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Real Vampires Know Size Matters

Page 24

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 24


  I had a creepy feeling that Aggie’s manipulation used more than charm to get the shape-shifters who watched Ian during his death sleep to give her breaks. I started to read her mind then decided the fewer details I knew the less grossed out I’d be.

  “Okay then. Maybe you’ll find a second job that you can do in the evenings. ” I was for anything that would get her out of the house when I was awake.

  “First, though, I’ll do a little shopping downstairs tonight. Thanks, Glory. I figured once your mom outted me I’d be toast here. ” She stopped in the hall doorway. “I’m in the mood for a long soak. I hope you aren’t planning to use the bathroom anytime soon. ”

  “No, go ahead. ” Bathing. That reminded me. “Don’t use the alley. I saw a, um, rat out there. Huge. ” I had to give her the warning before she disappeared into the bathroom. Sure, I’d like her out of here, but I wasn’t desperate enough to make her a zombie sacrifice.

  I stared down at her dirty dinner tray, then thought about what she’d said. What was wrong with me? Aggie should have been toast. Instead I was giving her good advice. I could almost hear my mother’s laughter. And what about Mom’s conviction that she’d never let Mel hurt me? Really? What if the witch came after me when Mom was “busy”? She seemed able to tune in and out of my life at will.

  I picked up the book Madame had sent me and glanced at the page marked with a slip of paper. I was going ahead with this plan. Too bad there were enough ingredients to create Frankenstein’s monster. And how on earth was I going to find all this stuff? Maybe my mother was right and I had no business messing with voodoo. When someone knocked on the apartment door, I jumped and ran to the peephole, careful to look before I threw the lock.

  “Rafe. I wondered where you were. I thought you were supposed to stay here during the day. ” I opened the door.

  “I was here. When I got your text that you were with Blade, I slept on the couch, but left as soon as Sienna woke up. I had a few things to do at the club before I could come tonight. Plus I wanted to go home and shower, pick up a few things. ” He came in with a duffel bag. “Everything okay?” He sniffed the air. “What’s that smell?”

  “A combo of spaghetti and peanut sauce. Aggie’s diet dinners. ” I locked the door behind him. “I need to go down to the shop tonight. Are you sure you can spare the time away from the club?”

  “No problem. But if you can see your way clear to go over to N-V for an hour or two later, it would help me out. ” He rummaged in the kitchen and came out with the carton of ice cream. “Is this part of Aggie’s diet?”

  “She’s struggling. Do her a favor and finish that off. There are Cheetos and candy in there too. ” I sat on the couch. “I can go to the club. First I want to wait for Jerry to come by. He’s leaving tonight for Miami, to do some checking on the voodoo woman. He had a bad encounter with her last night and we decided it might be best for him to leave town for a while. ” I told Rafe about the drug, leaving out the date rape. I knew Jerry wouldn’t appreciate Rafe knowing that detail.

  “No way. She made him forget the whole night? That’s harsh. ” Rafe spooned up chocolate ice cream. “Yeah, leaving town is a good idea. We know Mel’s stuck here and we can scope her out at that seminar. Did that book come?”

  “Yes, but look at these ingredients. ” I picked up the book and opened the page. “New leaves from a baobob tree. Three legs of a Peruvian cave whip scorpion. A feather from a pileated woodpecker. ” I moaned. “I could go on and on. It could take forever even if I could find a place to order this stuff from on the Internet and not be put on a terrorist watch list. ”

  “Yeah, sounds pretty dicey. Let me see that. ” Rafe scraped the last bite out of the pint and walked into the kitchen to dump the empty carton into the garbage can. When I heard him rinsing off his spoon, I had to smile. He did make a nice roommate. Aggie’s dirty dish still sat in the middle of the coffee table.

  “Do I hear Rafe?” Sienna came out of the bedroom. “Hey, glad you got here. Are we going to N-V? I got a text from Ray. We need to rehearse tonight. I don’t want to go to his house so I thought we could practice in that soundproof room you’ve got above the club. ”

  “I’m supposed to stick close to Glory. She needs to go to the shop. ” Rafe was leafing through the voodoo spell book. “Glo, can we drop Sienna off at the club first, then do our thing at your shop? You trust her alone with Ray and the band?”

  I was about to answer when there was another knock on the door. What was this? Didn’t anyone need the code downstairs? What had happened to ringing for entrance from the street? I inhaled though and sensed Jerry on the other side of the door. Of course. He had the code and a key. He’d knocked as a courtesy. I flung open the door.

  Jerry dragged me into his arms for a long kiss then looked over my shoulder. “Valdez. ”

  “You’re not surprised he’s here?” I eased out of Jerry’s arms.

  “No. ” Jerry smiled and kept his hand on my waist. “I called him and asked him to meet me here. Did you really think I could leave town with you unprotected?”

  I glanced from Rafe to Jerry and back again. This was huge, Jerry asking Rafe for help. “That’s nice. I guess Rafe told you—”

  “That I’d be happy to arrange guard duty for you, Glory. But that I don’t want to delegate it. Blade understood. That you and I have a special bond. ” Rafe relaxed into a chair. “So what are your plans, Blade? What do you think you can accomplish with this trip?”

  “I’ve got a line on Mel’s sister. She’s in Miami and may have something to tell me that could help with this situation. Mel’s business is very important to her. If I can get something that could endanger her reputation publicly, ruin her business, I think that will cool her off toward me. Problem is, it has to be something that keeps my name out of it. ”

  “Yeah, I get that. ” Rafe smiled. “Good plan. Drag a skeleton out of the lady’s closet. Blackmail her. She should hate you for it and back off. ”

  “If I have to, I’ll drag her sister back here. I think she may be the key to getting this done. ” Jerry pulled me down to the couch beside him then finally noticed my guest. “Sienna. How are you doing?”

  Sienna smiled nervously. “Okay, I guess. We were just trying to figure out the night’s schedule. I have to practice, Glory needs to go to her shop. It’s complicated. ”

  “Right. That’s the vampire life. ” Jerry leaned back, his arm around me. “It doesn’t get any easier. Valdez, sounds like you need backup. Can’t you bring in another shifter, someone to help with the ladies?”

  Valdez frowned. “Sure, I guess so. Let me get on it. ” He got up, pulled out his cell and strode to the kitchen. We heard him talking to someone.

  “I do need my own bodyguard. I usually travel with one but had done without while I was staying with Ray. He has a whole crew. ” Sienna stood in the hall doorway. “I’m going to finish getting ready if I can blast Aggie out of the bathtub. I dread seeing Ray again. I’m still so mad at him. ” She turned and disappeared into the bedroom.

  “It’s a full house, isn’t it?” Jerry sniffed. “Aggie in the tub, she said?”

  “Yes. She’s still hung up on water. It’s a Siren thing. ” I told him about our latest fight, including my mother’s manipulation.

  “I hate to say it, but you might be better off in Olympus right now. ” Jerry stared into my eyes. “Mel is capable of anything. ”

  “No. I’m not going to Olympus. Once my mother gets me there, I have a feeling I’d have a serious problem getting back. ” I sighed and snuggled up against him. I still hadn’t told Jerry about the zombies. Since he hadn’t mentioned them, I had to assume he’d shifted here and come in through the roof. Still, I was surprised he hadn’t smelled them when he’d landed. “I hate for you to leave, Jerry. ”

  “It’s for the best. Now, if you’re sure you won’t go, then I had a couple of ideas to keep you safer w
hile I’m gone. Lily’s apartment is ready upstairs. Her new furniture was delivered today. ” Jerry pulled a key out of his pocket. “Here’s the key. I told her she can’t move in yet. You and Valdez can stay there until I get back. Mel won’t know where you are and you’ll have some peace and quiet. How does that sound?”

  “Like heaven. ” I snatched the key. “Thanks, Jerry. ” I kissed him. “Lily won’t get mad?” I knew his daughter had been counting the nights until she could have her own apartment.

  “I’m paying the rent, so she can wait a few days. ” Jerry kissed me again. “I explained the situation. She understood. ” He pulled me to my feet when Rafe walked into the room.

  “I’ve got a man meeting us down in the shop in twenty minutes. He’ll stick with Sienna so I can take care of Glory. That work for you?”

  “It’s perfect. ” I glanced at Jerry. “You said you had a couple of ideas. What’s the other one?”

  “I’ll tell you upstairs. ” He stared at Rafe. “We’re going to apartment three B. ” He tossed Rafe a key. “Meet us there in five minutes, Valdez. We need some privacy. ” Jerry pulled me to the door.

  “I don’t take orders from you, Blade. ” Rafe didn’t look happy.

  “Did you miss the part where I said I’d pay you?” Jerry wasn’t cracking a smile. “Or is this a favor to Glory?”

  “It’s a favor. You don’t owe me jack. ” Rafe stepped closer.

  “Calm down, both of you. I appreciate the favor, Rafe. Jerry, you don’t need to pay him but thanks for offering. Rafe is doing this out of friendship. I’d say shake hands but I know better. Now let’s go, Jer. ” I pulled Jerry up the stairs. We stopped at the third floor and he pointed out Lily’s new apartment. Privacy. I wasn’t fighting it. I waited until he’d unlocked the door of 3B and we were inside the freshly painted apartment before I asked the burning question.

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