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Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material

Page 91

by Kindle Alexander

  Chapter 17

  The whoops and hollers registered once he came up for air. His mouth moved from Kreed’s lips, along that prominent jaw, to his neck. God, Kreed smelled so good. Aaron was on his feet, not exactly sure how that had happened. But he’d never forget the look in Kreed’s eyes as those strong fingers had gripped his hair the moment before Kreed’s full lips pressed against his. The kiss had been so unexpected, searing and intense. Aaron hadn’t had time to do anything but accept it. Welcome it.

  Kreed’s lips were possessive and demanding, everything he’d dreamed they’d be and so much more. Aaron didn’t know if he should move or remain in place. He pressed his mouth to Kreed’s neck, giving him another kiss while inhaling his intoxicatingly spicy scent before pulling back. Or at least he tried. Kreed had wrapped around him so completely Aaron could do little more than hold on. Kreed had him trapped in place, pressing him backward over the counter as his tongue slid around the shell of his ear.

  “Don’t stop, church boy. I like your mouth on me,” Kreed whispered in the ear he’d just licked, his hot breath cooling rapidly against Aaron’s wet skin. A shiver slid down his spine and landed in his balls. His cock jumped at Kreed’s words, eager for him to keep doing just as Kreed insisted. Aaron had no intention of stopping. He could explore Kreed and sample his skin forever. His hips rolled forward, grinding firmly into Kreed, who was hard and ready. The growl Kreed let loose was wicked and full of tempting promises, much like the man in his arms. From the small taste he’d gotten, he knew precisely why Kreed’s nickname was Sin.

  Jesus, why had he denied himself this? What a fool.

  “Get a room. Midnight kisses ended like…fifteen minutes ago.” That was Colt’s voice and Aaron didn’t give a fuck where they were, he never wanted this to end, but Kreed went rigid in his arms. No, not in the way he would have liked, but instead the deputy marshal stopped the exploration of lips on his neck and loosened his hold, pulling Aaron to an upright position. Kreed hadn’t backed away when he withdrew from the kiss. His handsome face remained close to Aaron’s, not even an inch of space separated them as Kreed’s eyes searched his. Aaron felt desire pouring off Kreed, and this time, he didn’t shy away. He took in the need swirling in Kreed’s eyes and allowed the emotion to burrow deep inside his heart. In this minute, with that kiss… Yeah, this was a game changer—one he didn’t want to fight. Aaron lifted his hand, running his palm over Kreed’s cheek, caressing across those full, soft lips with his thumb.

  “We should go,” Kreed said quietly, still staring at him. Oh hell yeah, they should go. As far as he was concerned, they were wasting time. He nodded his agreement. It had been so long since he’d had sex. As Aaron moved his hands toward Kreed’s waist, his fingers lightly skimmed that hard, well-defined stomach he’d seen earlier that day. Yeah, they absolutely needed to go—maybe as far as the closest hotel room.

  Kreed finally turned his head, breaking that mesmerizing bond, though his body was still pressed tightly against Aaron’s, keeping him in place. The entire party became unusually quiet. Aaron moved his head to the side, angling to look around Kreed.

  Maybe he’d acted a little overeager. Every eye in the place was locked on them. His grip on Kreed’s waist tightened as he fought the incredible desire coursing through his veins.

  Haley was still near him. He’d liked her so much and she was smiling at him. Heat creeped up his face, but he shouldn’t feel embarrassed. She’d been encouraging this very thing for about the last hour and a half.

  “I need to talk to him in private before we leave. Do you have an office, something like that?” Kreed asked. Aaron didn’t know if Kreed’s question was directed at either Colt or Jace, because they were both standing side by side nearby. Aaron felt Mitch standing close by as well, but he couldn’t quite make eye contact with him yet. He was pretty sure Mitch wouldn’t be too happy about him playing tonsil hockey with his partner.

  “You guys can stay the night. We have room,” Jace offered.

  “No. We need to go. I just need to talk to him first,” Kreed said. He stepped back this time, and Aaron felt an instant loss as the deputy marshal released him. Then Kreed made everything right by taking his hand and threading their fingers together.

  “My office is to the right when you walk in the front door. Come on. I’ll show you.” Jace led the way while Kreed pulled him along. That was fine by him, because he would gladly follow Deputy US Marshal Kreed Sinacola anywhere he wanted. Every bit of desire and craving he’d tried to deny over the last week of living with this man, had hit him like a freight train with that game-changing kiss. He hadn’t been prepared for the emotional assault that accompanied just a few swipes of Kreed Sinacola’s tongue.

  Jace turned on the light and moved aside. Kreed tugged Aaron inside, shut the door, and had him pinned against the wall in less than a second. This time he was ready, opening for Kreed before their mouths even collided. This kiss conveyed every bit of yearning he’d felt since the second he’d spotted Kreed across the airport’s baggage claim.

  He laved Kreed’s mouth, melting against him while his hands roamed freely over every single inch of that irresistible body. Aaron dropped his hands lower, cupping Kreed’s ass before moving around to grip that hard cock confined in those tight-fitting jeans. Kreed’s chest rumbled on a low growl as he urgently responded by grinding against Aaron’s palm. Tearing free of Kreed’s insistent mouth, Aaron’s breaths came in small bursts as he spoke. “Let’s go back to our place.”

  Kreed had him panting, his heart hammered in his chest. Aaron wanted this. He wanted Kreed. Fuck the consequences. The guy had him so primed, and Kreed’s hands never stopped exploring his body. Those fingers toyed with one nipple ring then ghosted firmly over his dick, giving him a small glimpse of how spectacular this night was truly going to be.

  Oh yeah, happy fucking New Year!

  “Why did I ever say no in the first place? We should’ve been doing this from the beginning.” Aaron made a fist and stroked the length of Kreed’s hard cock.

  “Aaron, I want you. Lord help me, but I do. We need to wait.” Kreed’s breath puffed against his ear as he spoke, then he nipped at his lobe. God, it was such a turn-on to be so wanted.

  “It’s fine. I can wait. We don’t have to stay here tonight. It’s only like a thirty minute drive.” Aaron moved his face back up to kiss Kreed again. This kiss was swift and hot, something to tide him over for the drive home. “It’s been a while for me.”

  Aaron worried his lip, and Kreed gave him a tender smile as he leaned down and kissed Aaron until the lip he’d bit was now in Kreed’s mouth. There was no doubt in his mind Kreed would be an attentive lover.

  “God, I’m sorry, Aaron.” Kreed lifted both his hands to Aaron’s cheeks, caging him right there as he continued to speak, his voice low and gravelly. “It’s gonna be a little longer. I can’t… We can’t…until this is done. We’ll close this case as quickly as we can, then I’ll take you somewhere—just the two of us. I’m gonna take my time with you, smart boy. Explore every last inch of your body until you squirm and beg, then I’m gonna do it again and again.” Kreed leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of Aaron’s mouth.

  “Oh, fuck yes.” Aaron’s knees grew weak; he wanted that too. But more than that, he wanted to feel Kreed inside him, thrusting with all that caged strength.

  “So I’m your type after all then?” Kreed’s voice was low and mesmerizing; the smirk lifting the corner of his mouth, sexy as hell.

  “Yes.” Aaron nodded as Kreed pressed against him again. Aaron could feel Kreed’s hardness pushing against his own, and damn, it felt so good all he could do was pant and say, “So my type.”

  “I’d hoped so,” Kreed replied, rubbing his nose along Aaron’s cheek. “You smell incredible, and I fucking want you so damn bad. Have for a while now. But we really have to wait.”

  “I want you, too.” Aaron kissed Kreed again, taking his mouth with such force that he hoped Kreed wo
uldn’t be able to mistake his intentions, confirming that, absolutely, Kreed was his type and Aaron wanted everything the man had to offer.

  Kreed held him tightly, their bodies rocking together, kissing him back with as much passion. Their tongues tangled, dancing in unison. Kreed sighed into his mouth and lightened the kiss incrementally. He slowly regained his senses. He tore his mouth free when his brain finally caught up with Kreed’s words—words that didn’t match the need coursing through every part of his body. “I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying we aren’t going home to have sex tonight?”

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I can’t have sex with you. I’m afraid it’ll fuck things up. We can’t take that chance right now. When this case is over, you can have me any way you want me. I want exactly what you want. I promise,” Kreed said, leaning in to inhale his scent.

  “Wait. What? You were the one that fucking kissed me,” Aaron said a little desperately. Hell, he didn’t care who did what at this point as long as Kreed made him come. “You got me all worked up.” Lifting his hands, he pushed at Kreed’s chest, but the guy didn’t budge. “Let me get this straight. You wanna fuck me. I want you to fuck me. And your response to that is to put on the brakes?”

  “Nothing’s changed. I want you so fucking bad, Aaron, but we can’t. It doesn’t work. I’ve seen it over and over. We have too much riding on this case. It’ll put everyone in greater danger, and there’s already too much of that.” Aaron started to move away from this crazy man who’d turned him on, more so than he’d ever been in his life, then ripped it all away, but Kreed caged him in against the wall. “Please, don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad. I’m disappointed and confused.” He glanced up into Kreed’s stormy eyes, his hands fisted in Kreed’s shirt, and his dick implored him to change Kreed’s mind.

  “I am too.” Kreed sighed and leaned even farther into his personal space. His proximity, heat, and scent made coherent thought impossible. Aaron put his hands on Kreed’s shoulders, resting them there for a moment before taking a deep breath and shoving the man away. Kreed released him and Aaron took several steps back as he pushed his fingers through his hair. He was sure the disheveled mess he’d created was symbolic to the chaos running through his body. Thought, reason, even speech, were almost impossible to coordinate at the moment. Kreed had gotten him so worked up, so ready. Hell, he would have blown him right there, but instead, Kreed had dumped him on his ass. That shit wasn’t cool.

  Finding a semblance of calm, Aaron reached inside his jeans and adjusted his dick. Stupid traitorous thing wanted Kreed’s hand to be doing all the touching and caressing right now. He ignored that and willed himself to settle down. It wasn’t going to work, but he had to try. He’d ignited at Kreed’s kiss and could only imagine the flames he’d have gone up in if they had done more. Fuck, he wasn’t sure he could jack himself enough to make this right.

  He sensed Kreed hovering close behind him. He hadn’t touched Aaron since he’d released him, but that damn cologne enveloped him like a caress, and he had to take another step away, then another. Aaron didn’t think it would work, but he rolled his shoulders and tried to shake off the embrace of that alluring scent. He needed a workout, something to burn this energy off before he did something stupid like beg Kreed to fuck him.

  No, he couldn’t do that.

  “I wish you wouldn’t’ve started this,” he said quietly, looking down at his shaking hands. He clenched his fists tight and closed his eyes, working on evening out his breath.

  “I don’t. You were making me crazy. Now at least I know that when we get the information we need, I’ll get more than just a taste.” Kreed stood directly behind him again and gentle hands came to his shoulders. Aaron immediately moved out from under the touch, swiveled around, and headed toward the door. He combed his fingers through his hair, hoping to settle the pieces back down. There was no way to get the style back, but at least he could appear to have his shit somewhat together.

  With the doorknob in hand, he looked back over his shoulder at Kreed. “We need to leave. It’s already past midnight.”

  “Don’t be like that,” Kreed said, coming toward him. No way could he have that. Kreed needed to keep his distance at all cost. He extended a hand as he jerked open the door and moved out into the foyer.

  “No… Just no.” He always wore his feelings in his eyes for anyone keen enough to see; he’d been told that before by a few very observant people. But most people never saw past themselves, otherwise they’d know exactly what he was thinking. Of course Kreed would see. He’d read Aaron like an open book from the very beginning. That was why he’d tried so hard to mask his feelings and hide his true self.

  There wasn’t much privacy at this point, but Aaron looked around the open space leading inside the living room, all eyes were on him. Shit. He turned on his heel and went toward the bathroom off the kitchen. He needed a minute before he got inside the car with that man who still hovered too close. He could feel Kreed behind him. Man, Kreed needed to learn the lessons of personal space.

  Whatever, Aaron thought, somewhat defeated. It wouldn’t matter if he did know those boundaries. If Kreed was anywhere in the vicinity, he’d sense him, and shit, if that didn’t make this whole situation harder.

  Kreed stood by the front door, holding both his and Aaron’s jackets, waiting for the kid who was most definitely not a child but acting like one right now, to come out of the bathroom. Mitch was in his face, talking low and quietly, with the rest of the party silently keeping their distance. Somehow he and Aaron had squashed the vibe of the entire gathering. They had become the sore spot, and with the tension floating off him in waves, he got why. They needed to split.

  Damn it, he’d managed to kill the fun with one impulsive action. He didn’t regret kissing Aaron, not even a little bit, but he should have had enough control to wait. Aaron made him weak. He was more pissed at himself for fucking up the balance that he and Aaron had created, possibly jeopardizing the outcome of this case, than he was at anything else. Well, except Knox, who wouldn’t leave him the fuck alone.

  “Don’t come at me, Knox. Get the fuck out of my face,” Kreed said menacingly. He didn’t need the ‘we-have-a-lot-at-stake’ speech right now. Kreed knew what the fuck he was doing; it was the reason Aaron wasn’t bent over the desk in that office right this minute.

  Mitch did what he did best. He not only moved, but he also slightly bumped Kreed in the chest when he did. It was classic Mitch. He was diverting attention, giving Kreed something to think about other than Aaron’s sweet lips. Knowing what Mitch was doing and responding accordingly didn’t seem to go hand in hand at the moment. Kreed lifted his gaze and stared with blazing eyes into Mitch’s equally angry glare. Kreed was pissed at Knox for trying to warn him off Aaron. He lifted both palms and pushed at the guy’s chest. Mitch barely budged.

  “Wait, guys, wait!” Colt yelled out. Out of his peripheral vision Kreed saw Colt bounding over the sofa, running toward them. “Hang on. Not in the house!”

  “I’ve got this, Michaels,” Mitch said, his face right in Kreed’s.

  “Not in the house.” The front door opened, and with a surprising amount of strength, Colt bulldozed Mitch from the back, forcing him into Kreed who was driven out the opened front door. Kreed couldn’t help but fall when his feet tangled with Mitch’s. The fight was gone from his mind as he reached for anything that might soften the blow of his body hitting concrete. Nothing did.

  “Colton!” Jace yelled as Kreed tucked his head and landed flat on his back. Mitch followed him down, his friend’s weight knocking the wind out of him. As the air left his lungs, Mitch’s elbow landed in his gut and his palm slid across his face. Those two moves were done on purpose. They were the moves they used all the time in aggressive arrests. So even though the anger had left Kreed’s body during the fall, just for the hell of it, he executed a perfect wedding tackle assault, effectively kneeing Mitch in the balls as he thrust his lower body
forward, gripping Mitch’s shirt. He tossed Mitch over his body.

  Regret flooded him as soon as he heard the sound of planters breaking, but then the thuds of Mitch tumbling down the steps lifted his spirits and soothed the worry. He’d send over replacement planters tomorrow for Jace and Colt’s front porch.

  “You’re a fuckin’ douche,” Mitch mumbled from the bottom of the steps.

  “Yeah, takes one to know one, princess.” Okay, that was what eight-year-olds said, but it was the only thing that came to mind in the moment.

  “Jace, this would’ve happened inside our house if I hadn’t gotten them out. Don’t be mad.” He heard Colt explaining from above. His coat was dropped on his body and part of it covered his face.

  “Jace, be mad. I’m hurt real bad,” Mitch called out. Kreed pushed the jacket away from his face and rolled to his side to see many of the guests standing at the door. The rest were watching from the windows. Aaron fought his way through the crowd and came out on the porch. Kreed stumbled to his feet but looked down to see Mitch rising at a much slower pace, his hand cupping his crotch. It probably wasn’t fair; Mitch had been off work for a few months, but whatever… He’d started it.

  “I’m sorry.” Kreed started toward Colt and Jace, but the sound of metal scraping across concrete followed by a loud thud, drew his attention back to the stairs. Knox had fallen again. He lay sprawled across the ground. From the looks of it, he’d used the rail to help climb the steps and that gave way under his weight. Kreed couldn’t help the belly-laugh that burst out. Served the guy right. Kreed’s back was sore. Certainly there was some road-rash going on. His clothing was probably ready for the trash bin, but he went down the steps and extended a hand to Knox. It took a second, but his buddy took it and scrambled to his feet.


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