a filthy, tangled mess with old bits of food matted into it in places. I shuddered at the thought of his gnarled, wrinkly hands ever laying claim to my body, or being forced to accept being rutted by his bony body with it's sagging flesh.

  No matter how old and nasty he appeared though, he still radiated that strong alpha aura that brought me to my knees when he leveled it at me after I took too long to bow in his presence after my dad left. He walked around me in a circle, appraising me as though I were a piece of livestock while an old, gaunt, shrewish looking woman glared at me with pursed lips from where she stood just across from me.

  “Aha,” he had said after looking me over. “Just as your father promised, an untried Omega. I can smell that innocence all over you, boy.” He leered at me, as I carefully kept my face blank, refusing to let them see me squirm.

  He grabbed my chin forcefully, squeezing it to the point of pain as he turned my head to face the woman across from me. “You see her, boy? That's my first-mate, Helga. You will respect her, and do as she says. Doesn't matter whether she and I are here or not, you will follow our rules. She is also your master, and will be the official mother to any pups you whelp in the future.”

  I nodded as well as I could with my chin being held in his vise-like grip as he continued: “You'll settle in here soon enough, accept your fate, and learn what's what. Here's what you need to know, right now. That's my beta, Stanley, over there,” he stopped and pointed to a younger beta wolf that was standing near the first-mate.

  “Stanley is your keeper. He keeps watch over you and the other Omega's until it's time to for you to breed the pups that I will sire for Helga to raise. Once you get your heat, I will breed you. After you give birth, the pup will join us in the pack-lands and you will stay here. Know that, accept it, and don't fight me on it.”

  I looked at Stanley, unimpressed by the stocky, gray haired beta. A decent alpha could take him easily, I thought to myself. Shoot, I might even be able to do it, if another omega was there to help me. Of course, that was until I noticed the whip that he held loosely at his side.

  With a gulp, I decided to bide my time and obey this Stanley guy until I figured out a Plan B. Because, even if I had to live in the wilds as a wolf, I knew now that I couldn't safely stay here. If not for me, than for the future pups that this Alpha wanted to breed with me and give away to the first-mate. Nope, that's not gonna ever happen, not to any pup of mine, I thought to myself.

  After a recitation of the rules by Helga, the Alpha pair had taken their leave and Stanley had whistled for the other omega's to come out of the bedroom. A girl about my age came out, and two boys who looked like they were several years younger than me, probably in their mid-teens or so.

  “Take him to your room, get him settled and cleaned up. I want dinner in an hour, so get to it.” After giving those orders, Stanley had walked outside to check the perimeter while I met the other omega's.

  “Hi,” I said shyly. “I hope it's okay that I'm here. I don't want to get up in anyone's space.”

  The girl, a tall brunette, spoke up and said sadly: “Oh, sweetie. We know damn well that you're not here by choice, none of ever are. My name is Jenny, and this is Ryan and Luke.”

  “Did your dad's sell you to the Alpha too?” I asked curiously.

  “No,” Jenny replied, “I was forcefully taken by Stanley and another beta one night while my twin brother was on guard duty. They never would have taken me if he'd been there. Ryan and Luke were bought from their foster parents. There's a couple more of us. Sy, who is pregnant and resting right now. And then there's Aries, who is busy in the kitchen, working on dinner.”

  “So, except for you,” I said, as I took in the information she'd given me, “we are all male omega's here?”

  “Yes,” she responded with a sad smile. “There were a couple of other females a few months ago, but one died in childbirth and the other escaped when she found out she was pregnant. She didn't want Helga to get her hands on the pup. I hope she's okay, but we don't know what happened.”

  I shuddered at the thought of a pregnant Omega on the run. “Okay, then. What do we do around here all day?” I asked her, afraid to hear what's in store for me.

  “Actually,” she said with a knowing smile, “our life isn't too bad, except for the fact that we're being held against our will and the Alpha plans to impregnate us all as many times as he can, until he gets the perfect alpha heir. That's my guess anyway, but who knows? Stanley leaves us alone for the most part, as long we keep the cabin clean and feed him on time. Other than that, it's a pretty boring life we have here.”

  “Are we allowed to go outside for runs or to swim in the lake?”

  They all laughed at that and Ryan spoke up and said in a squeaky voice, “We only get to go outside on Sunday's, when all the chores are done, and we can't go out of Stanley's sight. You can shift, but you can't leave the yard.”

  His brother, Luke, added in: “Man! Wouldn't we love to go to the la
ke! But, no, we aren't allowed to leave the cabin. They don't want anyone to know we're here, you know?”

  I nodded in understanding. Even if the Alpha had legally purchased me, the brothers were in their early teens and much too young to be mated yet. Poor Jenny had admitted to being stolen. I don't know the story of the other Omega's, but I was pretty sure that none of this was legal or would be accepted by most wolves in the pack if they knew what was happening.

  I looked over at Jenny as a thought crossed my mind. “How do they explain the pups, if the pack doesn't know we're here whelping for the Alpha?”

  She grimaced and said: “I remember when the Alpha-pair tried to adopt a couple pups when I was younger, because rumor has it that Helga can't whelp. That fell through for some reason, so that must be why they are doing this with us. I imagine that any pups we have here are just 'adopted' by the Alpha-pair.”

  I looked around and lowered my voice before asking the obvious question: “So, why haven't you tried to escape?”

  Jenny smiled at the younger boys and said: “I can't leave unless I take everyone with me. I could never live with myself if I left these guys at their mercy, you know?” She looked off in the distance for moment, her eyes unfixed and brooding before saying: “I will never leave anyone to them again.”

  I understood, and appreciated her all the more for it. Vowing to somehow get us all free if we ever got the chance, I got to know the other Omega's and allowed myself to settle into the routine there in the cabin. I didn't know how, but I knew that I would work with Jenny to get us all free eventually.

  A few weeks later, I was taking out the trash after dinner. I had just put the lid back on the can and was turning to go back inside, when a hand came over my mouth and pulled me around the corner of the house.

  Alarmed, I struggled against the hard chest that was plush against my back as a voice hissed in my ear: “Ssh! Stop fighting, I'm here to rescue you.”

  I immediately stopped struggling as the voice said: “If I release you, do you promise not to run or yell?”

  I nodded frantically and the muscular arm that was wrapped across my torso let me go. I took a step forward, catching my breath before I turned. I gasped when I looked up at the gorgeous alpha who had been holding me.

  I was at least a head shorter and fifty pounds lighter than the specimen of virility that stood before me. He had thick, wavy brown hair and eyes that glowed golden in the night air, a sign of the wolf waiting just below the surface.

  “Wh-wh-who are you?” I stuttered out, as I stood there trembling.

  “I'm Jake, and I'm looking for my sister, Jenny. I can smell her on you, so I know she's here. Is she okay?”

  I exactly who Jake was now, Jenny had told me all about her big brother.

  “I know who you are!” I whispered excitedly. “Jenny is right inside, she's going to be so excited to know you're here and that you came to rescue us!”

  He quirked a beautiful brow at me and asked with a smirk: “Us? I wasn't aware that my sister came with a posse. How many of you are there?”

  I bit my lip fearfully, not wanting to overstep, but knowing that this alpha was my only likely chance of freedom.

  “There's, umm, six of us, actually. Jenny didn't try to escape, because she wouldn't leave us behind. I'm still here for the same reason. The other omega's need us too much.”

  Jake sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger before quietly saying: “Why am I not surprised by this? Tell me everything I need to know, like who's guarding you and if there's a way out where nobody gets hurt and we all get away safely.”

  I nodded and said: “There's just Stanley. You can overpower him easily because he's just a weak beta. He should be out here in about twenty minutes. Sooner, if I don't get back inside really quick here.”

  Jake said: “Okay, then hurry back inside, and tell Jenny I'm here with some friends. Tell everyone to quietly pack, and take only what they can carry. Once we get Stanley subdued, I'll come inside and get you. When I do, you all need to be ready to go. Is that doable?”

  I say nervously as I nod in agreement: “Yes, but how far do we have to walk? One of the omega's is very pregnant and he won't be able to walk far.”

  Jake rolled his eyes before responding sarcastically: “Of course, there's a pregnant omega to rescue. Why wouldn't there be a pregnant omega?” Shaking his head, he pointed to the door and said: “Just go, and hurry, like I said. I'll take care of everything out here.”

  I slipped around the corner just as the door opened and Aries popped his head out. “Hey, dude! You okay? We were getting worried with you taking so long, wouldn't want Stanley to find you outside without permission, ya know?”

  I grinned easily as I slipped in the door past him, motioning for him to close it and follow me. He looked around the kitchen on our way through, obviously checking to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. We walked towards our room, passing through the main living room where Stanley was sitting in front of the small television with a cup of coffee.

  “You guys all done in there?” Stanley asked without turning around as we went by, more out of habit than necessity, since we were all well trained by now.

  “Yes, sir.” I answered respectfully, “we are just going to clean ourselves up now and get ready for bed.”

  “Sounds good. Keep it down in there, and you tell those youngin's if I hear them giggling again tonight, there won't be any outside playtime this weekend.”

  “Yes, sir.” We both say and quietly go into our room, closing the door behind us.

  The bedroom is set up like a small dormitory, with four bunk-beds lined up, two on one side of the room and two on the opposite wall. Our personal items are kept in our suitcases in the closet, since there are no chests of drawers, or space to put them if we had them. The beds pretty much take up all the living space. Luckily, we have an en suite bathroom. It's small and basic, but at least we don't have to leave the room once we are safely inside for the night.

  Jenny was sitting with Sy on the lower bunk of the bed he shared with Aries. She was was occupied with braiding his long, freshly washed, golden hair while the twins were busily rubbing lotion into his feet and legs. Aries sat down on the lower bunk of the twins bed across from Sy and looked at me expectantly. “So, spill, Kai. What's up with you?”

  I put my ear to the door, to make sure that Stanley hadn't broken routine and followed us to our room. But I could hear him over by the television still, so I scampered back over to where everyone was sitting and began to whisper.

  “Do not react to what I'm about to tell you, it only works safely for us all, if we can all keep very quiet.”

  They all nod curiously, and wait for me to continue. I look at Jenny and say quietly: “Jake's found you. He caught me outside just now, and he says that he brought friends to help. He's going to get us all out of here.”

  Jenny tied off Sy's braid, smiling happily as tears filled her eyes. “I knew it! I knew he wouldn't give up until he found me! And you said he taking us all?”

  I nod, “Yeah, I told him you wouldn't leave without all of us, so what else is he supposed to do, right?”

  “Exactly!” She whispers loudly back at me, “I could never live with myself if I left you guys behind. So, what's the plan?”

  “We need to pack, and take only what we can carry. He and his friends will take care of Stanley when he goes outside next, and once it's safe, he will come let us know.”

  Luke and Ryan high fived each other and then Aries and I got them busy with helping us pack, while Jenny helped Sy to get his shoes on. We quickly got all of us packed and ready to leave. I planned to carry Sy's bag along with mine, while Aries took Jenny's, so that she could help Sy.

  We waited silently until we heard Stanley go outside. Once I heard the front door shut, I cracked the bedroom door, watching for Jake with one eye peeking through the opening. It wasn't long before the front door flew open with a bang, and Jake came in, follow
ed by several other huge men carrying an unconscious Stanley.

  I opened the door, and Jenny flew right past me, running straight into the open arms of her brother. He swept her up into a big hug, lifting her completely off the floor and spinning her around slowly, as we all watched them through eyes filled with happy tears. One of the other guys stepped around them and held a hand out towards me to shake.

  “Hey, bud! I'm Owen, we're here to rescue all of you, I've been told.” He spoke with a twinkle in his bright green eyes, smiling at us all congenially. He was not quite as tall as Jake, but almost as broad as across the shoulders. His coppery, red hair framed a face that was almost, but not quite, as beautiful as Jake's was. The other guys were still tying Stanley up on the couch, and I could not help but notice how they were all good looking specimens in their own right.

  “I'm Kai,” I said shyly. “And this is Aries, Sy, Ryan, and Luke.” I pointed at each Omega in turn, and he smiled easily with each introduction.

  Jake came over then, with his arm firmly wrapped around Jenny. Smiling down at me, he said: “Thanks, Kai. Both for passing the word to my sister and also for getting all of you guys ready with such short notice.”

  He looked around at the rest of us and said: “I'm Jake, Jenny's brother, and it seems that I'm here to rescue you guys. I just need to know if any of you belong here nearby and need to get home before we hit the road. Anyone who wants to come along is free to join us, but just know that we're heading up north to start our own pack.”

  Jenny smiled encouragingly at us as she told her brother: “Jake, I'm the only one who had someone who cared enough to come looking. We are all free to join your pack, although, Luke and Ryan are technically too young to have a say anyway. You should know though, that we would probably be considered to be kidnapping them, since the humans had them in the state foster system.”

  We all rolled our eyes at the insane idea of the humans even having a say over wolf pups, as one of the other guys came over. He was a tall, lean guy with short, spiked, nearly white, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.


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