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Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material

Page 103

by Kindle Alexander

  “We’ll have time for handcuffs and toys later.” Aaron groaned, tilted his hips, and pressed back against his finger. “I want you in me. Now.”

  “Not here. The condom and lube are in my short’s pocket.” Wet sand gave under his feet as he started moving them toward the shore.

  They hit the beach, hot and heavy, naked and horny. Aaron’s thick erection stood out from his lean body, a tempting distraction from the beautiful backdrop surrounding them.

  After grabbing the condom and packet of lube out of his shorts, he tossed his clothing back down. Kreed couldn’t keep his eyes off Aaron’s ass as he followed his guy toward the little alcove at the end of an outcropping of lava rocks that started at the base of a heavily bent coconut tree. Luckily for him, the spot was hidden out of view from the open beach by tropical plants, plumeria trees, and hibiscus bushes.

  Aaron stopped and turned just as Kreed stepped into the tropical enclosure. Kreed savored the sight in front of him. His gaze slowly dropped from the beautiful dragon tattooed over the kid’s shoulder and down his chest, lingering briefly on those tempting piercings before it fixed on what his church boy was doing with his hand. Aaron stroked himself, hard and ready, and the thick head glistened with pre-come that Kreed was tempted to taste. Kreed’s gaze flicked back up to Aaron’s face to watch his pink tongue dart out to lick across full lips that now captured Kreed’s attention.

  “Fuck, I don’t know where I wanna start.”

  “Kissing’s always good.” Aaron smirked. Kreed didn’t waste any time pushing Aaron against the base of the coconut tree, kissing him, hard and demanding. Aaron’s warm palm curled around his dick, and he thrust into the tight fist. Aaron took the condom out of his hand and tore the small package with his teeth. His lust-clouded blue gaze never left Kreed’s as the cool latex rolled down his length.

  “Turn around.” His voice sounded a little rushed and desperate. It wasn’t his fault he was so needy; Aaron made him that way.

  “Here, you’ll need this.” Aaron opened the package of lube, coating two of his fingers before offering the package to Kreed who watched with mixed emotions as Aaron reached behind and started to prepare himself. Fuckin’ A, that was hot as hell. He loved watching the kid open himself, but right now, he wanted to be the one stretching Aaron. He quickly spread the lube on his dick and fingers.

  “Please. Let me,” he said, turning Aaron around to face the tree. Kreed smoothed his hand up Aaron’s back, watching the way Aaron’s muscles bunched under his palm as he urged him to lean forward. He slid his knuckles between that dark crease where Aaron’s fingers had disappeared and eased them from his hole. A groan rumbled from Aaron’s chest and a shudder racked his body when he pushed two slick fingers in Aaron’s ass. He’d caught on quickly that Aaron craved the burn and the stretch of penetration. Tight muscles seized his fingers, gripping them, drawing them in.

  “More,” Aaron hissed as he sucked in a breath and widened his stance.

  “So fucking tight.” Kreed twisted his fingers, pumping them in and out, stretching Aaron before deliberately, curling his digits and pressing on that spongy gland he knew would send Aaron into a frenzy.

  “Fuck… Fuck!” Aaron bucked against Kreed’s hand, humping on the fingers in his ass. “Don’t make me wait, Sin.”

  Widening his stance, Kreed splayed his hand across the small of Aaron’s back then slid it up and pressed down on the top of Aaron’s shoulder blade, digging his fingertips into the top of his church boy’s shoulder. Aaron spread his legs wider and tilted his ass up. Electricity shot through Kreed’s body and sparked in his balls at the sight of Aaron open for him. He took his dick in hand and pressed it to Aaron’s opening, pushing past the outer tight ring of muscle, completely seating himself in Aaron in a long, slow thrust.

  He stopped his movement the moment his groin met Aaron’s ass, allowing him time to adjust. The fine hairs on the back of Aaron’s thighs rubbed against the front of his. Aaron’s hot passage immediately clamped down on him, the tight heat driving him insane with the need to claim what was his. But he remained still.

  “Move. Fuck me, Sin.” Aaron’s weight pressed back against him, and he slid in a fraction of an inch more…and swore the angels sang.

  “Yeah. Just need to hear you say it, sweetheart.” With those words, he gripped Aaron’s hips and pulled almost all the way out then thrust fully back in, holding his cock deep in his lover’s ass before pulling out and pressing in again. He dug his fingers into Aaron’s skin, firming his hold, increasing the speed of his hips.

  “Harder, baby,” Aaron growled, his knuckles turning white from the grip he had on the tree trunk.

  “Jesus Christ, you feel so fucking good.” He canted his hips, changing his angle as he kept plunging in and out of Aaron’s searing heat.

  “Need you deeper. Make me come.” Aaron lifted his leg and placed his foot on a large lava rock, allowing him better access.

  Kreed took full advantage of the position and slammed wildly into his church boy’s body. “Fuck! I can’t last.”

  He palmed Aaron’s cock and stroked the rigid length in time to his thrusts. Aaron’s ass tightened and clenched around him. So fucking good!

  “Oh shit! Oh shit! Yess…right there, Sin.” Aaron cried out as he came, his ass fluttering, sucking Kreed in, squeezing and milking his orgasm from him as his lover’s release warmed his fingers and hand. Kreed slammed into Aaron one last time, pulling his lover back on his cock at the same time he thrust forward.

  “So fucking deep in you, Aaron.” Heat ignited in his spine and burned up the base of his skull before detonating in his balls with such force Kreed saw fireworks. Kreed’s jaw clenched, his thighs stiffened, and knees wobbled as he emptied his load deep in Aaron’s contracting ass. He kept thrusting through his release, his legs threatening to collapse under him.

  The pounding in his ears quieted. The birds and sounds of the ocean grew louder as he calmed from his orgasm and his body recovered. He gripped the end of the condom and withdrew from Aaron, who immediately turned and embraced him.

  “This is paradise.” Aaron squirmed against him as Kreed tied off the condom. The guy was insatiable.

  “Having you here to share it with makes it paradise.” Kreed dipped his head, kissing Aaron.

  “You always say the sweetest things, Deputy,” Aaron said and smiled up at him.

  “I hate to spoil the mood, but if we want to enjoy paradise, we need to get cleaned up and head to the store before it gets too late.” Kreed kissed the tip of Aaron’s nose then took a step back, holding out his hand for Aaron.

  “Can I have a blow job in the shower?” Aaron asked, taking his hand.

  “Whatever you want, church boy.” He chuckled as they turned toward the house.

  Chapter 28

  With his mind filled with coding possibilities, Aaron came out of the bedroom he’d designated as a small office, digging his thumb and forefinger into his tired eyes. A yawn slipped out as he went in search of Kreed. He checked the kitchen then turned toward the living room. The curtains were wide open, and he was surprised to find it was actually dark outside. Time had gotten away from him again, and it was later than he’d originally thought.

  The frown he wore turned to a grin as he got closer to the sliding glass door. Kreed clearly had no problem being left to his own devices. After they’d come home from the grocery store and a small clothing store, Aaron had forced himself to the back room to work. Only about an hour into catching up did he really see how far he’d let things go. He hadn’t stood a chance, though. Both the church and Kreed Sinacola had turned out to be monumental concentration zappers and the sheer volume of his uncompleted workload was a little overwhelming. That was hours ago, and true to his word, Kreed hadn’t bothered him one time since he’d closed himself up inside the bedroom.

  Based on what he saw as he stood at the back door, he knew why he hadn’t been interrupted this evening. Kreed was sitting outside, close to the edge o
f the water in a low reclining beach chair facing a dark churning ocean. The moon was bright and lit up the ocean just enough that he could see the white of the wave break rolling along the top of the surf.

  A blazing fire wasn’t more than a few feet away in the fire pit he’d spotted earlier. Kreed had positioned himself close enough between the wood pile and the fire to easily reach over and pitch a fresh log on when needed. That made Aaron smile.

  There were so many things about Kreed that made him smile.

  Kreed had anchored a large beer cooler in the sand between himself and an empty chair. He supposed that was there for him, and his heart leapt as it connected with that thought. He’d really like to always be the one Kreed wanted to join him.

  Aaron slid open the glass door and stepped out onto the deck. The wind blew softly, fragrant with the smell of salt, tropical flowers, and campfire. Aaron sank barefoot into the cool sand. A row of lit tiki torches had been strategically placed in the sand and lined his path down to the chairs. Kreed had to have filled and lit each one of those, which must have taken some time. Aaron paused to take in the sweet gesture.

  All the little things the guy did made Aaron feel cared for and wanted. They happened all the time with Kreed. From remembering his deep dislike of having cheese on his burger and returning his lunch today without a second thought, to stopping at the FedEx store without being asked in order to gather his computer equipment—something that Kreed clearly didn’t understand, but that didn’t matter. He did those things without being asked, just for him. And Kreed held his hand.

  How long had it been since anyone had held his hand?

  After allowing himself a minute of reflection, Aaron pushed those thoughts aside in a desperate attempt to keep perspective, reminding himself the man he was sharing his bed with was a well-trained, special teams deputy US marshal. Those type men didn’t knowingly hang with criminals. They arrested them.

  No matter what happened between him and Kreed, no matter where all this emotion stemmed from or how genuine this felt, there was no way they could continue past this vacation. He couldn’t risk it. And what would crush him more would be the disappointment in Kreed’s eyes if he ever found out the truth.

  Mitch’s case was closed. The adrenaline had already started to ebb and life was slowly settling back to normal. The key reasons he kept people at a distance were back in play. He’d made those decisions a long time ago. Too many people depended on him. Aaron closed his eyes at the pressure building in his heart. Guy’s like Kreed didn’t just stumble into your life every day. They were a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

  The irony of a deputy marshal being the first person in his life to stir all these feelings hadn’t gone unnoticed. Life was a cruel bitch. Pain gripped his heart at the thought of having to say goodbye to Kreed and never being able to see him again. Aaron reached up and held his chest. No matter how badly he hurt, he would do what must be done when the time came. But right now he could focus on the here and now and enjoy his time with Kreed. Build memories to last a lifetime. Aaron took a deep breath and headed to Kreed.

  “It’s paradise,” Kreed called out, looking over his shoulder as Aaron got closer. It was a little chilly out tonight, but the closer he got to the fire, or perhaps Kreed, the warmer he became.

  “Sure beats Midlothian, Texas,” Aaron quipped, trying to be cheeky. Kreed had the music up as he walked toward the beach. “Call Me” by Shinedown was playing on the radio. Just fucking perfect. The sadness started to settle back in his chest as the verse played loudly in the background. How could he ever give Kreed up? How was he going to just walk away and go back to his life and pretend Kreed hadn’t changed him? He took a deep breath and forced those thoughts from his head. It wasn’t the time to worry about saying goodbye.

  With a soft brush of his hand, Aaron’s fingers slid across Kreed’s shoulder as he passed by. The need to just touch him, connect with him in some small way, was overwhelming. Those fast reflexes had Kreed grabbing his fingers before he sat.

  “Did you get done?” Kreed asked, drawing Aaron’s hand to his lips, kissing his knuckles before turning and kissing his palm. It was a sweet move that effectively zapped the melancholy messing with his head. He had right now and needed to live in this moment, worry about life later.

  “Nah, not really, but it’s hard to concentrate when all this is waiting for me.” Aaron gestured toward the ocean before leaning in for a soft kiss and dropping down in the recliner next to Kreed. Kreed reached inside the cooler, pulled out an ice cold beer, and handed it to him.

  “I got us a bottle of whisky along with beer. Shots with beer chasers. That’s always a good time waiting to happen. Colt texted me the name of a club he said we need to hit,” Kreed said, tossing his empty beer bottle in a bucket and grabbing a new one, along with the whisky and shot glass. He twisted the top and flipped the cap in the trash bucket. He sat the beer between his legs and poured a shot. Kreed downed it then poured another shot. “Here. Your turn,” Kreed said as he handed over the small glass.

  Aaron took the glass. “If I wasn’t already a sure thing, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk so you could get in my pants,” he said and gave Kreed a wink as he tossed back the shot. The amber liquid burned as it slid down his throat. He quickly grabbed his beer and tipped it back, letting it chase the burn down to his stomach.

  Kreed lifted his brow. “Drunk sex could be fun.”

  “Yeah, it could.” Any kind of sex with Kreed was fun. Why did he have to like this guy so damn much? Aaron took another sip of his beer and dug his toes into the cool sand, trying to force the tension from his body.

  “The weather’s nice here, isn’t it?” Aaron picked at the label on his beer.

  “Yeah. Are we gettin’ weird again?” Kreed asked. He was so good at picking up moods. Aaron needed to always remember that about Kreed. He could tune in to the most subtle emotions with no words spoken. He was just too intuitive. Kreed reached across the armrest and took his hand, threading his fingers through Aaron’s. “I don’t want us to get weird.”

  “We don’t have a lot in common, Kreed,” Aaron finally replied, trying to find something easy to say to help validate what Kreed might be picking up on. He certainly couldn’t say what he was really thinking at the moment—that he was falling hard and it was killing him that he had to fight it tooth and nail because he wasn’t who Kreed thought.

  Just the thought made Aaron squeeze Kreed’s hand a little tighter. Man, he fucking wished things were different and he could stay with this guy.

  “We have to build our common,” Kreed said, giving him a sideways glance, taking a long drink.

  “You know, that sounds like someone who’s been in a relationship before.” Aaron tried to change the subject, surprised at the jealousy that one sentence evoked.

  Kreed gave a sharp grunt kind of laugh. Okay, that laugh spiked his jealousy to a whole new level. Maybe the deputy marshal had been in a relationship before. He turned fully toward Kreed and watched as the man took another drink. How had this never been fully discussed? Possessiveness slithered up his spine and coiled around his heart. All this time, he’d worried about hiding himself from Kreed, when he had no idea what was really going on with the guy.

  When Kreed didn’t respond, Aaron pushed. “Tell me.”

  Kreed’s face twisted in thought before he lifted his beer for another drink, then said, “I wouldn’t call it a relationship. Even if I would, he didn’t. It was one-sided—brief. I was in the navy. Of course I wasn’t out yet, because back then you didn’t come out, and he was on a different team. It was the first time I had emotions with sex, so I figured that meant a relationship—you know, all that was in my head; I never said it out loud. He definitely never said it. Then he got deployed and didn’t come back for me. That’s it, end of story.”

  “How long ago was this?” Aaron asked after absorbing all the information.

  “Are you trying to make me feel old?” Kreed released Aaron’s
hand to pour them another round of shots.

  “Definitely not, but you’ve been out of the military for like ten years, right?” Kreed had tried to gloss over the details, but this was too important—at least to Aaron, who had again made a huge error in his line of thinking as he realized he’d assumed because these emotions were new to him that they’d be new to Kreed. How had he allowed himself to be so self-absorbed that he’d never asked these questions?

  “Yeah, I left when I was about your age. How old are you?” Kreed asked. He must really want out of this conversation; he was trying hard to move the dialog to another topic.

  “You know how old I am. Quit changing the subject.” Frustrated with the lack of response, he figured he’d just start asking very direct questions. “So he meant something to you? Did he hurt you?”

  “I don’t know. I guess at the time it hurt,” Kreed said, shrugging it off.

  “Enough for you to remember him,” Aaron pointed out, and Kreed tipped his beer bottle in Aaron’s direction in a toasting gesture.

  “You’re smart, kid. Why’re we still talking about this?” Kreed teased and poured two more shots of whisky.

  “I’m not a kid, remember?” Aaron downed his shot and stared at Kreed. Jealousy didn’t suit Aaron at all, but he couldn’t help it. He was jealous about a man he didn’t even know and who was no longer in Kreed’s life…and over someone he couldn’t even have, which was incredibly stupid.

  Kreed watched him for several long seconds. Everything went quiet between them. The radio played in the background and the sound of the waves hitting the shoreline just a few feet away harmonized with the occasional crackling of the fire, making that moment feel surreal. Aaron wouldn’t give, and Kreed finally spoke, a grin growing with each word. “I know you’re not. You’re anything but. Stop getting all defensive.” Kreed opened the top on another beer and handed it to him.


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