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The Iron Tower Omnibus

Page 72

by Dennis L McKiernan

  The Horde attacks the defenders of Grûwen Pass.

  February 19: The Host comes to Claw Moor.

  Second ’Day of the Battle of Grûwen Pass.

  February 20: The Host arrives at the Iron Tower.

  Third ’Day of the Battle of Grûwen Pass.

  February 21: Galen and his War-council plan the assault on the Iron Tower.

  Fourth ’Day of the Battle of Grûwen Pass.

  February 22: The Darkest Day: The Host begins the assault on the Iron Tower. Brega leads a squad, disguised as Foul Folk, across a chasm and up the fortress walls to attempt to lower the drawbridge and open the gate. Injured by a rock fall, Tuck crawls through a drain under the rampart and inadvertently makes his way to Laurelin’s prison chamber. Modru stuns Tuck and drags Laurelin to the top of the tower to sacrifice her and bring Gyphon to Mithgar. Brega’s raiders drop the drawbridge. Patrel tricks a Troll into opening the gate. Tuck wins to the tower and slays the Myrkenstone, killing Modru and sending Gyphon back beyond the Spheres. Tuck is blinded. The Dimmendark collapses; Adon’s Ban is restored and the Withering Death strikes down the maggot-folk. The Lakh of Hyree are defeated. The Rovers of Kistan flee across the Avagon Sea. The Winter War is ended.

  February 23 - March 3: Great storms hammer Mithgar. A blizzard traps the Host in the Iron Tower.

  March 4: The Host leaves the Iron Tower and begins the trek homeward.

  March 13: The Host arrives in Arden Vale.

  March 20: First Day of Spring: After a week’s rest, the Host again resumes the journey homeward.

  March 22: King Galen, Princess Laurelin, Prince Igon, General Vidron, and the Men of Valon continue south for Valon and Pellar, while Tuck, Merrilee, Patrel, and the surviving Warrows, escorted by the Men of Wellen, turn westward along the Crossland Road, heading for the Boskydells.

  March 30: The Warrows and their escort arrive in Stonehill.

  April 1: The Warrows and their escort leave Stonehill.

  April 3: The Warrows and their escort enter the Boskydells. Patrel Rushlock turns aside to journey to Midwood, Eastdell, the Boskydells.

  April 4: Tuck and Merrilee arrive in Woody Hollow, Eastdell, the Boskydells.

  June 21: Year’s Long-Day: Mid Year’s Day: Tuckerby Underbank marries Merrilee Holt.

  August: The Underbanks move into The Root.

  Autumn: High King Galen marries Laurelin of Riamon.

  The Order of the Realmsmen is founded.

  December 31: Eleventh Yule: Year’s End Day: Last day of the Fourth Era (4E).


  Events of Later Years


  January 1, 5E1: Twelfth Yule: Year’s Start Day: First day of the Fifth Era (5E)

  January 15, 5E1: A monument is unveiled in Budgens on the anniversary of the Battle of Budgens, commemorating the village as the place where began the Struggles.

  October 15, 5E2: Raven Underbank, daughter of Tuck and Merrilee Underbank, is born in Woody Hollow, Eastdell, the Boskydells.

  Circa 5E7: Tuckerby Underbank is commissioned by the High King to gather and record the history of the Winter War, a work that is to take his lifetime and will be called Sir Tuckerby Underbank’s Unfinished Diary and His Accounting of the Winter War. In the work, Tuck will be assisted by many scholars and scribes, but mainly by his daughter, Raven. In later years Tuck will refer to the work as The Raven Book.

  5E31: Raven Underbank marries Willen Greylock. They move to the Cliffs, Westdell, the Boskydells, where Willen founds the Ravenbook Scholars.

  5E35: Robin Greylock, daughter of Willen and Raven, is born, the Cliffs, Westdell, the Boskydells.

  5E46: High King Galen dies at Caer Pendwyr, Pellar, during a raging storm. His and Laurelin’s eldest son, Gareth, becomes High King.

  Circa 5E47: Rumors abound of many Elves passing to Adonar upon the High Plane, leaving Mithgar behind.

  December 17, 5E73: Tuck falls ill.

  December 31, 5E73: Eleventh Yule: Year’s End Day: Tuckerby Underbank, Bearer of the Red Quarrel, Deevewalker, ’Stone Slayer, Hero of the Realm, dies at the age of 97.

  5E91: Merrilee Holt Underbank, Damman Thornwalker, dies at age 111.

  5E193: Brega, Bekki’s son, DelfLord of the Red Hills, Deevewalker, Axe-flinger, dies at the age of 242. Thus passes away the last of the mortal Heroes of the Winter War.

  The Long Journeys


  In the course of the Winter War, several extraordinary, long, hard journeys were undertaken. Ravenbook Scholars summarize these journeys as follows:


  The pony ride of the Company of the King from Spindle Ford to Challerain Keep: 175 miles in 7½ days (December 6-13, 4E2018).

  The Hèlsteed ride of the Kinstealers from the Battle Downs to the Iron Tower: 600 miles in 18 days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 11, 4E2019).

  The pony ride of Danner and Patrel from Challerain Keep to Stonehill: 250 miles in 10 days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 6, 4E2019).

  The ride (on Jet) of Tuck and Galen from Challerain Keep to the Battle Downs and thence to Arden Vale: 400 miles in 11½ days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 8, 4E2019).

  The ride (on Fleetfoot) of Gildor from Challerain Keep to the Signal Mountains and then to the Weiunwood and thence to Arden Vale: 350 miles in 11½ days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 8, 4E2019).

  The ride of Vidron (and men) from Challerain Keep to the Signal Mountains and then to the Weiunwood and thence to Stonehill: 300 miles in 11½ days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 8, 4E2019).

  The ride of Jarek from Gûnarring Gap to Stonehill: 565 miles in 12¼ days (December 28, 4E2018 - January 9, 4E2019)

  The pony ride of Danner and Patrel from Stonehill to Woody Hollow: 125 miles in 5 days (January 8-12, 4E2019).

  The ride of Vidron (and Men) from Stonehill to Wellen: 300 miles in 6 days (January 9-15, 4E2019).

  The ride of Tuck, Galen, and Gildor from Arden Vale to the Dusk-Door of Drimmen-deeve (Brega joined the trio for the final three days): 325 miles in 8 days, the final 20 miles while being pursued by Ghûls on Hèlsteeds (January 9-16, 4E2019).

  The ride of Vanidor, Varion, Duorn, and Flandrena from Arden Vale to the Iron Tower: 275 miles in 6 days (January 9-14, 4E2019).

  The ride (on Swiftmane) of Flandrena from the Iron Tower to Arden Vale: 275 miles in 3½ days (January 16-19, 4E2019)

  The ride of Vidron’s Legion from Wellen to Brackenboro: 175 miles in 4 days (January 17-20, 4E2019).

  The ride of Vidron’s Legion from Brackenboro to the Gûnarring Gap: 575 miles in 12 days (January 21 - February 1, 4E2019).

  The Elven boat ride from of Tuck, Galen, Gildor, and Brega down the River Argon from Bellon Falls to the Argon Ferry: 750 miles over 4 days (January 25-28, 4E2019)

  The ride of Tuck, Galen, Gildor, Brega, and Ubrik from the Argon Ferry to Gûnarring Gap: 400 miles in 4 days riding horses with trailing remounts and obtaining fresh mounts at the Red Hills Garrison (January 29 - February 1, 4E2019).

  The ride of Vidron’s Legion from Gûnarring Gap to Grûwen Pass: 635 miles in 13 days (February 2-14).

  [Note: Perhaps the three rides of Vidron’s Wellenen Legion are the most remarkable of all. The horses of Wellen, bearing warriors, arms, and armor, covered a combined total of 1385 miles in 29 days (January 12 - February 14, 4E2019) in an unremitting Valanreach long-ride from Wellen to Brackenboro to Gûnarring Gap to Grûwen Pass. It is little wonder that this grueling trek took its toll upon the steeds such that they could no longer keep up the pace.]

  The ride of Galen’s Vanadurin Host from Gûnarring Gap to the Iron Tower: 900 miles in 18½ days (February 2-20, 4E2019).

  The forced march of one of Modru’s Hordes from Stonehill to Arden Ford and thence to Grûwen Pass: 350 miles in 9½ days (February 8-17, 4E2109).

  The ride (upon Wingfoot and Wildwind) of Inarion from Beacontor to Arden Vale: 215 miles in 3 days (February 10-12, 4E2019).

  The ride of the Host from the Iron Tower to Arden Vale: 275 miles in 9½ days (
March 4-13, 4E2019)

  The ride of the Warrows and the Wellenen from Arden Vale to Stonehill: 375 miles in 11 days (March 20-30, 4E2019).

  The ride of the Warrows and Wellenen from Stonehill to Woody Hollow, Eastdell, the Boskydells: 125 miles in 4 days (April 1-4).


  Thus were the remarkable journeys of both friend and foe during the Winter War, as recorded in The Ravenbook.

  The Eclipse of the Darkest Day


  The Ravenbook makes it clear that the solar eclipse of February 22, 4E2019, was a total one at the Iron Tower. Further, from the context it can be inferred that the duration was lengthy. But the text may be misleading, for if we assume that the celestial mechanics of the earth-Moon-Sun system of Mithgar of yore art the same as those of the earth-moon-sun system of today, then duration of the totality at the Iron Tower could not have exceeded seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds (the maximum possible duration of totality at any given point on the earth’s surface along the path of the umbra). And if a few simple assumptions are made about the probable latitude and longitude of Modru Kinstealer’s holt, then it is more likely that the totality would fall short of this maximum time. Finally, if the eclipse was “typical,” a totality time of two to four minutes seems reasonable.

  Yet two or four or even seven minutes does not seem to be enough time to carry out the actions known to have occurred during the totality at the Iron Tower. For example, after the darkness fell, could Merrilee and the Warrows have gathered together a force of warriors in the courtyards and gotten to the top of the tower . . . all in seven minutes or less? It does not seem likely.

  Three immediate hypotheses spring to mind: 1) the actions described took place in a very brief time; 2) the motions of the earth-Moon-Sun system of Mithgar of yore are not the same as those of our system today; or, 3) the darkness fell within the Dimmendark prior to the actual occlusion.

  Of these three hypotheses, the last one seems most likely: that is, somewhat prior to totality, the Sun’s rays were eclipsed to the point that the remaining light simply was too feeble to significantly illuminate the Dimmendark. At this point, the Men could no longer see, and the Elves but dimly. This theory is supported by the fact that approximately two hundred miles southward in the Dimmendark, at Grûwen Pass—and for that matter at Mineholt North in Riamon, as well as even farther south in the Boskydells—where the eclipse was not total, darkness fell upon the combatants, and they, too, could not see. (except, of course, wherever Warrows were, the Wee Folk saw by the “black” light of the Myrkenstone.)

  Hence, it can be surmised that although the time of totality at the Iron Tower was but two to four minutes in duration, the actual span of time that only the Warrows could see was perhaps fifteen or more minutes—certainly enough time for the described actions to have taken place.

  Two other items of interest: 1) Based on The Raven Book, it can be surmised that the path of totality swept from west across Rian, over the Rigga Mountains and into Gron, across Claw Spur and over the Iron Tower, past the Gronfang Mountains and into Jord, and thence over the Grimwall Mountains and through Aven and beyond. In Grûwen Pass, Arden, the Boskydells, Riamon, Valon, Jugo, Pellar, and the like, the eclipse was only partial. 2) The “bead of light” spoken of in The Ravenbook that sprang forth from the rim of the unseen Moon as the eclipse was lifting were, no doubt, Baily’s beads, which are described elsewhere in astronomical literature.

  Finally, the latitude and longitude of the Iron Tower can only be speculated upon, and many scholars have tried to deduce its location (some have suggested that it was situated near Leningrad [30 degrees east, 60 degrees north], while others have selected a site near Warsaw [21 degrees east, 52 degrees north], and yet others have their reasons for selecting a diverse number of other locales). Again, the reader is cautioned that it is sheer speculation as to the location of Modru Kinstealer’s holt. The Raven Book states that Gron was in the north and was a cold, barren Land; hence any location above perhaps 50 degrees north is suitable grist for scholars’ mills. It would seem that astronomers specializing in solar eclipses are more likely to isolate the probable locations of the Iron Tower than are historians and linguists.

  The Effect of the Myrkenstone on Tuck’s Eyes


  Although the Ravenbook Scholars of Tuckerby’s time speculated long over the cause of Tuck’s blindness, they came to no firm conclusion. In the Sixth Era, however, Warrow Burmly Gribbs proposed that Tuck’s sightlessness came about as follows:

  It seems (postulated Burmly) that the Myrkenstone emitted a radiance beyond the usual range of vision, a radiance seen only by Warrow and not by Man, Elf, Dwarf, or even Spawn. Hence, when Tuck confronted the ’Stone—standing a few feet from it—his eyes were whelmed by the dark “glare” just as if he were staring at an extremely bright source of ordinary light, a source so brilliant that close-by torches emitting normal light were lost to his sight in the darkling blare of the Myrkenstone. Tuck’s “special” Warrow vision was blasted by this black radiance, rending him of his ability to see in the dark luminance. Yet, there is good evidence that he would have been able to see by normal light had he at that time been taken away from the vicinity of the ’Stone. Instead, he loosed the Red Quarrel, and when it struck the Myrkenstone a raging fire blasted forth. Now, in truth, Tuck was staring through a glare so bright, so intense, that his “normal” sight was destroyed, too. Hence (concluded Burmly), what vision the harsh black radiance did not sunder, the blaring bright radiance did, and Tuck was totally blinded as a result.

  No scholar since Burmly’s time has set forth a more convincing explanation.

  Songs, Inscriptions, and Redes

  (Listed by: type; first line; book[s] and chapter[s] of appearance)


  Old Barlow’s Admonition: The arrow as strays might well’er been throwed away (book 1, chapters 1,5; book 2, chapter 3; book 3, chapter 5)

  Warrow song: “The Thornwalkers’ Song”: We are Thornwalkers (book 1, chapter 2)

  Warrow dirge: “Sail the Endless Sea”: The Shadow Tide doth run (book 1, chapter 2)

  Othran’s Tomb Inscription: Loose not the Red Quarrel (book 1, chapter 4; book 3, chapter 6; book 3, chapters 5, 6, 7)

  Warrow song: “The Merry Man of Boskledee”: Oh—Fiddle-dee hi, fiddle-dee ho (book 1, chapter 4)

  Rael’s Rede: Neither of two Evils must thy strike claim (book 2, chapter 2; book 3, chapters 5, 6, 7)

  Warrow dirge: “The Four Seasons”: In Winter’s glade now cold and bare (book 2, chapter 3)

  Budgens Monument Inscription: Let it be said now and for all the days hereafter that on this day the struggle began and evil met its match (book 2, chapter 3; book three, chapter 7)

  Rael’s Sooth: Bright Silverlarks and Silver Sword (book 2, chapter 6)

  Vanidor’s Death Rede: The Darkest Day (book 2, chapter 6; book 3, chapter 3)

  Warrow Lay: “The Loosing of the Red Quarrel”: Loose not the Red Quarrel ere appointed dark time (book 3, chapter 7)

  Warrow Lay: “The Lay of the Iron Tower”: From frozen north (book 3, chapter 7)

  Translations of Words and Phrases


  Throughout The Raven Book there appear many words and phrases in languages in languages other than the Common Tongue, Pellarion. For ?Scholars interested in such things, these words and phrases are collected together in this appendix. A number of languages are involved:

  Châkur = Dwarven tongue

  OHR = Old High tongue of Riamon

  OP = Old tongue of Pellar

  Slûk = Spawn tongue

  Sylva = Elven tongue

  Twyll = ancient Warrow tongue

  Valur = ancient War-tongue of Valon

  The table on the following page is a cross-check listing of the most common terms found in the various tongues in The Raven Book.






































  Wee Folk


























































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