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OMEGA STOLEN: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 1)

Page 7

by Susi Hawke

  I led him on a meandering trail through the pines and scrub bushes, trying to stay just far enough away from him to make him work to chase me, but not so far ahead that I would worry him. I slowed down at the bank of a creek I found, stopping to catch my breath and take a drink of cool, refreshing water.

  Jake came up beside me as I drank, and dropped down to join me. After we both had our fill, he head-butted me in the side, nudging me to lie down. I curled up on the soft floor of the forest, while he curled down around me.

  “Are you enjoying our run, little one?” Jake asked me through our shared mental connection. I wagged my tail and turned my head to lick his muzzle.

  “I'm having the best time, Jake. The air is so pure out here, and all the fresh scents are amazing!”

  He rested his large head across my shoulders, and I snuggled my furry body closer to him. I must have dozed off, because after what only seemed like a few minutes later, Jake was nudging me with a snout to the ribs.

  “Come on, Kai. It's time to head back, I want to go check on the pack before it gets much later.”

  I blinked lazily, looking around as I realized that the light was different, as though the sun was much lower in the sky than it had been when we had laid down here.

  “Did I really fall asleep while we were spending time together? I'm sorry!”

  “Don't apologize,” he chuffed at me. “You've had a hard few days, your body is worn out, baby.”

  I lifted my hind end up, placing my front paws out flat on the ground in front of my as I slowly stretched my stiff body. After I stretched, I raced around Jake in a circle, happily dancing in the fading sunlight.

  “All right, babe. You ready to go?” Jake asked, and I just yipped out what was meant as a yes, and took off running back toward the lodge, with Jake once again hot on my heels.

  Chapter 9


  Kai and I ran through the woods like a couple of pups. I trotted along behind him as he led the way home. I could feel his peaceful satisfaction flowing through our shared bond, which made my chest swell with pride that I had made my mate feel this way.

  As we neared the edge of the wooded area across from the lodge, I heard the yipping and faux-growls of my pack mates at play. Kai broke through the clearing and jumped paws first into a pile of frolicking omegas. I smiled inside to see him so relaxed, as I slowly walked over and dropped down next to Seth, who was guarding the smaller wolves.

  We sat there together, seated upright on our hind ends, alert for danger but still enjoying the scene in front of us. It was good to see the omegas at play, and be able to just be free, after the way they had been treated by our former pack-master and his little beta henchman.

  I watched as two smaller wolves tackled Kai to the ground, grinning as he took one by the scruff of the neck with his teeth, while simultaneously pinning the other down with a paw. It was good to see my mate asserting himself as first-mate, but still being gentle and having fun with it. I was proud to see what a good, firm leader Kai could be.

  He dropped the small one when it started to whimper, releasing them both and rolling to his side with a happy pant as the two little guys started to attack each other again. Kai looked over at me with an amused glint in his eye, and I chuffed out my wolf's version of a laugh.

  Two larger Omega's sat under a tree, off to the side, lazily watching the other wolves while just enjoying the peaceful spell of the late afternoon sun that was gently sifting through the cover of the trees. I recognized the larger wolf with it's tawny, coppery brown fur. My twin sister, Jenny. By Fenris, am I ever happy to have found her and gotten her to safety.

  It made me happy to see her so at ease. I know that I am beyond blessed to have found her, I just wish I knew what was causing the melancholy and grief that I could occasionally feel coming from her. Something was bothering her, on a visceral level. I just couldn't imagine what that might possibly be now that she wasn't being held captive anymore. She had seemed no worse for the wear when I had first found her, but she is definitely hiding something. Time will tell, I tell myself. Time will tell.

  As the sun started to fade into twilight, I stood and woofed out a command for the pack to head indoors. I didn't want my mate or the other Omega's out here running loose after dark. I don't know the area yet, or if any threats from our former Alpha that we had left behind us may be coming to seek his revenge. It's just best to keep my little pack safe until I know we're in the clear.

  Once we had all shifted back and gotten dressed, I called a quick meeting for after dinner in the main living room. While Jenny and Aries went to fix our meal, Kai went off to check on Sy, who was laid up in his room now that he was so close to giving birth. Daniel and I went off to the small study that was just off the great room, where my aunt had apparently set up an office for me this week while I'd been occupied with mating Kai.

  I walked over to take a seat in the tall backed, executive style office chair that sat behind a large, wooden desk while Daniel sat down in the plush guest chair that faced it. I looked around, taking in the new laptop and various office supplies that had been set out for my use. I smiled to myself, thankful for my crazy little auntie who had foreseen any possible needs I may have in here. What a lucky Alpha I am.

  “So, Daniel.” I start with a rueful smile, “I just want to start by thanking you for covering my ass this week, and getting the pack settled in.”

  Daniel shrugged and said: “Think nothing of it, Alpha. You would have done the same for me, if our positions were reversed. Besides, it's not everyday that Fenris blesses one of our kind with a fated mate. That's huge, man. I'm happy for you.” He spoke honestly, but with a wistful smile that I couldn't help noticing. I know it's because, like all of us, he has dreams of finding a mate of his own someday.

  “Daniel, we've been friends our whole lives. Don't start with the Alpha shit. In front of the pack? Sure, I get it. But when it's just us and whatever inner circle we build, just call me Jake. Now, tell me about the omegas. Are they all settling in okay? Any problems so far?”

  “Sure, Jake. It's just gonna take an adjustment for me, what you being the Alpha now, you know? As for the omegas, for the most part, they are settling in just fine. They've established roles and chores among themselves, and it seems to work fine, so I've just gone with it for now. I figured you would make any changes later as you see fit.”

  “Honestly? I'm as new to this shit as you are, dude. This is new ground for both of us, my friend. As far as the omega's go, I plan to ask Kai to oversee them. As first-mate, it is his right anyway. I think he will be a fine leader, and I will be here for him if he needs back-up.”

  “Yeah, I agree with you, Jake. That's a good plan, and I can tell from the little I've seen of him that your mate will be great with them.”

  I smiled, thinking of my shy yet feisty little mate. I think that as he settles into his role as first-mate, that he will blossom into an admirable leader for the omegas of the pack.

  Remembering my hunch about my sister, I ask, “How has Jenny been? Does she still seem sad to you?”

  “Yes, she does. I mean, she seems to be settling in just fine, and she gets along well with everyone like she always has. I've just noticed that she seems sad when her guard is down. I think there's more to what she went through back there than we know yet.” Daniel looked out the window behind me for a moment, as he seemed to weigh his thoughts before continuing: “I smell grief on her, but I don't know why. I tried to get her talk a couple days ago, but she shut me down.”

  With a sigh of frustration, I said: “I swear by Fenris above, if I find that she was hurt by Fremont, I will tear him apart, limb by limb.”

  “And as your second in command, not to mention someone who considers Jenny to be like a sister, I will be right there at your side,d assisting you.” We nodded at each other, as we acknowledged our shared desire to seek revenge if her honor has been breached in any way.

  “Now, what's the word on Seth, Daniel? Is
he going to join our leadership council, or am I going to ask Owen to be third in command?”

  “I sounded him out, and he seems reluctantly interested. Honestly? I think he will be a good fit for third, and Owen honestly doesn't care. He happy to be of service in any capacity you need him, but you know that he doesn't give a shit about being in charge. Not that responsibility is always our Owen's forte anyway, if we're being honest!”

  We chuckle knowingly. Owen is a great soldier, and a more than adequate alpha. Serious though? That he is not. He's always been just as happy pulling pranks or even chasing butterflies with the pups in the pack, as he was when sparring with the other alphas.

  “That's it then. You and Seth will be my officers, while Owen, Maxx and any future Alphas that join our pack will be the soldiers protecting the pack.” I nod firmly, “I like it. It's a good plan.”

  “Oh! That reminds me, now that you mention future alphas. My cousin Micah called my cell yesterday, he wants to leave the pack and come join us.”

  I looked at him cautiously, saying: “ Micah is welcome to join us, but do you think it's a set-up? Like maybe Fremont put him up to it? I don't think Micah would do that, but what if the Alpha compelled him?”

  Daniel nods seriously. “I thought of that, but I don't think that's the case. From what he said, things aren't going so great back home these days, there's a lot of unrest within the pack. Just to be safe though, I told him to lay low for a few weeks, and I will be in touch with him to let him know how to find us if you agreed to accept him.”

  “That's a wise way to handle it, Daniel. I hate to make him wait, but we have to think of the omegas. As for Micah? All are welcome here, if they're good, trustworthy shifters. And Micah is definitely all that and more, not to mention that he's your only blood relation. I would never turn away your kin, Daniel. I truly do hope you know that.”

  “Thanks, Jake. I knew that's what you'd say, but I didn't want to speak for you. Oh! Before I forget, there's been another addition to the lodge. The bear doctor arrived yesterday. His name is Oliver, and he's also an alpha. He wants to talk to you when you have time.”

  “Oh, good! That's great news,” I say with a profound sense of relief. “I don't even know what we would have done if Sy went into labor without a doctor around. I'll catch him as soon as I get the opportunity.”

  Right as I said that, there was a knock at the door. At my nod, Daniel got up and opened the door. Standing there was an older, befuddled looking shifter. He stood a good head over six feet, but whereas on others his size might look fierce or downright scary, this Alpha just looked like the favorite, kindly uncle that might slip the young ones pieces of candy when their parents weren't watching.

  His gentle, brown eyes blinked owlishly at us through a thick pair of nerdy glasses with round, black frames. His thinning, brown hair was stretched over his head in a severe side part and comb-over that wouldn't fool anyone. As he shifted from foot to foot, one stray lock kept flopping down into his face. I watched, amused as he blew out of his eyes with a huff of air, only to have it fall right back down.

  He stood there, rubbing his hands together nervously, licking his lips and looking back and forth at us, as though not certain which of us he should address. I felt disrespectful for finding him to be so adorably hilarious, but damned if that wasn't the picture he made.

  Daniel turned to me and said: “Jake, this Dr. Oliver. I was just telling our Alpha here about you, Ollie,” he said, turning back to welcome the large man into my office. He gestured to the second guest chair that sat beside the one he had been sitting in, and continued: “Come on in, and have a seat, doc. Let me introduce to you Jake Mueller, our pack Alpha. Alpha, this Dr. Oliver Blackpaw, but he prefers to called Dr. Oliver, or just Ollie for short.”

  I stood and reached a welcoming hand out to shake. Ollie gave an absent smile as he shook my hand. I schooled the surprise from my face as I felt his surprisingly soft hand give me a much stronger grip than I had expected from this gentle, alpha bear.

  “Welcome, Doctor. Please, have a seat, I'm so please to have you here,” I said as I sat back down in my own chair. I waited for him to take a seat, sharing an amused look with Daniel as the good doctor shifted and squirmed in the chair while trying to settle himself.

  “So, Doctor,” I said once he was finally situated. “Daniel was just telling me that you wished to speak to me. What can I do for you, sir?”

  He pursed his lips, as though gathering his thoughts, before giving a firm nod, saying: “Yes, Alpha. First,” he paused nervously, licking his lips, “I wanted to thank you for trusting me to take care of the pregnant omega, Sy. He is in fine condition, and I don't anticipate any problems with his delivery.”

  As he spoke, his nerves began to settle, and I could see the intelligence in his eyes. I nodded as I spoke: “Thank you, Doctor. We are the ones in your debt since nobody here has the skill to deliver a pup. As I'm sure you're aware, we are a new pack, and new to the area as well. We wouldn't have known where to turn if my aunt hadn't suggested you.”

  Smiling now, he replied: “Please, Alpha. Call me Ollie. I'm not a formal bear, trust me. I'm pleased that Miss Catherine contacted me. She is a lovely lady, she and her late husband have been good friends with my family for years. But, speaking of your pack, that's why I wanted to speak with you.”

  “Yes?” I responded curiously, “What about our pack?”

  He looked down at the floor, as he blushed with embarrassment. “Miss Catherine was telling me last night that your pack will be open to other species, if you approve. I was wondering if this is true, and if so, would you be willing to consider allowing me to join you here permanently?”

  I swallowed my shock, and merely asked in a calm manner: “Yes, that is a vow I made to my aunt. That all are welcome, as long as they are honorable. I smell no deceit, or hidden agendas from you. Also, my aunt spoke highly of you to Daniel in my absence, and I trust her judgment. I see no reason not to accept you. Hell, you'd be doing us a favor, since we honestly need a doctor anyway.”

  “No, Alpha, I have nothing to hide. And it would please me to serve your pack with my medical skills.”

  “Can I just ask you one question though? Why would you want to leave your bear den and join a wolf pack? That's most unusual, I must admit.”

  Sighing, he looked up at me finally and shyly answered: “I know it must seem strange, but the truth is, I'm just not needed in my den anymore. We have several younger doctors there that the people prefer, and I've been slowly pushed out to retirement.”

  His eyes flashed briefly as he added, “I'm not ready to retire yet! I may be getting older, but I'm not too old to practice medicine. I don't like sitting idle when there are people who still have need of my expertise.”

  Respectfully, I replied: “Then consider yourself a member of the newly formed Northern Lodge Pack, Ollie. We will not only appreciate your skills, I fear we will be quite dependent on them. Do you need help moving your belongings out here, or did you bring what you need with you?”

  “Ah, yes. I only brought my medical bag, and enough clothing for a week's stay. I will need a day to go home and pack up, if I am moving here to stay. I also have my own medical equipment from my former practice that will be quite necessary to have here.”

  “Alright then, how about I send one of my soldiers along to help you pack up and carry the heavy stuff? You can leave first thing in the morning if that works for you.”

  Daniel interrupted to ask pointedly: “But, will Sy be okay if you're gone tomorrow, doc? Is he in danger of going into labor while you're gone?”

  I was embarrassed that I hadn't thought of that, but Ollie merely said: “I'm only going to be an hour away, and it will go even faster if I am allowed to invite those two energetic, young, omega lads to come along and help us. If Sy goes into labor, I would be back in plenty of time. The labor times for male omegas are always longer than for females. It's a rather unfortunate fact of biology, but it is what i
t is.”

  Nodding thoughtfully, I looked over at Daniel and said: “Please have Owen go with Ollie tomorrow to retrieve his belongings. And by all means, send Ryan and Luke along! Fenris alone knows that those two pups could stand to burn off some of that wild energy of theirs.”

  Daniel and Ollie both smiled in amusement. The young omega brothers are in their mid-teens, and honestly just need more activity to keep them busy. I know this will be good for them. They might not be as strong as an alpha, but they have the energy of youth on their side. Having settled that, we sat back and just chatted for a few minutes. I discovered that once you got past his shy, nervous little twitches, the doctor is really an enjoyable man to talk with. It will be good, having him join our pack.

  There was another tap on the door, but before we could respond, the door opened just enough for my mate to pop his little face in. With his shy smile, he asked: “Am I interrupting anything? I wanted to let you know that dinner is about to be served.”

  I waved him in, and he smiled happily as he bounced into my office, skirting around the good doctor to come and plop down on my lap when I scooted my chair back and patted my thigh. I noticed Ollie sniff the air as he walked by, before looking at us with a bemused smile.

  “Well, Alpha, it's a good thing that you've decided to let me join you.” He said in an amused voice. “It will save me a lot of gas money since I won't have to commute now when I need tend another pregnant omega! Why didn't you mention that your mate was also expecting?”

  Kai and I looked at each with amazed smiles, before he threw his arms around my neck, crying happy tears against my shoulder. I could smell the joy coming off of my mate in waves, and I smiled proudly as I turned my attention back to Ollie.

  “Thanks for letting us know, Doc! We didn't mention my mate, because I didn't know myself, as you can see. We just completed our claiming period, that's why I've been unavailable since you first arrived. How were you able to tell so easily? I haven't even noticed a change in Kai's scent myself yet. Not at all.”


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