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The Iron Tower Omnibus

Page 80

by Dennis L McKiernan

  (the) Venn River: a river in Riamon flowing southerly from the Rimmen Mountains into the Ironwater River.

  Vidron: a Man of Valon. The commander of the army of Challerain Keep, and of the Alliance of Wellen and Arden during the Winter War. Hrosmarshal. Reachmarshal. Fieldmarshal. Kingsgeneral. General. A member of Aurion’s and then Galen’s War-council. Hero. Also known as the Whelmer of Modru’s Horde.

  Vidron’s Host: the Alliance of Wellen and Arden (q.v.). Also the name given to the Wellenen who rode with Vidron to the Boskydells, to Gûnarring Gap, and to Grûwen Pass.

  Vidron’s Legion: the Alliance of Wellen and Arden (q.v.). Also the name given to the Wellenen who rode with Vidron to the Boskydells, to Gûnarring Gap, and to Grûwen Pass.

  (the) Vorvor: a whirlpool on the edge of the Pitch into which First Durek was cast by Squam. Durek was drawn under the surface and into the caverns of Kraggen-cor.

  Vulgs: large, black, Wolf-like creatures. Virulent bite. Suffer the Ban. Vulgs act as scouts and trackers as well as ravers. Also known as Modru’s curs, Vulpen.

  Vûlk(s): (Sylva: dread power): a class of evil creatures having special powers; these powers range from those of Gyphon (nearly equal to Adon’s) to the minor effects of the Ghûls. Another creature, the Gargon, was a major Vûlk with power equal to that of a Wizard.

  Vulpen: (Slûk: renders): q.v., Vulg.

  - W -

  Waerans: (singular: Waeran): (Châkur: wary-ones): Dwarven name for Warrows (q.v.).

  Waerlinga: (singular: Waerling): (Old Pellarion; Sylva: caution-small-ones = cautious-wee-folk): Elven and Pellarion name for Warrows (q.v.).

  Waerlings: a term sometimes used by Warrows to mean, Waerlinga (q.v.).

  Wag-tongues: talkative people.

  Waldana: (singular: Waldan): (Valur: wood-ones): the name used by the Men of Valon to mean, Warrows (q.v.).

  Waldfolc: (Valur: wood-folk = folk of the woods): the name used by the Men of Valon to mean, Warrow Folk.

  (the) Walkers of the Deeves: q.v., Deevewalkers.

  Walking: q.v., Thornwalking.

  (the) Walkover: an east-west passage across the Gûnarring known only to the Dwarves. It was named the Walkover because of a long, low tunnel on the route where beasts of burden larger than a pony could not pass, and Men would have to stoop to get through, hence all would have to walk.

  Walk the Thorns: to Walk the Thorns means, to patrol the Spindlethorn Barrier.

  ’Wall: the Thornwall. (Q.v., the Spindlethorn Barrier.)

  (the) Wall: q.v., (the) Black Wall.

  (the) Wanderjahren: (Twyll: wandering years, wandering-days): the time in Warrow history when they wandered restlessly over the face of Mithgar seeking a homeland.

  War-council: the High King’s council of War. Also known as the Council.

  Warder (from the deep black slime): q.v., (the) Krakenward.

  Warder of the Northern Regions of Rell: q.v., Talarin.

  Warground: battleground.

  (the) War Hall: one of the chambers of Kraggen-cor through which strode the Deevewalkers. A vast chamber, it was used to muster the Dwarven nation under Kraggen-cor when War threatened. Also known as the Mustering Chamber of the First Neath.

  Warlord: leader of a Horde.

  (the) War of the Boskydells: q.v., (the) Struggles.

  warren: a large burrow (q.v.).

  Warrior Brega: q.v., Brega.

  Warriors of the Reach: Men of Valon.

  Warriors of the Thornwall: Warrows.

  Warrows: (singular: Warrow): for a description of Warrows, see Appendix: A Word About Warrows. Also known as Waerans (Châkur), Waerlinga (Old Pellarion; Sylva), Waerlings (Warrow corruption of Waerlinga), Waldana (Valur), Waldfolc (Valur), Wee Folk, Wee Ones.

  (the) War-tongue of Valon: q.v., Valur.

  (the) Wastes of Gron: q.v., Gron.

  (the) Way: q.v., (the) Old Rell Way.

  waybread: a nutritious, dense, biscuit-like bread carried by wayfarers.

  Wee Folk: q.v., Warrows.

  Wee One: a name often given to one of the Wee Folk by other Folk of Mithgar.

  Wee Ones: q.v., Warrows.

  Weevin: a Boskydell village along the Southpike in Centerdell.

  Weiunwood: (Stonehiller: Wei = wee, un = one, wood = forest; Weiunwood = wee-one-forest): a large, shaggy forest where Warrows live in the Wilderland north of Harth and south of Rian. Also known as the ’Wood.

  Weiunwood Alliance: the alliance of Men (of Stonehill and the Wilderland), Elves (of Arden), and Warrows (of Weiunwood). Successfully fought one of Modru’s Hordes in the Battle of Weiunwood. Also at times known as, the Alliance.

  wela: a heady Elven mead.

  Wellen: a Realm of Mithgar bordering on the Boskydells to the east, Dalara to the north, Trellinath to the south, and the Ryngar Arm of the Weston Ocean to the west.

  Wellenen: (Singular: Wellenan): natives of Wellen.

  Wenden Ford: the ford along the Crossland Road across the Wenden River between Wellen and the Boskydells.

  (the) Wenden River: the river forming the southern and western borders of the Boskydells.

  (the) Wenden Way: the road from Tine Ford southwesterly to the Wenden River.

  werelight: a spectral light.

  Westdell: one of the Seven Dells.

  West Ford: the ford along Two Fords Road across the Dingle-rill.

  Westglade: a Warrow settlement in the Weiunwood.

  (the) West Hall: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor, just inside the Dusk-Door (q.v.), in which the Deevewalkers sought refuge from the Krakenward.

  (the) Weston Ocean: the great Western Ocean.

  (the) West Reach: the western quadrant of Valon.

  (the) West Spur: the road branching westward from the Southpike to the Wenden River.

  (the) Westway Trace: a cart path southwestward from Woody Hollow to the Crossland Road.

  Whelm: q.v., Whelmram.

  (the) Whelmer of Modru’s Horde: the name given to Vidron by Talarin after the valiant stand in Grûwen Pass. (Q.v., the Battle of Grûwen Pass.)

  Whelmram: a mighty battering ram; Troll-driven; fist-shaped iron batter; a feartoken. Also known as Whelm.

  wherry: a small boat, usually rowed.

  Whitby: a buccan Warrow. Farmer of Eastdell. (Q.v., Whitby’s barn.)

  Whitby’s barn: the great barn where Warrows met and organized to begin the Struggles.

  Whitby’s Hill: a hill near Whitby’s Barn.

  (the) White Unicorn Inn (of Stonehill): an inn in Stonehill. Also known as the ’Unicorn.

  Wigge: a Boskydell hamlet near the Thornwall north of the Crossland Road in Eastdell.

  (the) Wilderland: the wilderness between Harth to the south and Rian to the north, Rhone to the east, and the western edge of the Battle Downs to the west.

  (the) Wilderness Hills: a low range of inhospitable hills in the Wilderland bordering on the River Caire.

  (the) Wilder River: a river between the Dellin Downs and the Wilderness Hills. Running southeasterly from the Crossland Road, the river eventually flows into the River Caire.

  Wildwind: Aurion’s grey horse, later owned by Galen.

  Will Longtoes: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A Second-Deputy Constable during the Winter War.

  Willa Huggs: a damman Warrow of the Boskydells. Wife of Arlo Huggs. Slain by Vulgs at the outset of the Winter War.

  Willen Greylock: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Husband of Raven (Underbank) Greylock. Sire of Robin. A scholar, historian; founder of the Ravenbook Scholars.

  Willinby: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Captain of the Downdell Thornwalkers assigned to guard Tine Ford during the Winter War.

  Willowdell: a Boskydell village along the Crossland Road in Eastdell.

  Willy: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Tuck’s cousin, who gave the blank diary to Tuck as he set off for Spindle Ford.

  Wilrow: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Sl
ain at Challerain Keep.

  Wingfoot: Inarion’s steed during the Winter War.

  Winterfest of Yule: q.v., Yule.

  Winternight: the cold darkness that grasped the land within the bounds of the Dimmendark. Also known as ’Night.

  Winternight Spawn: Modru’s Spawn roaming the Winternight. (Q.v., Spawn.)

  (the) Winter War: the War between Modru and the Alliance. Called the Winter War because of the bitter coldness that gripped the land within the Dimmendark.

  (the) Withering Death: q.v., (the) Ban.

  Wizard: a class of people of arcane lore and power.

  Wizardholt: a stronghold of Wizards.

  Wizard Grevan: q.v., Grevan.

  Wizard-metal: a special metal used by Wizards to form runes, sigils, glyphs, and lines that glow when evoked by words of power. Wizard-metal, like silveron, is probably an alloy rather than an element. Also known as theen.

  Wolf Patrol: one or more patrols of Thornwalker archers guarding flocks against Wolves during times of winter famine.

  (the) ’Wood: q.v., (the) Weiunwood, Drearwood, Eastwood.

  Wood’s-heart: an Elvenholt in Darda Galion.

  Woody Hollow: a Boskydell town north of the Crossland Road and inside the western edge of Eastdell. Also known as the Hollow.

  Woody Hollow Commons: q.v., (the) Commons.

  Woody Hollow Road: the road between Woody Hollow and Budgens.

  Word from the Beyond: a Boskydell phrase meaning, news not to be trusted until confirmed.

  Wrg: (Valur: foul-worms): the term used by the Men of Valon to mean, maggot-folk.

  - X -

  Xian: a Land far to the east in Mithgar where Wizards are said to dwell.

  - Y -

  Year’s End: q.v., Eleventh Yule.

  Year’s End Day: q.v., Eleventh Yule.

  Year’s End Eve: the evening before Year’s End Day (q.v.); December 30.

  Year’s Long Day: the longest day of the year; June 21. Also known as Mid-Year’s Day.

  Year’s Start Day: q.v., Twelfth Yule.

  Yol: q.v., Yule.

  Young Brill: a Man of Wellen. A warrior Captain. A member of Aurion’s War-council. Berserker. Slain in the Battle of Challerain Keep.

  young buccan: the age-name of a buccan between 20 and 30 years old.

  young-buccan days: the carefree days in the life of a young buccan (q.v.).

  young damman: the age-name of a damman between 20 and 30 years old.

  youngling: the age-name of a buccan or damman between birth and ten years old.

  your Lordship, sir: Burt Arboran’s title for King Galen when the Warrow scout reported to him.

  Yrm: (Old Pellarion: worms of corruption): the term used by Men of Pellar to mean, maggot-folk.

  Yule: a twelve-day-long mid-winter festival, beginning on the shortest day of the year (December 21) and ending on the first day of a new year (January 1). Also known as Gêol, Jol, Üle, Yol.

  Yule Eve: the evening before First Yule; December 20.

  Yuletide: the twelve days of Yule (q.v.).

  - Z -

  zhon: a card game of portents, using a tarot deck.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Works by Dennis L. McKiernan






  Forward Again

  Book One ~ The Dark Tide

  Opening Epigram

  Chapter 1 ~ Thornwalkers

  Chapter 2 ~ Retreat to Rooks’ Roost

  Chapter 3 ~ Spindle Ford

  Chapter 4 ~ Challerain Keep

  Chapter 5 ~ The Dark Tide

  Chapter 6 ~ The Long Pursuit

  End of Book One ~ The Dark Tide

  Beginning of Book Two ~Shadows of Doom

  Opening Epigram

  Chapter 1 ~ Captive!

  Chapter 2 ~ Grimwall

  Chapter 3 ~ The Struggles

  Chapter 4 ~ Myrkenstone

  Chapter 5 ~ Drimmen-deeve

  Chapter 6 ~ Shadows of Doom

  End of Book Two ~ Shadows of Doom

  Book Three ~ The Darkest Day

  Opening Epigram

  Chapter 1 ~ The Gathering

  Chapter 2 ~ Encounter at Gunarring Gap

  Chapter 3 ~ The Valanreach Long-Ride

  Chapter 4 ~ The Iron Tower

  Chapter 5 ~ The Darkest Day

  Chapter 6 ~ The Journey Home

  Chapter 7 ~ The Raven Book

  Closing Epigram

  End of Book Three ~ Shadows of Doom

  And so Ends the Story of ~ The Iron Tower


  Appendices to The Iron Tower

  A Word About Warrows

  Calendar of the Iron Tower

  The Long Journeys

  The Eclipse of the Darkest Fay

  The Effect of the Myrkenstone on Tuck’s Eyes

  Songs, Inscriptions, and Redes

  :Translations of Words and Phrases

  Glossary of The Iron Tower




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