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Always Be a Wolf

Page 20

by Mima

  An ‘associate’ of the investor met them in the lobby; a large, burly Mexican man who looked more like private security than someone who was merely working for the mystery man. He didn’t smile but said something in Spanish to Diego, who merely nodded and gestured for Chase to follow as they approached the elevator. No one talked until they arrived at the hotel suite, when Diego said gracias and the large man merely nodded, only glancing at Chase as Diego knocked on the door.

  The man appearing on the other side was nothing like Chase expected. About the same height as Diego, he looked more like a movie star than an average business man. With a sparkling smile, friendly, dark eyes and perfectly styled shiny, black hair, Chase briefly wondered if this was the reason Diego seemed a bit nervous about this meeting. He wore an expensive suit and gestured for them to come in and as he closed the door, he immediately began to speak in Spanish and then suddenly stopped.

  “Ah wait, does your associate speak Spanish?” He gestured toward Chase and continued to smile, his English very precise, his accent distinct.

  “No,” Chase answered for himself but quickly added. “That’s fine if you two need to discuss something…”

  “Nah, you’re here for a reason,” The Mexican man extended his hand and continued to smile. “I’m Jorge Hernandez, nice to make your acquaintance.”

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Chase Jacobs,” He noted that Jorge’s handshake was strong, his eye contact friendly yet intense, sending a message that was quite clear. He let go of his hand and gestured toward a nearby table, where there was a pot of coffee along with a tray full of pastries. “Please join me.”

  They gathered around the table and Diego appeared unusually quiet, if not restrained as he reached for a strawberry tart, something that Jorge seemed to note, a smirk appeared on his face. He reached for the pot of coffee and poured a cup for Diego, then turned his attention to Chase.

  “Coffee? I’m afraid that it’s not the best coffee around but it is sufficient.”

  “Yes, thanks,” Chase replied and considered how this was a very casual meeting. He noted that Diego made a bit of a face when he took a sip of his coffee and quickly added a little more cream. Upon tasting his own, he saw why.

  “Chase, have something to eat,” Jorge continued to smile and gestured toward the food. Please, I wouldn’t be much of a host if you didn’t eat something.”

  “Thank you,” Chase replied and reached for a fancy cinnamon roll, which had a drizzle of icing and pecans sprinkled on top of it. Nothing like the ones his mother used to make. The aroma combined with the texture and flavor was beyond impressive, as he nodded his head as if to answer an unasked question.

  “It is good?” Jorge’s eyes lit up and Diego curiously glanced in his direction. “They make the best food in this hotel. It’s what keeps me coming back, despite the outrageous inflation, I still enjoy it when I’m in Toronto.”

  “Delicious, thanks,” Chase replied and took another drink of coffee. It was clear that Jorge took pride in impressing his guests and gave an unpretentious nod before continuing.

  “I believe in quality,” He replied and turned his attention toward Diego. “What is the use of money if you can’t enjoy the finer things, am I right?”

  “You’re right, amigo,” Diego replied, the confidence returning in his voice. “I did not have such things growing up so if I can have them now, I certainly enjoy them.”

  “Ah, me as well,” Jorge agreed. “We lived in poor conditions when I was a child but life, it has been good to me.”

  “So Diego,” he continued, turning slightly while sipping his coffee. “How is that sister of yours?”

  Diego seemed to tense up with this question but quickly shrugged it off. “She’s great, as usual.”

  “That is not a surprise,” Jorge reached for an elaborate pastry that reminded Chase of an upscale version of a cake he used to see at the convenience stores. “How could a woman who is that beautiful be anything short of perfection? Those Colombian women, you can’t beat them,” He turned his attention back to Chase. “The most beautiful women in the world, if you ask me.”

  Diego appeared slightly perturbed as he bit his lip. Chase smiled but didn’t respond.

  “So Chase, I am happy to meet with you today. I hear such wonderful things from Diego,” Jorge spoke with ease, his face continued to show friendliness as if a smile was always around the corner. He took a bite of his dessert, just as Chase finished his and Diego seemed to only eat half of his own. “It appears you were with the company even before it really was a company at all? Back when Jolene looked after things in Calgary? That pitiful little office, oh my, do you remember that, Diego?”

  “I know, when you tell Jolene to keep costs down, she keeps costs down,” Diego sat back in his chair, coffee cup in hand. “That much you can be assured of.”

  “She made me a lot of money in Calgary and you’re both making me a lot of money now too,” Jorge said with a sniff and suddenly, something changed. The two men made eye contact and Chase sensed a message passing between them, a dark brooding look appeared in Jorge’s eyes as he turned back to Chase. “And now, we will continue to make money but we must be careful.”

  Remaining silent, Chase was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He sensed that it was coming and remained silent.

  “Diego, how much does he know?” The Mexican man shifted his eyes across the table. “About what we do.”

  Shaking his head, Diego didn’t reply at first. “Nothing.”

  “Well now, that’s about to change,” Jorge replied, his eyes became darker as he spoke, his face suddenly more serious, as the charming side seemed to all but disappear. “What Diego has told you is that I invest? I do, that is correct. I invest money into this business, I’m satisfied with the return but we also have something else that has gone on all along. Something that you aren’t aware of but that was for your own good. But now, it seems you are becoming a larger part of this company so it’s important that you know all the plays going on behind the scenes. It’s important that you are aware because we will need more help in the future.”

  Chase nodded, his expression stoic, he didn’t say a word.

  “See, I’m like the invisible man. The silent partner, in a way,” Jorge continued and Chase noted that Diego was watching him closely. “I’m a normal businessman from Mexico, officially I work in the coffee industry but behind the scenes, I have other interests. And those business interests connect nicely with the parties your company holds. A little something to make the nervous relax and the anxious to show themselves, to enjoy life, just like the finer things we are enjoying here today,” He gestured toward the food on the table. “Life is too short to not enjoy everything it has to offer and in my opinion, everything is fine in moderation; food, overpriced hotel rooms, these are things that we can have sometimes and why not? We deserve it.”

  Chase tilted his head and continued to listen.

  “But some things, our society say we shouldn’t enjoy because they are bad,” Jorge made a face and glanced toward Diego and back and Chase. “Alcohol, sex, drugs. These things, we’re told are bad, some may even say evil, but you know what I say, Chase? I say just like with food and other nice things, everything in moderation is fine. And if someone goes to one of your parties, intrigued with the possibilities, perhaps aroused and yet, a little piece of them is nervous, perhaps slightly restrained, they want a little something to take the edge off, as you say here. A pill, a little cocaine, never hurt no one.”

  Chase didn’t say a thing. He got the picture.


  Drugs. Jorge Hernandez wasn’t only an investor. He worked with one of the biggest drug dealers in Mexico and at Diego’s parties, he was making a killing.

  Not that he could blame him. It was the ideal place to sell drugs. Chances were good that people who were willing to pay to get into such expensive
parties with the sole intention of hooking up for their pleasure, probably wouldn’t be opposed to paying a little extra for something to enhance the experience. After all, they were barely balancing between the garden of good and evil, why stop there? It made perfect sense and really, Chase wasn’t surprised. It was something he considered in the early days, back when they were still in Calgary and he had to rush a woman who had overdosed to the emergency room. Of course, it had been an isolated incident so he hadn’t given it more thought.

  Now he knew better.

  Diego was quiet when they left the hotel that day. After being educated by Jorge on exactly how the process worked, Chase was left with a lot to think about. It was very carefully orchestrated and in fact, it would be easy, had any of their parties been raided, to plead ignorance. As far as he knew, Jorge was merely their investor and although that made him privy to the time and places of these parties, there was no reason to believe he was in the drug trade. Although it was in client agreements that no drugs be brought to the parties, it was merely a legal document prepared only for show. In the end, anyone could bring and sell drugs in the parties and who would know the difference?

  “Do you not think that there are drugs everywhere?” Jorge had asked with a shrug, he had poured himself a second cup of coffee and shared a smile with a hesitant Diego. “I mean, come on? Political functions? Big fundraisers? All these celebrity parties and awards? You mean to tell me that people naïvely believe there are no drugs at any of these events? Come on! They are everywhere. Television leads people to believe that there are only drugs with the kids, with the rock stars, the bums on the street and that the drug dealers, they look like me and Diego.”

  The two men shared a laugh.

  “In reality, you would never suspect the people selling at your parties. They look as wholesome as your neighbor growing up. No one would ever suspect and that is how we like it.”

  Chase learned that it was often the same officials supposedly against the illegal substances that were letting them in. It was a secret though and if it came down to it, these same people would turn on people like Jorge, if the truth ever got out. Chase felt naïve and yet, wasn’t it just more proof that society wore a bright, beautiful mask to cover its shameful secrets. Hadn’t he had this lesson many times in his young life? The media told you what was right and wrong and yet, it was only a fantasy that people chose to believe.

  It wasn’t until they were almost back to the office that day, just as they were about to pull into the underground parking, that Diego said something.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” his comment was casual. “Should I be worried?”


  “Are you sure?” Diego was hesitant, his dark eyes were a warm brown as he turned toward Chase, inspecting his face closely. “I hope us telling you this wasn’t a mistake.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “You aren’t saying much.”

  “Do I ever?”

  “True,” Diego nodded and seemed to relax as they pulled into a parking spot. “I want you to know that we are protected. We are in no danger and we aren’t doing anything wrong.”

  “We’re taking money from the drugs, aren’t we?” Chase inquired.

  “It’s not that simple,” Diego replied as he put the car in park and turned it off. They sat in silence for a moment.

  “The only way Jorge would invest is if we would allow him to sell at the parties,” Diego began as he turned in his seat. “So technically, the only thing we are doing wrong is allowing him. But on paper, it looks like we only have him as an investor.”

  “There’s no kickback?” Chase asked skeptically.

  “Not yet,” Diego admitted. “But there will be, there’s something coming. He has a lot of people in his pockets, that is why he comes here with no suspicions on him. He’s untouchable.”

  “But are we?”

  “Yes, he will protect us,” Diego spoke confidently although there was something in his face that said otherwise; a minor twitch, here and there, an evasive look in his eyes as they glanced away. “It is what it is.”

  “But how protected is he, really?” Chase asked, suddenly regretful that he didn’t know more about such things. Then again, did he ever expect to be in this position?

  “He’s got protection from the top in both his country and here,” Diego insisted with a nod. “You have no idea how much. People speak of corruption in Mexico but they don’t always know about the corruption here. You don’t think these politicians, the police, they don’t like their drugs too? They don’t enjoy the good life? Everybody’s got a secret vice no matter how professional they look in a suit or how educated they are, there’s always far more going on behind the scenes in any situation than you realize. Don’t matter if it’s a businessman or a politician. There’s so much that the people don’t know and really, do they want to?”

  Chase considered his question and decided the answer was no. People wanted to believe the world was a good place full of leaders who had only the best intentions but at the end of the day, they were only human too regardless of how society chose to paint them.

  It was an unexpected lesson but one that he took in stride as they got out of the car and headed for the elevator. Once inside, Diego spoke again.

  “The thing is that with Jorge, they found their right hermosa rostro, their handsome face that people want to believe the best about. Do you think that it’s a coincidence that he looks like a celebrity on television? The handsome ones are meant to distract. The loud, obnoxious ones that offend us are also meant to distract. It’s the bland, boring ones that you got to watch out for because they, my friend, are often the ones that are behind the scenes doing the dirty work.”

  These words stuck with Chase and he would start to look at the world very differently. He would watch the news with a new set of eyes, viewing reporters with skepticism and the rich and powerful with disdain. He knew their secret.

  Back in the office, all was running as normal. Deborah was working on a laptop, her eyes briefly scanning over Chase’s body as he walked in and he pretended to not notice. The last thing he wanted was for Diego to be suspicious although, after the morning he just had, there was a part of him that craved a quick hook up to take the edge off.

  They immediately went to the boardroom, Diego silently tilting his head as they passed Jolene’s office, letting her know to join them. Chase walked past just as she jumped up from her seat, closing her laptop, she muttered something to Beverly as she walked into the hallway, her eyes carefully inspecting Chase as if silently asking him a question. He could tell that she didn’t like any of this and yet, hadn’t she known about it all along?

  Jolene closed the door and they all sat down, with Diego at the end of the table and Jolene across from Chase. She didn’t open her laptop but folded her hands on top of it, her brown eyes searching his face.

  “So?” She finally asked. “Chase, what do you think? It’s not good?”

  “Jolene, he’s okay with it,” Diego said as he gestured toward Chase. “I told you he wouldn’t care and he didn’t.”

  “Is this true, Chase?” her accent seemed heavier, thicker than usual. “Are you sure you feel this way?”

  “I do,” Chase spoke honestly, shrugging, he wasn’t sure how to tell them that he really didn’t care in light of what had happened a few weeks earlier. Life seemed less relevant by the day and unlike before, he was content flying by the seat of his pants. “If you guys aren’t worried, then I’m not worried. As long as I’m not going to be arrested for something, I don’t care.”

  “Really?” Jolene asked skeptically. “Cause I’m not sure that I’m always comfortable with this, you know?”

  “Jolene, why are you trying to put words in his mouth?” Diego asked. “I told him and I tell you, we are fine. To us, he is an investor, end of story. Even if this is caught, they
have no proof. We are no more in the wrong than if we owned a nightclub where people sold drugs, you don’t think that happens every day? Come on! It happens in every nightclub in this country, I am sure of that.”

  “Yes, I suppose this is true,” Jolene agreed and turned her attention to Chase. “I always felt as though I was wrong to hide this from you but I thought it would be better, you know?”

  He silently nodded.

  “Jorge is the reason we have all this,” Diego gestured around the room. “He put his money on us and we…we let him do his own thing and everything is fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Oh, and in the future,” Diego continued. “We never speak of this again in this office. I don’t want to seem paranoid but those people out there, they work for us but do we really know them?”

  “It is better we don’t speak of this here,” Jolene agreed and then as if to convince Chase. “You know, to be safe.”

  “You, Chase, you are different,” Diego said as he stood up from his chair and pointed toward the clear glass door as they watched Sylvana walk by. “We’re family. They are just employees. They know nothing. If they ever seem suspicious and ask, you know nothing.”

  Chase silently nodded.

  “Chase, he knows, he doesn’t speak,” Jolene commented as she got up from her chair and Chase slowly followed her lead, a warm smile passed between the two of them. “He knows about secrets.”

  Diego gave him a short, pleading glance then quickly looked away as he grabbed his laptop.


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