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Harmless (Pier 70 Book 4)

Page 10

by Nicole Edwards

  Seg knew he wasn’t going to get much more out of Roan tonight. At least in the way of conversation.

  “Want to go for a swim?” Seg offered.

  “A little cold for that, no?” Roan was watching him closely.

  “It’s heated. Up to you.”

  Roan moved to the sliding glass doors in the breakfast nook, peering out. Seg tried to keep a safe distance between them. He didn’t want to spook Roan, didn’t want the man to decide he needed to go. He’d picked up hints of nervousness on Roan’s part. Not just tonight but on the phone when they’d talked the other night as well. Seg didn’t want to send him running.

  Rather than wait for Roan to say something, Seg moved over to him, then flipped the lock on the door and opened it. “Come on.”

  The lights on the patio were off, but the ones in the pool were on, darkening the water with a deeper blue hue. Without waiting for Roan, Seg kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt, slipped out of his socks before pushing his jeans and boxer briefs down. He walked right over to the water and waded in, turning to see Roan watching him.

  “It’s warm, I promise.”

  “Yeah,” Roan mumbled. “I think the water temperature’s the least of my worries right now.”

  Seg let the warm water settle around him while he watched the fantasy play out right in front of him. Roan stripping down on the patio. It was as though he was gauging every move he made as he made it. Several minutes later, he was joining Seg in the water.

  “Since you work at a marina, are you on the water a lot?” Seg asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

  “On it, not in it,” Roan said, moving his arms beneath the water.

  “You have an issue with water?”

  Roan shook his head, his attention on Seg. He liked that about Roan. The man always seemed to be watching him, as though he wasn’t quite sure how he’d gotten here.

  “You own a boat?”

  “The marina does.”

  Okay, so this wasn’t going far. Roan inched closer, his hair slicked back, eyes dark. “I don’t wanna talk anymore, Seg.”

  Well, there you go.

  Taking that as his cue, Seg moved closer. He stood to his full height, looking down at Roan momentarily before pulling him into his arms.

  “We don’t have condoms,” Roan said, his eyes heavy-lidded as he breathed against Seg’s mouth.

  “Not having sex,” Seg said. “Not yet.”

  Right now, he just wanted to kiss this man, to touch him, to hold him. What it was about Roan Gregory that made him want things he’d never wanted before, Seg wasn’t sure. But there was something.

  Seg pulled them out to deeper water so that he could stand and still be submerged. Roan moved with him, their lips brushing, hands roaming.

  “Kiss me, Roan,” Seg insisted.

  Roan didn’t hesitate, leaning in closer, his chest sliding against Seg’s. While Roan’s tongue tangled with his, Seg put his arms around Roan, pulling him even closer. Sensations he’d remembered from that one night so long ago plowed into him. He hadn’t been with anyone since that night—man or woman—and this … this was the reason why.

  “Too long,” Seg whispered against Roan’s mouth. “It’s been too long.

  Roan pulled back, staring at him. Their eyes locked, and Seg was captivated for a moment, completely caught off guard by the feelings that warred inside him. He was scared shitless that he would say something he shouldn’t. Something incredibly ridiculous like I love you. No way did he love this man, yet what he was feeling was so foreign to him. Being in Roan’s arms again … it was like coming home.

  But his thoughts scattered when Roan wrapped his hand around Seg’s cock, stroking him slowly, their dicks sliding together.

  “Oh, fuck.” Seg let his head fall back against the edge of the pool. “Don’t stop doing that.”

  Roan’s mouth was on his jaw, his neck. He was kissing and licking while he fisted their cocks together, driving Seg damn near out of his mind. When Roan’s lips wandered to his ear, Seg’s heart beat twice as hard. He remembered the way Roan took charge, the way he demanded things from Seg that he’d never thought he could give.

  “I want to feel you in my mouth,” Roan whispered. “Right now.”

  Seg opened his eyes to meet Roan’s gaze. He was serious.

  “Get out of the pool, Seg,” Roan instructed, his tone ringing with amusement.

  Okay, yes. Getting out of the pool would make that particular task much easier. Safer too. Sure.

  Turning, Seg planted his hands on the outside edge and shoved himself up and out of the pool. He dropped to his ass, turning so that he was facing Roan, who was still in the water. Roan came to stand between his legs, staring up at him while he once again wrapped his fingers around Seg’s dick.

  The air was brisk, but his body was heating itself, thanks to the man standing before him. When Roan’s mouth descended, the air temperature no longer fazed him. The only thing he could focus on was the glorious sensation of Roan’s raspy tongue along his shaft.

  This was too damn good to be true. Seg sat there, stunned as he watched Roan lick him like a fucking ice cream cone. His tongue trailed up his length, then back down. He didn’t rush, simply savored him, making Seg sweat even with the chill in the air.

  “I’m not gonna make you come yet,” Roan said.

  Seg nodded, not sure what he was supposed to say to that. Roan’s mouth felt so fucking perfect as he took him to the root.

  “Son of a bitch,” he rumbled. “Fuck, Roan… That feels good.”

  “I know,” Roan said with a smirk. “And it’s gonna feel a hell of a lot better.”

  Yeah. Seg wasn’t sure how that was possible, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to argue.

  ROAN KNEW SEG WAS TRYING to take this slow. Of course, if he had his way, he would spend the rest of the night driving the man absolutely out of his fucking mind. For one, Seg was hotter than hell when his eyes glistened with heat like they were right now. The man was hanging on the razor-sharp edge, obliterated by pleasure, and it was empowering to know that Roan was the one pushing him closer and closer.

  He continued to work Seg’s dick with his hand and mouth, never rushing. He was enjoying the fuck out of this and he knew Seg was, too. It wasn’t until Seg wrapped his hand over Roan’s, forcing him to stop stroking him, that he knew the man was close to his limit. Not wanting to finish him off yet, Roan released his cock, then tugged on his hand, urging him back into the water.

  With a splash, Seg joined him, then jerked him closer, fusing their lips together. Once again, Seg was in complete control. Roan didn’t mind that as much as he’d thought he would. Ever since their one-nighter, Roan had known that he was powerless when it came to this demanding hockey player. Never in his life had he allowed another man to have that much control over him. At the time, he’d figured it was a one-and-done type deal, he might as well experiment.

  Turned out, he’d thought about that night more than any other sexual encounter he’d ever had. Part of him wanted to see if Seg still had that power over him now or if it had just been that one time.

  “Let’s move this to my bedroom,” Seg suggested. “So many things I want to do to you. Can’t do them here.”

  While Seg spoke, he was moving them toward the stairs, and Roan let him lead. He wanted whatever he could get from Seg. At least for tonight. Tomorrow was a different story. He’d promised himself that tonight was a one-time thing. Like last time. It would have to be enough to tide him over for a while. A long while.

  Roan had too much going on in his life to invite Seg into it. No way would this be a permanent thing, and he wasn’t about to bring a man into his life who wouldn’t be there for Liam in the long run. But this … one night of incredible sex with a man he couldn’t stop thinking about … this would be enough.

  It would have to be.

  Once they were out of the pool, Roan allowed Seg to lead him into the house and to the bedroom. He was shiv
ering by the time they made it, but Seg fixed that by flipping on the shower and pulling him beneath the heat of the spray.

  Seg never stopped kissing him and Roan never let him stop. He wanted this. Wanted all of this.

  He could’ve remained steadfast if it wasn’t for Seg fisting his cock roughly, stroking him until he damn near saw stars. At that point, he pulled back, trying to draw air into his lungs. When he did, Seg spun him around so that he was facing the shower wall.

  “Need to be inside you,” Seg growled against his ear as he tore open the condom he’d snatched on their way to the bathroom.

  Roan picked up where Seg left off, stroking himself while Seg suited up, then grabbed a bottle of lube. He briefly wondered if it was the same lube that had been in here last time. Fourteen months ago. No, wait. Sixteen now.

  Sixteen months since he’d last had sex. A long fucking time to go without, that was for sure.

  “Slow,” Roan warned when Seg pressed the head of his dick against Roan’s asshole. “Been a while.”

  “Me, too,” Seg whispered against his ear. “Not since you.”

  Roan’s dick jerked as those words registered. Was Seg for real? Had he honestly not had sex since…? He wasn’t sure he believed it, but those words worked for him. Leaning closer to the wall, Roan spread his legs wider, allowing Seg to push in deep.

  “Oh, God, yes,” Roan hissed, his cheek pressed against the cool tile.

  “Feel good?” Seg’s voice sounded strained, as though he was trying to hold back.

  “Fuck yes. Deeper… Go deeper.”

  Seg pushed in deeper, pulled out slowly, in deep again. Heaven. This was fucking heaven.

  “Roan…” Seg groaned. “So tight. Fuck … not going to last…”

  “Fuck me,” Roan urged, pushing back against Seg. “Fuck me hard. Come in my ass.”

  Roan had to grip the tiled ledge as Seg began pounding his ass, slamming into him deep and hard. He didn’t even need to touch his dick; within seconds, the overwhelming sensations drove him right over the edge.

  “Coming…” Roan choked out.

  “Oh, fuck. Me, too,” Seg rasped. “God, me, too.”

  And just like last time, Seg made Roan see stars as he came. Hard.


  PERHAPS IT WAS DUE TO the stress he’d endured waiting for this moment. Or maybe it was because of everything else going on. Whatever it was, Seg could hardly keep his eyes open when he’d dragged Roan out of the shower, dried them both, then tumbled into bed.

  That was six hours ago.

  Now, as he lay there watching Roan sleep, he wanted to stay like this forever.

  Yes, he was an idiot. Yes, he was stupid. This wasn’t a relationship, and probably not the beginning of one either. But damn it, having Roan here… Seg hadn’t felt this at peace in a long time. Maybe not ever.

  He must’ve made some sort of noise, because Roan shifted, then his eyes slowly opened. He blinked once, then met Seg’s gaze.

  “Hey,” Seg said, smiling.

  Roan turned, looking as though he was trying to find the clock.

  “It’s only five,” he told him. “Still early.”

  “Shit.” Roan moved, but before he could get out of the bed, Seg pulled him back down.

  “Don’t go yet,” he said softly, pressing his lips to Roan’s shoulder, then moving closer. “Not yet.”

  “I need to,” Roan said, but he didn’t attempt to get up again.

  Seg kissed him, trying to inhale him, not ready to let him go. He had a feeling that once Roan was out of his bed, he would never be back.

  To his relief, Roan’s hands came around him, sliding up and down his back as they moved closer. Seg gave in to the kisses, let himself get lost in Roan for a little while. Before he knew what happened, he was on his back, Roan kneeling between his legs.

  “Remember last time?” Roan asked, his voice husky from sleep.

  Seg nodded. He didn’t know which part Roan was referring to, but since he remembered every single minute, every glorious detail, it wasn’t like he was lying.

  “Good,” Roan brushed his lips against Seg’s. “This time it’s my turn.”

  Lying there, Seg watched Roan grab a condom and lube. Within seconds he was sheathed with the latex, and that was when Seg realized which moment Roan was referring to.

  “Knees to your chest,” Roan ordered, his voice, as well as his eyes, full of heat.

  Hesitantly, Seg pulled his legs up, exposing himself to Roan.

  He sucked in air when Roan reached down, grazing Seg’s balls with his fingers. He moved lower, teasing his ass, then pushing one finger inside.

  “Oh, God,” Seg whispered. “That… Damn, that feels good.”

  “You missed this, huh?”

  Seg nodded, unable to tell Roan just how much.

  While he moaned and writhed, Roan fingered his ass. Slowly at first, then deeper, faster.

  “Need you…” Seg cried out. “Need you inside me. Now!”

  Roan shifted, aligned their bodies, and bless heaven and earth, he pushed in deep. As he’d done that first time, Roan went slow, filling Seg completely before retreating.

  “Open your eyes,” Roan insisted. “Look at me.”

  Seg forced his eyelids open. He hadn’t even realized he’d closed them. He peered into those golden eyes staring back at him. Oh, how he wished this were real. He wished that Roan wasn’t here for only sex, but… “Oh, God, yes.”

  Roan managed to brush his prostate, over and over.

  “Roan.” Seg meant that as a warning, but it sounded more like a plea. “Fuck.”

  “That’s what I’m doing,” Roan muttered, leaning down so their mouths were touching. “I’m fucking you. Just the way you want me to.”

  He had no fucking idea.

  “Tell me,” Roan urged. “Tell me how much you need to be fucked.”

  “Yes,” he ground out. “I need it.”

  “You need me to fuck you hard. To possess you.” Roan nipped his lower lip. “Tell me, Colton.”

  Oh, dear God. No one called him that. No one ever used his name. To hear it on Roan’s lips… It was almost too much.

  “Say it,” Roan demanded.

  “Yes. Goddammit, yes!” Seg tried to pull Roan closer, wanting to feel him deeper. “I want you to fuck me. Hard.”

  “Hold your legs. I’m gonna nail you to this mattress,” Roan growled.

  Oh, fuck. Seg reached up and pulled his legs closer to his chest, his breaths slamming into his lungs as roughly as Roan began pounding into him.

  “Fuck,” Roan hissed. “Oh, fuck, Colton. So damn tight. I’m … not gonna last… Fuck.”

  Seg didn’t want him to last. He wanted Roan to come.

  With a wild roar, Seg let go, his dick jerking, spurting on his chest while Roan watched. Seg saw the heat flare, heard his rough inhale seconds before he rammed into him once more, coming with a stream of curse words Seg had never expected to come out of his mouth.

  “I’M ON MY WAY,” ROAN told Cam’s voice mail. “Fuck.”

  He couldn’t believe he’d spent the entire night at Seg’s.

  No, he could believe it. Last night had been … fucking phenomenal. To the point Roan hadn’t wanted to leave.

  And now he felt like the world’s worst father.

  It didn’t matter that Cam hadn’t called him. That from the lack of messages, Roan could only assume Liam was completely fine and there was nothing for him to worry about. It didn’t matter that Liam was completely safe, and Roan trusted Cam and Gannon with his life. Roan still felt like shit because he had allowed a night of exquisite sex to make him forget all of his priorities.

  Worse … part of him wanted to go back to Seg’s. To crawl back into bed with him. To tell the man all of his secrets. Roan was tempted to tell Seg about Liam, to ask him if he’d ever wanted kids.

  Only he wouldn’t do that because he knew the answer. Seg would look at him as though he’d lost his mind. The guy was a
hockey player. He spent most of his time on the road. No way would he want to be tied down.

  Which meant it was in Roan’s best interest to let last night be the end of it. That was what he’d promised himself when he’d gone over there.

  “Yeah,” he said to his eyes in the rearview mirror. “How’d that work out for you last year?”


  Roan was so screwed.

  He was thinking long term with a guy who would never come out of the closet because it would hurt his career. No, Seg had never told him that exactly, and he probably wouldn’t, but Roan could tell. And Roan lived his life out and proud. The way he wanted to live it. No way was he going to even entertain the notion of being with someone who would hide him away.


  No fucking way.

  So why had he shown up on Seg’s doorstep last night? That was the question of the hour.

  Seriously. Roan hadn’t had sex in more than a year. It wasn’t like he wasn’t going to survive without it.

  Except sometimes—ever since he’d seen Seg at the arena—he felt like he might not.

  And last night, Seg had given him what he needed, and Roan had returned the favor. Roan knew he was the first and only to top Seg. He’d known it the first time around. And if what Seg said was true and he hadn’t had sex since then, it was still true.

  “Damn it,” he growled at his dick, which was coming to life.

  Roan needed to stop thinking about him.

  Last night was fantastic. It was also in the past, where it needed to stay. Roan had to get to Cam’s, pick up Liam, and do what he’d promised his sister he would do. Take care of Liam. That was the only thing he should be focused on. Definitely not some closeted hockey player who would be happy to throw him a bone from time to time but would never be able to provide anything more than that.

  No, Roan definitely didn’t see Seg hooking up with a single dad. No way. That would probably scare the guy to death.

  “Okay, good,” Roan mumbled to himself. “Next time Seg calls, I won’t answer. That’s the easiest thing to do. I’ll put him out of my mind. If I don’t hear his voice, it’ll be easy.”


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