The Fifth Reich: Blood and Honor Book One
Page 12
They drifted off for a while, only to be wakened by the sound of gunshots out in the street. "What is that?" asked Delaara, confused.
"Gunshots. Stay down!" He grabbed a pair of boxers and jeans, put them on, and leaned down under the bed, pulling out Drac pulse pistol. Delaara blinked at the sight of it, and Jacen noticed. "It was a birthday present from Karlla", he grinned. He checked that it was fully charged, and pulled a MOD4 pisol out for her. Then, thinking better of it, traded weapons as she was glaring at him.
"Okay, get something on and we'll go out to see what's up." He stayed low as she did, grabbing one of his oversized surfing t-shirts again and putting it on. They crept to the door, and saw the muzzle flashes of someone shooting at their Bomber.
"Shit, it's Tommy and Gina!" Jacen whispered urgently. He turned to Delaara. "Call the police. I'm going out there."
"Not without me you aren't," she said with a murderous look in her eye.
He grinned. "Okay, then. Cops are probably already on their way, knowing Mrs. Schmidt. Let's go stop these idiots." He opened the door and they ran across the lawn. "Freeze in the name of Kriegsmarine!" Jacen shouted, pointing his pistol directly at Tommy.
Tommy looked shocked, and dropped his old slug thrower. "Move away from the weapon and get down on your knees, hands behind your head!" He shouted, moving forward while keeping the hoodlum covered.
"Drop it, Gina!" Delaara shouted as she drew a bead on the redhead. "Drop it now!"
Gina was aiming at Jacen, and said "Leave him alone! I mean it! I'll shoot!" "Gina, this is your last warning. If you don't drop your weapon, I will shoot you dead." said Delaara said in an even tone.
Jacen had closed to within a meter of Tommy and kicked the gun away. He moved to keep Tommy in view and aimed his pistol at Gina as well.
He fired one shot from the stun taser, catching Gina in the chest, and she collapsed, unconscious. Tommy let out a roar and moved for his gun, just as Jacen fired again, dropping him before he could retrieve his piece.
Jacen pulled his comm from his pocket and tapped it. "Lieutenant Commander Kruger to Walker Lake police. I have two suspects down at my location." He gave the address, and was notified that help was on the way. "Thank you. Kruger, out." He tossed the stun taser to Delaara. "Keep them covered just in case. I need to check our ride home."
"Okay. If they move, I'll shoot to kill," she grinned. He looked the Bomber over and it seemed to be intact. The slug thrower hadn't done any damage to it, as far as he could tell. He made a mental note to have the mechanics at Kriegsmarine HQ look it over before they broke atmosphere, though.
"It looks okay", he said as she tossed his taser back to him. He set it back to stun just as Shawn and Julie showed up. "We were just getting off shift at the hotel when we heard the report on the comm," said Shawn. "Are you two okay?" He was gawking at Delaara wearing just Jason's oversized surfer t-shirt until his wife elbowed him hard, possibly breaking a rib.
Jason chuckled. "Yeah, we're fine. Uniforms should be here any second," he said. As if on cue, he saw flashing lights and sirens coming around the corner. They stopped, looked, and took the two perpetrators into custody. Both had been knocked cold by the taser's stun, but came around as they were being dragged off.
"You're DEAD, Kruger! I'm gonna kill you and your bitch too!" Tommy shouted.
Jacen glared at him. "Don't worry", said Julie. "They're both going away for a long time. Slug throwers without a valid permit have been illegal here for centuries, and with discharging one within city limits tacked on... Yeah, they're going to a penal colony for the next 20 to 50 years," she smiled. Then she turned to glare at Shawn. "Get in the car, dummy. Stop staring at Jacen's wife!"
Shawn smiled weakly and shrugged, getting in the cruiser with his wife.
"She deserves better than him," Delaara said with a soft chuckle. "Trust me. He looks, but he would never cheat on her. I've known him for too long," Jacen laughed and took her hand, leading her back inside. "Julie's always been the jealous type, though. I think he does it mostly to get her riled up."
Delaara laughed at that. "Well, it's working. If he's not careful, she's going to divorce him."
"He worships the ground she walks on," Jacen said. "Trust me on this. Those two were made for each other." As they got inside, they locked the door and went back to bed. As they shed what little clothes they had on, Jacen took both weapons and set them under the bed before they climbed back in and snuggled close.
"Baby, except for a few bad apples around here, I love your friends," she kissed him. "The Bikers are more than just friends. They're as much our family as Rachel, Rash, and Ascher are," he said, kissing her back.
He looked into her beautiful amber brown eyes and kissed her lovingly, his tongue slowly entering between her lips as they felt all the tension slipping away. He loved her kiss, her touch, her taste.
Delaara couldn't believe her luck. She had found the man of her dreams and loved him. She had met his closest friends and they had accepted her with open arms. She had met another couple like them in Ron and Karlla, and still marvelled that their stories were so similar. All of it had restored her faith in love.
The mindmeld took them as Jacen entered her, and their lovemaking that night went beyond the physical. They could feel each other on the soul level, moving as one, touching, kissing, loving, coming together in a crescendo louder than thunder, yet softer than a feather comforter. It was as if the world around them had ceased, yet they were in their own universe of perfect serenity.
Before they fell asleep for the rest of the night, Delaara smiled and kissed his neck. "No matter what may come, we will always have each other." She whispered.
"Yes we will, Delaara. Tomorrow, we're going to New York. We have an old friend to visit there." He smiled.
"Rick", she said with a huge smile. "We never had the chance to visit him while I was defecting."
"How'd you.. oh, the mindscape." He chuckled quietly, cuddled her close, and they drifted off together.
Above Earth... The KMS Graf-Zeppelin was in orbit over Earth, and Captain Rachel Weiss was appearing before Kriegsmarine Command to brief them on their run-ins with the Bren and the Drac mercenaries. Jevor and Commander Marie Reynolds, her First Officer, were standing with her.
Becker had scored shuttle duty for them, so he was sitting in the waiting room, twiddling his thumbs and staring up at the ceiling. He ignored the cute Arcadian girl trying to get his attention.
"Captain, your reports appear to be in order, and our Ambassadors have been meeting with the Bren delegation. So far, they aren't getting anywhere, as the Bren continue to deny the claims that their people are trafficking in genetically engineered infants", said Admiral Raeder, Chairman of Kriegsmarine Command.
"All well and good, Admiral", said Rachel with a bit of an edge to her voice. "But are we going to let them get away with it?"
"Not if we can help it, Rachel", he replied. He sensed her frustration, and could relate. "Now, Rachel, I need to speak to you in private, along with your pilot in the waiting room. Please bring Lieutenant Becker with you when you come to my office", he said and rose. The rest of the Admirals left as Rachel and her two senior officers exited the chamber.
"Ok, guys. Go ahead and beam up. Rash and I will be along as soon as Admiral Raeder finishes ruining my career." She said it with an inward shrug of resignation. "Rash, come on. Admiral Raeder needs to see us immediately." Cilias and Richter hit their comms and transported back to the Zeppelin.
Becker rose to his feet, a look of abject terror on his face as he walked to Rachel's side and took her hand. He smiled bravely as he laced his fingers with hers. "I don't know how he could have found out, but if it's out in the open, I'm standing or falling by your side, Captain."
She smiled up at him. "Thank you, Jacob. I love you, you know."
"I know, Rachel. I love you, too." And they walked hand in hand to Admiral Raeder's office. Admiral Raeder sat behind his desk, w
ondering what he was going to do. The regs were clear, but he was still thinking of anything he could do to help Rachel and her young pilot. He read over the regulation again, looking for any sort of loophole in the wording.
His comm beeped. "Admiral Raeder, Captain Weiss and Lieutenant Becker are here to see you, sir."
"Send them in, Jenny", he replied. He stood as they entered his office and came to attention.
"Captain Rachel Weiss and Lieutenant Jacob Becker reporting as ordered, Admiral", Rachel said with stoic resolve. "Dammit, Rachel. Have a seat. You too, Becker", he said as he retook his own chair. They were all three seated when he let the bomb drop. "Look, I know you two are seeing each other, and that Becker is living in your quarters aboard the Zeppelin. Now, I'm going to ask you both a few questions, so please answer truthfully."
He looked at them both, and could see that they were already fearing the worst. "Relax, you two. Seriously, relax. I'm not going to kill you." He chuckled, and that seemed to break the tension.
"I'll answer any questions you have, Admiral. I love Rachel.. Captain Weiss, and I was the one who initiated the relationship, sir." Jacob was falling on his sword, and knew it. He didn't care, though. He had initiated the relationship by hitting on her after she'd promoted him.
Admiral Erich Raeder looked over their files and noticed that no promotions were made without approval by Kriegsmarine Command. He also noticed that all medals given by Captain Weiss were justified, given Becker's skills and courage.
"Lieutenant, besides the obvious, has Captain Weiss ever given you special treatment over and above your other Squadron members or crewmates, or would have hampered the war effort in any way?" Raeder asked.
"Negative, sir." Becker answered truthfully. "Alright. Has she ever approved a special request that endangered the lives of any of your fellow Squadron members or crewmates, or would have hampered the war effort in any way?" Raeder asked.
"Negative, sir," he said again. "Have you ever made a special request of her based on your relationship, Lieutenant?" Raeder asked, and praying he was right.
"Once, sir," Becker replied.
"Please elaborate, Lieutenant." Rachel knew what Raeder was doing, and wanted to hug him for it. He knew that Becker had asked her to give him a flight of Valkyries to go find Ace, and she had refused.
"When Ace... Lieutenant Commander Kruger was shot down over NZ8-257 six months ago, I asked Captain Weiss to detach three Valyrie fighters and pilots to my command as a rescue mission. As we were already in gravity-drive to the Belarus system, she informed me that any rescue attempts would have to wait until that situation was resolved. She also made it clear that if we were given new orders after Belarus, they would supercede my request as well... sir!" Becker spoke truthfully.
"Very good, Lieutenant," said the Admiral. "One more question for you, son. How many other members of your crew know of your relationship?"
"All of them, sir." Becker thought he knew where this was going, and felt a slight touch of hope. "Thank you, Lieutenant." He turned his gaze on Rachel. "Rachel, this puts me in a very difficult position. Now, no complaints have ever been made from the Zeppelin. In fact, only one complaint has been made, and that was from the Bremen."
Rachel looked confused. "The Bremen, Erich? Why the hell would anyone aboard the Bremen know about us?"
Becker put his face in his hands. "I think I have an idea, Captain." He sighed. Both senior officers turned and looked at him. He raised his gaze and cleared his throat. "Sir, ma'am. After Ace and Delaara got married onboard Dönitz, we were all in Officer's Lounge dancing. Rachel... Captain Weiss and I were dancing together and we shared a kiss as the song ended. Anyhow, Ace told me that Ambassador Stovrin and Ambassador T'Sha, Delaara's parents, had figured out that we were together. They must have let it slip on the Bremen while being transported back to Centauri Prime." He sighed again and put his head in his hands.
"So, everyone aboard Dönitz knows too?" Raeder was shocked and elated at the same time.
"Yes sir." Said Becker through his fingers. "Including Ambassador Savik."
Admiral Raeder had to laugh at that. "Anyone else know, Rachel?
"Talon and the Dresdencrew know too, sir." She said. Raeder laughed even more at that. After he stopped laughing, he said "And according to your records, the Zeppelin has never seen combat with the Bremen, nor have any of her crewmembers served with you."
"That's correct, sir," she said, hope rising.
"Rachel, this is a personal question. How much do you love Lieutenant Becker?"
"With all my heart and soul, sir. I've agreed to be his wife after this tour is over and I would have been retired," she said.
Raeder's eyes lit up. "Are you saying you're engaged to be married?"
Becker lifted his head, a smile on his face. "Yes, sir," he said. "She said yes." Rachel reached into her pocket and pulled the diamond engagement ring out. Raeder grinned ear to ear and flipped a page in the Kriegsmarine Regulation Manual. "Well, that changes a lot! Even though, there are strict regulations about relationships between officers and crew serving on the same ship."
Becker and Rachel looked at each other and back to the Admiral. "According to this, Officers serving onboard the same vessel may enter into a relationship if they become engaged to be married within 1 year of the beginning of the relationship. Also, it doesn't make exceptions for a Captain and a Junior Officer. Now, how long has it been since your relationship started, and when did you get engaged?"
Becker grinned. "Well, it all started the night I got promoted to JG, and we got engaged the night before Ace married Delaara! Almost a year, sir!"
He took Rachel's hand in his, and she beamed at him and then at Admiral Raeder.
"Well, that settles it, then. Rachel, you may wear your engagement ring, and I wish you both the best," Raeder smiled.
"Thank you, Erich," said Rachel as she shook his hand, followed by Becker. "Rachel, you saved my life twice. Did you really think I would let you hang for this?" He smiled and hugged her, then she turned and hugged Becker. "You both deserve to be happy, and I am damn glad that I could help clear this up. Hell, I've seen stranger marriages lately. Lieutenant Commanders Kruger and Delaara, for example."
Becker said "You saved our asses, sir! If you ever need anything, let me know!" "Son, I did this for the both of you. Not just because Rachel saved my life more than once, but she's an old friend from before you were even born." He laughed as he recalled her perfectly place phaser shots that had slain two Dracs who'd had him dead to rights. She'd been an ensign, and he'd been a Lieutenant Commander at the time.
Rachel and Becker held each other close, feeling all the stress of having to keep their relationship a secret drift away. "Jacob, thank you. Even in the face of me possibly getting court martialed, you still put your career on the chopping block ahead of mine. I love you," she said. "But if you ever bloody do that again, it's no sex for a month!"
"Yes, ma'am!" He grinned as he said it.
"Ok, you two. Get a room!" Raeder chuckled. "Now, un-ass my office so I can get some work done!"
"Yes sir", they said in unison, and walked out hand in hand.
As they got outside, Becker had a thought. "Hey, Captain. Want to see if Ace's at home?"
"Isn't he and Delaara on their honeymoon?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep, but this really can't wait!" He tapped his comm. "Rash to Ace", he said, grinning.
*** "Awww man! You ain't been in here in forever! James said that he saw you both in your birthday suits and said you hooked up, but I thought he was shittin' his old man!" Rick said.
"How you been Rick?" asked Delaara with a grin. "Wow, James wasn't kiddin'. You two DID hook up!" Rick was grinning ear to ear. "Been good. James contacted me last night and we got to talkin'. He's thinking about resigning and coming to run the shop so I can retire."
"You deserve a rest, Rick", said Jacen with a smile. "James's a good kid."
"I know, brother. He just
got promoted to J.G. a few days ago", Rick sounded proud of his boy.
"Right on, Rick! I'm just a bit ashamed of how I was... dressed, or lack thereof, when I first met him", she blushed.
"Hey, hon. From what James said, you got nothin' to be ashamed of", Rick said with a huge grin. Jacen's comm beeped. " Rash to Ace", it said. They shared a glance. "This would have to be important", he said to Delaara and Rick.
"I agree. They know we're on our honeymoon", she said to Rick by way of explanation.
"Go ahead, Rash", said Jacen.
"Rachel and I need you to come to Kriegsmarine HQ immediately. It's important." He sounded... excited? "We're on our way, brother. We'll be there in an hour. Ace, out." Delaara nodded and they turned to Rick. "We have to go, Rick. We'll be back soon, though!"
"Take your time, kids. Have a good one", he said as they left at a dead run.
They jumped on the Harley and were speeding towards Kriegsmarine HQ at top speed within minutes.
*** Becker and Rachel saw the Harley and heard its roar as it sped across the grass in front of the HQ building. It skidded to a stop and two leather jacketed Bikers dismounted. They removed their tinted goggles and stared at the grinning faces of Captain Weiss and Lieutenant Becker.
"What happened?" Delaara asked, hugging the Captain.
"Well, Erich... Admiral Raeder received a complaint about us from the Bremen for fraternization", Rachel said. "But, since we've been engaged less than a year after we started having sex, we're in the clear!" Rash hugged Jacen and Delaara in turn.
"Holy shit, Rash! You had me worried!" Jason was grinning ear to ear. Delaara noticed it first. "You're wearing the ring Rash got you! It's true, then!", she grinned. "I heard from a friend that serves on Dreschler, and he said that my parents let it slip to everyone on the Bremen about you two. I'm so sorry!"
"It's not your fault, Delaara," said Rachel with a smile.
"How long are you two gonna be here?" asked Jacen.
"Well, I just commed the Zeppelin and ordered 48 hours of shore leave for everyone. Why?" Rachel asked. "Because, my dear Captain and soon to be sister-in-law (adopted), we're going into Lake Walker and you're going to meet the rest of your extended family." Jacen said with a grin.