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Down & Dirty 3_A Shameless Southern Nights Novel

Page 9

by J. H. Croix

  Yet, Jeremy knew me better than I thought he did. Reaching up to smooth the frown line that must've appeared between my eyes, he looked into my eyes so deeply, it felt like he could see all the way down to my soul. "You're worried, but you don't have to be. I'm going to be there for you, if you want me there. I don't give a damn what Wesley thinks or feels about it.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  People rushed past us. Some had their phones glued to their ears or their faces buried in a file while others looked as lost and nervous as I was sure we did. The courthouse was a big, gray block of a building with arched windows that didn't let in much light.

  Marie gripped my hand, pale and worried. Before I could murmur any more words of encouragement, Savannah's heels clicked toward us on the old marble floors.

  Our attorney looked as confident and composed as ever, wearing a formfitting black suit with a white shirt underneath buttoned all the way to the top. Her brown hair was pulled back into a severe bun and she wore an expression that practically screamed “don’t mess with me”.

  "Marie,” she said, nodding to her before flicking her gaze to me with a brief nod. "Jeremy. Would you follow me please? There are some things I would like to review with you before the hearing."

  She turned on her heel and walked swiftly to a heavy door nearby, holding it open and motioning us inside. We entered a small conference room with a big wooden table and chairs in the middle, a single, small window and not much else.

  "Would you mind closing the door, Jeremy?" she asked and took a seat on one side of the table. Folding her hands in front of her, she looked to Marie. "How are you feeling today, Marie?"

  I pulled out a chair for Marie, gently guiding her to it since she seemed frozen in place. She opened her mouth once or twice to speak before finally finding her voice. "I'll be better once this is over."

  Savannah smiled sympathetically and reached across the table to give Marie’s hand a quick squeeze. "That's completely understandable. I thought we should have this quick meeting before we go inside so you know what to expect when we do. It won't make it easier, but I've found it's a little less jarring if you're prepared."

  "Thank you," Marie said, her back as straight as an arrow and her shoulders tense. In her seat beside me, her knee was bouncing restlessly. I reached over and put my hand on her thigh, the only real support I could give her right now.

  "As you know, this is a status hearing," Savannah began. Her voice was calm and sure, her gaze steady. "What that means is that the judge will hear preliminary statements from both sides. I plan on asking for sole custody of Austin to be awarded to you with no visitation rights for Wesley."

  "Okay." Marie's voice was shaky, but she nodded her understanding to the attorney. "How do you think it will go?"

  "A status hearing is just that. It provides an update to the judge on status of the case. We'll ask for what we want, but I don't expect that the judge will make a final ruling because we know Wesley will definitely oppose it."

  "Yes, he will," Marie confirmed, her shoulders dipping as she exhaled a heavy breath.

  Savannah pursed her lips and gave a swift nod. "And we're ready for when he does. Unfortunately, that's the best we can do for now. We can't stop him from opposing any more than we could stop him from filing this suit in the first place. The judge has already issued the order for you to remain here in Savannah for the duration of the case. I’ve submitted the modification request on that, but Wesley has already opposed it. My thoughts are we focus on the end goal. If you’re willing to stay put, let’s put our efforts elsewhere.”

  Marie chewed her bottom lip for a moment, her eyes canting to me and back to Savannah. “It’s not what I want, but if you think it’s better to deal with it, I will.”

  Savannah’s gaze flicked between us. “I think in the long run, it’s a small issue. I’d rather not create more battles than necessary. Also, it gives us a chance to look like the more reasonable party to the judge. That’s always a good thing. If you want me to…”

  Marie shook her head firmly. “You’re right. I get it. Wesley will fight everything, so let’s not waste time on that. I’ve already uprooted my life, so let’s just move on.”

  “Okay, then. We’ve got this,” Savannah said with a firm nod.

  "We’ve got this," I repeated, putting my arm around Marie's shoulders and hugging her to me. Savannah stood, gripped the handle of her wheeled briefcase and file boxes and led us down a passage and into a room labeled “Family Court”.

  The courtroom itself looked much as I’d expected. Wooden benches in the gallery, two tables for the attorneys and the judge’s bench at the front, an imposing wooden desk that took up the entire front of the courtroom. The room actually looked exactly like the one my father's trial had taken place in, albeit a smaller version. I briefly wondered whether all courts looked like that when I felt Marie tense by my side.

  We were first inside the court, but we weren't alone anymore. Wesley came sauntering in behind a man who had slicked back black hair and a smile like a shark. He suited Wesley to a tee.

  I flashed on a conversation that Marie and I had had earlier that morning while we were cleaning up in the kitchen. I’d given some consideration to what I thought was the best way for me to conduct myself once we got to court and Wesley was there.

  "I'm going to play nice with him," I told her, watching as she spun around with a dirty pan still in her hands, her eyes wide with disbelief.

  "Wesley? Why?" Confusion was etched on her face.

  "Because despite the fact that he's threatened me and you, I don't want to give him any ammunition in the case. We've seen and heard now how a lot of things that people do can inadvertently affect the outcome. I refuse to make it that easy for him. If I'm being honest, if I don't force myself to be nice, I'll probably end up punching him as soon as I see him. Not a great impression to make in court."

  "You think you'll be able to do that, play nice?"

  Walking over to her after putting Austin's fruits in his lunch box, I dropped a kiss on her forehead and hooked an arm around her waist. "For you? I'll be able to do it, even if you have to fit a shock collar on me and press the button when I come too close to him."

  I winked, stepping away from her and going back to the lunch box. Marie had shaken her head, but there was a ghost of a smile touching her lips as she finished the dishes.

  Sitting in the courtroom beside her now and seeing how the blood drained from her already pale face, how anxious she got as soon as Wesley stepped into the room, a part of me wished that I hadn’t been joking about that shock collar. But I had a part to play and that same anxiety and fear rolling off of Marie urged me to play it even better.

  I had zero intention of showing that asshole he could get the better of us. I would not allow him to hold power over us.

  I bumped her shoulder with mine and lifted her hand to brush a kiss to the back of it, murmuring. "You’ve got this."

  Before I changed my mind and went back to plan “Punch Him Out”, I stood up and walked over to the man with a forced and hopefully polite grin. "Wesley, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Jeremy Lovett."

  Anger burned in his dark eyes as they narrowed and pinned on mine. His attorney cleared his throat. Wesley rose stiffly from his bench and shook my offered hand. "Wesley Poole, Austin's father."

  There were so many snide remarks that jumped to the tip of my tongue at his introduction, but I bit them back, reminding myself that I was the one who had packed Austin's lunch that morning, who was picking him up from daycare with Marie later and who was actually in their lives. Wesley was nothing but a glorified sperm donor and stalker.

  Giving him a tight smile, I nodded. "Nice to meet you."

  His brow furrowed in confusion. I could tell he didn't know what to make of my attitude toward him, but he let it go when someone called out. "All rise!"

  I stepped back to stand beside Marie and gave her hand a reassuring squee
ze when the judge walked in.

  The hearing was brief, starting with formalities. Wesley's attorney made his statement first and tried to file for Austin to come live with him for the duration of the hearing. Marie trembled beside me, her eyes glassy as she listened to the man talk.

  Savannah cast a quick look over her shoulder when she stood to take her turn, presumably checking in on Marie before she started. I could've sworn I saw her give Marie a wink, but then she was facing forward again and lifting some papers she'd taken out of her briefcase.

  She delivered her statement swiftly and succinctly, countering each of the arguments made by her opponent with lethal grace. "In addition to the fact that my client has been the child's primary caregiver since birth and that the plaintiff has, of his own accord, had very little contact with him, Mr. Poole has a criminal history and a record of violence towards my client and their child. It certainly cannot be in the child's best interest for the current custody status to be disrupted and for temporary custody to be awarded to Mr. Poole. I’d like to submit the police records…”

  “Your honor, I object to Ms. Steele bringing up my client’s criminal history. It’s not relevant…” Wesley’s attorney interrupted Savannah, only to be cut off by the judge.

  “Objection overruled. Your client’s criminal history is quite relevant to the safety and well-being of a child for whom he’s requesting full custody. Please continue, Ms. Steele.” The judge spoke swiftly and firmly, nodding toward Savannah to continue.

  “As I was saying, I’m submitting the police records related to Mr. Poole’s history of violence, in addition to his recent arrest for a fight at a bar. These were provided to the other party well in advance of this hearing with our intent to submit for the court’s consideration.” Savannah paused, her gaze flicking to Wesley’s attorney as if to give him a moment to object again. He didn’t take her up on it. “Lastly, Your Honor, my client is willing to remain in Savannah for now, so we’re dropping our request to modify your earlier order.”

  Savannah sat down, her gaze controlled and composed. Her opponent's cheeks grew red, and it looked like he was about to pop a vein. He again stood to argue a few more points.

  The judge, a portly man with ruddy cheeks and slightly curly graying hair, banged his gavel and gave Wesley's attorney a withering glare. "I said sit down, Mr. Stone. I've made my decision and I'm ruling against your request for temporary custody to be awarded to your client. I must share with you that I have concerns about your client's criminal history and his record of violence. Under the circumstances, I'm not inclined, nor am I convinced, it would be appropriate to grant unsupervised visitation at this time either."

  Marie sagged in her seat, her relief so evident that I could feel it rolling off of her in waves. Savannah didn't come cheap, but it was all worth it for a result like this one.

  The hearing wrapped up, and after another quick meeting with Savannah, Marie and I left the courthouse. When we got to the small, gravel lot where we'd parked our cars, I noticed the same SUV with the same two men sitting in it that I'd seen leaving the bank the other day. Marie had to go to work so I said goodbye to her, keeping an eye on the men in the SUV. Yet gain, it didn't look like they were getting out.

  "I'll see you later?" she asked, pausing once she'd opened the door to her car.

  "Absolutely. This was a win for us, baby. We'll celebrate later. In the meantime, try not to start worrying about the next hearing already."

  Marie nodded, her eyes bright and the worry that had been lining her face the entire morning vanished. "I'll try my best. What does this celebration entail?"

  "I'll show you tonight." I reached out to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. "You're going to be late for work if you don't get going."

  "I'm already late, but I did tell them this shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. Guess I should go." She slid into her car, waving as she took off.

  I'd organized with my crews that I'd be working away from the office on the days I couldn't get back to Cypress Creek, so all I needed was my laptop and I was set. I was curious about the guys in the SUV, aware of their eyes on me with every move I made.

  Purposely waiting to see whether they would approach me, I decided not to drive off just yet and to go grab a take-out coffee from the place across the street. It was as bustling as the courthouse itself, filled with people who were clearly either on their way in or out of court.

  I waited in line for my caffeine fix and kept an eye on the sidewalk outside through the window. The two men left their SUV a couple of minutes after I went into the coffee shop and were waiting for me when I was leaving.

  "Hey there, boys. I was wondering when you were going to have the balls to approach me. Who are you and what do you want?" I kept my voice low enough that passersby wouldn't be able to hear anything and my tone cheery just in case, but there was no mistaking the dark undertone that went with it.

  "Your father owed us a lot of money, son. We suspect you have access to it. Instead of telling you who we are, let's jump to what we want instead. We want our money. Now." The guy didn't add or else but the threat was implied by his tone.

  "I want money too, man. Join the club." Deciding it was better to play at dumb, I shrugged. From the corner of my eye, I saw Wesley and his attorney cross the street, shaking hands and walking in different directions.

  Wesley walked toward the coffee shop, scowling. The two men facing me tracked my eyes to him. I didn’t know who these two buffoons were, but I wasn’t done confusing Wesley for the day. Besides, it might help the two idiots buy into my story that I didn’t know what they were talking about if I ignored them.

  Sticking to the plan of action in making nice with Wesley, I waved when he walked by and called out. "Hey, Wesley, I'll see you around."

  All I got was an annoyed and slightly confused glare in return. Glancing back to the men, I shrugged. “Can’t help you guys. Have a nice day.” At that, I spun away and walked toward my truck. Apprehension rolled through me, but I’d made my decision. I’d do whatever was necessary to help Marie. I’d have to deal with the consequences when they came, but I wasn’t about to let those guys know I might be worried.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Saturday morning the week after the custody status hearing, life was slowly starting to return to normal. At least, as normal as it could be with us still being forced to stay in Savannah and having the custody axe hanging over me. I was still worried about it, but having Jeremy's support helped me manage it.

  We were heading together to a park outside of Savannah today. Jeremy wanted to take Austin fishing again and scouted around for a place nearby. Getting ready for our outing, I dressed in shorts and sneakers with a fitted T-shirt.

  Next, I headed to Austin's room to make sure he had everything he would need. He was so excited about the fishing trip, he'd woken up extra early, wolfed down his breakfast, and then begged me to let him watch fishing on TV until Jeremy came.

  Having Jeremy around was still like a dream sometimes, but better because when I pinched myself and woke up, he was still there. Most nights, anyway. The rest of the time, I'd wake up alone but knew he would be with us again soon.

  I wished that he could spend every night with us, but Austin was starting to ask questions, and I didn't know how to answer them. Especially not in the midst of a custody fight.

  All of the worry and drama and stress of that situation set aside, my feelings for Jeremy were running deeper and taking hold of my heart. I’d thought I was in love with him before we'd left Cypress Creek, but now I knew I was. I was all in. Much as I hated what we were going through with Wesley, the emotional toll it took on me only strengthened my feelings for Jeremy. This was so much more than the intense desire I felt for him. He was there in every way, on every level. The threads of intimacy binding us together stitched tighter and tighter the more time we spent together.

  The depth of my feelings almost frightened me when I really allow
ed myself to think about them. Jeremy cared about me. I knew that much, but did he love me? He hadn't said it yet, but neither had I, so that didn't necessarily mean anything.

  The last few times we'd been together, it'd been right there. I was so tempted so many times to just tell him. But for some reason, I held back.

  As I sorted through what Austin had packed in his backpack, I wondered what Jeremy’s reaction would be if I did tell him. My thoughts were cut short when a rhythmic knock came on the door. Zipping the backpack shut, I stepped out to the living room.

  "Jeremy!" Austin yelled out, knowing it was him from the way he knocked. After hearing how freaked out I was in the past when a knock sounded at our door, he devised what we now referred to as his knock.

  Since he knew it was him, Austin opened the door and gave Jeremy a high-five. "You ready to catch some fish, little man?"

  "So ready," Austin exclaimed, eyes wide and excited. "So, so ready."

  I watched the exchange, unable to keep from smiling at how they were together. "Better get your backpack then,” Jeremy prompted.

  "I got it!" Austin shouted and ran to his room. I'd added a towel, dry clothes and a couple of other things to his backpack, but I doubted he would even notice as excited as he was.

  As soon as he ran from the room, Jeremy strode to me and pulled me into his arms, bringing his lips to mine. His tongue swept into my mouth before he drew back, catching my bottom lip lightly in his teeth. Tingles raced through me when he murmured against my lips. “Good morning.”

  When he kissed me, it was like nothing in the universe existed but us. Surely he loves me. When we broke apart, I had to bite my tongue again to keep from saying the words. Jeremy's gaze was intense on mine. "You look gorgeous, Sleep well?"


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