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Play Thing: A Billionaire Romance

Page 29

by Kira Blakely

I pause. Really? He’s thinking about sex at a time like this?

  “But it’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not,” I say. “Your company has been dragged into some very nasty business. And it’s all Edgar’s fault.”

  “I know.”

  I blink. “You know?”

  “Ever since we came to Africa, I’ve been hearing things. I’ve actually been investigating on my own.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me? Why did you…?”

  “I realized things were getting dangerous. That’s why I said I shouldn’t have brought you. That’s why I wanted you to go back home.”

  So, there is an explanation, after all.

  You’re such a fool, Sam.

  “Did you also find out my brother’s alive?”

  “He is?” Nathan’s eyes grow wide.

  So, he doesn’t know.

  “I still don’t know what his reasons are for pretending to be dead or why he’s working with Edgar—”

  “He’s working with Edgar?”

  I nod. “But I know there are reasons. I want to find out. I want to talk to him.”

  “I’ll leave him to you,” Nathan assures me. “As for Edgar, I’ll deal—”

  Suddenly, Nathan stops. I do the same, turning my head as I hear a jeep approaching.

  The same jeep that brought me here.

  It still has the same passengers — Jack, Edgar and the tattooed guy. And it stops right in front of us as Edgar steps out.

  “Did someone mention my name?”

  I frown. How on earth does he know what Nathan and I were talking about?


  “Don’t tell me you put a tracking device on me as well.”

  “A sophisticated one, I might add,” Edgar says. “The same one we programmed for that wildlife conservation society. I had Dave here put it under your collar earlier while you were unconscious.”

  Dave. So that’s his name.

  “Unconscious?” Nathan asks, his jaw clenching.

  “Didn’t your girlfriend tell you Dave here knocked her out?”

  Nathan’s fists clench as well. “You’ll pay for hurting her. And for dragging our company name through the mud.”

  “If you live, that is,” Edgar says. “Don’t you want to know why I put a tracking device on her? It’s because I knew you’d come for her. And it’s you I want to get rid of, really.”

  He gives a whistle, and Dave charges at Nathan like a gorilla.


  Nathan dodges just in time and fights back, throwing a fist at Dave’s jaw. Dave evades it and punches back but Nathan bends, swiping at Dave’s stomach and landing a solid hit.

  Right. I forgot Nathan was in the Army.

  Still, I’m worried about him as Dave is larger and seemingly stronger.

  What if Nathan loses? What if he dies?

  Trust me.

  I’ve failed to trust Nathan twice before. I’m not going to make the same mistake.

  I know he can handle Dave. I know he can. And surely, there must be something I can do, too.

  Seeing the gun on Edgar’s belt, I pounce on him. I manage to get the gun and throw it away, but he grabs my shoulders after, pinning me to the ground.

  “Why, you little…”

  I kick him in the groin and run toward the gun. Just when I almost have it, he catches up to me, pinning me to the ground once more and placing his hands around my neck.


  “Sam!” Nathan calls out, but he must still be busy fighting off Dave because he doesn’t come to my rescue.

  And I’m badly in need of rescue as my throat is getting crushed, my lungs becoming slowly deprived of oxygen. I claw at the ground at my sides and try to reach for something I can use as a weapon. I try to pry his fingers off me. But it’s no use.

  Help… me…

  Just then, I hear the gun being cocked. Jack has it.

  “Let her go,” he orders.

  Edgar obeys, getting off me. “Now, now, you’re not going to shoot me after all we’ve been through, are you?”

  Jack doesn’t lower the gun. “I’m not going to do as you say anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” Edgar steps toward him. “I never asked you to do anything. You’re the one who said you wanted to work with me, remember?”

  I don’t believe it. Yet, the look on his face tells me it’s true.


  “I’m sorry, Sam. I—”

  He doesn’t finish as Edgar takes advantage of his moment of weakness to try and get the gun from him. They fall to the ground, wrestling, while all I can do is watch and wonder who has the gun.

  Then I hear it go off.


  Jack rolls off Edgar, clutching his belly.


  I run to his side as Nathan runs toward Edgar to get the gun from him while he is still in shock. From the corner of my eye, I see Dave unconscious.

  Nathan’s safe. I’m safe.

  But it doesn’t matter. Jack is dying.

  “Jack.” I take his hand and press it to my cheek. “Please, don’t leave me. You’ve already left me once. Please…”

  “Sam,” he whispers softly. “Listen to me. I’m… sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you.”

  I shake my head. Pain? What pain?

  The only pain I know is the one I’m feeling in my chest now.


  “You must be… wondering why I did it. It’s because of… love.”


  “And hate. Gwen was killed by a rhino. I… was angry. I… loved her so much. I killed the rhino who killed her. Edgar… saw me. He threatened… to turn me in to the authorities if I didn’t work with him… so I did.”

  “Oh, Jack.”

  “I’m sorry. Please… forgive me.”

  “I forgive you,” I tell him quickly.

  “Bury me… beside Gwen, will you? Near our hut. It’s where… I belong.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t leave me, Jack.”

  “Like you said, I’m already dead.”

  “No. I didn’t mean…”

  “Shh. Don’t… cry.” He looks into my eyes, each word a gasp, a struggle as he clings to life. “You know… I never… want… to see you… cry.”

  A tear trickles down his cheek, then his eyes become blank, his hand growing limp in mine.


  I cry harder than I ever have before.

  Chapter 18

  Away from the Herd

  It’s been two weeks since Jack died — the worst two weeks of my life.

  After giving him a proper burial beside Gwen and handing over Edgar and Dave to the African authorities, Nathan and I came home.

  We haven’t spent much time together, though.

  I’ve been in mourning. He’s been busy with work and teaching his new VP all the ropes.

  Then a few days ago, I decided to get away. You know, sometimes you just have to detach yourself from the rest of the world, to escape all the hustle and bustle and be by yourself.

  You have to spend some time away from the herd.

  So here I am in the mountains, camping all by myself. After surviving Africa, I’m no longer afraid.

  And today, I’m going hiking to the top of the tallest peak. It’s a perfect day for it, too, with the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze blowing.

  As I emerge from my tent, I’m already dressed for the climb — hooded jacket and stretchy pants. I put my shoes on and pick up my backpack then grab my climbing stick. All set.

  I quickly learn it isn’t easy. I’ve never done it before in spite of loving animals and the outdoors so much. I never thought I’d do it alone, either.

  Many times, I stop to catch my breath, sit down and rest my feet or take a few gulps of water. I almost trip a few times, too.

  But somehow, I manage. After a few hours, I reach the top.

  What they say is right. The view from the top is unlike any other.

nbsp; It’s spectacular.

  Standing there on top of the mountain, looking down at hills, woodlands and meadows, I feel in control of my life.

  I feel like I’ve come so far.

  Now, all that’s left is to decide where I’m going.

  What do I want to do with my life?

  Henry’s job offer still stands. Do I take it? Do I work for the Seeker?

  After Africa, I’ve come to realize two things.

  One, I really like taking pictures of wild animals. In spite of what happened to my brother, in spite of all the mess and the danger, I still love animals. I’d still like to capture them on camera.

  Two, I love Nathan.

  He’s probably the only thing I love more than I love animals or photography.

  I want to be with him. I want to be by his side, to hear his laughter, to see his smile, to feel his arms around me and his lips on mine, to support his dreams and ambitions.

  But what about my dream?

  True, I’ve dreamed of marrying, too, of finding a man to spend the rest of my life with. In a way, Nathan is my dream come true.

  But he’s not only my dream. Must I sacrifice one dream for another?

  Must I choose?

  And if so, what do I choose?

  “Don’t jump.”

  I turn my head, surprised at the voice. I must have been so deep in thought that I didn’t hear anyone approaching.


  “I said don’t jump.” The man comes closer.

  He looks like he’s in his early thirties. Probably Nathan’s age. Athletic build. Blond hair. Blue eyes.

  “What makes you think I’m going to jump?” I ask him.

  “Because you look like you’re carrying the weight on the world on your shoulders.”

  I do? “Well, I guess I do have a lot of my mind.”

  “Don’t we all?” He gives me a perfect smile before offering his hand. “I’m Grant, by the way.”

  “Sam,” I say during the handshake. “It’s my first time climbing a mountain.”

  “Really?” He takes off his jacket. “I would have pegged you for a woman who loves being on top.”

  I blush at the remark.

  “Of the world, I mean.”

  Yeah, right.

  He takes a few gulps from his water bottle then splashes some of it on his hair, the drops of water trickling down the sides of his face, some making their way down his sweat-drenched shirt.


  I decide it’s time to leave. “I better go.”

  “Whoa. You only just got here, right?” He wipes his face and hair with a towel. “You should enjoy the view.”

  For some reason, my eyes are drawn to his chiseled abdomen. I quickly look away, sitting down on a rock.

  Calm down, Sam. You already have one smoking hot guy, remember?

  “What model is your camera?” he asks.

  “Nikon D810,” I answer, grateful for the new topic.

  “You like taking pictures?”

  “I guess.”

  “Do you want me to take a picture of you? Though I’m sure your picture won’t look anywhere as good as you.”

  I look at him. “Um, Grant, I appreciate you being sweet and all but…” I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m taken.”

  “Oh.” He frowns but just for a moment. “Is that why you wanted to jump?”

  “I was not going to jump,” I repeat. “I was just thinking.”

  “About your boyfriend?”

  “About life.” I gaze at the horizon. “I was just wondering about what to do with my life.”

  “It’s simple,” he says. “Do what you want to do.”

  “It’s not that simple,” I tell him. “I want to do two things at the same time.”

  “Can’t you?”

  Good question. Can’t I?

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask him out of the blue. “Just a question. Not that I’m interested. Not that you’re not interesting. Just—”

  “No,” he cuts me off. “The answer is no.”

  “Well, if you had a choice between the woman you love and the job you dream of, which would you choose?”

  “Do I have to choose?”

  “Don’t you?”

  To my surprise, Grant shakes his head. “I don’t think so. If the person you love really loves you back, he or she will want you to be happy, right? And you can only be happy if you’re doing something you love.”

  “Are you sure? Shouldn’t the person you love be able to make you happy?”

  “In the first place, it shouldn’t be up to any other person to make you happy. That’s your responsibility. Do what you love. Make yourself happy. And the person you love will be happy for you and love you more.”

  I look at him. “So, you’re saying I should ask the person I love to set me free but love me just the same?”

  “Don’t,” he tells me. “Just fly free. Birds don’t ask permission to soar, do they? And don’t you feel happy just watching them fly? No one takes delight in seeing a bird in a cage. Not really.”

  A bird in a cage. Right. Why haven’t I thought of that?

  “Love should free a person and help him or her to fly, not put him or her in a cage.”

  I nod. “You know what? You’re right. I understand now. I think I know now what I should do.”

  He smiles. “I’m glad I helped.”

  Who knew I would meet a new friend up here on a mountain, the most unlikely of places? And who knew that I would hear just what I needed to?

  Indeed, I know now what I’m supposed to do.

  I’ve made my decision.

  And after the party to celebrate the launch of Landers Innovations’ newest software on Friday, I’ll tell Nathan.


  “So, how does it feel to be attending a party as a guest and not as someone assigned to cover it?” Mattie asks.

  Frankly, I forgot she was going to be here.

  “Good,” I answer. “Wait. You’re not going to write that down, are you?”

  “No.” She gives a wave of her hand. “I just wanted to know how you felt.”

  “Well, it feels good.”

  “I should say so.” She gives my arm a nudge. “I still can’t believe you’re going out with Nathan Landers. And that you didn’t tell me.”

  “Sorry,” I tell her half-heartedly. “It wasn’t official until recently.”

  “Ah, so it’s official now, is it?”

  I shouldn’t have said that. “But—”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t put that on paper. Consider it my send-off gift.” She gives me a wink before waltzing off. “Enjoy the party.”

  Enjoy? I’m not sure I can.

  As I glance at Nathan, who’s on the balcony upstairs right now talking to some corporate executives, I can’t help but feel nervous. As our eyes meet, I force a smile.

  Relax, Sam. Everything will be all right.

  “It is Sam, isn’t it?” a woman asks from behind me.

  I turn my head, surprised to see Casey Rockford. “It’s Samantha, actually, but yes, I suppose you can call me Sam.”

  In spite of what happened, I’m not really mad at her. It wasn’t her who tried to grab my camera, after all.

  “Casey.” She reaches out her hand. “I guess I want to say I’m sorry I acted the way I did before. It wasn’t nice of me.”

  I shake my head as I shake her hand. “Don’t mention it.”

  “And I want to congratulate you,” she adds.

  “On what?”

  “I’ve seen the way Nathan looks at you. It’s the way I used to dream he’d look at me. I guess we’re not really meant to be. But the two of you seem to be.”


  I never thought I’d see the day when I’d hear Casey Rockford say those words. Actually, I never thought she’d talk to me.

  “You’re not so bad,” I tell her.

  “You think?”

  “I’m sure you’ll get your
own man someday.”

  I don’t know why I just said that. Maybe I actually like her?

  “Thanks. I was actually thinking of traveling. You know, go to places where I’m not so well known.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Oh, and by the way, Denise isn’t my friend anymore. I figured out she’s only after my money.”

  “I’m glad you did. Next time, be more careful in choosing your friends.”

  She nods as she looks at me. “I think I’ve learned. In fact, I think I’ve made a good choice this time.”

  I smile.

  “Can I join you ladies?” Nathan asks as he approaches.

  “Actually, I was about to leave,” Casey says, leaving.

  She’s probably still uncomfortable being around Nathan.

  “Strange,” Nathan says. “She used to be chasing after me. Now, she’s running away from me. I wonder why.”

  “Maybe she just grew up.”

  “The two of you seemed to be getting along well.”

  “I don’t see why we shouldn’t,” I tell him. “Past is past. And she’s not so bad.”

  “By the way, I have someone I want you to meet.” He taps the shoulder of the man behind him. “Sam, this is…”

  “Grant?” I ask.

  I can’t believe it’s him. He’s wearing a suit now, but I still recognize him.

  “Wait. You and Grant know each other?” Nathan and I ask at the same time.

  Grant chuckles. “Yes, Sam and I met each other a few days ago while she was camping.”

  “You better not have laid a finger on her,” Nathan warns.

  “Of course not.” Grant turns to me. “And Nathan here went to college with me.”

  I blink. “Really?”

  “After college, he joined the Army. I went to study in London. I’ve been going back and forth, though. Now, I’m back for good.”

  “I see. Small world.”

  “Small world, indeed,” Nathan agrees. “I actually asked Grant to be my VP, you know, but he’s decided to start his own company.”

  “That’s great news.”

  “I’ve decided to support him. Oh, and I was thinking I’d lend Abby to him.”

  “Lend Abby?” I frown. “She’s a person, Nathan. Not something you own.”

  “What I meant was that I’d let her be Grant’s assistant while he’s starting his company. Not that I don’t want her working for me anymore. On the contrary, it’s because she’s so efficient that I’ve decided to let her help him.”


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