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Page 9

by Desconhecido

  “How can we help you?” he asked. “What do you need?”

  “I need to assimilate the information. My memory is returning in sporadic fragments.”

  They fell silent. Lyrik helped Saebin to a chair and bent to one knee beside her as Dro Tar brought her a glass of water.

  “I saw Krystabel.” Saebin took a sip then handed the glass back to Dro Tar. “She had been beaten, horribly abused. Dr. Hydran insisted I heal her, but there was nothing I could do.”

  “I’m sorry.” Lyrik closed his fingers around her hand, relieved when she didn’t pull away. Charlotte insisted Krystabel was still alive, but Krysta had sensed her death. Lyrik didn’t know what to think. “Did you remember anything else?”

  Saebin took several deep breaths and met his gaze. “I saw Krysta and… Where is Belle?”

  An uncomfortable moment passed as Lyrik shifted his gaze between Saebin and Dro Tar.

  “Do you want the ‘it’s complicated’ answer or the ‘sort of’ answer?” Dro Tar asked with a gentle smile.

  Saebin squeezed Lyrik’s hand, drawing his attention back to her. “Was Krystabel my mother?”

  He nodded. “Joleen gave birth to you but Krystabel and Gath—”

  “Were my biological parents,” she finished for him, resting her head against the back of the chair. “Dr. Hydran wasn’t trying to cure us, was he? He was… What was he trying to do?”

  “Enhance and recreate your Mystic abilities.”

  Saebin slipped her fingers out from under his and rubbed her temples. Unshed tears shone in her crystal blue eyes. “My entire life has been one long experiment. I’ve been manipulated and—modified. And the experiments didn’t end when I came home.”

  “It’s over. You’re safe now.” Lyrik felt foolish uttering the hollow reassurance, but he didn’t know what else to say.

  “Hydran is dead and we’re on to your father—” She dragged in an unsteady breath. “But my handler is still out there.”

  He stood and offered her an encouraging smile. “I just happen to have the current locations of all the refugees still on Ontariese.”

  “How did you manage that?” Dro Tar sounded skeptical.

  “The overlord has given me two days to hunt down D-159.” He looked at Saebin, wishing he knew how to ease her anxiety and soothe her pain. “I convinced him you are searching for someone who can provide you with an acceptable objective. Another refugee is your most likely target. He also confirmed that you are untraceable even without your suit. They injected you with a micryte but your implants disintegrated it.”

  “Nice work, Commander.” Dro Tar winked at him.

  * * *

  With one guard in front of her and one behind, Ensley made her way to the laboratory. Her pulse had yet to recover from her interaction with Pern Keire. He was younger than she’d expected yet he wore his power with effortless ease. Did Rodytes groom their leaders from birth for the roles they would assume? Her research hadn’t indicated how their rulers were chosen. Conquest? Hereditary ascension? Somehow she doubted free elections had anything to do with the process.

  Neither guard spoke as they marched her through the pristine corridors. Questions bombarded her mind. How long would it take to reach the compound? Would she be assigned private quarters? She hesitated to upset the fragile balance established by the Stirate so she silently followed the guard.

  A lift delivered them to a different level and the lead guard scanned open an unmarked door. He had triggered the door in Pern’s office with a scanner as well. She suspected she would need an escort to go anywhere on the ship.

  The guards remained in the corridor as the door slid closed behind her. Compact yet functional, the laboratory was well organized and ergonomic. She strolled along the narrow workspace, her gaze sweeping the supplies secured behind transparent doors and in wire bins.

  “I wasn’t told your name.”

  Ensley gasped and turned toward the sound of the male voice. She’d thought the laboratory empty. “You surprised me.” Pressing her hand over her pounding heart, she quickly assessed the newcomer before lowering her gaze to the floor. With the same wiry build and sharp features, this man bore a striking resemblance to the Stirate. “My name is Ensley.”

  “Jaden.” His warm fingers touched her chin, raising her face. The blue ring in his eyes glowed as he openly assessed her from head to toe. It was hard to judge accurately but she estimated he was ten years younger than Pern. “The misdirection in your design was clever. Given enough time, I could resolve it, but you’re here now. Come. I’d just begun to work through the solution.”

  He motioned her toward the back of the room. A panel in the wall opened soundlessly, revealing a small office. The same confident grace she’d noticed in Pern accompanied Jaden’s movements. Were they related? Brothers perhaps? Was it possible they were father and son?

  Our fathers were brothers. I can’t recall the Ontarian term for such a connection.

  “If your fathers were brothers, you’re the Stirate’s cousin.”

  He faced her suddenly, his gaze narrowed and cold. “What made you speak those words?”

  “You said—”

  “I said nothing.”

  He’d slipped into her mind with such skill, she hadn’t realized he’d spoken telepathically. “You look very much like Stirate Keire. I must have responded to my own speculation.”

  You replied to a question I never posed. His voice was smooth and subtle in her mind. Not only can you communicate mind to mind, you can read the thoughts of others. His expression relaxed into a slow, secretive smile.

  Why reveal your abilities to me? She watched as he pulled out the chair behind his desk and sat. I was under the impression Rodytes have no Mystic abilities.

  You’re also under the impression we’re honorable.

  She wasn’t sure what to make of that comment so she didn’t reply.

  He turned on a three-dimensional display. “As soon as you’ve resolved the flaw, we must begin revising the design.”

  “I was told nothing about revisions.”

  “I’m telling you now.” He handed her a stylus and nodded toward the display. “Pern requires that the efficacy be increased by a factor of ten before we assemble the prototype.”

  She gaped for a moment then snapped her jaw shut. He couldn’t be serious. “The design is theoretically sound, but I won’t know if the device actually works until I build one. Shouldn’t that be our first step?”

  “We will refine your design and make modifications to the actual device as needed. But keep this in mind. According to Rodyte custom, anyone who fails to perform to the Stirate’s satisfaction becomes expendable.”

  * * *

  “Do you really think your father will wait two days?” Saebin pushed to her feet, stretching the stiffness out of her back.

  “That man isn’t my anything,” Lyrik muttered. “Overlord Cyrus probably dispatched a tracker team the second he ended our transmission. I ditched the shuttle and took the tram here. We’ll have to leave in the morning and keep moving if we hope to stay a step ahead of them.”

  They’d been sifting through refugee profiles for hours, hoping to find some trace of her handler. Dro Tar slipped away a few minutes before, blithely announcing she was going to soak in a bubble bath.

  “They won’t be trying to catch me now. They’ll be trying to kill me.”

  He looked up from the vidscreen. “Your armor doesn’t function without you.”

  She tried to take comfort in the thought, but there came a point in every mission when it made more sense to cut her losses and move on. “Would the Joint Council sanction his actions?” After a long pause, he shook his head. “I know too much. I’m a liability he can’t afford. My handler will select a new subject and they will start over.”

  “His intentions are irrelevant. He’s not going to find us.” Lyrik didn’t explain his sudden assurance and she didn’t ask. If troops hadn’t broken down Dro Tar’s door by now, they
were probably safe for a while. But Lyrik was right. They would have to keep moving.

  Tingling sensations fluttered in Saebin’s belly. He’d ruined his career and made himself a fugitive to hide her from the overlord. She’d spent half the day trying to uncover his ulterior motive. He had nothing to gain by his actions and everything to lose. Why would he do this for her? It was—irrational.

  She knew he found her desirable. At least his body responded each time they touched. Still, she wasn’t sure if he felt more than the responsibility for her safety. Did he want to explore their attraction as much as she did? The relationship between male and female was uncharted territory for her.

  He powered down the terminal and swiveled to face her. “You’ve been under tremendous pressure all day.” A lazy smile parted his lips. “I think I better stay close just in case.”

  She couldn’t resist his smile. His whole face lit up when he smiled. Lines crinkled out from his sparkling eyes but she found the flaw appealing. “In case of what?”

  “In case you need a way of releasing your pent-up emotions.” He softened the seductive purr with a hint of amusement. “We can spar. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wrestled with and it was interesting. Until you made me think I’d broken your wrist.”

  Moving closer, she inhaled his clean, masculine scent. She’d wanted to touch him, really touch him since she woke on top of him in the storm shelter. “I’m not in the mood to fight. Do you have any other ideas?”

  He stood, his eyes igniting with passion. “I’ve got all sorts of ideas. How far are you willing to take this?”

  She licked her lips, feeling awkward and self-conscious. Fighting she understood, military strategy was second nature, but she’d never been with a real man before. The simulators responded as she programmed them to respond while Lyrik never failed to surprise her.

  “We can touch.” He trailed his fingertips across her cheek. “We can kiss.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Or we can simply enjoy being wrapped in each other’s arms.” He paused, his gaze searching hers. “I think you know how much I want you. But I won’t rush this.”

  “Can we start with touching and see where that leads?”

  His brow arched and his smile turned slightly predatory. “Are you asking me to seduce you?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts against his chest. “It’s not much of a seduction if I have to ask.”

  With a wicked chuckle, he swept her into his arms and carried her into the guest bedroom, kicking the door closed behind them. Her pulse leapt and tension coiled through her abdomen. Her input rings tingled. Without her armor everything felt more intense, more real.

  Her body slid along his as he lowered her feet to the floor. He cupped her cheek and stroked her lips with his thumb, his gaze caressing her face. She ached for the warmth of his affection, the security of… What would make her feel secure? She really didn’t know. Her life had been hollow and cold. She wanted—more.

  “I’m glad you came back,” she whispered.

  His other hand joined the first, framing her face. “Did you think I wouldn’t? I promised to protect you. I take my promises seriously.” He lowered his head slowly, staring into her eyes until the very last moment, then his lips covered hers and his arms wrapped around her body.

  Warm and faintly spicy, his breath filled her mouth and sank into her lungs. The simple connection was surprisingly intimate. She pushed her hands into his hair and angled her head, parting her lips. He moved his mouth over and against hers, caressing and nibbling.

  She explored his back with greedy abandon, her fingers tracing every ridge and corded muscle. “Take off your shirt.” She formed the words against his damp lips, unwilling to separate their mouths.

  “I will if you will.”

  They pulled their tops off at the same time and came together skin to skin. Saebin groaned, hugging his broad back as she rubbed her breasts against his chest. Her fingers splayed against his skin, amazing her with the power revealed in each contour.

  “I want to see all of you.” She eased back and looked into his eyes. “I need to touch you.”

  He kicked off his boots and unfastened his pants, letting the garment sag low on his narrow hips. “You’ve seen me naked before.” A sexy smile curved his mouth, his eyes narrowed, swirling gently.

  “I foolishly squandered the opportunity. I don’t intend to make the same mistake tonight.”

  “Glad to hear it.” His gaze locked with hers and he pushed his pants down his thighs then kicked them aside. He stood before her gloriously naked and Saebin pressed her hand over her frantically pounding heart. “No, let me do that.” His hand covered hers, his fingers curving down over her nipple.

  She pushed his hand away and blew out a ragged breath. “You already did that. It’s my turn to touch.”

  After an elaborate shrug, he lowered his hands to his sides. “Then touch me.”

  She stroked his chest, his shoulders and his thick upper arms. In the shower, she really hadn’t taken time to appreciate the sculpted perfection of his tall form. His chest narrowed dramatically to lean hips. Her gaze followed the lazy descent of her questing hands. He was amazing. She reveled in the freedom of exploration, never dreaming that skin could be so hot.

  His erection arched thick and long, waiting for the firm embrace of her body. She licked her lips, her input rings buzzing. Each session in the simulator had been timed so the program always got right to business. Her nipples would be stimulated then her clit until her core grew moist. Then the sensation of fullness and movement until—

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Self-consciousness swept over her in an unexpected rush. Why did she feel so vulnerable? She crossed her arms over her breasts and turned away. “You’re amazing.”

  He moved to the side, back into her line of vision. “And why is this is a problem?”

  “I thought this was what I wanted but I…”

  He swept her into his arms and laid her on the bed. “I told you. I’m not going to hurry you.” Stretching out on his side, he slipped one arm beneath her neck. “If touching is all you’re ready for, then touching is all we’ll do.”

  “You obviously want more than touching. This isn’t fair—” He cut off her words with his mouth. His lips caressed hers, warm and gentle. He wasn’t using his tongue as he had before. Doubtlessly her reaction made him wary. She traced his lower lip and he made a low, growling sound. Unsure if he’d appreciated her attempt or was warning her away, she tried again. His tongue touched hers, encouraging her to play. She ventured beyond his lips, curling her tongue around his and stroking the velvety interior of his mouth.

  Everything about him was evocative. She reveled in his taste and felt intoxicated by the heat of his strong body pressed so tightly to her soft curves. His fingers traced the path of her pulse from the underside of her jaw to the hollow at the base of her neck. Her nipples tingled in anticipation. Would he touch her breasts or had she ruined everything with her uncertainty?

  “I’ve never done this before,” she whispered, unable to suppress a shudder. “Not really.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” His fingers came to rest against her shoulder. “Are you not attracted to me?”

  “I’m very attracted to you.”

  “What were you thinking about before? You didn’t seem pleased by the memory.”

  “I was remembering the simulators.”

  He stared down at her for a long moment then his fingers resumed their caress. “These were sexual simulators?” She nodded. “Did they work? Did you have an orgasm or did it leave you aching?”

  “It worked—sort of.”

  He smiled. “Don’t pick up too many of Dro Tar’s phrases. What did you like about the simulation?”

  “It stimulated all the things that needed to be stimulated to create an orgasm, but I always felt… It’s hard to explain. It was over so quickly.”

  “I think you’re suffer
ing from a significant lack of foreplay.”

  “What’s foreplay?”

  “Kissing, touching, savoring the slide of naked skin against naked skin.” He stroked down between her breasts and eased his fingers inside her waistband. “Do you trust me?”

  She swallowed. How could she not trust him? He’d proven his loyalty to her again and again. “I trust you,” she said in a calm, clear voice.

  He sat up and pulled off her shoes. “I’m going to introduce you to the wonderful world of foreplay.” He tugged off her socks and unfastened her pants. “Just so you know what to expect, we’re not going to make love tonight. We’re going to explore each other’s bodies with our hands and our mouths, but we’re going to save the main event for another night.”

  Mouths? What part did mouths play in making love? She unconsciously licked her lips. Kissing him was certainly more pleasant than she first thought. What else did he intend for them to do?

  “Lift your hips, sweetheart. This will be a lot more fun if we’re both naked.” She arched her back, raising her bottom off the bed so he could rid her of her pants. He returned to her side, slipping his arm beneath her neck again. “Now where were we?”

  His mouth returned to hers and she responded without hesitation. His hair tickled her chest and tingles curled from her nipples to the very core of her body. She sifted his hair through her fingers, enjoying its silky texture. When he finally cupped her breast, a soft sigh escaped her mouth. He took his time, squeezing and exploring before his thumb circled her nipple.

  She murmured a wordless protest as his lips left hers. She was just getting the hang of kissing. Why was he stopping? He feathered kisses along her jaw then down along her neck. His fingers adjusted, freeing her nipple without leaving her breast. Her breath hitched and pressure built between her thighs. She might not understand what he intended to do but her body obviously approved.

  With slow deliberateness, he traced her areola with his tongue, around and around until the throbbing of her nipple echoed her thumping heartbeat. He flicked his tongue over the very tip then caught it between his teeth.


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