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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History

Page 56

by J. Smith

  Walpurgisnacht 90

  Walser, Martin 365. See also Vollmer- Walser proposal

  Wegener, Ulrich 45, 52. See also GSG-9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9)

  Weinberger, Caspar 306, 309

  Weissbecker, Thomas 367

  Weizsäcker, Richard von 306n, 332

  Wessel, Ulrich 28, 365, 371

  West Berlin left 16, 84, 86–87, 90, 164–166, 221. See also Tunix; See also Tuwat; See also Alternative Liste; and guerilla 18, 56–57, 140

  West Berlin Senate 165–166

  West Berlin Yippees 18

  Wie baue ich einen Molotow-Cocktail (How Do I Make a Molotov Cocktail?, film) 356

  Wieland, Gert Jürgen 162, 365

  Willy Peter Stoll and Michael Knoll Commando 96–98, 378

  Wischnewski, Hans-Jürgen 40, 258n, 365; mentioned by RAF 247, 312

  Wisniewski, Stefan 47, 365; captured (1978) 51–52n, 377; alleged planned jailbreak (1978) 54; trial (1980-1981) 152, 250, 385; eighth collective hunger strike (1981) 152; and Buback assassination 365; took distance from RAF 152, 261n,

  Women Against Imperialist War xxv, 91, 170–172, 174n, 176, 382. See also militant women’s movement; during eighth hunger strike (1981) 154, 384; Giordano infiltration 189; on “peace” 224

  women’s movement. See feminist movement; See militant women’s movement

  Women’s Week 384

  World Council for Peace 154

  Wuster, George 373

  youth. 164. See also generations

  Yugoslavia (1978 arrests) 51, 53, 68, 329, 377–378

  Zahn, Joachim 306n, 312

  Zaire 117n,

  Zaumseil, Gerd 69, 334

  Zeis, Peter 268, 365

  Zielfahndung. See BKA (Bundeskriminalamt): hunt for guerilla

  Zimbabwe 123

  Zimmermann, Eduard 59, i

  Zimmermann, Ernst 295

  Zimmermann, Friedrich 266, 283, 300, 365, 387

  Zitzlaff, Wienke 31–32, 365

  Zusammen Kämpfen 292, i–293, 388


  André Moncourt is the pseudonym of a writer with his political roots in the movements of the seventies and eighties.

  J. Smith is the pseudonym of an activist who has been involved in the radical left for over twenty years.

  Both feel very lucky to have had a chance to tell this story.


  This title heads for the introductory sections of this book, as well as the text in sidebars, is set in Avenir, a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1988. The title heads for RAF documents have been set in ITC American Typewriter Std.

  The textface chosen for the body of this book is Sabon, a Garamond face designed by Jan Tschichold in 1964.

  As a young typographer in the 1920s, Tschichold was a fan of the Bauhaus style, and had quite the collection of posters from the Soviet Union. For these sins he was arrested by the Gestapo in 1933, and all copies of his books were banned “for the protection of the German people.” Unlike so many others, he managed to be released, and fled to Switzerland, where he lived for the rest of his life.


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