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Rogue (Sons of Sangue Book 4)

Page 28

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “That’s it!” Tena righted herself. “You’re a genius, Chad. I’ll go after him.”

  “I was speaking in jest, silly. You can’t go traipsing halfway across the country after a man you barely know.”

  “I can, and I will.” She nearly leaped from her seat. “Don’t you see? It would be such a romantic gesture.”

  Kimber didn’t know what to say, but following Bobby was probably not a good idea. To begin with, Tena had no idea what he had become. “I don’t think…”

  “He said good-bye, Tena,” Chad chimed in at the same time. “I doubt showing up on his doorstep would make him think of roses and wine.”

  “Oh, come on. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Tena swirled the wine in her glass, then drank what was left. “I say road trip. I have his number. I’ll keep in touch with him along the way, tell him I just want to know that he’s okay. Then when he finally stops, I’ll get his address. Tell him I have a gift for him. Then I’ll show up on his doorstep, wrapped in a big bow.”

  “Really, Tena?” Chad began before she cut him off once again.

  “That’s exactly what I’ll do. It’s not like once I’m there he’ll throw me out, right?”

  Kimber suppressed her groan, afraid that’s exactly what Bobby just might do.

  “You can’t go alone,” Chad said. “It wouldn’t be safe.”

  “And what are you going to do, follow me?”

  Chad groaned. “I’ll no doubt regret this come morning. Hell, no. I’ll drive the damn car.”

  Kimber watched the exchange, nibbling on her nail. This was not a good idea at all.

  “Don’t worry, Kimber. I’ll keep her cute little ass out of trouble.” Chad winked at her. “And you, missy, aren’t about to change anything by sitting here wallowing in self-pity when your man is a hop, skip, and jump down the road. Stop worrying about all the crazy crap life throws you. You love that man. I can see it in the way you look at him.”

  When Kimber meant to argue, he held up a finger. “You can’t deny what the heart wants. I know Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous is all crazy about you. Trust me, girlfriend, if nothing else, I’m an expert at reading men. Now, Tena and I are going to take our little butts right out that door and you’re going to go after what you want. It’s time you took charge and did something for yourself. Don’t let your silly fears get in the way. Since Tena and I will be taking a leave of absence from work, you best call us with the juicy details.”

  Tena pushed Chad toward the door. Probably hoping to get Chad out of there before Kimber talked them out of their ridiculous notion to cross the country, looking for a man who no doubt didn’t want to be found. Kimber couldn’t be held responsible for what trouble those two might get into. Hell, she had her own life to sort out.

  Just before they cleared the door, Chad looked back and said, “I’ll take good care of Tena. You take care of you.”

  And she would. Starting with Anton.

  Time to go after what her heart wanted. Kimber would figure the rest out later. So what if Anton was a vampire. It wasn’t like he’d be biting her with his fangs … right?

  Then again, maybe she’d let him nibble just a little. Mind made up, Kimber took the stairs to her bedroom to pick out the perfect outfit. She had one seriously sexy vampire to seduce.

  * * *

  “So what’s it going to be, Blondy? You coming back as club secretary?”

  Kaleb had arrived at the farmhouse a short while ago and was just now getting to his reason for stopping by. Not that Anton didn’t enjoy the club P’s company. Hell no, he was damn glad to be back among the Sons of Sangue. He never wanted to leave behind his colors again. Getting the Devil tattoo inked over on his shoulder was definitely high up on the list of to dos. It was a constant reminder of the past he’d rather move forward from.

  He ran his hand through his short hair. Going back to his natural dark blond was right up there too. Dying it was a pain in the ass. Not that he hadn’t grown accustomed to his moniker Rogue. He was starting to prefer it over Blondy.

  “If you don’t mind, P, I think I’d like to keep the name Rogue.”

  Kaleb’s eyes bored into him. “You want to give me one good reason why? It’s bad enough half the fucking year I was left to believe you deserted us.”

  “The name is a reminder of the hell I went through, I’ll give you that.” Anton shrugged. “But just like scars, they become part of us. I’m not the same man I was a year ago. I left him behind, pining away for a woman that wasn’t mine to begin with.”

  “And now?”

  “I love another.”

  A line formed between Kaleb’s brows. “You telling me you want to ask for a mate?”

  Anton sat on the arm of his sectional and placed his hands on his knees. “I’m afraid I’m asking for an even bigger favor. I can’t ask her to be my mate when she’s just learned what I am, saw firsthand what I’m capable of.”

  “So what are you asking me for?”

  “To allow her to know what I am.” Anton sighed, his shoulders sagging beneath the weight of what felt like a two-ton bolder. “I don’t want to hypnotize her into forgetting me. Please don’t ask that of me.”

  “She could become a donor.”

  Anton’s gaze jerked up. His eyes heated. “Hell no, Hawk. Kimber is no donor. Not now, not ever.”

  “What you’re asking for has never been given, Rogue. Humans outside of donors aren’t allowed to know we’re vampires. Rules are in place to protect us. Why not take her as a mate?”

  Anton rubbed his nape. He couldn’t imagine asking her to become like him, not after all she had been through. Oh, by the way, you’re going to become a vampire. He’d rather walk away and erase her memory of him. Kimber needed time to adjust to the lifestyle.

  “She’s not ready, Hawk. I need time to ease her into it.”

  “And you’re sure she’ll stay with you, that one day she’ll be ready?”

  “It’s my hope, yes.”

  “Christ, Rogue. You’re asking me to break our rules.” Kaleb leaned back on the sofa and crossed his ankle over one knee. “If I table your request at the next church meeting, the outcome won’t be in your favor. You have to know that.”

  Anton nodded. “Which is why I am asking you. And why I haven’t answered your earlier question.”

  Kaleb chuckled. “Your answer hinges on my response to your request.”

  “It does.”

  “And if I say no.”

  “Then I’ll hand back my vest, as much as it would pain me to do so.”

  He draped his left arm over the back of the sofa. “You love her that much?”

  “I do.” Anton leaned forward, clasping his hands between his knees. “I don’t want to choose, Hawk. And after the last year I spent, I was hoping you could make a concession.”

  One of his brows crooked upward. “You realize that was Cara and Kane’s party. Not mine.”

  “Getting rid of some of the Devils benefits all of the Sons.”

  “You going back to secretary?”

  Anton held Kaleb’s brown gaze. “If you say yes.”

  “What the hell.” Kaleb chuckled. “Not like shit with the club ain’t all messed up anyway. You have my blessing.”

  “Thank you, P.” Anton stood and grabbed a couple of tumblers and a bottle of Gentleman Jack from the cupboard. “What’s going on? I was hoping life would get back to normal. No such luck, huh?”

  Kaleb took a glass and held it out so Anton could fill it. “Xander’s lost his marbles, for one. Apparently, India’s pregnant and he’s agreed to see her through it … as a friend.”

  Anton chuckled. “Sure she doesn’t want more?”

  “There is no doubt in my eyes. She may be a donor to whomever needs her, but she never gives it up. Everyone knows she’s been hung up on Xander for a while now.”

  “So who’s the baby daddy?”

  Kaleb shrugged. “Xander says she never told him. This ought to be interesting. My bet
is on Xander not having a chance, baby or no. India’s gorgeous. He spends that much time with her, there’s no way he can remain unaffected. He should’ve told her he wasn’t up for seeing her through delivering some other man’s spawn. Then there’s Preacher.”

  Anton had talked to Bobby before he left town. “He needs time, man. I’m sure the immortality he’s been given is in direct opposition to his faith.”

  “You think he’ll obey my directive while he’s gone, that he’ll be back one day?”

  “I’ll keep in touch. Make sure he’s doing all right. He’ll come around given time. I’ll go see him personally if the need arises. He took Ivy with him so he’ll have a donor. Is that everything?”

  “I wish, bro.” Kaleb shook his head. “I’m afraid Draven’s gone missing.”

  “What the hell do you mean? We left the sheriff’s office together.”

  “His bartender said he stopped by the Rave. Came in through the back door, stayed a short time, then left. Hasn’t seen or heard from him since the day you two walked out of the S.O.”

  “You think the Devils?”

  “Not many of them left, not after you took out four of them. The DEA took several others into custody. I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question, though. Let’s hope it’s them anyway and not the cartel.”


  “Pretty much my feeling on the matter.” Kaleb finished his whiskey and set the glass on the side table. He stood and headed for the door. Turning back, he said, “You take care of your shit and then get your ass back to the clubhouse next week, Rogue. Glad to have you back. And Rogue?”


  “I didn’t mean it when I wished you dead.”

  “Thanks, P.”

  Kaleb nodded, then shut the door, leaving Anton staring at the wall. What the hell had happened to Draven? Looks like they might have a manhunt on their hands. Anton stood, picked up Kaleb’s glass, and headed for the kitchen. A knock sounded on his door. Setting the glasses and bottle of whiskey on the counter, Anton strode back into the living area, wondering what Kaleb might’ve forgotten.

  When he opened the door, Kimber stood before him, dressed to take his breath away and hitting the mark, yet nervously wringing her hands. “Hi.”

  His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, making him incapable of speech. A pink halter dress hugged her chest, the neckline dipping well into her cleavage, and slipped softly over her hips, stopping just beneath the curve of her killer ass. A pair of strappy-style sandals wrapped her feet and ankles. Cute little pink-painted toe nails polished off the look. She teetered a bit on the five-inch heels, telling him she probably hadn’t worn them much.

  Anton smiled. Kimber had come with the intention of seducing him. Well hell, he wasn’t about to turn away a gift. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into the living room and shut the door behind her, firmly locking it. Her hands slipped up his T-shirt to his shoulder, no doubt to steady herself on those skyscraper heels she wore. Anton gripped her waist and pulled her forward.

  Damn, he itched to taste her. His gums ached. He bit back the emergence of the vampire. Kimber wasn’t ready yet. He’d need to ease her into it.

  “Look, Kimber.” He leaned his head against her forehead. “I’m so fucking sorry I kept everything from you. Most specifically what I become.”

  Her pink tongue wet her lips, causing his groin to tighten. “Can I ask how you did it? I’m curious.”

  Her warm chocolate gaze filled with nothing but curiosity. “We can hypnotize humans into forgetting what’s necessary to keep our secret.”

  Her gaze studied his. “Will you hypnotize me again?”


  The tiniest of smiles turned up her lips. “Good.”

  “Can you handle the truth?” He tipped her chin up with the pad of his thumb. “Desire makes me turn, for the vampire in me to come forth.”

  “I’ve spent two weeks thinking about what I saw. I have to be honest, Anton. It scared the living crap out of me. I’m a librarian. I live in a small town.” Kimber paused, looking briefly toward the door. If she chose to bolt, he’d go after. Anton was done letting her run from him. Her warm gaze finally came back to his. “Two weeks of not knowing what to do. Could I handle all the violence that comes with you?”

  “It’s not always like that, tesoro.”

  “Maybe not. But you do drink blood to survive.”

  He nodded. “Human food does nothing for me. Without blood, I cannot survive.”

  Kimber searched his eyes, staring silently into his.

  “What’s it going to be, tesoro? Will there be an us?”

  “The one thing I realized over the past two weeks is that I may not yet understand everything, but I don’t want to live without you either. Vampire or not.” One delicate brow rose. “Will you bite me?”

  Anton ran a knuckle over her downy of her cheek. Damn, but he feared never being able to touch her again.

  Anton couldn’t help but smile. “Only if you want me to, tesoro.”

  “Will it hurt?” She drew her lower lip between her teeth.

  “At first.” Anton ran his fingers down her spine, causing her to shiver. “But I can promise, it will give you the best orgasm of your life.”

  His gaze was drawn to the quickening pulse at the base of her throat. “How about you let me be the judge of that?”

  Kimber ran her palms down his shirt to the hem, shoving the material up his chest. He assisted her in yanking it over his head. Smoothing her hands across his flesh, she stopped at the waistband of his jeans.

  “You have far too many clothes on, Anton.”

  Damn, if he didn’t like this saucy side to her. “I’d say the same to you, but I’m kind of digging this outfit.”

  “You like?”

  “Like? I fucking love it. Although, at the moment, how about you lose the dress and keep those killer heels on?”

  Kimber smiled, pushed away from him, and unhooked the halter at her neck, letting the silky fabric fall to pool at her waist.


  His fangs punched through his gums and his dick hardened instantly. No more hiding. He had become a full-fledged vampire right before her eyes. To her credit, Kimber gave his face only a cursory glance, showing no fear. His black gaze watched as she shoved the soft material down her hips to collect at her feet.


  She wore no undergarments. Anton was struck dumb and motionless at her perfection. If he moved, there wouldn’t be any foreplay involved. He wanted to fuck her with the force of a hurricane.

  Placing her fingers into the waistband of his jeans, she pulled him forward and released the button. She gripped the zipper pull and slid it down over his erection. His cock throbbed and his balls tightened. Fuck, but he wanted to slide into her heat. No one completed him as she did.

  Kimber glanced back up, her gaze going to his lips. She ran her fingertip over the point of one of his fangs. “How about we test out your theory?”

  “You want me to bite you?”

  Instead of answering, she tilted her head to the side and pushed her thick mane over her shoulder. He could scarcely breath, let alone move, for fear he’d wake up from his dream. Anton scented her sweet blood, heard it pulse through her veins as if it pumped through his own heart.

  “One day, I want you to be my mate, tesoro. When you’re ready, of course. Do you think you can make the change and stay with me forever?”

  She smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Depends.”


  “Whether you can deliver on your early promise.”

  Anton laughed, knowing he had fallen hard, head over heels in love. “Oh, I plan to. You love me?”

  He saw the answer swimming in her eyes long before her words answered him. “All of you.”

  “Then I have a challenge for you.”

  One delicate brow rose. “Oh?”

  “Let’s see if you can manage to stand on those heels when you come.”

>   His fangs pierced the tender flesh of her neck with a soft pop. No blood ever tasted so delicious as the warm fluid passing over his tongue, filling him and making him whole. He savored her sweetness and gathered her close. It didn’t take but thirty seconds before he had to wrap his forearm about her waist to steady her on those five-inch, fuck-me heels as he made good on his promise.

  ~ * ~

  Thanks for reading Rogue. I hope you enjoyed it!

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  Continue the adventure with the Sons of Sangue

  Start the series at the beginning


  Book 1

  Click here to purchase

  Kane ‘Viper’ Tepes is one of the oldest living descendants of Vlad III. Vampirism is in his blood. So is being the President of the Sons of Sangue. Those who break motorcycle club rules that protect their coven are dealt swift punishment. No exceptions. Until one pretty little detective has him compromising his beliefs, and endangering his position as head of the MC.

  Vampirism had Cara Brahnam turning tail and leaving behind her life in Pleasant. Now, ten years later, she’s back as lead detective and wants to see the person responsible for draining the women of Lane County brought to justice, no matter what deal the gang of miscreants has struck with the sheriff. Or the fact that her number one suspect is the sole reason she fled in the first place.

  Now someone has targeted Cara as the next victim and Kane must join in the hunt to find the ancient vampire that wants her dead.

  * * * * *


  Book 2

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