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Page 8

by HK Khan

  “No, Guine, don’t cry!” He grabs a tissue and presses it to my cheek to catch the errant droplet. Hooking the tips of my fingers with his, he lightly tugs me over to a bench and sits beside me. Declan reaches out to hug me, but stops before making contact and withdraws.

  I sigh. “Is this because of what happened last night?” He stares down at his knees and doesn’t answer. “I’m sorry for hurting you, Declan.”

  As I get up to go, he lets out a strangled, “Wait.”

  Turning back to him, I find him begging with his eyes for me to understand something. I tilt my head, unable to decipher his message. “You’ll have to tell me what you’re thinking, Dec. I can’t read you like Ashton and Kent. We haven’t known each other long enough yet.”

  He hunches into himself, and I take a seat on the opposite side from him.

  The silence stretches out, and I struggle to keep my temper in check. He’s trying to figure out how best to say whatever’s going on in his mind, so I wait, chanting an inner mantra of ‘be patient’.

  “When we got our marks,” he finally breaks the silence, “I had a harder time of it than the others.” He rubs his eyes and appears to be far away from here in his mind. “The burning was so bad, I thought I was dying.” He takes a deep breath. “Everyone was sure I was going to be one of the ones who failed that final test. I thought I wasn’t worthy.”

  The more anguished he becomes, the thicker his accent grows. I want to comfort him and push those doubts out of his head, but intuition tells me he needs to finish his story first.

  “It hurt for weeks, Guine. I thought I was going to have to go back to my pa. I thought I was a failure. But when the tattoo didn’t fade after all that time, I was finally allowed to join my team.” I reach out to take his hand, but hold back, not wanting to stop his flow. “I still have nightmares about the pain, and when you revealed your tattoos, it brought it all right back to the front of my mind. The pain, how did you survive it? Sometimes, I get phantom sensations from the ink in my skin, and when Kent held you, I snapped. I didn’t want him to hurt you.” He hangs his head in shame. “I apologize, Mo Chroí.”

  I stand and smack him hard on the shoulder. “Declan! I am not some weak little Fainting Fiona who needs your protection!” With a sigh, I kneel in front of him. “I want your friendship and respect, sweetie, but you need to trust me. I’ve lived under the rules of others for my entire life, and only in the last few days have I been allowed to make decisions for myself. Please don’t take this away from me.” My voice softens. “I don’t know what caused you to think you were unworthy of these gifts, but I can tell you’re wrong.”

  He squeezes his eyes shut and whispers, “My mum abandoned me and my da’ when I was seven. She ran off to Dublin with some vamp she met while giving a tour of the local distillery, and she never came back for me. My da’ was always a bastard to her. He liked to throw punches at the both of us when he was in his cups, but I never thought she’d go off with a vamp. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t blame her for leaving him, but she didn’t take me with her.” His watery blue eyes lift, and my heart breaks for him. “I wasn’t a good enough son for her, and she left me with him. My older sister had just had a babe of her own, and she couldn’t take me, either. He got so much worse after he realized she wasn’t coming back, and he blamed me for it when he was sober enough to remember I existed.” He hangs his head, and I run my fingers through his soft, black hair.

  Oh, Declan!

  I wrap him in a tight hug. “If she left you behind, it’s only because she wasn’t worthy of you, Mo Cluaiste. I want to be a part of this team, but I won’t be able to if you don’t have the same faith in me and my abilities that you do the others. I’m scared of these things I’m capable of, but I’m never going to learn control if I don’t get to train.” I put a hand on his thigh and pat it twice. “Kent thinks you’re the best suited to teach me how to fight unarmed, but I’ll go to Hawk or Phoenix if you’re too uncomfortable.”

  I wince at the idea of training with Hawk. The two of us mix like gunpowder and flames.

  “Just so you know, Declan,” I whisper his name, and he finally meets my gaze. “My marks don’t hurt. I’m sure they were agony when I received them, but I don’t remember. I’d tell Genji if something was really wrong, I promise. Please don’t waste time worrying about it. I don’t.”

  When I smile, he nods slowly.

  I stand, offering him my hand. “Should we get back to training, then?”

  He smiles for the first time since I followed him back here, and together, we return to the clearing.

  Chapter Seven

  I drag Declan back outside so we can finish my combat training for the day. Genji’s eyes light up, and he says something unintelligible to Kent. Kent hands over what looks like twenty dollars. As we get closer, he mutters, “...totally worth it.”

  Kent gives me a secret smile. My stomach flutters as he turns severely to Declan. “Dec, are you able to continue?”

  I’ve got to give him credit. Declan doesn’t blindly respond. Instead, he considers his words before answering. “I’m not sure, Kent. I want to try, but I’m not certain I’ll be able to go as hard on her as she needs.” He glances at me. “I’m willing to give it a shot, but if I’m not performing up to standard, pull me out and use someone else. I don’t want to be the reason Guine is unprepared.”

  Kent accepts Declan’s explanation with a nod. He whistles for us to get into position, and I face Declan, waiting for him to strike. He telegraphs his move again, and I react, but he takes me down, grinning.

  “That, Mo Chroí, is what we call a feint.” He offers me a hand, and I laugh as he pulls me up.

  The next twenty minutes pass in a blur of action. Declan’s an incredible teacher when not overthinking everything, and I learn a lot. I fall into a rhythm. The Huntress inside me stretches; my senses perk up and everything around me slows. Declan reaches a strike out for my left side, and I see the opening I’ve been waiting for. I whip my leg up. The crack of bone breaking echoes through the clearing as my foot connects with its target.

  I gasp, and Declan falls back into the dirt, moaning while grabbing his jaw.

  “I’m so sorry!” I shriek as I lunge for him. He scoots back and holds his other hand out to stop me. “I didn’t realize how hard I was hitting!”

  Genji kneels beside him and pulls out one of his syringes of venom. A hand clenches around my upper arm and spins me around. I lock gazes with twinkling jade eyes and Kent steers me away from the doctor and his patient.

  “That was incredible, Guine.” Kent’s expression glows, and I swear there’s a spark of laughter in him. “Very few people would’ve recognized that Declan left himself open. Even fewer would’ve been able to do anything about it.” He places a fingertip under my chin and lifts my face. “You’ve earned his respect by taking the chance, and he’s already healing.” He turns my head.

  Declan gets up, testing his jaw by moving it back and forth. He winks, and my shoulders sag with relief.

  As I approach to apologize, Genji stands and sways. We all race to catch him, and Declan steadies him while Kent grips him firmly by the shoulders. He’s pale, and his eyes are glassy.

  “Ji, when did you last eat?” Kent’s brow pinches with worry and Declan’s newly healed knuckles go even paler with his harsh grip.

  Genji shakes his head roughly, and his gaze clears slightly. “I’m not due for another two days, but I think that between replenishing everyone’s venom supply and the personal healing I did this morning, I’ve upped my timetable.”

  Kent’s mouth dips slightly. “I believe it’s Nix’s turn, right?”

  Genji confirms, and drapes an arm over Kent’s shoulder as they head back toward the house. Declan makes sure he’s steady on his feet then turns to the table of weapons. I call out a goodbye to him as he packs everything away, and race after Genji and Kent, wanting to make sure they’re alright.

  Kent notices my approach. “Guin
e, could you get the door?”

  I race ahead to the entrance to the stairwell and help him get a stumbling Genji inside. I put my shoulder under his other arm, earning a goofy grin from him in thanks. With difficulty, we manage to get the stumbling hybrid down the staircase and into the basement labyrinth. Kent sighs when Genji makes a rude noise with his mouth, and I struggle to hide my smile.

  “Nix’s workshop is straight past the first three turn offs and then right, left, and right once more. It’s the bright-red door. You can’t miss it,” Kent explains as we walk.

  I’m grateful for the directions. It makes me feel like he wants me to know my way around. Before we take the last turn, blasting music makes its way to us, and Genji snorts and sings along something about big butts.

  We find Phoenix sitting on a tall stool with his back to the entrance, dancing along to his music while doing something with a strip of leather. When I catch sight of Phoenix’s gorgeous tattoos stretching across his shoulder blades, I momentarily forget I’m supporting Genji, causing him to stumble. In the studio lighting, Nix’s tattoos form wings starting at the base of his neck and stretching out across his upper back. One wing wraps around his left arm and continues down to his hand while the other unfurls across his back. I can’t be sure, but they appear to be drawn out with tiny Nordic runes. The detail is absolutely breathtaking.

  Phoenix does a booty shake to a loud part of the song, and I giggle as it makes the wings flutter with the ripple of his muscles. He whips around when he hears me. The laughter chokes and dies in my throat when I get a full view of his bare chest. He’s stunning and as well defined in front as he is in back, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the jagged scars carved into his torso.

  His eyes meet mine for a second before taking in Genji draped between Kent and me. Something heartbreaking flashes between us, as though our souls recognize each other’s wounds, but he shuts it away when Genji wobbles, trying to dance.

  “I didn’t think I was due for a few more days,” he says, grabbing a tablet off of the table and turning his music down. He won’t meet my gaze, and busies himself clearing space.

  He motions for Genji to take his now vacant seat. Kent puts the black medical bag on the table, startling me. I didn’t even know he picked it up. Genji sways, and I wrap him in a side hug to keep him from toppling off of the stool. He gives me a goofy, fang filled grin. Kent pulls out a new syringe as Phoenix ties a tourniquet around his own upper arm. He taps his vein at the elbow a few times to raise it, and Kent swiftly draws a vial full of blood.

  He hands it to Genji, who uncaps it and gulps it down in two swallows. I stare in shock as his color returns and clarity fills his eyes. He licks his lips, flushing when he notices my stare.

  He pulls away from me. “I’m sorry you had to see that, Kitten.”

  I shake my head defiantly and hold him tighter. “Genji, I’ve watched vampires drink blood my entire life. It’s fine. It just surprised me when you drank it like that, and that it was Phoenix’s.” I smile, letting him know I’m fine. “After Hawk’s ranting, I assumed you must use a blood bank or something.” I nod to the shirtless man in front of us. “Hawk doesn’t treat Nix like he did me when he thought I was a blood whore.” I scrunch my face in distaste at the term. “Do you all donate?” I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider what it would mean for me if they did. “I’ve never seen a vamp get to the point where they needed blood. The ones who kept me gorged often because they liked it.”

  Kent snaps the case closed and hands it to Genji, who appears perfectly normal now. “We all donate with the exception of Hawk. Ji only needs about two ounces of blood every week, so it doesn’t inconvenience any of us. When he does a lot of healing, he needs to increase his feeding, but usually he’s more self-aware than today.”

  He glares reproachfully, and Genji has the grace to look repentant.

  Kent opens his mouth to say more when Phoenix cuts in. “Sunshine, you’re bleeding!”

  The other two men shift their scrutiny to me, and when I glance down, I see a long gash across the inside of my right arm.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I lift my hand to keep from dripping. “I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

  Genji ignores me and examines the wound. “Kent, could you run upstairs and get me another vial of venom?”

  I protest, but Kent’s already out of the room.

  “Really, guys, this is nothing.” I attempt to shrug the healer off as he wipes my arm with something astringent, but he holds me in an iron grip.

  “Sunshine, let the Doc fix you before you bleed all over my damn workspace,” Phoenix groans as I try wiggle away. The idea of little red droplets messing up his immaculate room makes me pause.

  “This is deep, Guine,” Genji mumbles, probing the wound. “Why didn’t you say anything when we were outside?”

  I shrug and ignore the sting of the alcohol as he cleans it. “You were fixing Declan’s jaw. That took precedence.” He rolls his eyes, but Phoenix lights up.

  “You took Dec out again?” He practically dances as he bounces on his toes at the revelation. “Dude’s never going to live this down!”

  We both glance back at Genji when he pulls away from me with a furrowed brow. “What the heck?” He squints at my arm, gets really close, and then pulls away again. Tilting his head, he appears stumped. “It stopped bleeding and already looks a few days old.”

  Kent returns and hands the vial of silvery liquid to Genji, who hasn’t let go of me yet.

  “Kent, look.” He jerks my arm, pulling me off balance and causing me to stumble. They examine my arm like it’s something new and fascinating.

  I share a wide-eyed glance with Phoenix over their heads.

  “Hey, you know there’s a girl attached to that arm, right?” Nix quips, winking at me.

  They startle and lift their heads sheepishly.

  “Sorry, Guine. Can you explain this?” Kent waves a hand at the cut. It’s already reduced to little more than another scar on my forearm.

  “I’m a quick healer.” I give a half shrug. “I told you not to worry about it.”

  They share a look and Genji nods. “Kitten, would you mind if I took another sample of your blood and Kent can put it through a more intense analysis? We have a few questions, and if you’re going to be training with us, I think it’s best we get a handle on things before something else unexpected pops up.”

  “Sure.” I agree, and he immediately takes another vial of my blood.

  Genji and Kent hurry off to some lab with their heads bowed over a tablet, spewing theories faster than I can follow.

  After their swift departure, silence stretches awkwardly between Phoenix and me for a few minutes. It’s the first time we’ve been alone together. I stare guiltily down at the blood on the floor and crouch to wipe it up, snapping us out of this weird quiet.

  “Just leave it, Sunshine. Let’s have you try some of this on.” He grins, and I have a hard time following as I become distracted by his dimples. “I do all of our gear, and after I measure out a few things, you can try on the pieces I’ve been working with.”

  His energy is infectious, and I find myself grinning along with him.

  He pushes me onto the stool and walks a circle around me before coming to a stop. “Sunshine, do you trust me?”

  I nod slowly, and his entire face lights up. He quickly runs a comb through my overly long hair, and I moan.

  That feels so good!

  His fingers still and his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Shit, Sunshine, you can’t make sounds like that when a guy has his hands in your hair.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He brushes it off. “No need to apologize.” He gives a slight tug to the tresses in his hand. “Do you know how to braid this so it stays out of your way while training?”

  I shake my head. “No. I usually just put it in a ponytail, or when given the opportunity, cut it with whatever sharp object I can find.”

. This isn’t my thing, but let’s see what we can do.”

  He moves my hair around, and I figure he’s braiding it or something like that. I jump when I hear a ‘snick’ behind me and whip around, disarming him with a chop to his wrist.

  “What the hell?” he shouts, his mobile phone dropping to the ground with a bounce. “I was just sending a picture to Kent, asking how to put your hair up for fighting!”

  “Sorry,” I apologize as he rubs his hand. “I didn’t know. I thought I heard scissors.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment and force the memory of Scarlett’s dead stare away. I don’t want to relive it. Inhaling deeply, I glance up at him.

  “Sorry,” I repeat, this time with a more solid voice.

  “It’s okay, Guine. I’ll stop.” He backs away.

  “No, it’s fine, I just didn’t realize.” I turn around in the chair and flip my hair. “Go ahead. I trust you.”

  “Thanks, Sunshine, but I’m not the right one for this job, anyway. My hair’s never been longer than it is right now. I can braid leather, but I don’t think it’s the same thing. Hold on.” He picks up his phone and taps a message into the screen, relaxing his shoulders when it responds without problem. He looks up and winks. “Don’t worry. Kent is awesome at this sort of thing, so I’m calling him back down here. I promise I won’t let him butcher your hair,” he teases.

  I roll my eyes. “It’s only hair.”

  He smirks, and Kent comes rushing back into the room.

  “Everything okay, Violet?” he asks, ignoring Phoenix, who stifles a laugh by biting a knuckle.

  I shrug and Phoenix taps Kent on the shoulder. “Guine needs help,” he waves his hand at my head. “She can’t have it down like this in combat.”

  Kent nods and critically examines my limp, white-blonde hair. It hangs down to my hips with ragged edges, and lacks the healthy shine present in their hair. “It’s longer than I’ve ever had myself, but I expect it’s a lot easier to work on someone else’s head.”


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