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Somewhere Far Away

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  “But I want her to know I’m okay with it if she changes her mind.”


  I turned to him even though I didn’t want to.

  “If the situation were reversed, would you remarry?”

  He already knew the answer. “No. But that’s different.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes, it is. I want her to have a man to take care of her. I don’t want her to be alone. I’m perfectly fine being alone. And I know you’ll make sure he’s a good guy and beat the shit out of him if he ever does anything to hurt her.”

  “I’ll do that for her even now.” He gave me a playful look. “But I really think these words will fall on deaf ears.”

  “Just promise me you’ll tell her.”

  He seemed hesitant. “Maybe you should tell her yourself. It’ll seem more sincere that way.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t have that conversation with her. I won’t be able to get through it. It’ll be too hard…”

  Mike finally nodded. “I’ll do that for you. You have my word.”

  “Thank you.” The weight left my chest.

  “But you aren’t going anywhere, man. You already look so much better. You’re going to be back to full health, and we’ll head to my gym and box together just like before.” He nudged me in the side.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. Now stop being a drama queen.” He ruffled my hair. “We don’t need to have clandestine meetings while your wife is asleep.”

  I smiled slightly. “I can be a little intense sometimes…”

  “God, you’re a pain in the ass. You’re always worse case scenario twenty-four-seven.”

  “I know.” It was the truth. I’d experienced a lot of pain in my life. My wife almost passed away years ago, and I almost lost my one and only daughter. Then my son was almost killed. I’d had more heartbreak than any normal person ever should. “And if something does happen to me…you’ll look after her?”

  His eyes darkened and he rested his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll take care of her better than you ever did.”


  I called Skye one evening to check on her. She hadn’t been to the house lately, and I knew exactly why.

  “Dad?” she said when she answered. “How are you?”

  I kept my voice as enthusiastic as possible. “I’m doing great, pumpkin. Really great.”

  “Yeah?” The sadness and stress left her voice. “You are?”

  “A million times better. I’m walking around now, but your mom still won’t let me help around the house.”

  “You should be resting.”

  “You know me…I can’t sit still for too long.”

  There was a pause on the phone. “How have you been?” I knew my illness and Cayson’s absence weren’t the best combination for her.

  “I’ve been doing okay.” Her voice sounded a little sad. “I’ll never get used to not having Cayson around…”

  “He’ll be back before you know it. And Slade seems to be doing a good job keeping an eye on you.”

  “Yeah, he’s amazing.”

  It was the first time I heard her give Slade such a heartfelt compliment. People usually teased him for being a little crazy. “There’s a favor I wanted to ask of you.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Well, your mother has been working day and night to take care of me. She won’t take a break no matter how much I ask her to. And when I offer to do something, she ties me to the couch. I was hoping you and Roland could come over tomorrow morning and help me make breakfast for her…I’m still a little rusty in the kitchen.”

  I heard her smile over the phone. “I’d love to. I’ll tell Roland.”

  “Thanks, pumpkin. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, Dad. Love you.” Happiness was in her voice, and it was clear she was relieved that I was finally doing better.

  I hated seeing the pain on her face when she saw me at my worst. Knowing I made it better loosened the tension in my chest. “Love you too.”


  Skye and Roland came over after dawn. Scarlet was still asleep, and when I slipped from the bed she didn’t notice I was gone. I still wore my pajamas, flannel bottoms and a gray t-shirt.

  It felt like a Sunday morning when the kids still lived here. Sunday was family day, and after a hearty breakfast we watched TV on the couch before we went to the movies or the city.

  It felt like old times.

  Skye prepared the French toast while Roland flipped the bacon over the stove.

  Some grease grew hot then spat at Roland. “Ouch, that shit is hot.” He wiped away the smudge with a kitchen towel.

  Skye poured the batter into the bowl then dipped the bread inside. She sprinkled cinnamon on each side before she tossed it into the hot pain. It immediate began to sizzle and fill the kitchen with a delicious odor.

  “Dad, you want some coffee?” Skye asked.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table, watching my two children work hard. “Yes, please.” I would get it myself but I tried not to move around too much. Besides, I knew it made them feel good when they did stuff for me.

  Skye poured me a black coffee then set it in front of me. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

  “Good,” I said with a smile. “I’m hungry.”

  Skye returned to the French toast.

  Roland got splashed again. “Ouch! Stupid bacon!”

  “Shh,” Skye said. “You’ll wake up, Mom.”

  “That woman has ears like a fox,” he said. “She probably already heard us half an hour ago but she’s waiting until the food is done so she doesn’t have to help.”

  He was probably right.

  I noticed Skye had gained some weight. It wasn’t a lot but it was still noticeable. I’m sure the stress was making her eat more than usual, and I knew she didn’t move around much because she didn’t have any motivation. She was still beautiful, of course. It was a small detail I noticed.

  Scarlet came into the kitchen wearing pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. Her hair was pulled into a bun on her head, and her eyes sparkled with happiness when she saw her two kids in the kitchen. Excitement and joy was written all over her face. “What a nice surprise.”

  “Hey, Mom.” Roland stood back and flipped the bacon without getting splashed.

  “Breakfast is on us today.” Skye piled all the French toast on a plate then covered it with foil to keep it warm.

  I smiled slightly as I watched Scarlet, knowing I finally did something that made her happy.

  Her eyes met mine, and gratitude was deep within. “I suspect you had something to do with this.”

  I grabbed her hand and caressed her knuckles with my thumb. “I know you don’t want me walking around and doing much, so I had two little elves do it.”

  Skye set the French toast on the table. “It won’t be as good as yours, Mom. But we tried.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be wonderful,” Scarlet said.

  Roland flinched as he got burned again. “You guys better eat all of this. I had to risk my life to make it.”

  “Wear an apron,” Skye hissed.

  “I’m not wearing one of Mom’s pink aprons with birds on it,” Roland argued.

  “Why?” Skye asked. “You’re gay anyway.”

  Roland nudged her playfully in the side. “Shut up, brat.”

  “You shut up,” she countered.

  I watched Scarlet with a smile on my face. “Just like old times.”


  We sat around the table and ate our mound of food. There were scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast, and roasted potatoes. The cooking wasn’t as good as Scarlet’s, but it was still wonderful because it was made with love.

  My appetite had pretty much disappeared since I started taking strong medication. But I ate enough so I wouldn’t be rude. Scarlet ate everything then shoveled more onto her plate. That told me she was in a very good mood.

  “How ar
e things with you?” Scarlet asked Roland.

  “Good,” he said. “Pretty much the same.”

  “Has anyone been giving you any trouble?” I asked.

  Roland shook his head. “After the news came out…about what happened…everyone pretty much looked at me with new eyes. It’s like the world likes me again.”

  “I guess some good came out of this after all.” I kept the bitterness out of my voice.

  “How’s Heath?” Scarlet asked.

  “Good. He’s been stressed about Dad but he’s doing better. And he keeps an eye on me all hours of the day.” He released a faint chuckle but it was forced. “How are you, Dad? You seem better.”

  “Much better,” I said. “I suspect the healing process will be much easier from here on out.” I shot a look at Scarlet. “Thanks to your mother. She’s been waiting on me hand-and-foot. It’s nice to do something for her—even if I didn’t actually do it.”

  Scarlet moved her hand on top of mine and gave me a smile.

  “I’m so glad you’re better,” Skye said with unexpected emotion. “I was so scared…”

  It made me feel like shit scaring my kids. “Everything is fine. I’ll be back to normal in no time.” I reached across the table and patted her hand gently before I pulled it away. “No need to worry.”

  “He’s improved a lot,” Scarlet said. “He looks so much better and I know he feels better.”

  “Good,” Skye said. “Work doesn’t feel the same without you.”

  My heart warmed at her words. “Have you spoken to Cayson lately?”

  Skye suddenly looked uncomfortable, like I brought up a subject that was off limits. “We talk once a week…whenever he has reception.”

  “How’s he doing?” Scarlet asked.

  “He’s doing good. He recently visited a village where he fixed a girl’s broken shoulder. Then another child had a bad infection, which Cayson was able to treat with antibiotics. Then when he gave a woman the water apparatus…she started crying and thanked him endlessly.”

  It was hard seeing my daughter all alone. But when she told me things like this, it seemed like it was worth all the pain.

  “He’s really making a difference,” Scarlet said. “Your father and I are very proud of him.”

  “We are,” I agreed. And I was grateful Cayson managed to stay safe during all of this. I feared there would be some dispute with another country and he would be detained as a prisoner for trespassing. Fortunately, that hadn’t happened. The team he was with seemed to know what they were doing. “Only six weeks until he comes home.”

  Skye sighed like that was too long.

  “Anything else new with you two?” Scarlet asked.

  Roland shrugged. “I got a new computer. It’s a Mac.”

  I shot him a glare.

  “The company gave it to me,” he said quickly. “No offense to your computers and software…”

  I chuckled. “I’m only teasing you. Apple products are great.”

  Roland relaxed like he thought I might actually get mad.

  “Anything new with you, Skye?” Mom asked.

  Skye looked down at her food but didn’t eat anything. She just pushed everything around with her fork. It was clear something was on her mind, but I had no idea what it could be. She seemed fine a moment ago. “There’s something I want to tell you…”

  My body stiffened in preparation for what she might say. I usually had good predictions of what might come out of my children’s mouths, but this time I was clueless.

  Roland stared at her while he chewed his food. Judging the confusion in his eyes, he had no idea what this might be about.

  Scarlet stared at Skye passively and with no judgment. Scarlet had the unnatural ability to remain calm even if that wasn’t truly how she felt. It made people gravitate toward her.

  Skye set her napkin on the table and balled it inside her fingers. She was clearly nervous about what she was going to say. Her eyes darted back and forth like she couldn’t find the right words to make the announcement.

  The anxiety was killing me.

  “I don’t know how to say this without just saying it…I’m pregnant.”

  My heart stopped beating for nearly three seconds. The world suddenly fell silent. There were no bird chirps coming from the window, and the TV in the background seemed to fade away. All utensils dropped on our plates as we reacted in surprise.

  Scarlet covered her face and gasped. Her eyes immediately watered with tears. “Skye…that’s so absolutely wonderful.”

  I hadn’t realized my eyes were wet until I blinked.

  I’m going to be a grandpa.

  “You’re pregnant?” Roland asked in surprise. “I just thought you were fat.”

  Skye smacked him in the arm. “Don’t be a jerk about it.”

  He chuckled. “I’m teasing, sis. I’m so happy for you.” He pulled her in for a hug. “I’m going to be an uncle.”

  Scarlet was more worked up than anyone else. She fanned her face. “Oh my god, I’m going to be a nana.”

  I was still speechless. Another baby was going to be around the table, and my little girl was going to be a mom. Becoming a parent was one of the best adventures in this life, and I was so happy my daughter was going to experience it.

  Scarlet came around the table and hugged Skye tightly. “You’ve made me so happy.” She rocked her from side-to-side. “I’m so happy for you two. Your baby is going to be so beautiful. I’m going to be a grandmother.”

  “You’ll be the best grandmother,” Skye whispered to her.

  Scarlet pulled away and looked at me with emotion in her eyes. When she saw my face, she knew I was feeling exactly what she was feeling, unbridled joy. This was the greatest news I could have ever received and it couldn’t come at a better time. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  Skye stared at me with a slight smile on her lips. She could read me well because we were so similar. She knew how happy I was even if I didn’t say it. The look on my face said it all.

  She left her chair then approached me before she gave me a hug.

  I held her close to me, loving the moment my family was having together. “You’ve made your mother and I so happy.”

  “I’m glad you’re excited,” she whispered. “I wasn’t sure if I should tell you. I wanted to wait until you were better.”

  “No…this is the perfect time to tell me. It’s exactly what I needed.” I held my daughter close and felt so blessed in that moment. I survived a terrible trauma, as did the rest of my family members. But we all survived it, and now we were all together. We experienced this joy together, cherishing the moment in time. I was the luckiest man in the world with such a beautiful family.

  Skye pulled away and her hand moved to her stomach. “I’m about a month and a half along.”

  “Only seven and a half months,” Scarlet said eagerly. “It can’t come soon enough.” Scarlet had a terrible childhood when she was growing up. Only her brother showed her the love she deserved. She compensated for that by showering our kids with more love than they would ever need. And I could only imagine all the love our first grandchild would get.

  Skye smiled. “It’ll go by fast, I’m sure.”

  “Cayson must be thrilled,” I said. “He’ll be a good father.”

  Guilt moved over Skye’s face. “He doesn’t know…and I’m not going to tell him until he gets back.”

  “Why?” Scarlet blurted.

  I didn’t understand why she would keep it a secret either.

  “If I tell him, he’ll come home immediately and abandon his mission. It’s hard enough for him to leave me but if he knew I was pregnant…nothing would stop him from coming back.” Skye sat back down. “I know him. He would never let me be alone while I was pregnant.”

  The thought hadn’t crossed my mind.

  Roland nodded. “That makes sense.”

  “So I can’t tell him,” she said. “And I would appreciate it if you didn’t either.�

  I couldn’t imagine Scarlet not telling me she was carrying one of our children. But we’d never been in that situation before. I know I would do the same thing if Scarlet told me she was carrying my child. Even if I were on the other side of the world, I would come back instantly to be by her side. Skye was correct in her prediction of Cayson’s behavior. “Then when will you tell him?”

  “When he comes home,” Skye said. “It’ll be a nice surprise for him.”

  “He’ll be so happy, Skye,” Scarlet said. “I can imagine the expression on his face…”

  “I know,” Skye said. “He’s wanted a family for a long time, even before we were married. It’ll be the perfect homecoming gift.”

  “I’m going to have to start saving up to spoil my niece or nephew,” Roland said. “And believe me, Heath and I are going to spoil them rotten.”

  “You’ll come in second place to us,” Scarlet said.

  “Well, that’s not fair,” Roland said. “You guys are billionaires.”

  I chuckled. “Gifts rich in love don’t come with a price tag.”

  “Can we tell everyone else?” Scarlet asked with excitement. She clutched her hands to her chest with anticipation.

  “I don’t see the harm,” Skye said. “But I would like to tell Cortland and Monnique myself instead of them hearing it from someone else. They have the right to know first.”

  “Of course,” I said with a nod. “That’s fair.”

  “So…when are you going to tell them?” Scarlet couldn’t hide her enthusiasm. She clearly wanted to tell everyone she knew as soon as possible.

  Skye chuckled. “Probably tomorrow.”

  “Good.” Scarlet clapped her hands and released a happy sigh. “God, I’m so excited.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “This is such an amazing gift.” Her eyes were watery all over again.

  I loved seeing her this happy. “I know, baby.” I leaned toward her and kissed her temple. “We’re very fortunate.”

  “I can’t wait to decorate the baby’s room,” Scarlet said. “When he or she comes over they’ll feel right at home. And I’m going to take them to the park and…” She rambled on for a long time about all the things she wanted to do with her grandchild.

  Since she was so cute, I didn’t tease her for it. I already had a few things in my mind anyway. I wanted to teach them how to swim and boogie board. I wanted to teach them to read just the way I taught my own children. A new sense of life invigorated me, and I felt like I was twenty years old all over again. Scarlet and I were just as excited when we found out we were pregnant with Skye. The joy in the room couldn’t be contained. Seeing the love we made together grow into something so much more was the greatest gift I ever could have ask for.


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