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Multicultural Holiday Romance Box Set

Page 6

by Giselle Renarde

“Yeah, thanks for the reminder,” Kaz said, gasping as Josie ran her hand along his silky thigh. “I just don’t know how long I’ll last in a beautiful woman’s mouth.”

  Her heart soared at the compliment.

  Finding his cock hard under his silk pyjamas, she replied, “Well, we’ll just have to try and find out.”

  He gasped, tossing his head to his shoulder as she pumped his shaft through his Christmas-red pyjama pants.

  “You two are so weird,” Kaz said, laughing.

  “What do you mean we’re weird?” Rob asked as Josie scooped his straining cock into her bare hands.

  “Do you do this a lot?” Kaz asked. He spoke in shudders and gasps as Josie played with his cock.

  They both laughed, of course. Did they do this a lot? What a joke.

  “No, we’re first-timers,” Josie chuckled. She held his shaft steady, then ran her tongue all the way along it, base to tip. When his whole body shook, she worried he was about to blow, so she pinched his drooling cockhead. As his tremors subsided, she clarified: “First-timers when it comes to bringing a third into the bedroom.”

  “Yeah, we usually only have group sex in the hot tub,” Rob teased.

  Josie kicked his thigh with her toes. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

  It wasn’t true, what they said about Asian guys. Kaz was hung like a stud, and a tingle ran through her as she took his tip between her lips. Instead of lingering or giving little licks all around his rim, she just gobbled his cock whole hog.

  Kaz let out a moan. Christ, he was coming any second! She plunged her head up and down on his shaft, giving him the most thorough blowjob she could manage. Kaz clung to the bedding and cried out in ecstasy. He gave her a mouthful, but that was okay. A big girl could handle any size load.

  “Wow,” Kaz said in a daze.

  When he fell across the bed, Josie turned to Rob. “Well, he’s got that part down.”

  “Yeah,” Rob laughed, beckoning Josie to join him at the head of the bed. “But you know what he’s missing?”


  Rob put on a falsetto voice to whine, “Honey? Honey, don’t go to sleep. I’m not done yet.”

  With a giggle, Josie kissed Rob’s neck and nibbled his earlobe. He kissed her shoulder, tracing his fingers down her arm and resting his hand on her hip.

  Kicking Kaz in the arm, Rob went on whining, “Honey, finish me off. Pretty-pretty please?”

  Kaz didn’t respond. He didn’t even move.

  Josie looked to the silky red corpse at the foot of the bed. “Oh my god, we killed him!”

  She crawled down to check out the situation. The moment she set her face over his, perfectly prepare to perform CPR, he let out a big honking snore. When she pulled his pyjama pants up to cover his spent cock, he rolled dangerously close to the foot of the bed.

  “He’s asleep.”

  “Typical man,” Rob replied with a mock-feminine lisp. In his everyday voice, he went on, “Do you think we should carry him up to his room?”

  “He isn’t Froggy. He’s a grown man,” she said, lying back with her head on a pillow. “Let’s just leave him.”

  “Well who’s going to finish me off now?” Rob asked, returning to his playgirl voice. “A woman has needs, you know. These men think they can use us then throw us out the window like a smoked cigarette. It’s just disgraceful.”

  Shaking her head, Josie chuckled, “You are such a loser.”

  “Well, that is no way to speak to a lady!”

  She leaned over and traced her fingers through the mass of hair around his waiting cock. “How about if I pick up where we left off?” she cooed, climbing on board. “Is this okay?”

  When she sank her body down on him, they both moaned at that sense complete pleasure, like the first sip of coffee in the morning.

  “I guess this’ll do,” Rob said with a smirk.

  She hadn’t realized how wet she’d gotten until Rob’s cock filled her up. She also hadn’t realized how badly she wanted to fuck. Sure it was great to jerk each other off and to suck a few cocks—had she really done that?—but no seduction was complete without a cock in a cunt.

  She moved on him as he moved in her, playing with her swinging tits. When she leaned forward to wrap her arm around him, she could see the landscape of her body in the dressing mirror. They both watched as they moved together. She’d never noticed how hot her ass looked as she teased his cock with broad thrusting motions; she only favoured this position because it made it so easy to rub her clit against him. The mirror leant it a whole new dimension.

  They were close enough to kiss, and Rob seemed champing at the bit as she writhed on him. She didn’t want him to have to taste another man’s cum on her tongue, but he must know what he was getting into. He wrapped his arms around her as she planted her lips on his. He panted and squealed, holding her tight as he thrust in her.

  Pressing her clit down hard against his pelvis, she kissed him with the energy of an impending orgasm. It was swirling, swirling energy, like a galaxy spinning around a black hole. Everything sped up as it reached the event horizon, and the faster they moved together, the sooner they would be sucked into the cosmic depths.

  It happened. Together they grinded and moaned as their bodies felt lighter, heavier, and larger than life itself.

  Josie collapsed on top of Rob. Her thighs ached and her heart beat ten times its normal rate, but she felt fantastic. She probably could have slept like that, but for his sake rolled off to the side.

  “Do you think we’re weird?” Rob asked.

  “No.” She could hear Kaz snoring, so it was probably safe to talk about him. “You mean both of us jumping into the sac with someone who’s been out of our lives so many years?”

  “I don’t even remember meeting him,” Rob replied, pulling the sheets up and over his waist. “He’s just so cool, you know? Is it weird for me to think that and be married to you?”

  “No,” she repeated. “I mean, maybe it’s not usual to do stuff like this, but maybe it is. I don’t know. I only know what goes on in our bedroom, not in anybody else’s.”

  He threw an arm around her. “That’s true. But is it bad for us, do you think?”

  In a sleepy haze, she didn’t feel like she could come up with the best of all possible answers. “I think what it shows us is how strong we are. We can do all this stuff to help some guy we like and enjoy it and be totally honest about it. The weak couples are the ones who hide it from each other.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he said in the dark. “It’s better to share.”

  Kaz let out a snort of a snore and rolled toward them.

  “He’s on my feet.”

  “Mine too,” Rob laughed. “We’ve got our own human hot water bottle.”

  Josie took a deep breath, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep without asking, “Have you ever done anything like that before? The hot tub, I mean.”

  Rob didn’t say anything right away. She almost said, never mind, it’s none of my business, but she really wanted to know. Not because it mattered, only because… she was curious.

  So she kept her mouth shut until he said, “I guess everybody has.”

  She didn’t want to snap at him, but she’d rather a clear answer than an evasive one. “Does everybody include you?”

  Again, she had to wait a while for a response. It seemed really bizarre that they could share experiences so easily, but he had such a hard time telling her about stuff that happened before they met. She wouldn’t be upset about it or anything.

  Finally Rob said, in a bit of a huff, “You know, I feel really used right now.”

  “Used how?”

  They tried to turn and face one another, but their feet were caught under a Japanese guy, so they stared at the ceiling instead.

  “I feel like you just want to get off on hearing some story about my youthful indiscretions,” Rob said. “Like, oooh guess what my freak show husband did when he was young?
Those memories are private. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re not ashamed, are you?” she asked.

  He could have fucked every guy on the football team for all she cared. She would never judge him. Though, she couldn’t argue that she was fetishizing him. She liked the idea of her husband’s younger self giving out blowjobs all around campus. It was hot.

  “Rob, honey, there’s no need to feel embarrassed or guilty or anything. There are as many sexualities as there are individuals. You know I’d never criticize you.”

  “I know.”

  When time passed and he didn’t say anything more, she let the issue drop. Really, everybody had memories they never disclosed to anyone. Josie had memories she didn’t even want to let herself remember, like the time her aunt walked in on her masturbating with a yellow zucchini.


  She cringed and sent that thought packing. She would never, never tell Rob about that. Ever. It wasn’t merely the event, but the sense of humiliation that went along with it. She wished she could strip that memory from her neurological make-up.

  Maybe that’s how Rob felt about whatever it was he wasn’t telling her.

  Time for sleep.

  Chapter Six

  When Froggy came rapping at the door early the next morning, Josie pulled her feet out from under Kaz’s dead weight. Climbing into the terry robe she’d left lying in a puddle beside the bed, she opened the door and picked up her boy.

  “Mommy!” he cheered.

  “Froggy!” she cheered back.

  He laughed. “Kaz thinks he’s a doggie!”

  Josie’s heart froze as she struggled to understand what he meant. Kaz was sleeping at the foot of their bed. Like a dog.

  “Right,” Josie laughed. “Do you want to get dressed before or after breakfast?”


  Rob shifted in bed, not conscious enough to know what was happening. As he rolled over, his feet launched sleeping Kaz clear off the end of the bed.

  “Kaz!” she cried, setting Froggy down on the carpet. “Are you okay?”

  Hopping to his hands and knees, he looked up with a combination of alarm and complete confusion. When he looked around a bit, he seemed to remember where he was, but Josie clarified, “You fell asleep at the foot of our bed, and then you fell on the floor.”

  “Sorry,” he said, quickly rising to his feet. “I’ll go now.”

  With a smirk, she said, “Your room’s upstairs.”

  No way he’d remember that on his own.

  “Thanks,” he replied, stepping between Josie and Froggy to head up to the attic.

  Froggy held out his little hand and she took it. Before heading down to the kitchen, she glanced over at Rob. She felt like they’d had some sort of disagreement before they fell asleep, but couldn’t for the life of her remember what it was about. “Pancakes?”

  “With strawberries!” Froggy replied as he hopped down the stairs.

  Rob was the cook of the family, no doubt, but if there was one thing Josie could handle, it was pancakes.

  Breakfast was a blast. Rob descended from on high to play his old Sesame Street Christmas LP. When Kaz came down, he joined him in acting the record out for the little one at the table. Froggy was over the moon. He jumped up to join them until Josie chuckled, “Come on, you three. Sit down and eat these pancakes I slaved over a hot stove to make for you.”

  They sat like workhorses, but their faces lit up within a second of placing the fluffy-sweet goodness of her pancakes with pure Quebec maple syrup on their tongues.

  “These are delicious,” Kaz applauded.

  She shot him a Mona Lisa smile. They were straight from a box mix, but nobody needed to know that.

  “Mommy makes good pancakes,” her son reiterated as Rob cut his up into little pieces.

  “What does Daddy make?” Rob asked.

  Reflecting intensely while he chewed a slice of banana, Froggy replied, “Good paintings.”

  The grown-ups laughed. With him, not at him. Children had an incredible ability to devise unexpected responses to straightforward questions.

  “What about you?” Kaz asked. “Are you good at painting too?”

  “Yeah,” Froggy said. “But Daddy’s more better.”

  Josie smiled at her husband across the table. As they listened with fond appreciation to the record on deck, Kaz asked, “Are you a Froggy like Kermit the Frog? Or like a different kind of frog?”

  “Like a frog I catched at the lake,” he replied matter-of-factly, but always smiling.


  “Yes,” Rob cut in. “Froggy spent a week at the lake.”

  “With cousin Ben,” Froggy interrupted.

  “With cousin Ben,” Rob repeated, sliding his pancake around a pool. “He caught so many frogs that everybody started calling him Froggy.”

  Josie stood to clear up some dishes. Better to get out of the house early and back home before the insanity of the Christmas Eve rush took over. “Kaz, we need to go out and buy our Christmas tree this morning.”

  Froggy leapt on his chair, jumping up and down on the plush seat. “Christmas tree! Christmas tree! Christmas tree!”

  Pulling down their son’s pyjama top, Rob said, “Sit on your bum and finish your breakfast.”

  He smiled as he said it, and Josie could see the same excitement in both sets of eyes. In Kaz’s too. “You’re welcome to come along, if you’d like.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a smile and a nod. As he finished his last sip of tea, a dark look set across his face. “Oh, but I have so much work to finish up before the end of the calendar year. Would you mind if my laptop and I just hung out in your family room for the day?”

  Rob whipped his head around quickly, turning his gaze from Froggy to Josie. She wasn’t clear what the alarm in his eyes meant to indicate.

  “Yeah, of course you can work here,” Josie replied, giving Rob a questioning look.

  “What, do you think he’s going to steal our silver?” she asked in the bedroom as they changed from pyjamas to tree-shopping attire. They didn’t really have time for a conversation. Froggy was already dressed, booted and mittened, and waiting impatiently by the front door. “I really don’t understand how you can trust a guy to sleep with us, but not trust him enough to spend the morning in our family room.”

  Plunging his feet into wool socks, he asked, “What if he’s nosy? What if he snoops through our stuff?”

  “What is there to find?” she countered. “A few silly pictures and a vibrator? Who cares?” She opened the door before he had his pants on, and he hopped around the room, struggling into them. “Come on, let’s go. Don’t worry so much about things.”

  As she buckled Froggy into his car seat, she wondered why on earth she felt so irritated with Rob over nothing. It must have been remnants from the previous night, when she wanted so badly to know something and he refused to tell her. When was it ever a good idea to keep secrets? Especially secrets the other partner was aware of. Those ones could haunt even the best of relationships.

  Chapter Seven

  “I made lunch,” Kaz called out from the family room as they dragged the tree inside. Froggy held the top branch, convinced he was doing all the work. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Mind?” Josie cried, bringing up the rear. “Why would we mind? Help yourself to anything. You’re our guest.”

  Rob kicked off his boots and dragged the tree to the front window, clenching his teeth. Kaz better not have gotten into his English fig and walnut jelly. “What did you make?”

  “Oh darn!” Josie cried, setting down the tree trunk and slipping out of her snow boots. “I forgot to grab the skirt and base and all that from downstairs. I meant to get that out last night.”

  As she darted for the basement door, Rob held up the tree with one gloved hand while he tried to unzip Froggy’s snowsuit with the other. When Kaz noticed the trouble he was having, he set his computer down and said, “I can give you a hand, if you want.�

  Letting out a deep breath, Rob replied, “I guess you could help Froggy out of his boots and stuff.” As he watched the care Kaz took interacting with their sleepy son, Rob had to ask himself why he felt so irritated with the guy. “Thanks, dude. For helping out, I mean.”

  “No problem, man.”

  It wasn’t Kaz at all, was it? It was the fact that only hours into his stay, Josie was asking about something Rob didn’t ever want to discuss. Or maybe it was about Kaz, but only in the sense that the whole hot tub thing took him back to hurting Faisal in high school. He didn’t want to think about that.


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