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Multicultural Holiday Romance Box Set

Page 9

by Giselle Renarde

  When she heard the screen door squeal, she knew it was Rob. She didn’t need to look. He’d come armed with a blanket, as it turned out. When he sat down beside her and spread it over their legs, she leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. “Nobody needs me anymore.”

  He chuckled. “Try everybody needs you always.”

  “Kaz has Vivian, Froggy has Ben…”

  “And you have me,” he said, kissing her hair.

  “That’s true,” she said, reflecting on everything she might get out of the moment. “Why won’t you tell me about what you did?”

  “What I did when?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “In high school I guess. Whatever you wouldn’t tell me the other day.”

  She could feel his body stiffen next to hers. “Do we really have to go down this road? Do we both have to be upset? It’s Christmas.”

  “So make it my Christmas present,” she begged. Recalling the yellow zucchini, she lied, “You know everything about me. I hate thinking there’s something you’re hiding.”

  “It was Faisal,” he said, almost before she’d finished speaking. “It was Faisal.”

  “Was he at our wedding?”

  “Yeah, we were really good close friends when we were kids,” Rob began, pulling her in close. Rob was always so warm. He was the perfect man to sit next to on a crisp winter’s evening. “When you hit puberty, you know, you have all these hormones and you do things sometimes that you’re ashamed of later on.”

  “Rob,” she interrupted. “What, you got each other off? So what? There’s nothing to be ashamed of there.”

  “I know,” Rob replied, taking a long pause. “It wasn’t that. I mean, yeah we did, and I guess I found it thrilling and necessary and shameful all at once. We were young, you know.”

  “I know.” Zucchini.

  “There became almost a ritual to the whole thing. We depended on each other, in a sense. And then one day Faisal came out with this statement that he…”

  After a moment of suspense, she asked, “He had a girlfriend?”

  “No, he was in love with me,” Rob said. He seemed to laugh and moan at once. It was a haunting sound.

  “Oh,” Josie replied. She thought that was the sweetest thing she’d ever heard, but Rob didn’t seem to agree. “Sex is like that, I think. We think we can get off with just anybody and it doesn’t have to mean anything, but, you know, it does mean something. Every time.”

  “I was so angry,” Rob went on. “I chewed him out: this is not love, I am not a faggot, get your filthy hands off me. He begged. He said how much courage it had taken him to tell me. His parents would disown him if they found out, but he would make any sacrifice for me. And I had these images of his father coming after me with a machete, like, You are the boy who corrupted my son! You must die! Faisal pleaded with me and I got so angry I punched him in the face. It hurt like hell.”

  “Oh, sweety,” she consoled, hugging him around his waist. “We all make mistakes growing up. We all do these things.”

  “I know, but Faisal…” He stopped, and when he sniffled she knew he was holding back tears. “He tried to kill himself after that. I wouldn’t talk to him, wouldn’t look at him. I had no sympathy. He was this smart, smart guy and he ended up staying an extra year at school because of the trauma and it was all because of me.”

  “Oh, Rob,” she cried, hugging him tight just to keep him in one piece. What was she so concerned about? She’d done stupid things in life, but nothing that generated the kind of remorse Rob had hidden all through the years. “You never told me any of this.”

  “I thought you’d hate me.”

  “I could never hate you,” she said, kissing his cheek. “I love you for sharing.”

  “But don’t you think I’m in total denial, or something? Don’t you think…”

  “I’ve always been of that school of thought that says there are as many sexualities as there are individuals,” Josie began. “We all have our attractions, we all have our crushes, and some of us are lucky enough to have life-long crushes on the people we marry. That’s how I feel about you. I love you, I like you, and I have a huge crush on you that won’t seem to go away.”

  Rob smiled at that. “Yeah, I know what you mean. So you don’t hate me for the way I acted when I was young?”

  “I didn’t even know you then,” she said, kissing his cold nose. “I love you for who you are now, and the respect you show me and our child.”

  She was about to suggest they head back inside when Rob asked, “What do we do about Kaz?”

  Her heart sank a little at the mention of his name. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you just said sex always means something even when we convince ourselves it doesn’t. What do you think is going to happen for us if we let Kaz ride off into the sunset without any closure?”

  “Ride off on Vivian, you mean?” she nearly spat. She took a deep breath to keep her emotions in check.

  “See what I mean?”

  “You’re right,” she agreed. No use denying it. With a deep breath, she said, “Well, Froggy’s staying with Adrianna tonight. How about you and I bring Kaz home with us and have some good adults-only type closure?”

  With a deep chuckle, Rob kissed her lips and their breath mingled like smoke on the cool breeze.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rob pushed back the coffee table and unfolded a fleece throw on the carpet while Josie lit candles all around the room. Kaz turned the Christmas tree lights on and the house lights off. The fireplace was gas, but it was better than nothing. It added to the room’s sexual ambiance.

  “Did you lock the door?” Rob asked. “We don’t want your mother walking in while we’re in the middle of this.”

  “Yeah, I got it,” Josie chuckled, tearing out of her dinner clothes and dropping them on the floor. Rob picked them up and folded them with his own on the armchair. Kaz added to the pile.

  “That was a great dinner,” he said, sitting cross-legged on the throw.

  “Yeah, it was nice not to have to worry about all the prep work for once,” Rob agreed, sitting beside him.

  “Adrianna always was the cook of the family,” Josie said, completing their circular triangle. “So, here we all are.”

  “Yup,” Kaz agreed, nodding his head.

  “Let’s hold hands,” Josie suggested.

  “And sing Kumbaya?” Rob teased, taking her hand and Kaz’s.

  Josie could feel herself blushing. It was a little campy, but it felt right. “I just want to take this one a little seriously. After all, it’s Christmas. Can we start by just saying a few words?”

  “Like a prayer?” Kaz asked. “Sorry, I don’t know your traditions.”

  “No,” Josie began, but she wasn’t sure how to explain what she was after, so she just said, “I felt jealous today, watching you and Vivian together.”


  Rob squeezed her hand for support. The central heating must have switched on, because she could feel warm air along her back. “And I know it’s not my place to be jealous, but I think that’s what happens when we go into sex thinking it won’t affect us. That’s when it affects us most. So this time I want to go into this with my heart on my sleeve. I’m so glad you could join us for Christmas, Kaz. I’m glad Rob and I could show you the ropes, in a sense, and I’ll be happy for you and Vivian if everything works out for you.”

  “Thanks,” Kaz said, running his hand along her forearm. “I want to thank you both for the confidence you’ve given me over the past couple days. If it weren’t for you guys, I would totally have shied off Vivian in person, even though we’ve come to know each other so well online. Josie, I always wanted you to be my first, and you were. Now I think I can move on and really know that I can please a woman. It takes practise, like anything else, but you two have given me the confidence to just go with it.”

  “I’m really glad about that, man,” Rob said. “And a lot of good’s come out of this for me too.
Josie got to asking about something in my past that I’d been really ashamed of and I never realized how good it could feel to just tell somebody about it. Yeah, I still don’t feel good about the whole thing, but now instead of keeping all that shame to myself I get to share it with my best and closest friend.”

  Josie squeezed his hand, gazing with admiration down his jaw line, back up around his chin and past his nose. When his gaze met hers, her heart skipped and she squeezed his hand again. Rob and Kaz were a couple of the sweetest guys on the planet.

  She laughed. “I can’t believe I’m teaching you how to have sex so you can do it with my sister.”

  “Let’s not think about that,” said Rob. “Let’s just say it’s a life lesson.”

  “You know what I realized?” Josie said to Kaz. “Aside from oral sex, we haven’t really shown you how to warm a girl up. It’s really important that you do.”

  “Yeah, girls are a lot like cars,” Rob said in absolute earnest.

  Josie laughed. “No we’re not. But the thing you want to remember is that girls get our erections on the inside.”

  “Do you really?” Rob asked.

  She shook her head. “God, my husband doesn’t even know these things. Yes, when we get aroused our pussies get bigger just like your dicks do. Did you really not know that?”

  “No,” Rob said with a shrug. “Man, you should have your own TV show or something.”

  Kaz smiled at them both. “So what do you think is the best way to warm up?”

  “Oh, I know the answer to this one!” Rob cried. Leaning in close, he planted his lips on Josie’s and kissed her with a smooth sort of desperation.

  A wave of warmth ran through her, and it was more than just air from the heating vent this time. She felt her nipples tighten into buds as he pressed them between his fingers. Her pussy wanted attention, but Rob surprised her by giving Kaz an unexpected instruction.

  As Rob kissed her lips, another tongue kissed her far, far below. As far down as possible, in fact. Kaz took her toes into his warm mouth and her spirit nearly leapt from her body. Rob had to hold her down to keep her from kicking anybody. The sensation of tongue on toes was so divinely pleasurable she could hardly bear it.

  Breaking away from Rob’s kiss, she cried, “Mother of Christmas, that’s good!” Her body jerked every which way, and though Rob tried to keep her still, he couldn’t manage it. She bucked into the air and side to side. “Oh Kaz, I’m going to have a heart attack if you don’t stop.”

  He gave her one last lick and dropped her foot in his lap. “Did you just have an orgasm?”

  “You know, I think I did.”

  “Wow,” Rob cheered. “That worked even better than I thought it would. I can’t believe you had an orgasm just from getting your toes sucked.”

  Like a puddle in the middle of the carpet, she replied, “I know, but it feels really good. I mean, really good.”

  Kaz and Rob looked blankly at one another for a moment before they both started laughing.

  “Come on, guys. Don’t laugh, just do it.” They both smiled, but it took Josie saying, “Okay, how about a toe-sucking daisy chain?” for them to go for it. “Rob, you suck mine, I suck Kaz’s, and Kaz sucks yours. Sound good?”

  Back in circle formation, she took Kaz’s long and straight toes in her mouth and he nearly exploded. “That’s what that feels like?”

  He took in Rob’s toes and his face lit up like a carnival game. “Why have we never done this before?”

  When Rob wrapped his tongue around her toes, she nearly bounced off the ceiling. She couldn’t conceive of any other sensation that felt so immediately orgasmic. In under a minute, she was desperate for a good fuck. “Who’s going to do me, guys? I need it now!”

  “Start with Kaz,” Rob said, obviously hoping Kaz wouldn’t last too long.

  “Yeah, start with me!”

  “Get on your back,” Josie instructed, crawling over to him and climbing on board. Rob got in behind her, taking her tits in his hands as she grabbed Kaz’s cock by the base. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking I hope I don’t come in your hands.”

  Rob laughed behind her. “Something better than that. Something with the words gorgeous, sexy, or beautiful.”

  “I concur,” Josie said with a nod.

  “Okay,” Kaz replied, preparing to try again. “Josie, you were the sexiest, most gorgeously beautiful girl at our high school.”

  “That’s a little better,” Rob said.

  “Well, it’s good enough for me,” she told him. “I’m horny as hell! I need this dick inside me.”

  When she fell on his cock, they both gasped. It felt huge inside her, like it opened her right up. Rob squeezed her tits, kissing her back as she rocked on Kaz’s cock.

  “You know what I’d really like?” she asked, rising and falling on him.

  “I think I do,” Rob replied, reaching for the toy they’d brought from upstairs.

  When he turned it on and buzzed the vibe against her clit, she had to grab hold of Kaz’s outstretched arms.

  “You like that, do you?” Rob teased, holding her around the waist as he moved the little vibe against her clit.

  “You… know… I… do,” she panted, throwing herself on Kaz’s cock. He stared up at her, in a total daze. She worked him so fast she could hardly feel her thighs. “This is hard!”

  Handing the vibe to Kaz, Rob said, “You take over with this. Remember, you can’t just lie back and do nothing. You should always be playing with her clit or her tits or even just bouncing her hips like this.” Taking tight hold of her waist, Rob lifted her and dropped her back down on his cock. She felt like a rag doll.

  It didn’t take long for Kaz to get curious about the vibe, and it didn’t take long after shifting the vibe down to the base of his cock for him to start moaning and bucking at her. His cock felt so deep inside her, she doubted it would ever find its way back out again.

  There was so much going on in and around her she could hardly breathe. Rob dropped her to take hold of her tits while Kaz moved his furious cock in her. They watched as he arched his back and gritted his teeth. They watched him stress and strain, and then release and drop back down to the floor.

  Josie felt Kaz’s muscles relax as his eyes fluttered shut.

  “I think we’ve lost him,” she said to Rob, trying to catch her breath. “He’s really got to break this habit.”

  “Come on. Let him sleep,” Rob said, taking her by the hand. He led her to the sofa and laid her down, with her head on a throw cushion. “Comfy?”

  “Oh yes,” she replied as he ran a stream of kissed between her breasts and down her belly. When he arrived at her pussy, he licked it clean. Jumping under the fury of his tongue, she cooed, “You just love the taste of another man’s cum, don’t you babe?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” he replied, with his mouth on her clit. Climbing up her body, he kissed her tits. “But there’s nothing I love more than you.”

  She smiled tenderly as he pushed his cock inside her. She gasped, but didn’t say anything. Looking around the room, at the soft lights of candles and the glowing Christmas tree, her heart overflowed with the joy. Not many women had husbands like hers. She could feel his cock inside her, moving as they writhed in unison.

  As she wrapped her arms around her husband, she suddenly realized Kaz was sitting on the coffee table at their side. He was holding their little vibrator. She smiled and pointed. “Use the lube.”

  Rob didn’t know what hit him when Kaz eased the vibrator into his ass. She felt his chest bounce on hers with the shock of being penetrated.

  “Fuck my husband,” Josie purred.

  “With the vibe?”

  “With your dick.” She loved how dirty it sounded. She loved how the k sound popped in her mouth as she said it.


  Rob didn’t say anything in response, so she figured he must be into it.

  Kaz chuckled nervously, it seemed. “I
don’t know. I need some recovery time.”

  “No you don’t,” Josie scoffed. “Come, put your dick in my mouth. I’ll show you how hard you can be.”

  He did as he was told, and she sucked his limp cock until it grew hard and thick. Rob kept right on fucking her as she treated Kaz to a supremely effective blowjob.

  “How’s that?” she asked, full with pride. “No are you ready to fuck my husband? Use the lube, remember.”

  “I know,” Kaz replied, picking up the bottle.


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