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The Horror Squad: The Mini Series 2 (Stories 8-14)

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by Weeks, TJ

  The Horror Squad: Mini Series

  Kris Weeks

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events

  portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The Horror Squad. Copyright © 2016 by TJ Weeks. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, email

  Weeks, TJ

  The Horror Squad/TJ Weeks. - 1st ed.

  Title ID: 6750281

  ISBN-13: 978- 1540663078 First Edition: November 2016


  I’d like to take the time to thank Karen Dziegiel for all of her hard work going through each of my books. My wife for all her editing and support. Chelley Jordan and Bobbi Payton for so awesomely helping with running my pages. I’d like to thank all of my military buddies for staying by my side with their support.

  Most of all, I’d like to thank all of my fans for pushing my work out there. If it wasn’t for you none of my books would have been put on the best sellers list on Amazon and I wouldn’t be up for as many awards as I get put in for.


  Bo Dinkins

  His dreads hung down his back, they were the greatest for head banging on stage and the girls loved them. He was broad shouldered and stood almost head and shoulders over everyone.

  Microphone in hand, he was ready to go.

  “Let’s scream this shit out mother fuckers!!” Bo hollered at his boys. The group made their way on stage and they all took their spots. Bo stepped a foot up on one of the gigantic speaker boxes as the band began to play. The curtain raised and Bo belted out a long deep scream of some bad ass, hard core metal music. The crowd went wild. A mosh pit started in the middle of the floor while he sang his newest hit.

  They had started out as a small town band, and made it to be well known throughout the state of Florida. Their music was well known over the internet throughout the world and they were starting to schedule tour dates around the United States.

  The lights were excruciatingly hot on Bo who was bouncing all over the stage singing his favorite hits. The band jammed hardcore throughout the show. They rocked their hearts out to entertain at every show they put on and loved every minute of it.

  The curtain closed after the short encore of a new song Bo had written the night before. Bo bent over and placed his hands on his knees; sweat dripped from his forehead and a

  puddle gathered on the stage floor.

  “Damn man, get the hell away from the equipment before you short that shit out with your sweat!” The drummer joked.

  Bo flung his hanging dreads back and rubbed the sweat from his forehead.

  “That was hardcore! It was fucking awesome!” Bo breathlessly but excitedly stated.

  The crew quickly began tearing down the equipment and removing it from the stage as the band exited off and out of the side door to begin signing autographs and taking

  pictures for the fans. It was important to all of them to keep their fans happy and did the same routine after every show.

  Bo always went out first and always screamed at the top of his lungs to the fans. They always

  hollered back from behind the barriers that lined a small aisle for them to walk down at every show. The rest of the band would follow. Bo would stop at absolutely every person from the first to the last and sign whatever they had and take a picture if they wanted to. Sometimes it took hours to

  actually make it to the bus at the end of the aisle, but it was worth the time for them to take to keep the fans content.

  Finally, the door closed behind them and they all fell onto the chairs, couches and beds that covered the huge bus that they traveled in. They were all exhausted.

  “Here ya go.” Their manager would hand out beers to all of the guys after they were done with the line of fans.

  Bo sat up and grabbed the Bud Light from her hand and took a huge swig.

  “Ahhhhh…This is my favorite part after a show.” Bo stated before another drink.

  He stood from the chair he had fallen into, walked to the back of the bus, changed his stage clothes, threw on a pair of shorts, made his way back out to the small table, and sat down. He barely fit behind the table, but sat down anyway to spread out his notebook to begin writing the

  information on this show, as he did every night. He kept track of the dates and times they were to play, even though that is what they had a

  manager for. Bo made sure that he always had the information within his grasp. He was going to be sure that no matter what, this group would make it worldwide and become one of the most successful metal bands in the world.

  The group finished up their beers as the bus started moving on to their next destination. Everyone walked past Bo to their usual sleeping arrangements as they patted Bo on the back and told him what a good job he did. Bo thanked them while trying to finish up his notes, scrolling the internet for any info on what the fans thought of the band, and trying to get back to any emails that came through while on stage.

  His eyes began to feel heavy so he closed his notebook and laptop, headed to the small back bedroom and fell into bed. He sprawled out and was soon sleeping like a baby.

  A bump woke him from his

  slumber and he peered out of the small side window to see that it was still dark. He grabbed his phone and realized it was only four fifteen AM. He threw his phone back on the table and rolled over, destined to go back to sleep. He hugged the extra pillow and pulled it in close. The fan blew across him as he listened to the spin of tires on the asphalt. He watched out of the square sunroof at the stars that stayed over him as they drove, turned over on his other side and tried to get comfortable. After a few tosses and turns, he finally sat up, grabbed a pen and paper, and began to write. He wrote for the next couple of hours until he felt the bus roll to a stop.

  The sun was just beginning to rise and cast a small amount of light outside. Bo ducked through the small doorway to his room and made his way to the front of the bus. He

  stepped outside to feel the air was quite a bit colder than he had expected for a morning in Florida and was shocked by the breeze. He shivered a bit while making his way into the store the bus stopped at to fill with gas. He found a counter filled with hot breakfast sandwiches and bought them out to take back with him, he also loaded up on chocolate milk and napkins for the mess he knew the group would make. He hurried back to the bus with three bags full.

  Everyone began to wake as the smell of bacon and sausage began to fill the bus. Bo was already sitting at the too small table for him chowing down.

  “Anything for us?” One of the guys asked. “Nope, store is right there though, better hurry.” Bo laughed and poured the bag of stuff out across the table.

  Each band member stretched, made their way from their beds and took a seat where they could eat. They showered on the bus and all dressed, including Bo. They all met back out in the common area of the bus and all sat down to begin practicing songs and lyrics. Bo passed around the lyrics he had come up with that morning to see what everyone thought of them.

  “Awesome song man!” One of them admitted. Bo smiled a half smile. “Wrote it this morning when I couldn’t sleep. A little bit personal, but thought it would be an awesome jam. A lot about old friends and old ways. The good old days I guess.”

  One of the guitar players began to put a little music to it and played it for Bo. He rocked his head back and forth to the music as the guitarist started to
hum the lyrics. Bo caught on quickly to the tune and began to sing it out. A few screams in the chorus and then the breakdown. By the time they reached their destination, the whole band had done the song at least a dozen times and learned it for their next concert.

  They piled off of the bus into the back door of one of the biggest places they had ever played.

  “We are making it into the big time guys. This is it!!” Bo turned from side to side looking at the stadium seats and the big empty floor for the mosh pit that they had requested.

  The crew began setting up the equipment and practicing the new song along with others. Bo was getting burned out on night after night of shows and needed something to break up the monotony.

  With the crowd screaming the concert in full swing; Bo was in the middle of his newest song, what he was sure would become a hit. He flipped his dreads back over to behind him and there she was. His break in the repetitive bullshit.

  She stood front row sipping on a beer. She wasn’t the typical metal head girl. She was more of the one you asked ‘what are you doing in a place like this?’ She bobbed her head to the beat of the music, but didn’t look like the type to listen to or even comprehend what he was singing. Her dark hair was streaked with a bit of blonde every few inches. Her jeans were tight fitting against her slender body, with a typical tshirt that wasn’t even of his band; it was covered in a faded logo of Pink Floyd. Bo shook his head and smiled at the shirt. She wasn’t talking to anyone and had no guys around her.

  “What the hell WAS sh e doing here?” Bo questioned himself in between songs.

  She stood through the whole concert right there, at times he was able to catch her with her eyes closed bobbing her head to the beat of his voice and screams. She would smile at certain parts and open her eyes to watch him lean back to hit that certain note. He was digging the way she was just there and not into the mosh pit or half drunk and falling down.

  Finally coming down to their last song. Bo finished up and the group exited the stage grabbing a beer from the half-dressed waitress holding a tray full of bottles at the bottom of the steps. Bo took a swig and wiped his forehead with the sleeve of the solid black t-shirt he wore that night. He peeked his head around the edge of the steps that led onto the floor and looked for her. She was gone. He made his way out of the side door and lit up a cigarette. He needed a night to just clear his mind. The rest of the group all made their way to the halfdressed leather clad waitresses, or ones that were pawning over them they had spotted earlier that hung around and waited for them. Bo wasn’t interested. He just wanted some normalcy.

  “Good show, love the new song.” He heard a voice.

  “Thanks.” He stated blowing out smoke from his last drag. “Second show same place

  tomorrow night right? I’ll be here.” She stated.

  Bo turned to answer this time, realizing that she was a fan and that he was being very rude. “Yes…” His voice trailed off.

  It was her. “It’s you!” He stated. “Ummm…yep I’m me.” She laughed. “Here every year since y’all have played in this town. Actually, heard you on the radio when I was in Tallahassee visiting some friends and loved the sound; loved the vibe that I could hear in your voice. Actually wasn’t a big fan of the metal scene until you.” She admitted.

  Bo smiled and thanked her. “I’m Bo Dinkins.” The woman shook her head and smiled a wide smile at him. “Yep, I know.” She laughed. “Grace.” She stuck her hand out.

  Bo reached out and shook her hand. Her hand shake wasn’t like the girls that were trying to be girly, she shook hands like she wasn’t star struck one bit. She didn’t giggle or turn to her friends and whisper; she didn’t ask for a picture. She reached in the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out a pack of Marlboros and lit one. She blew out the smoke and looked into the sky enjoying her first drag. Bo took another swig of his beer trying to figure out why she wasn’t falling over him like most of the fangirls.

  She took the last swig and threw it in the can next to her. “Have a good night.” She stated before turning away from him and walking toward the parking lot and away from the crowd that was forming on the other side of the barriers.

  “Grace.” Bo spoke up a bit and headed over to her. She stopped peering at him as he approached her. “You wanna grab something to eat here in a bit?” He asked.

  “Sure if you are not busy. I would be glad to.” She answered. “Give me about an hour to get through the fan line and change. Want to meet back here after the crowd clears out?” He queried.

  Grace nodded and turned away from him. Bo watched her. She didn’t want to stand in with the groups waiting for him to take pictures and sign autographs. He then realized she was behind the barriers where they had set up for the fans not to be allowed.

  “Wait, who the hell is that?” He questioned himself out loud looking around to try and figure out how she got back there.

  Bo shook it off for the moment and made his way to the line of fans waiting for him.

  The other band members were half way through the line of them. Bo took at least a thousand pictures and signed autographs until his hand ached. The crowd soon diminished and the bus door stood open waiting for him. He flopped down on the couch and leaned his head back. He glanced at his watch and realized he only had ten minutes before Grace would be back, if she showed back up. He went to his room and took a quick shower. He dressed in some better smelling clothes and made his way to the front of the bus.

  “Find ya a fan?” One of the guys asked. “I’m not sure what the hell you would call her. She doesn’t look like the metal head girls around here and she was wearing a pink Floyd fucking shirt. I will be back later.” Bo


  He opened the door and peered out. The coast was clear and he shut the door as he lit up a cigarette. There was no sign of Grace as Bo finished his cigarette. He snubbed it out on the ground with his boot and walked around to the front of the bus looking for a place that might be open at this time of the night figuring Grace wasn’t showing. Bo spotted some bright lights of a small café down the block glowing and began walking.

  “Don’t go there, just a warning.” The sweet voice said. Bo turned quickly to see she had gone and changed to into a pair of shorts and basic black t-shirt. Her hair was thrown up in one of those messy little pony tails and a pair of combat boots that were tied only half way up.

  “I am starving, figured there had to be some kind of food there.” Bo told her.

  “That shit will kill you. Come on, I will take you to a good after hours place not too many know about.” Grace offered.

  Bo agreed and followed her to a black pick-up parked behind the bar. She opened the driver’s side door and climbed up in it. “Well, come on!” She belted out.

  Bo made his way into the passenger seat. “Not sure I can be seen in a truck with a sticker that says Bitches do it better.” Bo joked.

  “Too late.” She joked back with him. Bo was liking her attitude and her looks. He watched out of the window at all of the lights passing by and all of the open places to eat. He finally looked at her and raised his eye brows wondering where she was taking him.

  “I am not taking you anywhere to kill you or anything, promise.” She laughed.

  After a few minutes she pulled off into a caliche filled parking lot and hopped down out of the truck.

  “Best place in town to eat. Open twenty four hours and has the best food.” She explained.

  “Is this a truck stop?” Bo

  questioned. “Yep, but it is the best food. That is the point here.” Grace opened the door for herself.

  Bo followed her in to a back booth. Truckers sat at tables regaining their energy to drive on down the road.

  Grace plopped down on the spring loaded seat and made herself

  comfortable with one leg underneath her.

  “Who the hell are you?” Bo

  laughed as he bounced around to get comfortable.

  “I’m Grace.” She jok
ed back grabbing a menu. “No, how did you get back in the back earlier and not have to stand in the fan line? What are you doing at a metal concert? Why are you so damn cute?” Bo asked all at once.

  Grace crinkled her face a bit and looked at him with a bit of a smile. “I am friends with the owner of the club, I told you I liked your sound and guess I just got lucky on the cute thing.” She answered all of his questions. “Now what do you want to eat, my treat.”

  Bo shook his head, in awe of her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and on the menu like he should have been. Her face was perfect. She had hardly any make up on and was still absolute perfection. He finally made his choice and informed the waitress that had come by twice before he made himself focus.

  Bo and Grace sat for a while after they had finished their meals learning about each other. She didn’t ask any questions about his music or the road life or anything about music for that matter. He learned about her and where she was from and a bit about her lifestyle. He was overwhelmed with her. She wasn’t a big fan of metal music and that was his life, but her presence made him happy.

  Bo checked his watch and quickly looked outside.

  “The sun.” Bo pointed. Grace turned and smiled at the sun rising over the trucks that sat in the parking lot.

  “I always love a good sunrise.” She told him.

  Bo stared at her for a moment and smiled because she was smiling. “I have to get some sleep before practice here in a little while.” Bo told her.

  She turned her smile to him.

  “Sorry.” “No please, don’t be. I had a great time. Thank you for taking me away from my norm. I needed it. You will be at the show tonight?” He hoped.

  She nodded as she rose from the booth and waited for Bo. They both walked to her truck and Grace

  stopped at the bus for Bo to get out.

  “Thanks Bo, for hanging with me. Maybe again soon?” She questioned. “I would love to!” He sounded a little too excited. Bo shut the door and waited for her to pull away before turning and opening the bus door. The group all peered up from the small bus table.


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