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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History

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by J. Smith

  Anders, Freia 166

  Andrawes, Souhaila 40, 345

  Angola 2, 8, 138, 146, 305

  anti-Americanism 178. See also Federal Republic of Germany: considered a colony

  anticommunist rabble-rousing 17, 78, 141, 298, 309

  Antideutsche movement 358

  anti-imperialism 64, 168, 171–172; criticism of 56–57, 145–146, 216–219; and Geneva Convention 102; and NATO 167, 172–174, 177–179, 190, 284–285, 288–289. See also RAF ideas on: NATO; and North American left 171; and prisoners 174, 178, 285; and RAF 20, 63, 178, 202, 240. See also RAF ideas on: proletarian internationalism; refocussing on metropole 138–139, 172–173, 212. See also RAF ideas on: metropolitan focus; and Revolutionary Cells 64, 69, 71; and 2nd of June Movement 62, 64, 66, 73, 132, 137–139; and Soviet bloc 218. See also RAF ideas on: the Soviet Union

  Anti-Imperialist Front 227, 286–287, 292–296; outlined in May Paper 211–214, 235, 238–243; mentioned in other documents 118, 198, 200, 276, 285, 304, 310, 335

  Antiimperialistischer Kampf xx, 217–219

  anti-imperialist movement. See Autonomen and anti-imps; See anti-imperialism; See militant women’s movement

  anti-imps xxvi, 168. See also Autonomen and anti-imps

  antimilitarism. See peace and antiwar movements

  antinuclear movement 77–82; concept of “atomic state” 83; and RAF 81, 152–153; and Revolutionary Cells 81–82, 381; mentioned by 2nd of June Movement 148; Brokdorf (1976) 79, 81, 372; Brokdorf (1980 and 1981) 166; Gorleben (1979) 379; Gorleben (1980) 148n, 166; Gorleben (1982) 166; Grohnde (1977) 80, 81, 373; Kalkar (1977) 82–83, 374; Kalkar (1982) 166; Wyhl (1975) 78, 371

  Anti-Repression Conference (1976) 98

  antisemitism 353, 355; selection at Entebbe 72–73

  anti-“terrorist” consensus 44, 173. See also RAF ideas on: imperialist unification; and Federal Republic of Germany 67, 247, 255, 258–260, 377–378; and Third World 47n, 71–72, 247, 258–260, 378–379

  antiwar movement. See peace and antiwar movements

  anti-Zionism 69–70, 71, 353.

  APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition) xx, 16–18, 88, 141. See also generations: APO; women 89

  Arbeitskreis politische Prozesse (APG) xx, 60, 375

  Asdonk, Brigitte 345; hunger strike (1980) 151, 381

  Audran, René 295, 357

  Augustin, Barbara 188, 345

  Augustin, Ronald 345–346

  Austria. See also Revolutionary Cells: OPEC raid in Vienna (1975); See also 2nd of June Movement: Palmers kidnapping (1977); and Palestinians 258, 260; and West German guerillas 59–61, 353, 354

  Autonomen and anti-imps xxvi, 126n, 161i, 167–168, 168i, 207i, 209, 214. See also squats; See also militant women’s movement; See also support scene; origins (1970s) 126, 164; and Bremen riots (1980) 126, 187; and protests at Startbahn West (1980s) 166–167, 188, 288; and protests against Haig (1981) 181–182, 188; and protests against Reagan (1982) 223, 225–226, 386; and protests against Bush (1983) 284–286; and antinuclear movement 126, 164, 166; and antiwar movement 172–173, 178–179, 185, 224, 281–285, 387; and RAF 168–169, 191, 202; and Revolutionary Cells 168–169, 191; and 2nd of June Movement 147

  Autonomie 80n, 360

  autonomous women’s movement 126n. See also militant women’s movement

  Avdic, Karin 101n, 229

  Baader, Andreas 50, 140n, 267, 304, 345; Frankfurt department stores arson (1968) 19, 156n, 366; library breakout (1970) 19, 367; captured (1972) 24, 369; release demanded by Black September (1972) 259; interviewed by Spiegel (1975) 370; Stammheim trial (1976-1977) 30, 250, 365, 373; in Stammheim prison (1977) 34, 36, 39; death in Stammheim (1977) 38, 41–42, 45, 374. See also Stammheim deaths (1977)

  Bachmann, Josef 366

  Baden-Württemberg LKA 29n,

  Bahr, Egon 308, 345

  Bakker Schut, Pieter 94, 346

  bank robberies; and RAF 22, 104, 108–111, 135, 141, 228, 286, 354, 367, 381, 388; and 2nd of June Movement 56, 108–109, 141, 367; other 348

  Barabaß, Ingrid 346; captured and extradited (1980) 129–131, 382; hunger strike (1982) 188

  Barz, Ingeborg 251n,

  Baumann, Jürgen 65, 346

  Baumann, Michael “Bommi” 367

  Baum, Gerhart 67, 259, 261i, 346, 377; and Boock 264–265, 268; and Hans- Joachim Klein 266; and Horst Herold 257, 384; and Horst Mahler 261–262, 382; mentioned by 2nd of June Movement 148; supports dialogue with far left and resocialization 148, 256–258, 261–266, 268

  BAW (Bundesanwaltschaft) xx, 33–34, 41, 287n. See also RAF: attack on the BAW (1977); See also psychological warfare: BAW; and counterinsurgency 150, 199, 229, 284; and prisoners 36–37, 114, 190, 265, 269, 278, 279, 299–301, 343

  Beauvoir, Simone de 31

  Becher (CSU) 300

  Becker, Eberhard 35n, 369

  Becker, Verena 62, 93, 230i–231i, 346, 375; captured (1972) 62; freed in Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 57n, 371; captured (1977) 35, 373; trial (1977) 375–376; and Verfassungsschutz (1981-1982) 230–231, 365, 383, 385; trial (2012) xviii, 230n; support from sister 153

  Beer, Henning 133, 204, 346; Zurich bank robbery (1979) 109–111, 381; leaves RAF (1981) 204–205; cooperated with investigators 337, 341

  Beer, Wolfgang 133i, 346; captured (1974) 35n, 369; in Stammheim (1977) 35–36; release and dpa occupation (1978) 97, 378. See also dpa occupation (1978); return to RAF (1979) 127; dies in car accident (1980) 133, 150, 382; and May Paper 220; and Stasi 337

  Beitz, Berthold 306n,

  Belgium 39, 94, 106–107, 293

  Benno Ohnesorg Commando 61

  Berberich, Monika 43–44, 50, 108, 346, 370; escape from prison and recapture (1976) 58–59, 372; in prison 67–68, 103–104, 380

  Berger, Manfred 163, 346

  Bergmann, Ulrich 104

  Berufsverbot xxvii, 81n, 98, 100, 376

  BGS (Bundesgrenzschutz) xx, 80, 223

  Biehal, Christine 55

  Biehal, Harald 55

  Bild Zeitung 366

  bin Laden, Osama 347

  Bishop, Maurice 123

  BKA (Bundeskriminalamt) xx, 160, 254, 257, 346, 368, 384. See also Herold, Horst; computers xxiii–xxiv, 28–29, 52, 106, 257, 302, 325, 368; dirty tricks 29–30; hunt for guerilla 34, 52, 59, 67, 106, 130, 133, 228, 284, 369; intelligence on RAF 107, 181; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 114, 150, 193, 247, 287n, 300–301; and prison conditions 114, 265

  black bloc 160, 202

  Black September (organization) 259

  Bloch, Ernst 75

  Blues 18, 88, 367

  BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) xxi, xxiii, 107, 129, 136, 325

  Bochum Prison Group 217

  Bocooc, Leila 55

  Boge, Heinrich 265, 314n, 346

  Bonn Security Group 67. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  Boock, Peter-Jürgen 50, i, 265i, 347; before and upon joining RAF (pre-1976) 50–51; captured and released (1978, Yugoslavia) 51, 53, 329, 377–378; Zurich bank robbery (1979) 109–111, 135, 381; leaving RAF (1980) 129, 135, 263–264; captured (1981) 263–264, 384; trial and appeal (1984-1986) 268–269, 328, 388; denies responsibility and courts liberal intelligentsia 264–266, 328, 331–332; denounced 328–332, 341; drug addiction 50–51, 53, 129, 264–265, 329–331, 376–377; prison conditions 265; telling tales about RAF 230n, 264–265, 268–269, 328, 331–332, 365

  Boock, Waltraud. See Liewald, Waltraud

  Borgstedde, Simone 97

  Börner, Holger 163, 347

  Böse, Wilfred 372. See also Entebbe/Air France skyjacking (1976)

  Brandt, Willy 347; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 117, 298, 302, 307–308

  Brauchitsch, Eberhard von 312

  Braun, Bernhard 24, 103, 347, 369

  Braunmühl brothers 328

  Braunmühl, Gerold von 328

  Bremen riots (1980) 125–127, 382; mentioned 148, 187–188, 215

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew 124, 347

  Buback, Siegfried 33i–34i, 347
, 373. See also BAW (Bundesanwaltschaft); See also RAF: Buback assassination (1977)

  Bulgaria 67–68, 377

  Bundesanwaltschaft. See BAW (Bundesanwaltschaft)

  Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) xx, 80, 223

  Bundeskriminalamt. See BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  Bundesnachrichtendienst. See BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst)

  Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie 38

  Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände 38

  Bundeswehr xxvi, 194, 258

  Bunte Hilfe Nürnberg 186–187, 278

  bürgerinitiativen. See Citizens Initiatives

  Bush, George Sr. 282, 387

  Bux, Kuno 29n,

  Callaghan, James 311

  Cambodia 7, 138, 146, 305

  Carlos. See Ramírez Sánchez, Ilich

  Carpio, Salvador 305

  Carter Doctrine 125, 381

  Carter, Jimmy 121, i, 121–125, 380–381; crafting antiterrorist consensus 260; mentioned 170, 311

  CDU (Christlich Demokratisches Union) xxi, 16, 57, 78, 255–256, 270, 371. See also Kohl, Helmut; See also CDUCSU- FDP Coalition (1983-1998); See

  also CDU-FDP coalition (West Berlin Senate); antiterrorist grandstanding 45, 254, 261, 299–300; foreign policy 258n, 260, 309; mentioned by guerilla 138, 299, 306, 309

  CDU-CSU-FDP Coalition (1983-1998) 266, 283, 387

  CDU-FDP coalition (West Berlin Senate) 166, 207

  Cellules Communistes Combattantes (Fighting Communist Cells) 293

  censorship 279, 320–322. See also §88a; See also §130a; condemned by Russell Tribunal 326, 379; of prisoners 341–343

  Chad 117n,

  Chaoten 160

  Chile 69, 98, 122, 258n, 369

  China 146

  Christians, Friedrich Wilhelm 54

  Christlich Demokratisches Union. See CDU (Christlich Demokratisches Union)

  Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern. See CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern)

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 107, 123, 124, 173, 260, 379

  Citizens Initiatives 78, 87, 185, 272

  Clausewitz 144

  CNT-FAI 86, i

  Cohn-Bendit, Daniel 267

  Commando Martyr Halimeh 39–40, 374. See also Mogadishu/Lufthansa skyjacking (1977)

  Committees Against Torture 27, 103, 380

  computers xxii–xxiv, 82, 135, 257, 325. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt): computers; mentioned by RAF 147

  Conference of Interior Ministers xxii

  Congress for the Defense of the Republic 100

  consciousness 291. See also RAF ideas on: radical subjectivity

  Conservative Party (UK) 176–177, 227, 380, 383

  Contact Ban 39, 42n, 257, 279, 300–301; condemned by Russell Tribunal 323, 326, 379

  co-optation/recuperation 88, 90–91, 122, 272, 281–283. See also counterinsurgency: soft/co-optation/recuperation. See also resocialization

  Coordinating Committee. See peace and antiwar movements: Coordinating Committee

  Cossiga, Francesco 313n,

  Cossiga law 313n,

  counterinsurgency 313–314. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt); See also psychological warfare; See also false flag actions; See also repression, judicial; See also NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); See also §129a: used against alleged supporters; See also United States: counterinsurgency; See also Verfassungsschutz; East-West cooperation 46–47, 51, 67–68; mentioned by RAF 118, 201–203, 247, 299–302; soft/cooptation/ recuperation xviii, 256–258. See also resocialization

  Crisis Management Team 299–301, 311–312

  Croatia 53n,

  Croissant, Klaus 98, 101, 347; in France 37, 373, 375; law office 105, 128, 374; trial (1978-1979) 376, 379

  crown witness law 251–252, 263, 336. See also informants (post-arrest) and crown witnesses

  CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern) xxi, 16, 255–256, 266, 288n, 382, 387. See also Strauß, Franz Josef; antiterrorist grandstanding 261; mentioned by RAF 247, 299–300

  Czechoslovakia 68, 134, 377

  Dachau (spraypainted) 276–277

  Dahl, Harry 69, 134–136, 204, 348

  Dahrendorf (senator) 114

  Debray, Regis 143

  Debus, Sigurd 161i–162i, 348; Celle Hole (1978) 162–163, 377–378; death during eighth hunger strike (1981) 157–159, 158i, 163, 384; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 196, 261n, 288

  December 21st Movement of the Arabic Revolution 71

  Deleuze, Gilles 85

  Dellwo, Hans-Joachim 348; crown witness 101, 251–252, 379–381

  Dellwo, Karl-Heinz 51, 96i, 252, 348, 377; captured (1975) 28, 371; on Entebbe skyjacking 73; on the 1982 arrests 229; on collective responsibility 273; on the May Paper 215–216; prison conditions and hunger strikes 26n, 94n, –95, n, 95–96, 157, 378n. See also dpa occupation (1978)

  Democratic Republic of the Congo 117

  Der Minister und der Terrorist: Gespräche zwischen Gerhart Baum und Horst Mahler 262, 382

  Deutsche Bank 54

  Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund 306n,

  Deutsche Kommunistische Partei xxi, 281. See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet]

  Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (Confederation of German Trade Unions) 181

  Die Welt 300

  Die Zeit 265–266; and Peter-Jürgen Boock 332; on eighth hunger strike (1981) 157

  DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei) xxi, 281. See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet]

  Dorff, Klaus 50–51, 348

  Dozier, James Lee 313n,

  dpa occupation (1978) 96–98, 378

  Drenkmann, Günter von 348; assassinated (1974) 57, 370. See also 2nd of June Movement: Drenkmann assassination (1974)

  Dresdner Bank 36n, 246, 312n, 373n,

  Dschihad, Chalid 129, 136, 348

  Dümlein, Christine 101, 128, 134, 348, 355, 383. See also RAF dropouts

  Düsseldorf 171, 209

  Dutschke, Rudi 349, 363, 370; attempted assassination (1968) 17, 366; death (1979) 262n, 381

  Dutzi, Gisela 188, 201, 349; captured (1983) 275–276, 387

  Dyck, Elisabeth von 105, 349; arrested in Switzerland (1975) 371; murdered (1979) 104, 127, 380; mentioned by RAF prisoners 119; name taken by Action Directe commando 295

  Easter Marches 193

  Eckes, Christa 205, i, 349; captured (1974) 35n, 369; hunger strike (1980) 151, 381; return to RAF (1981) 205; visit to GDR (1984) 334; captured (1984) 286, 388; refusal to testify (2012) xix

  Egypt 146

  Eitel, Walther (judge) 268

  El Salvador xxi, 171, 188, 197, 227, 304–305

  England 3, 9, 227, 306; Astrid Proll in hiding 25, 358; intelligence sources 72, 107; and prison conditions 174, 176, 270, 383

  Ensslin, Gudrun 41, i, 50, 349; Frankfurt department stores arson (1968) 156n, 366; library breakout (1970) 19; captured (1972) 24, 369; interviewed by Spiegel (1975) 370; Fragment Regarding the Soviet Union (1976) 218n; Stammheim trial (1976-1977) 30, 250, 365, 373; in Stammheim prison (1977) 34, 36, 39; death in Stammheim (1977) 38, 41–42, 45, 374. See also Stammheim deaths (1977); criticism of Entebbe skyjacking 73; letters confiscated after her death 41, 113

  Entebbe/Air France skyjacking (1976) 72–74, 82, 372; criticisms of 72–73

  Ernst, Barbara 286, 388

  ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) xxi, 4, 12, 270, 307. See also Spain

  Ethiopia 8, 122

  eugenics. See population control and eugenics (targeted)

  European Commission of Human Rights 371

  European Community (EC) xxi, 145, 178

  European integration 145–146, 177–178. See also RAF ideas on: imperialist unification; See also European Community (EC)

  extraditions; from Bulgaria 67–68, 377; from England 358; from France 101, 131, 251, 375, 382; from Holland 94, 378; from Norway 345; from Sudan 347; from Switzerland 61n, 110; refusal by PLO 258; refusal by Yugoslavia 53, 68, 378

  Extra-Parliamentary Oppositi
on. See APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  false flag actions. See also psychological warfare; Bremen Central Station (1974) 370; Celle hole (1978) 162–163, 377; during eighth hunger strike (1981) 156; mentioned by RAF prisoners 196; non-existent Stuttgart bombing (1972) 368

  FARL (Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions) 323

  Farthamm, Friedhelm 167

  FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei) xxi, 254–256. See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974- 1983); See also Maihofer, Werner; See also Baum, Gerhart; attempts to repeal repressive legislation 257; breaks with SPD (1983) 266, 387; CDU-FDP coalition (West Berlin Senate) 166

  FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend) 179, 340

  Federal Association of German Employers 38

  Federal Association of German Industrialists 38

  Federal Border Guard xx, 80, 223

  Federal Congress of Autonomous Peace Initiatives 282n,

  Federal Congress of Development Action Groups 282n,

  Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau. See BKA (Bundeskriminalamt)

  Federal Doctors’ Association 71

  Federal Minister of the Interior. See Baum, Gerhart; See Maihofer, Werner

  Federal Republic of Germany 14, i, 15–16; 1980 federal elections 383; 1983 federal elections 387; Constitution 319; crafting antiterrorist consensus 67, 247, 255, 258–260, 377, 378; nuclear program 75–77, 83; Third Reich successor state 17, 76, 193, 277n, 299, 301–302

  Federation of German Aviation, Space and Equipment Industry (BDLI) 295

  Federation of Nonviolent Action Groups 282n,

  feminist movement 87, 89–92, 168. See

  also militant women’s movement; See also Women Against Imperialist War

  Filbinger, Hans 78, 349

  FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional) xxi, 305. See also El Salvador

  Folkerts, Knut 34, i, 349; captured (1977) 39, 374; trial (1977) 375; in prison in Holland (1977-1978) 94, 376, 378; trial (1980) 151–152, 382; and Buback assassination 34, 152, 230, 273, 383; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; on anti-imperialism 20, 63

  Foreign Policy magazine 308

  Foucault, Michel 85

  FPL (Fuerzas Populares de Liberación; Popular Forces for Liberation) 305n,

  France 2, 4, 37, 117n, 258n. See also Action Directe; See also extraditions: from France; and West German guerillas 51, 128–131, 204, 295, 375–376, 384; antinuclear movement 78–79, 83; mentioned by guerilla 115, 145, 306–307, 311; prison conditions 130–131; solidarity actions 31–32, 131, 382


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