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The Killing Ground: A Foxx Files Thriller

Page 17

by Syd Parker

  “I’m confused, Dr. Mercer.” Rebecca leaned forward pinning her with her emerald-green eyes. “When we ask you if you knew of any issues between Dr. Stein and Richard Hudson, one would assume that this altercation, or whatever you want to call it, would have warranted at least a mention.”

  “I’m sure you can understand that given the nature of the issue, it would not have crossed my mind that Dr. Stein would have held a grudge against Richard Hudson. As a matter of fact, it makes more sense that the opposite would be true.”

  Rebecca sighed loudly. She was getting nowhere with Dr. Mercer. She glanced at Jordan, wondering why she was choosing to remain as quiet as she was. Normally, she would have jumped in and said something. Instead, she was staying tight—lipped, which gave more weight to her suspicions that she and Dr. Mercer were previously acquainted, and not in a professional manner.

  Finally, she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Meghan. “Fine. Whatever your reasoning, can we put that aside? Tell me your side of the issue.”

  Meghan shrugged. “Matters like this are always difficult to handle, Detective Foxx. It’s a case of he said, well he said/he said in this instance. Richard Hudson complained to me that Dr. Stein made unwanted and unwelcome advances toward his wife. He asked that I remove Dr. Stein from his wife’s procedures. Of course, I obliged. It’s the clinic's stance that the patient is always right, and we take complaints against our staff very seriously. We do whatever we can to ensure that the patient has the best possible experience. Dr. Stein jeopardized that relationship, and it was my responsibility to deal with the matter in the best interests of the patient. However, I did not feel like the matter warranted police attention, nor had anything to do with Dr. Stein’s alleged criminal activity.”

  Rebecca watched her face as she spoke, still watching for something that didn’t match the cool, calm exterior. She wasn’t sure if it was just her suspicion of Jordan’s history with her or something else, but she didn’t like her. “How did Dr. Stein react?”

  “As you can imagine, Dr. Stein was quite upset with the allegations. He seemed genuinely distraught that his actions could have been misconstrued in such a manner. Despite his missteps, Dr. Stein was an excellent doctor and performed many successful procedures. At no time, did I feel like this particular complaint against him warranted further investigation by the board, or the police, for that matter. It was handled as requested by the patient.”

  “Did Dr. Stein happen to mention that Richard Hudson had threatened him?” Rebecca went into attack mode. “That seems like a perfect motive for Dr. Stein to have a personal vendetta against him.”

  “I was not aware of that.” Meghan was caught off guard, and she didn’t like it. Nor did she like the predatory look in Detective Foxx’s eyes. If she didn’t know any better, she could have sworn it was directed towards her on behalf of Jordan. And that was another reason she didn’t do relationships anymore. One disastrous relationship for her was enough. Whatever fucked-up mess they were in the middle of, she wanted no part of it. “Dr. Stein kept to himself, especially after his ex—wife left him. I’m sure whatever went on between him and Richard Hudson didn’t alarm him enough to mention it.”

  Rebecca narrowed her eyes. Meghan hadn’t done anything other than lie to them, or sin by omission. However she chose to look at it. Nevertheless, there was something she didn’t trust about her. “Did Dr. Stein ever have trouble with any of the other patients?”

  Meghan didn’t miss the suspicious look that seemed ever present on Rebecca’s face. “Not to my knowledge. As I mentioned before, previous to Dr. Stein’s mental breakdown, he was a good doctor. He treated everyone with respect, and that included the patients.”

  “All the patients, except Elizabeth Hudson, you mean.” Rebecca corrected her in a stern voice.

  Meghan hated being corrected. “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t mention it earlier, Detective Foxx. At the time, I firmly believed that the incident had nothing to do with Dr. Stein and his vendetta against Richard Hudson. I just assumed he was the unlucky victim of a mad man. By the time he was forced to resign, Dr. Stein was an entirely different man than the one that hired me. He took the divorce harder than most, and it changed him.”

  “Explain to me again how he was different.” Rebecca didn’t need to know Meghan’s opinion. It didn’t matter anyway. She firmly believed that Dr. Stein was their perp. She was merely enjoying making her uncomfortable, and it seemed the longer she questioned her, the more uncomfortable she got.

  Meghan closed her eyes and counted to ten. She was on to Rebecca’s game now, and she was out of the cooperating mood. “How do you mean?”

  “What she means is what was Dr. Stein’s personality like before he was fired?” Jordan finally leaned forward and spoke. She could see the anger flaring in Meghan’s eyes, and she suddenly felt the need to stick up for her girlfriend. No, her ex—girlfriend, at least until she figured out a way to fix things with Rebecca.

  Meghan rolled her eyes. “I understand that perfectly, Agent Gray. My confusion comes from the fact that we’ve discussed this several times already.”

  “Why don’t you repeat it for my benefit?” The edge in Jordan’s voice was unmistakable. She could be pushed only so far before the fangs came out. “Pretend like you haven’t told me.”

  Meghan sighed loudly. “Fine. He was sporadic, moody, volatile, and angry. Everything set him off. I saw him threaten techs, other doctors. It wasn’t unlike him to come to work drunk. He was angry and hurt, and he took it out on everyone around him.”

  Rebecca opened her mouth before Jordan could ask any more questions. “I know we discussed this before, but tell me again. Do you have any reason to believe that Dr. Stein would be angry enough to kill?”

  Meghan was silent as she contemplated her next words. “Given how angry he was, it is entirely believable that he could kill someone.”

  “See how easy that was.” Rebecca said sarcastically. “I ask questions. You answer them.”

  Meghan stood up and stretched her lanky body to its full height in an obvious attempt to intimidate Rebecca. It didn’t work. “If we’re done here, I think it’s time you and Agent Gray left. I’ve answered your questions and now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a business to run, which thankfully, is still here despite the CDD’s efforts to the contrary.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rebecca’s eyes blazed.

  Meghan shrugged nonchalantly. “You figure it out, Detective. You have dragged the clinic’s name through the mud with your investigation. One, I might add, that hasn’t produced a viable arrest. I’ve managed to keep things running smoothly, no thanks to you. I just think if you spent time actually investigating instead of harassing me, you might have already caught the right guy.”

  “Why you little…”

  Jordan grabbed Rebecca’s arm and shook her head. She shot Meghan an apologetic smile. “Thank you for your time, Dr. Mercer.”

  The angry snarl disappeared from Meghan’s face, and she shot Jordan a coy smile. “It was my pleasure, Agent Gray.” The words dripped off her tongue, and Jordan groaned inwardly.

  Whatever suspicions Rebecca may have had were pretty much confirmed with one sentence. Jordan cupped Rebecca’s elbow and directed her towards the door. “Let’s go, Rebecca. She’s not worth it.”

  The words were spoken no louder than a whisper, but they reverberated across the room, and Meghan winced. Only one woman she had ever bedded said she wasn’t worth it. She watched them walk out then slammed her fist against the desk. “Fuck you, Jordan! I’ll show you who’s worth it.”

  Chapter 22

  Rebecca slammed the file on her desk. Their interview with Dr. Mercer still had her on edge. She had to remain professional when she really wanted to punch the smug look off her face. The look that Dr. Mercer gave Jordan confirmed her suspicions that they had past history beyond boxing. She pushed Jordan for an answer and hearing her say it pissed her off even more.

p; Jordan tried to tell her that it had no bearing on the case. That it was a long time ago. That it meant nothing. But it mattered to Rebecca. As of right now, she had to look that bitch in the eye with the knowledge that she was laughing at her behind her back. It may not jeopardize the case, but right now, it was seriously jeopardizing her sanity.

  “Hey, boss, I got it!” Rick walked into the bull pen waving several sheets of paper. He handed them to her and waited as she read them.

  She read each one and muttered under her breath. “House, yard, car. Strong work, Jonesy. Let’s get this guy.”

  “You want me to call it in?” Rick picked up the phone and started dialing.

  “No.” Rebecca stopped him midway. “We go in alone. I don’t want to scare him off with a bunch of blue and whites showing up in front of his house.”

  Rick hesitated. “Boss?”

  “What is it, Jonesy?” Rebecca looped her badge around her neck and stuck her firearm in its holster.

  “Riley and Gray?” Rick stammered. “It’s their case too. They should be there.”

  “Damn it, Jonesy! It’s our case, not the FBI’s.” Rebecca’s eyes blazed and Rick took a step back, somewhat confused at her reaction. She saw him wince and immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry. It’s just that…”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Rick raised a dismissive hand. “I know the score.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rebecca was irritated enough, and she wasn’t in the mood for his shit.

  “Nothing, boss. Forget I said anything.”

  He started to walk out, and Rebecca grabbed his arm and spun him around. “No, tell me what you mean. Enlighten me, ‘cause right now I’m not so sure what is going on.”

  Rick met her steely gaze and held it firmly. “I know you got a thing for the Agent. I’m not sure what is going on with you two, but I’ve never seen you put your feelings before our safety in any case. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty fond of living right now, and if having them glued to my hip keeps me alive, I’m all for it. For once, think about someone besides yourself.”

  Rebecca’s heart dropped. “You really think that? That I put myself first. I give my life to this place. Never ask for anything in return. My life is about putting others first.”

  Rick sighed. “You’re right, you live the job. Nobody can refute that. But sometimes all you think about is yourself. I know you want this bastard, maybe more than anybody else but don’t do it like this. Don’t be a hero.”

  “Jonesy, I would never…” Rebecca stopped and let his words sink in. Was he right? Had it always been about her? She did have a temper, and that got the better of her sometimes. She could be rash. But she thought she put that aside when it mattered. She felt him studying her. Rick was the only person she would ever let accuse her of being selfish. Probably, because he had a point and more so because he was her partner and would do anything for her. She frowned.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I think you get so wrapped up in the job, you forget you’re not the only one around…Jordan included.”

  She could have asked him to explain what he meant, but she didn’t need him too. She knew. She didn’t think about Jordan’s feelings when she went off on her, just how she felt. How she hurt. And hadn’t every relationship ended the same way? By her choice. Because it didn’t work for her anymore. It wasn’t convenient. And now with Rick, she was ready to storm into a madman’s house by themselves. Putting both their lives at risk. “I…I didn’t realize…”

  Rick squeezed her hand gently. “You’re a great cop, and you’ve always been there for me. I just want you to be there with me. We’re partners, remember?”

  “I know.”

  “And whether you want to accept it or not, Jordan cares about you. Maybe it’s time to stop being so goddamn self—centered. Take it from me, it gets damn lonely.”

  “Oh.” Rick’s words hit her, and she felt her chest clench tightly. She knew he wasn’t married. Hell, he hadn’t dated anyone in months. The job made it hard to have a social life, much less find someone that could love you despite the crazy hours. She just figured that was his choice, and here he was pretty much admitting he hated his single life and telling her to get over herself. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Rick smiled. “Hell, Boss, I didn’t mean to ream you out. It’s just that…”

  “No, I know.” Rebecca shrugged her shoulders. “I’m an asshole.”

  Rick’s laughter filled the bullpen. “Well, that’s one way to say it.”

  Rebecca smiled despite herself, and for the first time, she looked at Rick differently. She realized she loved him like a brother and knew she would die to protect him, just as he would for her. More importantly, she realized she was capable of opening herself up, and that thought frightened her. She shook it off and punched Rick in the shoulder. “Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? Let’s get Riley and Gray and take this bastard down.”

  They agreed to go in silent. No lights, no sirens. There was something in the element of surprise after all. Matt’s sedan slid to a quiet stop behind Rebecca’s unmarked car, catty corner to Dr. Stein’s house. The dim street lights afforded them more cover than they had expected and within moments, Rebecca and Rick were walking up to the door, eyes peeled, taking in everything. Neither one wanted any surprises. Jordan and Matt were already positioned around the back of the house, in case he decided to run.

  Rebecca stepped up on the porch and lifted her hand to knock when a chill ran down her spine. The door was cracked slightly. She tensed and gave Rick a look. He stepped up and put himself between her and the door, neither knowing what they would find.

  Rick raised his gun and put it in front of his lips, signaling for Rebecca to remain quiet. He pushed the door open with his foot and leaned his head in the crack. “Phillip Stein. Chicago PD.”

  They waited, breaths held for some response. None came. Rick toed the door open all the way and stepped into the entryway. He shouted again. “Hello! Dr. Stein, are you here? Chicago PD.”

  Still nothing. Rebecca stepped in behind him. Something wasn’t right. The open door wasn’t right. It felt all wrong.

  Rick slid his hand across the wall and flipped a light switch illuminating the dark room. They surveyed the room. A sofa table lay upended, and an empty glass lay on the carpet with a wet stain spreading around it. He shot Rebecca another look, this time letting her know that whatever was going on wasn’t what they expected.

  She could feel a chill in the room and couldn’t tell if it was the open door or the evil she knew lived here. They walked around the sofa, careful not to touch anything. “Dr. Stein. Chicago PD.” Rick’s voice was louder this time.

  They heard a slight shuffle from the room next to the living room. Pulling a small flashlight out of his pocket, he led them into the kitchen. Both of their guns were ready, not sure if Phillip Stein would try to attack them. He obviously saw them pull up, and he was frantically trying to avoid being caught. He was a man with everything to lose. Rick fumbled for the light switch and flipped it on, ready to shoot if necessary.

  “God damn it!” Rebecca pulled her gun back. “What are you doing in here?”

  Jordan waived her gun at the door. “It was open.”

  “And you couldn’t give us a head’s up?” Rebecca was glaring at her. Her heart was pounding, her nerves a frenzied mess.

  “I wasn’t sure if he was waiting to ambush you, and I didn’t want to alert him if he was.”

  Matt came out a door to her right. “All clear.”


  “Yeah.” Matt slid his gun into the holster. “I don’t think he’s here.”

  “You’re probably right. Let’s check the rest of the house.” Rebecca walked in front of Rick and repeated the same slow thorough sweep of the house. Phillip Stein wasn’t home and from the looks of it, had left in a hurry.

  “Fuck.” Rebecca swore softly. “Put out an APB. I don’t want him getting far. Send his
plate info out to anyone in a two—hundred mile perimeter. He’s not getting away.”

  Rick pulled out his cell and made a call. “It’s done.

  “What now?” Jordan said with a loud sigh.

  “Get CSI out here. I want every inch of the property searched. We are going to go back and figure out where he’s going. I want his phone records. Find out who he is talking to. Run his credit cards. Let’s pull his bank accounts too. If he’s running, he’s going to need cash.”

  She met Jordan’s questioning look. “See if you can get a hold of Ruth Dawson. Find out if they had any friends who would help. Maybe she knows something. It’s obvious someone tipped him off, and my gut is telling me it’s her.”

  Jordan nodded, thankful for the distraction. She still had a hard time looking at Rebecca without her heart clenching tightly. She sucked in a breath. “For her sake, I hope she didn’t.”

  Back in the bullpen, Rick pulled up all his records. “Nothing unusual on his cards. No ATM withdrawals, at least nothing big.” He scanned the cell records. “Wait a sec.”

  “What?” Rebecca nodded towards the monitor on the wall where all of Phillip Stein’s personal info was popping up.

  “There’s a number on here. Called at least twenty times in the last couple of days.”

  “Run it.” Rebecca crossed her arms over her chest and started chewing her bottom lip.

  Rick punched the keys loudly. “Son—of—a—bitch.”


  “It’s Richard Hudson’s number.”

  “What the hell?” Rebecca narrowed her eyes. “I told him to let us handle it.”

  “Last call was an hour before we got there.” Rick clicked another couple of buttons. “It’s his cell.”

  Rebecca spun around. “Find him. He’s just crazy enough to try something stupid.”

  Rick pulled up another program and started searching for the tracking devise in Richard Hudson’s phone, triangulating it against the map. Within minutes, a small red blip showed up on the monitor. “Got it.”


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