Klingon Hearts 05 Transitions - Changing of the Guard

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Klingon Hearts 05 Transitions - Changing of the Guard Page 3

by Tracy Sobieski

  "Right, B'Elanna?"

  "Huh...oh, sorry. My mind was wandering."

  "I was telling Harry that Captain Riker was a fair man, and a good Captain. Much different than Captain Janeway, but not difficult to serve under."

  "No, not difficult at all. Not at all what I expected, mind you, but I enjoy being under his command. Tom's right, he's fair and open minded. I don't think you'll have any problems with him. He requested you himself. He expects a lot, but never more than you're capable of."


  Will Riker sat at the desk in his quarters. Deanna was putting Lucas to bed. Dr. Selar decided to keep Thomas overnight in Sick-bay, giving their family an unfinished feeling. He didn't like it. With a sigh he leaned forward and activated the computer interface in front of him. There was something he wanted to know.

  "Computer, display Personnel Records for Lt. Commander Thomas Eugene Paris."

  The screen filled with the younger man's service record. What he wanted to know wasn't being displayed.

  "Display Educational Records for Commander Paris."

  Again, what he wanted was glaringly absent.

  "Computer, what is Commander Paris' medic rating?"

  --Commander Paris is rated as a Class Four Medic.--

  Class Four? That couldn't be right.

  "Did Commander Paris receive medical training while he was stationed aboard the U.S.S. Voyager?"


  Finally, they were getting somewhere.

  "Display all medical training and experience Commander Paris received aboard Voyager."

  --Unable to comply. That information is restricted.--

  "Restricted? By whom?"

  --Thomas Eugene Paris.--

  "Override restriction, authorization: Riker-alpha-four-seven."

  --Authorization recognized. Accessing information.--

  The screen filled with numerous medical procedures, tests and training.

  Will didn't know enough about medicine to make heads or tails of it, but it certainly didn't look like simple medic courses.

  "Computer, is this training and experience typical of a Class Four Medic?"


  Is it just him or was the computer being particularly obnoxious today? It's never a good thing when something you work with on a daily basis sounds that much like your mother-in-law.

  "What level of training has Commander Paris completed?"

  --Commander Paris is a fully trained Doctor of Internal Medicine, with a secondary degree in Pediatric Medicine.--

  "Why does that surprise me?" he wondered. He should have been expecting it. The more he learned about the man, the more he discovered just how little he really knew.

  Leaning back in his chair, he became aware of a presence behind him. His wife's hand came to rest on his shoulder.

  "You're right. There's more to him than meets the eye," Will rubbed a hand across his face as he spoke. God, he was tired.

  "You forget how well I know the crew of Voyager. I spent months with them during their debriefing. One of the constants I came across was the crew's unfailing confidence in the man. They were nearly as devoted to him as they were Kathryn Janeway. Did you know that he almost single-handedly retook the ship when a race called the Kazon seized Voyager? The entire crew had been left for dead on a desolate planet. Tom Paris, the EMH and a man named Lon Suder took back the ship by themselves. The only person who died was Mr. Suder. That was just one of the times Tom literally saved the entire crew, at great risk to himself. I even hear he is a better pilot than you," she teased him with a smile.

  "I'll believe that when I see it," he snorted.

  One hand traveled down his chest and the other played with his ear as she leaned over to whisper:

  "Lucas is asleep."

  "Hmmm, did you, perhaps, have something in mind?"

  "Maybe...if you're interested."

  Will turned slightly and pulled her onto his lap. Considering he they hadn't made love since before Thomas was born, he was -more- than interested.

  "I think I could be persuaded."

  His lips found the sensitive spot on the back of her neck. He felt her shiver of pleasure as if it was his own.


  Their minds came together with incredible intensity, igniting the flicker of desire into a blazing inferno.

  Will stood up and Deanna wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her effortlessly into their bedroom as his mouth found hers. Her lips softened and parted under the insistent pressure of his. He separated from her just long enough to remove their uniforms.

  Drawing her to him again, he took a step back. His leg encountered the bed. He lifted her off the floor and brought her down with him, rolling them over to bring her beneath him.

  Will buried his face in her shoulder for a moment trying to gain some semblance of control. The feel of her, soft and yielding under him was almost more than he could take. It had been far too long.

  He drove a hand through her hair and brought her lips up to meet his. His other hand traveled over her milk-swollen breast. She cried out against his mouth at the touch. She was so sensitive there, it was almost more pain than pleasure. Then his mouth closed over the nipple. A shudder of delight ran through her as he suckled her, tasting her. At the same time his hand found her center and he began lightly caressing her.

  His body slid lower and he used his mouth to help her along. She arched against him at the relentlessly tender assault. He slowly coaxed her toward a gentle climax. It came to her like the break of dawn. The light slowing easing the darkness away, building in intensity, until the sun breaks the horizon and blinds you with it's light.

  Will rose up and kissed the tears from her face. She was shaking beneath him.

  Entering her cautiously, he was careful not to hurt her. When the stroke was fully done, he stilled, allowing her time to adjust to his presence. Even with all the wonders of modern medicine, she still had just given birth recently and she had not had an easy time of it.

  "Am I hurting you?" he asked in a whisper.

  "No," she breathed in response and moved against him. "Please, Will, don't stop."

  He chuckled, softly. Will Riker couldn't have stopped if his life depended on it.

  Moving with slow, steady strokes he brought them both to the edge. He felt her mind open to his. Thought and sensation linked with emotion. What was happening with their bodies became almost secondary to the marriage of their thoughts. When they fell over, it was as one. Nothing separated them anymore.


  The Klingon Ambassador surveyed the room. Starfleet dress uniforms and formal wear adorned the guests. He hated these functions. He had attended more than his fair share of them in the last three years. Tugging impatiently at the jacket of his Dress Whites he was about to go looking for the Chancellor when a heavy hand came down on his shoulder.

  "Ambassador Worf!" The deep voice behind him boomed.

  Worf turned around to face his old friend, Will Riker. A smile replaced the frown that had been there moments before.

  "Captain Riker. It is good to see you again." His gazed dropped to the Captain companion. "You as well, Deanna."

  "Hello, Worf. It's been too long," she replied with a grin.

  "Yes, it has," all but growling as he brought her hand to his lips for a kiss, knowing it would annoy the hell out of her husband.

  "Worf! There you are," Chancellor Martok approached the small group.

  "Captain Riker, Councilor Troi. You are looking well," he greeted the couple.

  "Thank you Chancellor. How are you enjoying the life of politics?" Will Riker replied.

  "I am aging rapidly. I am not suited to the life of a politician," Martok grumbled.

  Deanna laughed and said, "You seem to be handling it just fine. I hear you negotiated a peace treaty between the Brunia and the Zularians, last week."

  "Bah! Peace Treaty. I told them if they didn't stop bickering I would declare war on both
their worlds and take them as providence's of the Klingon Empire."

  "They were more -receptive- to negotiating peace after that," Worf deadpanned.

  Worf's gaze wandered as his companions laughed. A small woman in a red dress caught his attention. He didn't know her. She was Klingon, but not full Klingon. Klingon/Human perhaps? She moved with such grace, he was entranced. When she laughed out loud at something the tall blond man next to her said, he could hear the strength in her voice.

  "Captain Riker. Who is the Klingon woman over there?" he asked his friend.

  "That's my new Chief Engineer, B'Elanna Torres...." Worf walked away before Will could finish. "Wait!" Will called out but Worf ignored him.

  "Let him go, Captain. This should be interesting," Martok's voice was full of mirth.

  "But she's married. That man next to her is her husband," Deanna broke in.

  "Yes, I know who they are. Commander Torres is my niece." There was a devilish gleam in the Chancellors eyes. The three of them watched the tall Klingon as he headed to the other couple.

  Worf approached the petite woman. The blond man's hand rested lightly on the small of her back.

  "You dare to dishonor the Lady by touching her, human?!" Worf all but spat at Tom Paris.

  Tom turned wide eyed to his wife, "Friend of yours?"

  B'Elanna returned the look with a similarly perplexed one of her own.

  "Well, human?" Worf taunted with naked aggression, striking Tom's hand away from B'Elanna.

  Tom moved with a quickness that took the other man by surprise. The speed of his attack was the only advantage Tom had over the tall Klingon, and he knew it. He used it. The other man had underestimated him, it would only happen once. With a lithe turn he delivered a blow to the face of the aggressor, taking him off guard for just a moment. It was long enough for Tom to hook his leg behind the Klingon's, causing him to lose his balance. Another hit to the shoulder and the other man was down. Worf lay flat on his back, in the middle of the banquet room, with all eyes on him as Tom's boot rested on his neck.

  "petaQ!" Tom cursed, pressing with his foot to emphasize his displeasure. "You will apologize to my be'nal for insulting her."

  The Klingon appraised the human standing over him. Their eyes locked in prelude to battle. He saw strength and honor in the depths of those eyes. He also saw pain and suffering. The human knew the trials of battle. This was a strong man. Worf had paid the price for not knowing his prey.

  With a nod of his head, Worf conceded to the other man. There was only a slight moment of hesitation before the boot was lifted and he rose. He straightened his jacket with a tug and faced B'Elanna.

  "My apologies, Lady. I did not realize you were mated." Turning back to Tom, he continued, "You have the heart of a Klingon, human. She has chosen well."

  There was a tense second of silence, then Tom smiled and stuck out his hand.

  "Tom Paris. It's nice to meet you, Ambassador Worf." Worf took the offered hand and shook it while Tom spoke. "May I introduce my wife, B'Elanna Torres."

  "Well, Worf. It's nice to see you can still uphold the honor of the House of Martok." The Klingon Chancellor was laughing as he approached with Captain Riker and Councilor Troi.

  "Uncle Martok!" B'Elanna cried out as she was engulfed in the older Klingon's embrace.

  "Uncle Martok?" Worf asked, realizing just how much his adoptive father set him up. He was rewarded with another round of laughter at his expense.


  Captain Riker stood outside the Paris' quarters. It was late, but this needed to be done. Reaching forward he keyed the door.

  Tom Paris was naked as the day he was born when the chime sounded. So was his wife, whom he had pressed up against the wall. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and he was buried to the hilt inside her.

  Tearing his mouth from hers with a frustrated groan, he drew in a deep breath.

  It was a conspiracy. First the baby, then K'Leena had a nightmare and now someone was at the door. Tom was beginning to wonder which god he offended recently, because some higher power was definitely depriving him of a sex life.

  "Don't even think about it, flyboy," B'Elanna growled, grinding herself down to show him just how serious she was. Tom's fingers dug into her thighs as he moved hard against her in response. If it was Harry he was going to kill him, friend or not.

  "Computer, who's at the door?" he whispered, fiercely.

  --Captain Riker.--

  "Damn!" B'Elanna cursed as she unlocked her ankles and Tom lowered her to the floor. The chime sounded again.

  "Hold on, I'm coming," Tom called out as he quickly pulled on the closest thing he could find. A T-shirt and workout pants. B'Elanna crawled into the bed as Tom left the room. The closed the door behind him, and he went to let the Captain in. Whom, to Tom's surprise, was still in his Dress Uniform. The reception must have lasted longer than expected.

  "Sorry to make you wait, Captain. Come in."

  "Don't apologize, Commander. It's late, I should have called first. I'm the one who is sorry," Will Riker apologized as he entered the room.

  "I take it there is something important you wanted to talk to me about. Something that couldn't wait until morning?"

  "Yes, can we sit down?" The Captain indicated to the sofa. Tom followed his lead and sat on the sofa while the Captain took the chair facing him. Will leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees, looking decidedly unsure of his next words.

  "Captain?" Tom prodded, it was three in the morning and he would really like to get back to what he was doing before the Captain interrupted.

  "I was just remembering the first time I met Jean Luc Picard. He ordered me to do a -manual- docking of the saucer on the old Enterprise D, a Galaxy Class. I was never so intimidated in my life. I completed the docking, an impressive thing. It barely rated a nod from the man. From that moment on I knew I was expected, at all times, to deliver my very best. And I always did. His high regard for me as an officer made it easier to live up to those expectations." Riker looked at Tom, a wry grin played at the corners of his mouth. "I'm afraid, Commander, that I have not paid you the same respect. I held your past against you from the moment you stepped on my ship. I overlooked the man you had become, because I was too busy convincing myself the Tom Paris of Caldik Prime could never change. No matter how many people told me he had."

  "You wouldn't be the first, Captain, and I'm sure you won't be the last," Tom said with little emotion, he didn't know what to make of this.

  "You're probably right about that, unfortunately. I do, however, owe you an apology. I am sorry if I have made life on board the Enterprise difficult for you. I can't say it was never my intent, but I can say I regret it," the Captain spoke quietly, remorse etched deeply on his face.

  "I understand, Captain. Thank you for being so honest," Tom said, a little shaken at the other man's confession.

  "I have a question for you, and I would like an honest answer. Although, I doubt you would give me anything but. Which is why I want to ask it in the first place."

  Tom just smiled and cocked his head, letting the Captain know he could go on.

  "I've received word from Starfleet Command that Commander Rigel will be unable to join us for another two months...."

  "And you want someone else to fill in as Acting First Officer. I understand Captain, I'm not offended."

  "Well I am, if you really think that is what I was going to say," Will was indignant. "I was going to ask you to accept a permanent posting as the Enterprise's First Officer, I think you're up to the job. What do you think?"

  There have been very few times in the life of Tom Paris when he was rendered speechless. The day B'Elanna told him she loved him. The day he found out he was going to be a father for the first time. The day Captain Janeway got Voyager home. This day would be added to that short list.

  He got up and dragged a hand through his hair as he crossed the room. Turning back to face the Captain, he leaned forward and placed his h
ands on the back of a dining chair, gripping the fabric tightly as he took it all in.

  "You're sure about this?" Tom asked, still in shock.

  "Tom," the Captain used his name for the first time. "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't. Even when I didn't want to admit it, I could see you were doing the job as well as I ever did. The crew has taken to you also."


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