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[His for a Week 01.0] Bought

Page 16


  He smirked. “How do you know curtain number three doesn’t already involve deepthroating?”

  At that, her little attempt to seduce him faltered. Most guys would probably have taken the blow job by now, but what he had in mind was so much better than a quick crotch sneeze.

  “It’s curtain number three or nothing, pet. But don’t worry. You’ll still have the chance to blow me.”

  She seethed for a few seconds before lifting her chin. “I’ll agree to curtain number three if there’s no penetration.”

  She was trying to dictate the terms? He assessed her stubbornly set jaw. As much as he disliked Jake, he had to agree that setting the expectations correctly at the beginning mattered. Otherwise, he could see this one making several attempts to top from the bottom.

  He could see himself being a total jerk and making penetration a requisite for getting the cellphone, but he was intrigued by the challenge. Could he go the length of a session without burying his cock in her?

  His body objected, his cock stretching the confines of his pants in protest. But, for now, his mind still held control. He had to prove to himself that he didn’t want her that badly, no matter how blue his balls got.

  A corner of his mouth curled. “No penetration. Just know, however, that when you beg for it, you won’t get it. Because that’s what we agreed to.”

  She scrunched her face, indicating she doubted he could be that serious. He was fucking serious. If he had to suffer, she would, too.

  “Fine,” she said.

  “Fine, what?”

  “Fine, I’ll go with curtain number three.”

  I made my choice, but I don’t like it, said her eyes and tone.

  He returned a small smile. Doesn’t matter. You will.

  “What’s the safety word this time?” she demanded, but her breath faintly quivered.

  “Same as before: mercy.”

  Anticipation swelled in his groin. It was bloody time to have some real fun.

  “I get the phone as soon as we’re done?” she asked.

  “As soon as you’ve completed everything behind curtain number three.”

  “You didn’t specify that before.”

  “You think I’m going to be okay if, five minutes in, you use your safety word?”

  “What if I’m not able to complete everything?”

  “You will.”

  “What if I use my safety word twenty minutes in? How long does curtain number three last?”

  “If you use your safety word before we’re done, then you haven’t completed curtain number three. As for how long it lasts, that’s up to you and whether you’re a good pet or not.”

  She frowned. “So I don’t get anything for trying, even if I give it my best?”

  “Do they give gold medals to athletes just because they tried their best? You’ve got to cross the finish line, pet.”

  She pursed her lips. Those fucking lips he wanted wrapped around his cock. Nevertheless, he didn’t press her and let her take her time as she weighed the full brunt of her acceptance. This was her last chance to back out.

  “All right, let’s get started,” she declared with impatience.

  He scratched the stubble that had started to come in about his jaw. She sure wanted to talk to this Sam badly.

  “You sound like you want this root canal over and done with.”

  “At least I know what a root canal entails.”

  Crossing to her, he chuckled. He grasped her by the chin. “I won’t promise curtain number three won’t be as miserable as a root canal for you, but if you let yourself, it could be a lot more enjoyable.”

  Defiance still shown in her eyes. She wanted to prove him wrong. But he had wrested orgasms from her before, so he could it again. He would do it again.

  She couldn’t know it, but her resistance made him more determined, made him more drawn to her. He ran his thumb across her cheeks and over her lips, drawing the bottom one down till they parted in the way that drove him crazy. She had pretty teeth. Even and white, a gleaming contrast to her darker skin.

  “Don’t worry, pet,” he said softly. “You made a good choice.”

  Her eyes shimmered and lost some of their defiance. He released her and stepped back. Wordlessly, she stared at him, still wary like a mouse cornered by the cat. Did she think he would add to the bruise on her cheek, or did she remember what he had said he wanted to do with her—fuck her, torment her, and devastate her?

  “Go sit on the bed,” he instructed.

  It wasn’t what she wanted to hear. No matter. His sympathy only went so far because she should have thought of that before she signed up for the Scarlet Auction, and he was too selfish not to make use of his purchase, especially when he wasn’t one who normally threw around two hundred thousand dollars lightly. Of course he would honor the safety word if she used it, but he was confident he could push her to edge, just short of using the safety word.

  He narrowed his eyes when she didn’t comply right away. Did she not learn her lesson on that already? She read his expression, squared her shoulders and stalked over to the bed.

  At the dresser, he pulled out the silk kerchief she had picked out from the thrift store. He folded it till it would serve nicely as a blindfold.

  “What’s that for?” she asked when he stood before her.

  “What do you think it’s for?” he replied.

  “Is it necessary?”

  “Doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t. Now, are you going to be a good pet or do you want it to be a long night? I can last the night. The question is, can you?”

  Maybe it was a bit of a stretch saying he could last the night. He’d done it before, but it was with a sub who had been his girlfriend at the time and whom he had trained to be well behaved. She could almost come on command, rather like Pavlov’s dog.

  And he wanted Kimani so badly right now, he’d bust a nut if he had to wait the whole night. He could do it if he had to, to make good on his word, but it would be a long and torturous night for the both of them.

  She remained still while he tied the silk kerchief over her eyes. Her breath grew shallow.

  “Lie down,” he told her.

  After a pause, she held her towel and flopped backwards onto the bed. The move was hardly sexy. She looked as if she were getting ready for her annual gynecology exam. But her demeanor would change soon enough. He would see to that.

  “Scoot up,” he instructed.

  Doing so meant lifting her legs. He thought about reminding her that he had already seen just about every inch of her but decided to let her wallow in her discomfort. Fear, in the right dose and place and time, could have aphrodisiac qualities.

  She placed her feet near her arse to conceal as much as possible and pushed herself toward the top of the bed. Back at the dresser, he took out the rope he had purchased from the hardware store.

  “I’m going to tie you to the bed,” he said as he unwound the rope. “Nothing too challenging tonight.”

  The sleigh beds and simple rectangular headboards of modern beds were less fun to tie a person to than the four-post bed he had in his penthouse in San Francisco, but this camelback headboard had two small posts on either side, enough to bind the ropes to. He took her left wrist, the one that wasn’t clinging to her towel, and gently wound the rope around her. She looked like she had difficulty swallowing.

  “You’ve been tied up before,” he assumed.

  “Not by a stranger,” she replied with a slight hitch in her breath.

  He tied the other end to the post. “Does that make it more exciting for you?”

  “It makes me more nervous.”

  “Nervous in a good way?”

  “I don’t know. It could go either way. This could turn out g—”

  He had taken her other wrist.

  “—good or bad,” she finished, not fighting him when he began to bind her right wrist to the other bedpost.

  “It could,” he acknowledged, “and you have a lot to d
o with it.”

  “So you say,’ve shown you can be an asshole sometimes.”

  He pulled the rope tight, making her gasp as her arm stretched taught. He secured it before saying, “Let me give you a tip about behavior in people: you should praise that which you want to see from them. If you want a child to eat her veggies, praise her when she does. Don’t highlight when she doesn’t. That just reinforces the negative in her subconscious.”

  He threw open the towel, laying her entirely bare. She tensed and strained against the ropes.

  “I don’t know that I would do that if I were you,” he continued, “especially when you’re tied up and completely at my mercy. Now you’re just inviting me to be an asshole.”

  His gaze took in everything from the nipples that had hardened as quickly as his cock had, to that sexy indent traversing the center of her midsection, to the gorgeous patch of hair at the base of her pelvis.

  Damn. He might be the one in trouble. He grasped a breast, sinking his fingers into the flesh, remarkably soft and pliant given how firm her baps looked. There was so much he could to this orb. So much wickedness. Her dark-chocolate areolas were so fucking hot. He brushed his thumb over the erect nipple. He pinched and pulled it hard enough to make her cry out.

  “Expect an asshole, get an asshole,” he warned.

  “You’re not always one,” she said quickly. “Sometimes you’re—you’re a nice guy.”

  If he were a nice guy, he’d say things to reassure her, let her know he’d take good care of her. But he didn’t feel like being nice right now. Partly because he wanted to fuck her till she couldn’t see straight.

  He cupped her throat, just below the chin. “You really believe that?”

  She stretched her neck as if trying to get away from his grip, but his large hand easily encircled her. He could feel her pulse throbbing beneath his thumb.

  “You were nice to me yesterday—really nice,” she affirmed. “And today. You didn’t have to take me shopping.”

  He didn’t. But there were things he had wanted to get in town, like the rope. Except for the condoms that were always in his suitcase, he hadn’t brought any of his usual playthings with him to the cabin because he hadn’t expected to be with anyone. But he could have let her make do with the sweats he had lent her yesterday or have her go naked 24/7 like the other women.

  But he had wanted to put her at ease. Which he shouldn’t have had to do. She was supposed to be a sure thing. She had sold herself as a fucktoy, after all, and he fully expected to be satisfied with his purchase.

  Click here to get HIS FOR A WEEK: RAVAGED


  Billionaire Benjamin Lee made a mistake when he bought Kimani Taylor for a week of decadent fun. She's hiding something, and he's determined to find out what. By making good on his promise to devastate her.

  Click here for more information




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