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Love Over Envy: BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel

Page 7

by Jamila Jasper

  Sam agreed to go out for drinks with Genevieve. After she had hung up the phone and returned to the office, a smile was plastered over her face with the rest of the day. Greta was definitely curious about what had caused that. Genevieve didn’t breathe a word to anyone. She wanted to get work done without any distractions. Tonight she would be seeing Sam. Although she was happy about it, Genevieve had a tinge of sadness about her too.

  She had plans for the night beyond simply drinks. Genevieve wanted to tell Sam that she needed things to cool down a little bit. Genevieve actually want to date the man casually just to get to know him. She wasn’t looking for a serious relationship now. She had come to that realization recently. Genevieve realized that her position at work was tenuous and things could all fall apart before her eyes if she didn’t keep her head in the game. She wanted to focus all her efforts on that. But she couldn’t just let Sam go… She actually liked him. She thought someday they might have potential. For now, Genevieve had planned to tell Sam that she only wanted to keep things casual. No strings attached.

  Sure, Genevieve had mixed feelings about that entire concept of “no strings attached’. She wasn’t really a no strings attached kind of woman. She had morals and standards for herself. But Genevieve’s biggest standard of all was that she wanted to be successful at work. Her job would always come first. It was the reason she had moved to the city in the first place and she wasn’t willing to let that dream go, not even for a man. Not even if that man was Sam. If he really mattered, he would wait until things settled down. At least that’s what Genevieve told herself.

  After work, Genevieve sped to her apartment for quick outfit change. She got into something sleek and sexy. The black dress hugged her curves and the black heels slimmed down her legs. Genevieve didn’t have time to change her simple makeup, but she was naturally beautiful anyways and it showed. She met Sam at an upscale bar where people in their late 20s and early 30s tended to hang out. It wasn’t quite a hot spot yet, but it was up-and-coming. It was the perfect place to meet someone for a dry martini or a decadent piña colada. Sam ordered them both chocolate martinis and they walked off together to a quiet corner of the bar.

  Sam couldn’t take his eyes off of Genevieve. He had deleted her number from his phone just because of a bruised ego. Now that she was standing there in front of him, Sam was appalled at what he had done. What the hell was I thinking. Sam thought to himself as he stared at Genevieve’s plump body. She was beyond thick and he loved that. When they sat down together, Sam hoped to finally get to the bottom of whatever had caused Genevieve to abandon their date prematurely.

  They sipped their martinis and Genevieve began to spill everything to Sam. She told Sam about how someone was out to sabotage her at work. She told Sam that things had gotten out of hand that night and she just didn’t want to do. She apologized profusely. Sam still had one question…

  “But Genevieve… Why did you call me up and ask for my address and say you were coming over?” He asked.

  “I never did that…” Genevieve replied. She was genuinely confused. Had someone impersonated her? Was that the reason Sam had been so reluctant to pick up her calls? Her heart started pounding in her chest. If Greta was correct, Jackie had really gone too far. She was starting to mess with Genevieve’s personal life on a level that Genevieve wasn’t prepared to deal with. This was starting to get scary. Was Jackie dangerous? What was her endgame?

  Sam wasn’t sure if he believed Genevieve but she seemed honest. She looked genuinely concerned as if that statement had shaken her. Was someone really messing with this woman so badly? She seemed terrified.

  Sam replied, “Well I don’t know then… I guess you have an enemy somewhere Genevieve. I have to admit that I was absolutely furious. I thought for certain that you were messing with me.”

  “I’m sorry that happened. I don’t really know what to say… Sam… I do have something serious to add that’s only a little bit related to this. I just don’t want to lead you on. I really like you and I like spending time with you but I admit I feel distracted. My personal life and my work life seem to be falling apart. Are you okay with us just keeping things casual for a while?” Genevieve asked.

  The words had been beyond difficult to get out. She hadn’t been sure how she would ask Sam until that moment. But Sam’s reaction was not one of anger. He seemed to think it was a perfectly reasonable request and this was reflected in his response.

  “Of course. I’m totally fine with casual Genevieve. I like you, and I’m all right with there being no strings attached,” Sam answered. He rested his hand on Genevieve’s arm.

  The contact between their skin sent goosebumps crawling up her arms. Her heart started beating quickly again. Even Sam’s lightest touch was electrifying. Even something so innocent and gentle could drive her mad. Genevieve was immediately filled with desire which she tried desperately to disguise. After all, they were in a public bar and she couldn’t act on her feelings no matter how strong they were.

  There was no conflict between Sam and Genevieve to come to this decision. They both felt beyond content at this resolution of their relationship. How rare is it that two people are on the same page like that? Usually, it seems like there’s always one person who falls harder than the other. One person is desperate for a relationship while the other isn’t. One person is always wanting wanting and then there’s always one person who is unable to give. Modern relationships are typically fraught with that kind of conflict, but with Sam and Genevieve there was none of that. They were the odd pair that was perfectly in sync moving down the same river, dancing to the beat of the same drum.

  The entire time they had their drinks, Sam and Genevieve would have done better to pay more attention to their surroundings. There was someone watching their entire interaction plotting their next move. After work, Greta had sprung into action herself. She knew Genevieve was suspiciously smiley and she wondered why. After all, there was no reason for Genevieve to be quite so happy. Everything was falling apart for her at work and she had lost her man. Greta knew what the work situation was like so she figured out that Genevieve’s renewed happiness was because of contact with Sam. Greta planned to watch this moment of contact unfold. She knew her red hair would make her stand out so she pulled out one of her old Halloween costumes. Well, at least she pulled out the black wig. The Morticia Addams getup as a regular outfit didn’t quite seem to fit the situation. With the black wig in place, Greta set about following Genevieve and watching exactly what was going on.

  Greta sat from afar with a stiff glass of vodka on the rocks and she watched everything that was happening. She even heard bits and pieces of their conversation that told her all that she needed to know. Things were going well between Sam and Genevieve. Her chance with him was slipping away quickly. Of course, her chances were already gone, but Greta didn’t like to take no for an answer. She was still determined to have him. Her mind had latched on to the idea of Sam. She fantasized often about his perfect body becoming intertwined with hers. In Greta’s mind, they were meant to be. She needed to taste sweet flesh at least once. It was just destiny and Genevieve was standing in the way of it.

  Greta was silently stewing. This renewed romance between Sam and Genevieve only spelled bad news for her plan. She needed to attack this problem from a different angle but she couldn’t figure out what to do next. How could she take down this silly bitch? Genevieve was so unsuspecting and Greta was desperate to take advantage of that.

  She’d already planted lies about Jackie Lee in Genevieve’s mind. It would be easy to supplant even more ideas in Genevieve’s head. Taking this bitch down could be accomplished with ease. Greta didn’t want to be blatant about her attempts to put Genevieve down. That would cause her to lose a friend. No, Greta still wanted Genevieve at her beck and call. She just wanted that uppity woman to be taken down a notch.

  Everyone had a station in life; when they acted out of place, they deserved to be reminded of what their station
in life was. That was the dangerous psychology that Greta brought to the table. It was terrifying, but there was nothing most people could do about it since most people were ignorant to the truth behind who Greta was. Her past was meticulously hidden away from everyone she met. She was a dangerous woman who wasn’t to be messed with.

  Realizing that both Genevieve and Sam were too wrapped up in each other to notice what she was doing, Greta pulled out her phone and made a call.

  “Erwin!” Greta hissed into her cellphone.

  She put her sunglasses on to further disguise her identity in case her voice was recognized.

  Greta continued, “Yes you little twerp! Okay… Now here’s what I want you to do. I have a big favor to ask and it needs to get done urgently…”

  She continued to whisper her favor into the phone and into Erwin’s accepting ear. She knew Erwin would do what she asked of him. He was a so good to her. His behavior and motivations were utterly predictable. Greta was just pleased that this little favor wouldn’t cost her too much.

  Chapter 9

  A week later, Sam’s assistant informed him that he had a dinner date. It was a rescheduled date with the mysterious redhead that Sam had cancelled on. A part of him didn’t really want to go. Was it fair to Genevieve? Sam realized he had to get that idea out of his head immediately. This wasn’t about Genevieve. She had asked for things to be casual and by turning down dates, Sam was just muddying the waters. The last thing he wanted was to get in too deep with someone who had no real interest in him for the long term.

  Sam didn’t know what to expect from his dinner date. Apparently, this woman was named Kate Hansson. Sam figured it would be a great casual experience. He needed to decompress anyways and take his mind off Genevieve. She was the only thing on his mind for days at a time and Sam knew this could get unhealthy. He couldn’t think of her like that. The deeper he became intertwined with Genevieve, the more difficult it would be if she decided that she didn’t want to be with him in the long term. Sam didn’t particularly want to be with anyone else but he had no choice but to branch out and see what life was like dating other women. Otherwise, he would increase the risk of getting his heart broken.

  The woman he was going on a date with insisted upon meeting him at the restaurant. Sam thought that was strange because most women he went out with preferred to be picked up at home. When Sam arrived at the restaurant, the woman spotted him out first. Greta had dyed her hair a much darker red to meet Sam. She sashayed over to him and introduced herself. Sam had to admit that he was unimpressed. Sure, the woman standing before them was technically beautiful. Her dark red hair had slight waves. Her blue eyes held some kind of bizarre excitement that seemed far greater in the situation called for. She looked even vaguely familiar to Sam, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on where he had met her.

  “I’m Kate,” Greta lied through her teeth. Yes, this was a part of covering her tracks. She would pretend to be Kate Hansson – the name of her older sister – and through doing so she would get to know Sam a little bit better. Thankfully, Erwin had pulled through for tonight she had great plans ahead. Sam had no idea what was coming to him. She was sure he would love every second of it.

  Sam introduced himself to Kate and led her to the table he had reserved. The woman seemed nice enough. She hung on tight to nearly everything Sam said and she listened intently to him as he spilled details of life. Sam would keep things casual of course, but he had to say something to her. “Kate” asked so many deep and probing questions he figured she was just interested. It made sense. Most women were beyond interested in Sam especially when they notice how nicely dressed and what kind of car he drove. Sam had no reason to lie and no reason to hide details of his life. He just didn’t want things to get too personal because his mind was somewhere else.

  Greta was taking advantage of the fact that Sam was distracted. In his distraction, he wasn’t paying attention to the types of questions she was asking. As usual, Greta had been discounted as a simple fool. She was learning more and more about Sam. Greta was absolutely thrilled with the information she was coming across. Then, Greta’s moment of truth came. Sam excused himself to go to the bathroom and she was left at their table alone. Finally, she could carry out her plan. Greta took the pill out of her bag and crushed it between her long acrylic fingernails. The pill became a powder and was ready to slip into Sam’s drink. She was sure it would go down well with his whiskey on the rocks. What kind of strange man drank whiskey on the rocks on a date? Wasn’t that a bit strong…

  With this drug, Greta would get exactly what she wanted. It wasn’t a “date rape” drug. It was a designer stimulant fresh off the market that Erwin had managed to obtain for her from some of his prep school connections. The drug didn’t make you lose any of your faculties. It simply lowered your inhibitions and you become hyper aware of your surroundings after taking the drug. The next thing that would happen is that you would become incredibly horny. Your desires would fill your mind and you’d be unable to control yourself in the face of these desires. After finishing his drink, Sam would become enamored with her and would beg to go home for the night where she would finally be able to get her fill of him which was what Greta wanted all along. She was desperate to sleep with Sam and she would stop at nothing to achieve this goal.

  When Sam returned from the bathroom, he was glad to see the date Kate seemed even more happy than ever. He was glad that she was having a good time. Sam didn’t know if he vibed with Kate, but he had no reason to despise her. She seemed nice enough but there was something about her that just seemed a little bit off. Not to mention, he couldn’t get his mind off Genevieve. He just kept wishing that he was out with Genevieve instead.

  Where was she? Was she working? Was she out with another man? Sam hated being so caught up with another woman but that was how he honestly felt. He was starting to feel more and more deeply for Genevieve to the point where he wasn’t certain how long could deny it. This “casual date” hadn’t served its intended purpose. In fact, this date was letting him know that Genevieve was the only woman he ever wanted to be with. Everyone else was so bland. Sam downed his whiskey on the rocks fast. Perhaps some alcohol would help the date end faster…

  It felt like five minutes had passed, but it had been far longer. Sam had no idea how he had even arrived home but here he was and the woman he had gone a date with was there with him. Sam felt like he was out of his body. He was terrified. What the fuck happened? He tried to piece together what happened in the restaurant. The last thing he could remember was taking his drink. But then… Had he paid? Why was he at home? Sam’s attention was pulled away from these questions when he noticed a large tent in his pants. His cock was raging with desire and he needed release now. And that urge was far stronger than his urge to question how he had arrived home. He wanted to satisfy himself and an avenue for satisfaction was standing right there. She was clearly ready and willing. The tall leggy redhead would look even better facedown on his bed. Sam licked his lips. He didn’t know how he had become this way, but all of a sudden he felt a primal urge to shove his cock into someone… violently. Sam knew that look in a woman’s face and know exactly what she wanted. And he was willing to give it to her.

  Greta saw Sam’s lust filled look and she locked eyes with him. It didn’t take long for her dress to hit the floor. She was standing there in a full set of lingerie with 6 inch black heels and a pearl necklace. Oh God. She was going to get it good. She wanted him in all of her holes. Greta had wanted Sam from the moment she saw him at the salsa club and finally what was meant to be with happening right before her. She confidently walked over to Sam began to kiss him. Sam didn’t care for such romantic frills under the influence of Greta’s little pill. There was a naked woman before him in all he wanted to do was ravage her. He didn’t care about Greta. She was just pussy on legs. His views on sex now were so vastly different from what they were without drugs. Of course, Sam couldn’t figure out why he felt so animalistic.
He just knew that he needed release.

  Sam took his pants off and underwear revealing his hard cock to Greta for the first time. Greta knew that technically this was so wrong. She was betraying her friend by sleeping with Sam. This is the type of thing that most people would look down upon, but Greta justified herself by saying that she deserved Sam. She saw him first. He belonged to her. In some bizarre twist of fate, Sam had the presence of mind to pull a condom out of his wallet and roll it over his hardness.

  Sam pushed Greta over the couch exposing her wet pussy to him. He didn’t even bother with wanting to taste her. He had no interest in that. Greta’s slit was engorged and pulsating with desire. She just wished that Sam hadn’t rolled on a condom. She wanted to have him raw and unfiltered all to herself. Sam pushed her head down so she wouldn’t look at him and he shoved his length into her wetness. Greta cried out loudly twisted her face in an expression of pain and pleasure. Oh God… This was going to be good.

  Sam jackhammered his cock in and out of her tightness. He didn’t care about pleasuring Greta at all. She was a sack of flesh to be used until he had finished. While most women would of been offended by this treatment, it turned Greta on even more. Her innate need to submit to a man was activated. She could rarely find a man who was macho enough to control her. Sam was perfectly capable of bending her over like a whore and fucking her madly. She groaned as she came for the first time. As her pussy clenched around his cock, Sam thought he was about to burst as well. But he wasn’t done ravaging this woman. He could tell she wanted it and he was going to give it to her exactly how she liked it.


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