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Klingon Hearts 05 Transitions - Changing of the Guard

Page 5

by Tracy Sobieski

  "Yes, sir," the guard hurried into the building.

  "Do you have any idea how much trouble we are going to be in if this doesn't work?" Worf growled under his breath to Tom.

  "Today might be a good day to die, Ambassador," Tom whispered back with a grin and Worf burst out laughing.

  "It just might be, Commander, it just might be."

  Harry just stood there wondering how Tom could find this so funny. They were violating half a dozen Starfleet regulations. Looking over to his wife he was surprised to see a small smile playing at her mouth. The woman had the most bizarre sense of humor. She raised her eyebrow when she caught him watching her, as if she knew what he was thinking. Harry just shook his head, they were all insane.


  "Captain, I am picking up six Klingon Birds of Prey decloaking in orbit of the planet," the tactical officer said.

  Will looked up in surprise. "Hail them," he commanded.

  "This is Captain William Riker, of the Federation Starship Enterprise, please state your intentions. We have a hostage situation down on the planet."

  "They're responding."

  "On screen."

  "We are aware of your status, Enterprise. Ambassador Worf is on the surface at the request of Commander Paris to help resolve the situation. Kryton, out."

  Worf was here? What the hell was Tom up to?


  "What do you mean, the Klingons are here?!" the Commandant practically squeaked.

  "Ambassador Worf is at the gate, sir. He has a dozen guards with him -and- three Starfleet officers. He is demanding to see you. Immediately."

  Deanna sat on the floor of the large room with the hostages, Lucas was curled up on her lap. She watched the exchange between their captor and his officer with a smile. Something had scared him. She caught the words 'Klingon' and 'warships' and she knew, Worf was here. She thought she felt his presence, but it was hard to be sure, they were never as close as her and Will. She could feel her husband's desperation and fear with no problem. Even though he was not here on the planet, he wasn't far. She tried to reach him, but couldn't. Their telepathic link was tenuous at best, any type of distance weakened it. It was frustrating not being able to let him know they were all right.

  "It's okay, Mommy," Lucas spoke in a small voice. "I can still talk to 'Leena."

  Deanna looked down at her son in surprise.

  "You can talk to her, now? In your head?" she asked him.

  "Uh huh, I told her I's a'scared. She told me her Daddy an' U'cle Harry an' Aunt Ani are coming. It's okay."

  Deanna smiled back at him, "Of course it is, baby."


  When you want something done, I guess it pays to call the Klingons, Harry thought to himself. In less than fifteen minutes the twelve hour standoff was resolved, the hostages freed and the cease fire reinstated. It was enough to make your head spin.

  Once the Commandant confirmed there were indeed six Klingon warships in orbit, he backed down. Of course, no one wanted to tell him that the ships were undermanned and barely armed relics. It just didn't seem necessary.


  The Captain was alone in the transporter room when they arrived. He was up on the platform, pulling his wife and son into his arms the instant they were on board. His eyes met Tom's over their heads.

  "You have the bridge, Commander," Will told him shakily.

  "Aye, sir," Tom smiled back and motioned for Harry and Seven to follow.

  "Daddy! You'r squishin' me!" Lucas squealed and his parents laughed.

  Deanna placed him on the floor and Will pulled her back into his arms fiercely. Her sudden hiss of pain startled him.

  "What's wrong?! Did they hurt you? They told me you weren't hurt!" he raged in anger.

  ", it's just that we've been down there for over twelve hours and...." her hands moved to her chest and Will chuckled in relief.

  "Well, I know someone who will be even happier to see you than I was. They had a hell of a time getting him to take a bottle."


  He was worried...she could sense it. Something was wrong, something he couldn't identify. B'Elanna checked the systems read outs, nothing out of the ordinary. Glancing up at the warp core she reached out with her mind, joining with his for a brief moment, letting him know she was aware also....

  Tom stood just behind and to the left of the conn. Eyes focused on the viewscreen. Something was out there, he could feel it. He could feel B'Elanna's apprehension as well. She had picked up on his concern. He answered her thoughts with his own.

  "Seven, do another full spectral sweep," he ordered.

  "Aye, Commander," she had learned, over the years, not to question orders that might seem unnecessary. Especially his.

  As he turned around to retake the command chair....

  "-Commander- is it now?"

  "Oh, hell!" he cursed and ran a hand through his hair. "Red Alert! All hands to battle stations! Captain to the bridge!"

  "What's the matter, Helmboy? Aren't you happy to see me?"

  It begins....




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