Klingon Hearts 05 Transitions - Changing of the Guard

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Klingon Hearts 05 Transitions - Changing of the Guard Page 4

by Tracy Sobieski

  "What about Starfleet Command, won't they have something to say about this? I doubt they want me as First Officer on their Flag Ship."

  "I've already spoken to Admiral Nechayev. She has approved the promotion and sends her congratulations. The only thing left is for you to accept the post."

  There was a long silence before he answered. He had never aspired to this, but he had to admit, he enjoyed serving as First Officer the last six weeks. Something that still took him by surprise.

  "Then I accept, Captain." Tom briefly wondered if he had lost his mind.

  Will got up and held his hand out, Tom took it.

  "I have something else I need to say." Will paused to gather himself, "I want to thank you for saving my son's life, Commander. Don't try to deny it. I've done a little research, -Doctor- Paris. I know full well why my son still breathes. Deanna and I will be forever in your debt," Will Riker said hoarsely, emotion almost choking him.

  "You're welcome, Captain," Tom replied quietly.

  "Well, I should be going. My wife will be wondering what the hell I'm doing out this late, and I think I've interrupted enough of your evening," the Captain smirked as he looked at Tom. Heading to the door, Will had almost left when he suddenly turned back with an evil grin.

  "I'm sorry, Tom. I have to ask...B'Elanna's Beach Tour?"

  Tom looked down in horror at the shirt he unwittingly pulled on in his earlier haste. The bright orange letters were faded from years of wear, but still completely readable, blazoned across his chest.

  "I'm a dead man," Tom croaked. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about his sex life anymore. B'Elanna was -never- going to allow him to touch her again.

  Will Riker roared with laughter at his First Officer's expression.


  "You heard?" Tom asked as he came back into their bedroom.

  B'Elanna was sitting up in the bed reading a PADD, waiting for him. She looked up and met his troubled gaze with one of tender compassion.

  "Yeah...how do you feel about this?"

  "I don't know. I never expected this. I think I'm still in shock."

  "You've been a good XO these last several weeks. He had to see it. The crew respects you."

  "-Command-, B'Elanna, what the hell am I doing accepting a Command posting? I'm just a pilot."

  "You've never been just a pilot," she said softly. "You tried to be just a pilot, you may have wanted to be just a pilot, but you've never been able to stay just a pilot for very long."

  "This is what we wanted, right? Starfleet careers. Starship life. God...Dad is going to love this. I can't believe he actually got his way," Tom chuckled as he crawled into bed.

  "Well, it certainly wasn't for lack of trying on your part," she teased him.

  Tom reached over and pulled her to him until she lay sprawled across his chest. His fingers entwined in her hair as he brought her mouth to his. She was breathless when they separated.

  "Now...where were we?" Tom asked huskily and rolled them over so she was trapped beneath him.

  "Right about...here," she whispered back and a groan came from deep within him.

  They weren't interrupted again that night.


  Tom stood in front of the mirror, staring at the three solid pips in his hand. Full Commander. Four years ago, he was an Ensign. This had to be some kind of Starfleet record for the fastest rise in the ranks. His lips twitched with a grin. He couldn't wait to see Harry this morning.

  B'Elanna took the pips and began fastening them to his collar, one by one. With comfortable familiarity, his arms slid around her waist and pulled her against him.

  "You know...I'm not sure I like the fact that you out rank me," she teased.

  "Really? Why's that?"

  "It could go to your head and you might start thinking you can order me around, even when we're not working."

  Tom chuckled, "Don't worry, love. I'm under -no- illusions as to who's in charge around here."

  Just then, Robert let out a wail as K'Leena came bounding into the room, scaring him. Immediate chaos ensued.

  "It certainly isn't either one of us," Tom told his wife as he picked up the screaming baby.


  "So, they're getting along better now?" Deanna asked the nursery worker. She and B'Elanna were concerned that their children had been caught fighting.

  "Oh, yes," the ensign chuckled. "Lucas promised not to call her 'K'Leena the Klingon'...and she promised not to hit him."

  B'Elanna attention was on the two children. Lucas handed K'Leena a crayon. She watched as he did it again a few moments later. This time the pink crayon was handed to her, she took it and continued to color. B'Elanna crouched down next to the little boy to look him in the eye.

  "Lucas, why did you give K'Leena the crayon?"

  "She ask's for it," Lucas told her.

  "I didn't hear her say anything."

  "Not wit' words," he said like he was explaining something to a child. "In my head."

  Deanna, who was listening now, got down to their level and spoke.

  "You hear K'Leena in your head?"

  "Uh huh."

  "K'Leena, do you ever hear Lucas in your head?" Deanna asked.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  The two mothers exchanged looks and stood up. They took several step away from the table to speak.

  "Is this common with Betaziod children?" B'Elanna asked.

  "Not with non telepaths. Lucas is only one quarter Betazoid, he shouldn't be able to do this at all. Especially with K'Leena, Klingon's and human's are not telepathic."

  "Tom and I are," B'Elanna told her. "It's called qa'nalq. Empathicly linked mates. We've been able to do it for several years now."

  "Really? I've never heard of that. It's just between the two of you?"

  "Yes, we can't do it with anyone else."

  "Will is telepathic with me as well, but that is between bonded mates, not like this," Deanna gestured to the children.

  "What do you think it means?"

  "That life around here is going to get -very- interesting."


  "First Officer's Log--stardate 56875.3. The gel-pack conversion is taking longer than expected. Commander Torres is encountering unexpected complications when the new and old gel-packs have to work together. She is working on the problem, but we may need to divert to the nearest star base if it continues. We are losing systems in an unpredictable manner, making the ship more vulnerable than I like. The Captain has filed a formal complaint with Starfleet Command, telling them it is bad policy to do this while deployed. Both Commander Torres and I have filed formal complaints as well on the subject. We are en route to the Brunia system to ratify the peace treaty. I am hopeful the change over is complete by the end of this mission. Since we won't have to worry as much about inoperative systems on a diplomatic mission, I am also hoping it will take some of the pressure off of the Ships Systems and Engineering crews. End First Officer's log."

  Tom turned off the monitor and leaned back in his chair. He was definitely going to have to write Chakotay a letter, apologizing for all the hard times he gave him when they were on Voyager. Being XO on a starship was a job that you never got away from. Everything came through your office first. It was worth it though. He did enjoy his position on the Enterprise. It was nice not to have to fight for respect anymore.

  Four hours later, Tom wondered if he had been mistaken. How could so much go wrong in such a short amount of time?

  The reception before the treaty signing was held on the Enterprise. It was a simple affair, even the children were invited because the Brunia delegates had brought their families.

  On the surface, everything appeared to be going as planned, but Tom couldn't shake the feeling things weren't all they seemed. He overheard some of the Zularians complain bitterly about the treaty concessions and B'Elanna noticed it as well.

  "This is bad, Tom. These people are -not- resigned to what's going on. I know, I've been there. The Z
ularians remind me of the Maquis," she told him quietly, her eyes darting about and her body tense.

  "I know, do me a favor, get K'Leena and Lucas back to the nursery. I'm going to talk to Councilor Troi," Tom replied.

  B'Elanna nodded and went off to gather the children while Tom walked over to the ship's councilor. Her black eyes were troubled when they met his.

  "Damn!" Tom swore under his breath at her expression. "I was right, something's up."

  Deanna nodded, "I can't tell you what, but I am sensing a lot of anger and hate here."

  "I have to tell the Captain...," Tom began.

  "He knows," Deanna said, meeting her husband's gaze across the room. Tom noted the Captain's alert stance.

  "Okay, I sent B'Elanna to get the children back to the nursery, I need you to keep doing what you're doing. Try and find out what's going on and I'll...."

  The explosion tore through the room, knocking everyone to the floor.

  "Nobody move," said Ria Lenz, the Zularian representative. "We have another explosive that will kill everyone in this room and I will use is if necessary."

  The Zularians began hauling the Brunia delegates and their families to their feet.

  "Her too," Lenz pointed at Troi. "And him," he motioned to Lucas. "It will make you think twice about using any force against us," he told Riker with an evil smile.

  "This isn't going to solve anything," Will rose to his feet slowly and spoke in a calm voice. "We can work this out better if you don't...."

  "Enough!" furious, Lenz cut him off. "You weren't concerned about 'working things out' when this all started. We won't stand for this. The Brunia have taken too much from us already. We won't willingly give them more just to stop the fighting. Now -we- have the advantage. You will listen to our demands."

  With a touch to his belt the Zularians and their hostages were gone.

  Tom got to his feet and glanced over to see B'Elanna sitting on the floor. K'Leena was screaming in her arms. She wasn't hurt, just terrified. He turned to Riker. The Captain was looking at his sobbing daughter with an inscrutable expression.

  "Commander, you can stay with her," Will told B'Elanna. "I want the rest of the Senior Staff in the briefing room in five minutes," he said to Tom just before he stalked out of Ten Forward.


  "I've spoken to the Zularian High Command," the Captain began. "It seems this little siege is not of their doing. They have given us free reign to deal with the terrorists, seeing as our people are being held as well."

  Riker nodded to Seven and she took over.

  "They've sent us all the tactical data they have regarding the installation where the hostages are being held. The facility is shielded so transporters are useless, but we should be able to beam down close enough to send a small team in."

  "I'll be taking Kim and Hansen, the three of us...."

  Tom interrupted Riker's order, "Captain, may I speak to you privately?"

  "In my Ready Room," Will replied, seeing the determination on Paris' face.

  "Captain, your place is on the bridge," Tom reminded Will, firmly, as soon as they were alone.

  "I know that, Commander, but they have my wife and son."

  "And I will get them. Let me do my job."

  "Not this time. I'm going."

  "No...you're not."

  "What?" Riker asked with deadly quiet.

  "This is it, Captain," Tom stated with conviction. "Either you respect my decisions or we can't work together. I won't allow you to beam down to the surface. As Executive Officer, my job is the safety of this crew and that includes you. I won't let you go. Not only is this no situation for the Captain to be in, but you're too close to it. You might jeopardize the safety of the away team and the hostages. I can't let that happen."

  "I'm still the Captain, here. You will follow my orders!" Riker demanded, angrily.

  "Starfleet regulations say this is -my- call. If I determine the situation is too dangerous, you stay," Paris' voice rose as well.

  "You can't keep me on this ship, Tom," the Captain threatened.

  "I can and I will," Tom told him, harshly. "Don't push me on this, Captain. The regs back my decision. You won't win."

  Will Riker looked at his First Officer, somewhat shocked at the command tone of his voice. Once again, Tom Paris had surprised him. He spent so many years in that position. It still was hard to accept it wasn't his anymore. Paris was right, he didn't belong on the surface, he would have never let Picard go, but....

  "This is -my- family we are talking about. I need to go. You can't imagine how difficult something like this is."

  "Yes, I can," Tom told him quietly. "I believe Kathryn's exact words were, 'as your friend, I can't let you go, as your Captain, I -won't- risk the safety of this crew on your personal vendetta'....As you First Officer, I -can't- let you do this, Will. It all comes down to trust. Do you trust me? Or was everything you said the other night meaningless?"

  Paris was right, again. Either he trusted him or he didn't, there were no half measures here.

  Tom looked at his Captain, intently, waiting for an answer.

  "Go," was all he said.

  Tom left the Ready Room and gestured to Harry and Seven to follow him.


  "Cap'n Riker?" The small voice beckoned from behind him. Will stood up and turned around to see the little Paris girl standing there. How she got to the bridge unnoticed was a mystery. He walked over to the child and crouched down in front of her.

  "How did you get out of the nursery?"

  "I left," she replied simply.

  Not a comforting thought, obviously the nursery needed better security. How the hell had things become so lax on his ship? The first thing he was going to do when this mess was over, was overhaul the entire security protocol. Kidnappings, children running loose, who knew what else was going on. Riker was going to get some answers.

  "What are you doing here? The bridge is no place for children," he spoke gently to soften the admonishment.

  "Lucas is a'scared," her lip trembled as she spoke. Lucas wasn't the only one scared.

  "I know, honey. Your Daddy is going to get him, okay?"

  "Daddy an' U'cle Harry?" K'Leena felt better, Daddy could do anything.

  Will nodded his head, "And your Aunt Ani."

  "A't Ani's a Borg. She'll make 'em sorry," K'Leena said with a tiny growl.

  "I bet she will." Will had to chuckle. Quite the fierce little Klingon. Tom and B'Elanna must have their hands full with her. "Come on, you need to get back to the nursery. Can I walk with you?"

  Will stood up and held out his hand, she nodded and took it.


  Tom scanned the horizon with his eyes. Eight guards and a motion sensor. Seven silently signaled she had four more guards and Harry had two. There was no way the three of them could take all of them. He motioned for them to fall back and regroup.

  "What do you want to do?" Harry asked.

  "We should get reinforcements, we have more than enough officers and firepower to overtake this facility," Seven said.

  "I don't want a massacre down here," Tom hissed.

  The crew of the Enterprise was trigger happy. It was the Captain's son and wife that the Zularians took along with the Brunia delegates. Tom didn't want to risk blood shed. Even though the crew had accepted him, he wasn't their Captain and he didn't have the history with them that Will and Deanna did. They were devoted to Riker, and Troi for that matter. He didn't know if he could keep things under control with emotions running so high. Damn, what was he going to do? After a few moments a slow smile spread across the Commander's face. Of course, he should have thought of this before.


  The Klingon Ambassador walked boldly toward the heavily guarded installation, flanked by a dozen armed warriors, Commander Paris and two other Starfleet officers.

  "Who is in charge here?" he demanded angrily.

  "Commandant Zephild," a guard told him.

p; "Get him out here, now."

  "I'm sorry, but he is too busy...."

  "Do you know who I am?" the Ambassador approached the guard with a menacing expression.

  "Y...yes, sir, Mister Ambassador."

  "Then why am I still talking to you?!" Worf roared. "You have five minutes to get the Commandant out here before I order my ships to start firing. I have half a dozen warships in orbit with more on the way. You were warned, that if the fighting continued, we would declare this a providence of the Empire."


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