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Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown

Page 3

by Krystal McLaughlin

  She frowned and Mr. Anderson laughed, “Well I’m sure you did your best, but I wouldn’t count on it.”

  I smiled back. If only he knew.

  He handed me a hundred dollar bill. “I know how my kids are,” he told me with a wink.

  I smiled and accepted it. Then I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. Ben was waiting for me. Of course he wasn’t the other Ben. That Ben was gone forever… but that was okay with me. This Ben didn’t know what he was; he only knew what memories we gave him.

  Somewhere in the Anderson house tucked away in the darkest of corners was a troll who was particularly good with memories. After all, changing places with the Anderson kids had been a big job. Four humans in one night is like a buffet for us. There was no need for me to be there, no need for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson to be harmed. We rarely ate adults. At his age, Ben was sort of a stretch for us.

  “Is it just me or do you get prettier in the moonlight?” He asked me, holding my hand as we walked.

  I shrugged and thought back to the moment my memories awakened. “Everything looks better in the moonlight,” I told him.


  By: Amber Streed

  ©2013 by Amber Streed

  I am a regular high school girl. Nothing ever happens to me that's out of the ordinary. I make good grades, I do my chores and I go to work. Life is boring. I envied Jessica. She was my best friend but somehow our social lives were never in sync. She played soccer, cheered and was the most beautiful girl in our senior class. Blonde hair, greened eyed and legs for days. I was unfortunately short and seemed to always be in a fight with my ever so boring brown hair. I wore glasses that always seemed to slide down my nose and make up never seemed to help bring out the hazy brown color of my eyes. I accepted it, I dealt with it. Sometimes it would get me down but for the most part I tried not to think about it. Until he showed up in my Bio class. A new student from Seattle, Washington. He took my breath away. Unfortunately he also took away my grace. Every time I saw him I did something totally clumsy; I dropped my books, spilled my drink, and stumbled over my own feet. I was hopeless. Love would never find me. I attempted to converse with people in class or at lunch, but normal the response was eye rolling or one word answers. The only guy who ever talked to me was Charlie, who probably only talked to me because we sat together in art class.

  Dustin was in my math class. He was smart; which surprised me. Most guys in this school could care less about their education. All they cared about was parties, girls, and parties. He had it all I thought; looks, brains and mystery. If only I could stop being so awkward around him, maybe he wouldn’t totally dismiss me. I told Jessica about my crush and she just laughed. Maybe it was because she was trying to make me feel like I should just go for it but maybe down deep she knew I never had a chance. After school I headed straight home. My dad was always at work and my mom left us when I was 3. I ran upstairs, threw my backpack in the corner and plopped on my bed. I laid there, thinking about my life. I just wanted to be happy and fall in love…was that too much to ask? Just before I was ready to cry out of desperation, I heard the doorbell ring. I slowly walked down the stairs, not even caring who was there on the other side. I looked through the peephole only to see Jessica putting on her shiny pink lip gloss. Reluctantly I opened the door and felt her strawberry smelling hair brush my face as she ran to the kitchen to find something to eat.

  “So, dad gone again Rhy?” She asked in her bubbly voice.

  “Yes, as always. He left me here all by my lonesome.” I groaned.

  “Get your ass upstairs. We are going to Matt’s party tonight. Everyone will be there.”

  “Um in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not the most popular person in the school and I’m pretty sure no one wants me there.” I hissed.

  “Don’t be dramatic, you will be there with me. I promise I won’t leave you by yourself tonight. It will be fun. You need to get out and socialize Wednesday Adams.” She joked.

  “Haha. You are so hilarious. Fine. I will go. I can be the dorky girl who follows you around.” I mumbled.

  We ran up the stairs to get me changed. She was going to do my hair and my makeup so I had to admit I was a little excited. Maybe this would be the night things would change for me.

  She dressed me up in cute clothes and did my makeup and hair. When I looked in the mirror it was almost like there was a different person looking back at me. I kind of liked it. When she was done dolling me up, we jumped in her car and headed off to Matt’s house. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole way there and I pleaded with her to take me back home. Of course she refused and kept on driving. She was determined to make me have a great time even if it was against my will.

  Matt had a huge house on the west side of town. He was quarterback for the school’s football team, and homecoming king all three years of his high school life. We walked up to his door, and right away I had a feeling this was going to be one hell of a night…

  Music was blaring and there were crowds of people everywhere. Matt came down the stairs, beer in hand and open arms to meet Jessica. He looked at me up and down, turned to Jess, and right in front of me said “Wow is this the same dog that always follows you around?” All of his buddies heard him and everyone turned to look at me. Of course they all thought this was hilarious and stroked his ego more by laughing with him. She punched him in the arm and gave him the look to shut up. I sighed and turned away, heading for the door. Jessica tried to pull my arm to make me stay, but I pulled it as hard as I could and kept walking. I was so done with this bullshit. As I opened the door a cool breeze hit my face and Dustin was standing right in front of me. Normally I would swoon and freeze right where I was standing. This time I was so overwhelmed with what happened, I pushed him out of the way and tears started flowing from my eyes. I ran outside and down the steps, out into the dark starry night. Matt’s house was isolated with acres of land in every direction. I ran into a patch of trees nearby and sank to my knees. I was tired of this life. I was tired of everyone who pretended to be in mine.

  I hated school, I hated my dad, and I hated this life. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and I had a missed text message from Jessica. She pleaded with me to come back to the party, she promised Matt and his friends would behave. We had been friends since Kindergarten but I just didn’t see the point anymore. We were too different. I didn’t belong in her world. I texted her back exactly what I felt in my heart at that moment...Sorry Jess I can’t. I don’t think we should talk for a while. I don’t fit into your life. We live in two different worlds.

  With that, I deleted her number, and everything else I kept on my phone that had anything to do with her. I was determined to leave everyone in this town behind and to start over somewhere else where I had a chance. I started walking down the tree lined road. It was quiet out but it was still close enough for me to hear the base from the music at the party. I knew this town and the people in it weren’t right for me. As I continued in the dark I started to hear things behind me. Every time I turned around to see if someone there, there was no one. I was alone…or so I thought. I heard a loud rustling this time and turned around as fast as I could, ready to completely lash out at someone. With all the anger boiling up inside me right now, I was sure I could do some damage. When I turned I saw Dustin walking behind me. I stopped in my tracks and asked “What the hell are you doing? You scared the shit out of me.”

  “Sorry I saw you left the party crying so I came after you to see if you were alright.” He said sincerely.

  “Of course you did. So you and your friends could have a laugh about it later? Fuck off dude.” I demanded.

  He gave me a look that made me feel guilty for saying what I had said. But before I could speak he snapped back at me “Those aren’t my “friends” up here ok? I went to the stupid party hoping I would see you.” I was taken aback by this and didn’t really know how to respond.

  “Why me? No one at that school even pretends to like m
e.” I replied.

  He looked at me with confusion in his eyes and muttered “Well I’m not anything like the people at that school. I just, like your art and you seem cool in math class. I could use a friend. I really don’t know anyone out here.”

  I was speechless. Here I was being a complete bitch to this guy who actually wanted to get to know me.

  “I’m sorry.” I stuttered. “It’s just that I never know who to trust around here you know? Everyone is so fake.”

  “Yeah I’m catching on to that.” He added. “By the way where are you going? There’s nothing out here but dirt roads and trees. Let me take you back to the party and I will drive you home.” He requested.

  I studied him for a few minutes and decided to give him a chance. After all what’s the worst that could happen? He could end up being just as idiotic and mean as everyone else but that was ok-I was already used to that. “Sure.” I said reluctantly. We turned around toward the mansion which looked so ominous now in the dim light of the moon and the stars. We walked in silence for a while. I could tell he wanted to ask me something, he kept looking over at me and opening his lips but closed them quickly and turned away. Finally I broke the awkward silence by saying “So, what made you come to this place? I mean I’m sure Seattle is a hell of a lot cooler than Silver Springs.”

  “Actually I move a round quite a bit, my dad seems to never want to stay in one place. Why are you still here if you hate it so much?”

  “Good question. I guess I don’t have the means to leave. I literally have no one.” I grumbled.

  “Well maybe it’s not the place that’s so bad, maybe it’s the way you approach things. Maybe these people aren’t so bad.” He stated so gingerly.

  “Oh yeah they are lovely here. Getting called a dog on a daily basis is super fun. Being tripped in the lunch room and having your food fall down your clothes in front of the whole cafeteria is awesome. Matt and his friends have treated me like shit ever since we were young. It’s never going to change.” I hissed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was that bad. I guess when you are on the outside you just don’t see things how they really are.” He said. I could tell he felt bad which in turn made me feel bad for being so rude to him. Maybe I was just too dramatic. Maybe I should just give him a chance. Maybe he’s not like them.

  “It’s ok look, let’s not talk about them okay? I’m done with them always ruining things.” I said defiantly.

  The night was getting darker, and colder. No wind, no birds chirping, no dogs barking. It was an eerie feeling; like everything in the world was shut off and our shoes were the only things making noise. He looked over at me with this look, this sexy almost sinister look. I never noticed how dark his eyes were. They were beautiful, but dark. Not just in a color way, there was something behind them. Something…disturbed. But they were surprisingly inviting and tempting.

  It was a long way back to the house, and I knew I was being awkward and whiny. I wanted him to see me for who I really was; a kind, artistic, funny girl who wanted nothing more than for people to see the girl behind the glasses.

  “So do you like it here? Where are you from?” I asked.

  “Oh here and there, my family moves around a lot. You could say it’s part of our….religion.” He smirked.

  “So where are your parents?” He continued quickly, I could tell he wanted to change the subject.

  “Oh my mom died when I was young, and my dad, you could say he died when she did-not physically but he was never the same.” I said solemnly.

  “That sucks.” He answered. I could tell he saw the sadness behind my eyes, the sound of my loneliness in my shaky voice. Then he stopped and turned to me. His eyes, dark and ominous-swirling with wrong and right all at the same time. They began to glow with a low light, like when a candle is down to its last centimeter of flame; dying to live. Suddenly the silence around me filled my ears, and everything around me turned black. He took my hand. His hands were so soft and warm to the touch. It was awkward, since I didn’t think anyone liked me enough to hold my hand.

  “I wasn’t sure if I could help you before, but now I know I can. Hear me out, listen to everything I have to say-it’s very important you keep your mind open.” He demanded. He was so serious I dared not disobey him. I couldn’t look away. His eyes were drowning me in a pool of darkness and I could feel a slight breeze brush my cheek that seemed to come up from the ground below us. It was so quiet, not even the sound of the leaves rustling could be heard.

  “Rhylan, what would you say if I told you I could take all your pain away. All of your sadness, your loneliness. What if I said I could make you happy? What if I said you would find your true love within the next two days?” His eyes were staring deep into mine, searching for some part of me that I didn’t understand. He knew my deepest desires-to be loved, to be happy. How could this even be true I thought?

  “I would say you are a crazy bastard.” I answered sarcastically. The look in his eyes made me feel like he was telling the truth, but my mind was telling me it couldn’t be true. Paranormal stuff isn’t real, and if it was real I sure as hell wasn’t lucky enough to have it happen to me.

  There was silence between us. The kind of silence where we studied each other closely. I wanted to believe him. I wanted so bad to trust him.

  “Ok why are you looking at me like that?” I asked quizzically.

  “Look Rhylan I’m offering you something that you can’t resist. Don’t you want to be happy? Don’t you want to find your true love?” He asked with his dark eyes still glowing with curiosity.

  “Yes of course I want to, who wouldn’t? I just don’t know why you are asking me?” I said, giving him a questionable look.

  “I’ve seen you around school. I see what you go through. I understand your pain. I can see your sadness peering through your beautiful brown eyes.” He reached up with his warm hand and touched my cheek.

  “All it takes is a kiss…technically. There is the part where you swear to give up your soul to me. But that’s just the wording on the contract. If you look at it this way-who knows what it’s like in heaven? I sure as hell don’t. Wouldn’t it be better just to give yourself to me and know where you are going? Hell is so much more fun.” He gave me a devilishly sexy grin and pulled back my hair behind my ear. It was impossible to resist him. He made it seem so easy. What was my soul worth anyway? If I was happy and found my true love what harm could it do? I would be dead anyway. I took a deep breath in and stared him back in the eyes.

  “What exactly does it entail? I just swear to give my soul to you and when I die it’s yours?” I anxiously exhaled.

  “Seems so simple doesn’t it?” He said so casually cruel.

  “Well um yeah. I don’t mean to be rude but what the hell are you?” I asked with a cool tone, trying to shake off my nervousness.

  “Some say I’m just a handsome devil in a meat suit, but Rhylan I’m so much more.”

  He pulled me closer and put his hands over my eyes. We were traveling through some sort of wormhole. I could still feel him holding me tight. He was so warm and he smelled so good. The atmosphere around me was swirling by, colorful and picturesque. I could see him, always the same age, always handsome and dark and mysterious. I saw him through different centuries making deals with the sad, the sick and the poor. All I saw was the happiness that exuded from the unfortunate people who came across him. In a way he was like an angel, coming to the aid of those desperate souls. He brought them love and fame and popularity, happiness and health. All it took in return was a simple agreement. A small gesture for his generous gift.

  Finally everything started to fade. The scenes I saw were leaving us behind, rushing back to live forever in the grace of their memory. He still had me held close. Close enough to where I could see the small light glowing in his eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyelashes were, or how soft his lips looked. Maybe that was all part of the scheme and really he was some scary, ugly demon with horns.
I just couldn’t think of him that way. He was too beautiful. And he understood me. What else could I be asking for and actually be receiving at this very moment?

  “Ok Dustin. If that’s even your real name. What do I need to do to make this happen? I’m tired of this life, I’m tired of the people in it who don’t give a shit about me. I want to make the deal.” I said firmly, with a small tear starting to fall down my cheek. Yes, I was desperate. Yes I wanted happiness and love. Who didn’t? It was my turn now. He did what he did best. He gently wiped my tear from my face and looked at me lovingly in the eyes.

  “Kiss me Rhylan. Kiss me and I promise you won’t regret a thing.” He said casually romantic with a mischievous yet utterly breathtaking smile on his face.

  It was happening. He pulled me closer. His breath was hot but sweet on my face. His hand was resting on the small of my back, pulling me closer every second. Then it happened, he pulled me in for the kiss. I didn’t resist-I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk this not being real, it was literally the chance of a lifetime. Kissing him felt so right; not just for the deal but because I kind of liked this “guy”. Truly he was something out of this world. He was like me in a way-an outsider.


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