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Rogue (Sons of Sangue Book 4)

Page 22

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “Because the son of a bitch was always coming to your rescue. Stepped between us at the club meeting you busted in on.”

  “It wasn’t his idea, Hawk. Cara wanted it kept quiet.”

  “I’m club P. I had every fucking right to know. You guys had no right cutting me out. So, it’s true then. You really didn’t turn rogue.”

  Anton ran a hand through his short dark hair. He’d be so glad to get his old life back and his old look. “We had to make it believable, Hawk. I didn’t like keeping you and Gypsy in the dark. Tamera swore she’d bring Gypsy up to speed first sign of trouble.”

  Grayson looked at his mate, one of his brows raising. “You knew about this?”

  She shook her head. “Only within the last month. Cara thought after Kinky’s death I might be able to find out which of the Devils might be involved. Anton was to be my cover. We were supposed to act as a couple.”

  “Did you find out who ordered the hit?”

  Tamera shook her head and snuggled into his side. Grayson wrapped his arm about her and tucked her tightly against him. Anton was glad the case had not caused problems with his one-time best friend and his mate.

  “It doesn’t appear the Devils were involved.” Tamera looked at Kaleb. “Not that I was able to ascertain. The Devils’ VP was getting a little too friendly, regardless of me telling him I was with Rogue. I think it was more because he didn’t trust me, reporter or not. He seemed pretty suspicious of me. That’s why I called Rogue in.”

  Grayson glared at Anton. “If you were supposed to have her back, why the fuck weren’t you there?”

  “Not his fault, babe.” Tamera gripped his chin gently, taking his gaze from Anton to hers. “Tank sent him north. Rogue had no way of knowing I had left for Santa Barbara. As soon as I called him, he headed south. Even at the risk of pissing off Tank for not following orders.”

  “Well, I want to speak with Viper,” Kaleb grumbled, stepping away from the pier and straightening his spine. Anger rolled off him in waves. “The son of a bitch had no business keeping this from me. You” — he pointed a finger at him — “shouldn’t have kept this from me.”

  “Cara thought it would be better the fewer people who knew.” Anton squared his shoulders, tired of being everyone’s punching bag. “She wanted your reaction to my defection real, Hawk.”

  Kaleb’s jaw tightened. Waves slapped against the beach, cutting through the uncomfortable silence. The tension was thick. Cara and Viper were going to get a piece of Kaleb’s mind, no matter what Anton had to say. Not to mention Joe Hernandez, Robbie Melchor, and the DEA knowing about Anton’s undercover work. This was bigger than Kaleb’s ego. He needed to learn it wasn’t about keeping him from the know, but more about protecting Anton and Draven. This was Cara’s sting and she’d have to answer for it.

  For now, they needed to get the hell out of Santa Barbara before the entire mess came crashing down on their shoulders. Anton needed to get back to Bobby … and Kimber, if she were still speaking to him. They couldn’t close this case soon enough for his liking.

  “Sorry, Rogue, but she isn’t getting off the hook that easy,” Kaleb said.

  Anton took in a deep breath. “Whatever, man. You take it up with Viper and his mate. Honestly, I am getting a little tired of being everyone’s kicking stone. You, Tamera, and Gypsy can sit here all fucking night and talk about it for all I care. You find Viper, kick his ass if it makes you feel better. Just keep me the fuck out of it.”

  He turned and started for the beach. Stopping just shy of stepping on the pier, he looked back. “I have a job I signed up to do and I need to finish it. I’d appreciate it if you two asswipes didn’t get me killed in the process of your desire to soothe your egos.”

  Anton reached the top of the sand dune when Grayson called out. He stopped and turned back. Grayson’s arm dangled over Tamera’s shoulder, reminding Anton of what he wanted … had always wanted. A family.

  “Glad to know you aren’t a fucking traitor, man.”

  “I wouldn’t have turned my back on the Sons for the Devils, bro. But for the sake of the case, I’m glad you bought it. Don’t think it doesn’t bother me, though.”

  He turned and jogged down the beach to where he had left his bike. He had to get back to Pleasant before the shipment of heroin came in. If he wasn’t there, Tank would have his ass and the gig would be up.

  If Anton were a betting man, he’d say his chances of securing a meeting with the cartel kingpin had become very slim odds. Once word got out he disobeyed, Anton wasn’t exactly going to be getting favors from the Devils’ P. Not to mention the condition he left Spider in. Yep, he wasn’t going to be earning any brownie points over his beating the VP’s ass.

  Stepping over the seat of his bike, he started the engine and turned his Road King north, speeding off down the road. Anton gritted his teeth. Over one year of his life had been lost to this case, and they still were no closer to wrapping it up. He wanted his life back. Hell, what he really wanted was a shot with Kimber.

  Fat chance.

  Should he come clean, she may forgive him over the Tamera incident and understand why he had kept her in the dark about his undercover work with the Devils. But Anton was pretty sure, should she find out about his desire to sink his fangs into her carotid artery, she’d freak the fuck out, which wasn’t conducive with his desire to keeping her in his life.

  Chapter 21

  Anton hadn’t gotten out of California before the cell in his pocket began to vibrate. He pulled his bike to the side of the road and cut the engine. One glance at the home screen had him rolling his eyes. Time to face the music with Tank. He took off his helmet, tapped the SEND button, and placed the phone next to his ear.

  “Where the fuck are you, Rogue?” Tank’s deep tone radiated with anger.

  “Somewhere between Santa Barbara and Oregon.”

  “You want to explain why you aren’t with Preacher?”

  Anton chuckled, devoid of humor. “Cut the bullshit, Tank. You already know why I was in Santa Barbara. If your fucking VP would’ve kept his hands to himself, I wouldn’t have had to leave Oregon. So instead of ragging on my ass, why not give your anger to someone who deserves it?”

  “You fucked him up pretty good.”

  “Think I care? The piece of shit deserved it. He knew damn well Tam was my woman. Spider told me since he was VP, it gave him the right to fuck her.”

  “He said that?”

  Anton smiled, happy to place Spider on Tank’s bad side. The P was no doubt wondering if Spider ever put the moves on his own old lady. Spider had broken the unspoken code between brothers. A brother’s old lady was strictly off-limits, no exceptions.

  “He did.”

  Tank blasphemed. “You let me worry about Spider. I’ll take care of his disrespect, make sure it doesn’t happen again. I want you back in Florence. My shipment is coming in day after tomorrow. I need you and Preacher to accompany Draven to the delivery point.”

  “Which is?”

  “I’ll text you.”

  A car sped past Anton. The ass didn’t bother slowing down. Thankfully, the berm where he sat wasn’t particularly narrow on this stretch of the highway. “I’ll be back to the farmhouse where Bobby and I are staying by morning.”

  “Good.” Tank paused. Anton could hear a woman speaking in the background. He spoke rudely to her, telling her to mind her fucking business and get him something to eat before returning to their conversation. Anton grimaced, wanting to kick Tank’s dumb ass just as he had Spider’s. He couldn’t imagine what woman would put up with the man. “Anton?”


  “You want to tell me why your old lady was questioning my men?”

  “She’s a reporter. She gets paid to be nosy.”

  “Nosy gets you killed.”

  “I wouldn’t fucking touch her if I were you.” He left the part off about doing so would get Tank killed. For now, he had to keep the level of disrespect he felt for the man to a m

  He ignored Anton’s threat. “Why would she be interested in our rivalry with the Sons of Sangue?”

  Tank’s accusation hung thick between them. His trust in Anton had wavered. He could hear it in the man’s tone. Anton had Cara to thank for sending Tamera into the foray and fucking up all his hard work over the past year.

  Anton crossed his arms over his helmet, which rest between his thighs, and looked out to the ocean. White caps hit the shore. “She’s doing a piece for the newspaper she works for. Tam hadn’t bothered to tell me about it, with good reason. I would’ve never allowed it. When I questioned her, she told me she was interested in the hit on Kinky Sala. He was the Sons of Sangue member executed over a week ago.”

  “I heard about that.” Tank went quiet. Anton was about to ask if he was still there when he said, “The Devils didn’t have anything to do with the slime’s execution, if that’s what you’re getting at. Can’t say I’m sorry if any of those bastards meet Death’s door, though. You tell your old lady she needs to keep her nose to herself.”

  “I already sent her ass home.” Something about the way Tank had answered, made Anton think he knew more than he was saying. The Devils may not have ordered the hit on Joseph, but Tank knew who did. “She won’t be asking any more questions.”

  “Good. See that she doesn’t.”

  “You know who took out Kinky.” It wasn’t a question.

  Tank chuckled. “Nice try, Rogue. I’m not giving you the fucking information so you can let your little girlfriend write a piece about it. All I’m going to say is this goes deeper than gang rivalries. You want her to live, then I suggest you get her to drop the story about the bastard’s death.”

  “I’ll make sure she drops it.”

  “See that you do. Now, I need you in Florence like yesterday. I suggest you get that bike headed north and do the job I asked you to do. Make sure if you take off again, you take Preacher with you.”

  Tank’s statement lay proof Tank no longer trusted him. He’d definitely let Cara and Kane know about the setback. Now that Tank’s faith in him took a dive, getting private meetings with Cara, Kane, and her partner were going to be tricky. He’d have to get creative in shaking Bobby. No doubt, Tank already ordered him to stick to Anton like glue.

  “I won’t let you down.”

  “See that you don’t,” he hissed and the line went dead.

  Anton pocketed his phone and jammed his helmet back on his head. Starting the engine, Anton pushed off the stone berm and sped down the highway. He wanted to tell Cara to shove her case. One serious misjudgment and it had seriously setback all he had worked for.


  A full year’s worth of work down the drain. When he had signed up for the assignment, he had no clue all it would cost him. At the time, he had nothing to lose. He wanted his life back. Anton wanted a chance to get to know Kimber better, without having to fear her getting caught up in this mess and putting her in danger.

  Burying the odometer needle, his tires ate up the asphalt. Time to get home and get the show on the road. Once they picked up the heroin, they’d have evidence to turn over to the DEA. He may not have been able to tie it all back to the La Paz cartel, but at this point, he no longer cared. He’d be happy to put the Devils out of commission.

  He wanted Tank’s ass off the street.

  Let Cara and Hernandez worry about the cartel. Anton’s job was done. Time for him to cut his ties with the Devils.

  * * *

  Kane headed for his house, his bike taking the curves on the country road with ease. He pulled back on the throttle as he hit the straightaway. Most days, he appreciated being outside of town, not a neighbor in sight. Today wasn’t one of those days. He hated knowing Cara was alone. Twenty minutes ago, Cara had informed him she thought she detected the scent of a primordial, possibly coming from the woods beyond their home. Having arrived at the house, following her day at the sheriff’s office, she told him she had alighted from her Charger when the scent tickled her senses and raised the hair on the back of her neck. Cara didn’t rattle easily, but the idea of Mircea gunning for them, had them all on high alert.

  Kane’s job of keeping his eye on Tamera was cut short with the arrival of his twin and Grayson in Santa Barbara. His phone’s reception was shoddy at best, so he had no idea why the hell the two of them were outside of Hade’s Nest. He was about to quiz Kaleb when Anton exited the bar with his arm wrapped around Tamera. Grayson had thrown the first punch. Kane figured he’d let the two fight it out. Kaleb could handle the aftermath and Tamera could catch everyone up to speed, hopefully before Anton and Grayson made a bigger mess of things.

  And a mess it was.

  He and Red had almost made it back from their trip to California when his mate had called. Red continued to Washington with promises to catch up, and Kane made a beeline for home. If Mircea even so much as touched his mate, he’d separate his head from his shoulders. Kaleb wouldn’t be the only one guilty of taking a primordial’s life. With Alec Funar and Rosalee both dead, the only primordials left were Vlad and his brother. If Cara detected the scent, then no doubt Mircea lurked in the woods. Vlad wouldn’t have a reason to be there.

  He had been against the idea of keeping his brother and the Sons in the dark about Anton being undercover. Especially Kaleb and Grayson, since they were the heart of the MC. Cara hadn’t agreed. Kane consented since it was her case, and her ass on the line with the sheriff’s office and the DEA, not to mention the prick, Robbie Melchor. Thankfully, Kane didn’t have to deal with the self-important ass. Cara had made it clear, where Robbie was concerned, she could handle him. She had actually made him promise to steer clear when Captain Melchor came to town.

  Which was probably for the best.

  If Kane got word Robbie so much as stepped over the line, the man would be spitting dirt from about six feet under. Kane had a no tolerance rule for the little bastard.

  Pulling into their gravel drive, Kane parked his Fat Bob and stepped over the seat. He took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm, heading for the back door. His gaze perused the surrounding area, while his nostrils flared in hopes to detect Mircea’s scent. The humidity hung heavy in the air with the promise of oncoming storms, leaving him scenting nothing more than dirt and evergreens.

  Hopefully, the idea of Mircea being in the States had spooked Cara into thinking she detected primordial blood and nothing more.

  Cara opened the back door and jumped into his arms. He dropped the helmet to the grass with a thud and wrapped his arms about her as her legs circled his waist. Damn, it didn’t take much from his mate to have his cock growing hard with hunger. He leaned down and kissed her soundly. He doubted he’d ever get tired of making out with his woman.

  “Someone is happy to see me.” Cara smiled, digging her heels into the cheeks of his ass. “Want to meet me upstairs?”

  He laughed, his hands now palming her sweet ass. “How about we chat first? We need to talk about the case … and the son of a bitch that is my great uncle.”

  Cara released her hold, then slid slowly down his length, tantalizing every inch of him, making him aware of every curve. He had been away far too long. She cupped his erection, earning her a groan. “Okay, seduction can wait.”

  Kane’s fangs threatened to immerge. “You certainly know how to get a man’s attention.”

  “Only yours.” Just before she turned and headed back inside, Cara took a quick look around, her nostrils flaring slightly. Once inside, Cara turned and hopped onto the breakfast bar. “So let’s talk about the case. What did you and Red discover?”

  Kane set his helmet on the counter beside her and positioned himself between her spread legs. He tipped her chin with the pad of his thumb. “Not before I get to kiss you proper.”

  Lowering his head, he sealed his lips to hers. Cara opened to him, tempting him with her tongue. She tasted of peppermint candies and a unique flavor that was all her. Damn, he loved this woman. He deepened the
kiss, taking full possession, letting her know just how much he missed her. Her hands tangled in the over long hair at his nape. The scent of her desire weaved about him like a satin ribbon, tethering him to her.

  If they kept this up, there would be no talking until later. Much later. Kane released her and stepped back. Her gaze flashed black, her tongue smoothing over her upper lip. Okay, he’d make quick work of this conversation so he could slide between her lean thighs.

  “You got problems, mia bella.”

  Her expression sobered. “What’s going on?”

  “Hawk and Gypsy were in Santa Barbara.”

  Cara’s eyes widened. “What? Did you intercept them before they saw Tamera?”

  He shook his head, tossing his cell on the counter. “This phone was about worthless. I couldn’t get a good reception down there. By the time Red and I caught up with Kaleb and Grayson, it was too late. I left the four of them in the parking lot. Gypsy was about to kick Blondy’s ass.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you stop them?”

  Kane chuckled. “They’re big boy vamps. I figured Tamera could handle the motley crew better than I could. After all, Gypsy would listen to her before me. Besides, the Devils’ hang out was just beyond the alley where they were congregating. I didn’t want to draw more attention. Hawk will no doubt look us up once he gets back to Pleasant anyway. He’s bound to be plenty pissed.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Is the gig up?”

  Kane shrugged. “Sorry, mia bella, you’ll have to ask Blondy. I’m betting he did everything he could to move along Hawk and Gypsy as not to bring attention.” He tucked her pale blonde hair behind one ear. “Whatever happened, you need to be prepared for the outcome. Blondy may have gotten them out of there without notice, or he could’ve been found out. You’ll have to wait and talk to him.”

  She picked her cell phone up from the counter. “I’ll give him a quick call.”

  “Let it go for tonight.” He laid his hand atop hers. “I’m not even sure he’s headed back. Don’t panic and make this worse for him.”


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