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Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 5

by Michelle Love

  I cannot believe I’m doing this...

  But her body was reacting like it never had before, out of need, out of desire. Who cared if ‘society’ would frown on it, Zea needed this, this blissful, hard, no-strings fuck…

  She came, moaning and shivering, biting his shoulder. Flynt gave a groan as he shot into her and his kiss was rougher then. As he extracted himself from her, he took her face in his palms and stared into her eyes. Zea couldn’t catch her breath. Then he smiled again, kissed her, and walked away without a word.

  Zea opened the door to her apartment still in a daze. Had that actually happened? The ache in her thighs, the dampness of her panties said yes, yes it had. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot spray hit her fevered body. She stroked her hand down her belly and between her legs. Her clit was still hard and ultra-sensitive and quivered as she stroked her way to another, more mellow orgasm. Maybe that’s what she needed now; meaningless but animal sex with handsome strangers. It couldn’t hurt.

  Could it?

  In a Caribbean idyll, a very naked, very turned on Emory straddled her boyfriend of fewer than two months and grinned down at him as she guided him inside of her, moaning softly and closing her eyes as his cock sank deep into her. Luca Saffran gazed up at her as she rode him. Would he ever get enough of this beautiful, curvy woman? He didn’t think so.

  They’d spent the last two weeks loving and laughing, exploring the island, enjoying the sun and the distance from all the turmoil of the last few weeks.

  After Emory’s ex-husband Ray had attacked her shortly before they’d flown to the Caribbean, they had slowly gotten to a point where they could focus on their new relationship.

  ‘When we get home,’ Luca had said at lunch, ‘I’m telling Bree about us. I know she’ll be supportive.’

  Emory had nodded. ‘I hope so…I hope she won’t see us together and freak out.’

  Luca chuckled. ‘She was the one pushing me into asking you out so I doubt it, and anyway, she must have seen the chemistry between us.’

  Emory smiled. ‘It was pretty obvious.’

  ‘I think your doctor was a little envious. He had a bit of a crush.’

  Emory grinned. ‘Well, you are very handsome.’

  Luca rolled his eyes. ‘Not me, doofus.’

  Emory leaned over to kiss him. ‘Well, I’ll keep him for spare,’ and shrieked with laughter when Luca pulled her onto his lap and began to tickle her. Her bikini didn’t stay on long, and when he’d kissed every inch of her honey skin, he took her into the bedroom.

  Luca slid his hands up her thighs, stroked her belly and cupped her generous breasts in his hands. ‘God, you’re beautiful,’ he said now as she moved up and down his cock. She smiled down at him, her dark hair falling softly over one shoulder. He watched as his cock slid in and out of her delicious cunt, the long shaft of him thick and pulsating. The feel of her velvety sex, the muscles of her clenching his length, her hips moving quicker now as they grew more heated and excited. Luca felt himself peak and his muscles clenched as he came, his hands gripping the soft flesh of her hips, keeping her impaled as he pumped thick, creamy cum deep inside her. Emory was trembling through her own orgasm, and he loved to watch the scarlet flush spread across her skin as she came.

  She finally collapsed beside him, laughing softly as she caught her breath. ‘Luca Saffran, you are my undoing.’

  He laughed. ‘Right back at ya. Listen…’ He propped himself up on his elbow and look down at her. ‘Not that I want to burst our Caribbean bubble but we need to talk about when we get back to Seattle.’

  Emory nodded. ‘I know…I think telling Bree is probably the priority.’

  Luca hesitated. ‘Well, actually I meant our living arrangements.’

  Emory looked taken aback. She pushed herself up into a sitting position. ‘Luca…Your generosity has been boundless, but I think it’s too soon for that. And I need to start to look for my own place.’

  Luca was silent, and she touched his cheek. ‘We are both newly divorced, honey, and God help me, I don’t want to rush into something and ruin this. You mean too much to me.’

  Luca took her face in his palms. ‘Emory, what I feel for you, I don’t know if I can express it. I’ve never felt this way, not even with Clem.’

  Emory had tears in her eyes, but she smiled. ‘Probably best not to tell Bree that; she might object.’

  Luca pulled her back into his arms, and they began again where they had left off.

  Outside their villa, the photographer got another few shots of the couple as they made love, totally unaware of his scrutiny. They’d given him quite the show, he thought with a grin, and the girl was stunning. He didn’t recognize her, but the guy - no-one could mistake the rugged features and firm jaw of Luca Saffran. These pictures would make him rich, even after Ray Grace had taken what he needed.

  Zea went to work the next day both excited and nauseous. Excited at the prospect of another hookup with Flynt Newlan but also sick at the thought of seeing him again. What had she been thinking, fucking a stranger in a dark alley? That wasn’t like her at all; she had even made David wait three weeks when they had started dating. But David, God rest his soul, had been the polar opposite of Flynt. The comparison almost made her laugh out loud as she went into the kitchen and hung up her coat.

  Felicity, another waitress who she liked very much, stuck her head in the kitchen door. ‘Oh good, you’re here. Some guy is asking for you.’

  Flynt. Zea’s heart began thump uncomfortably in her chest as she followed Felicity out into the diner but slowed in disappointment. No Flynt. Felicity nodded to a man sitting in the far booth. Zea didn’t recognize him – at least, she didn’t recognize the back of his head as she approached. God, she hoped it wasn’t a reporter; she liked her life here.

  ‘Excuse me?’

  The man turned, and for a moment Zea’s entire body went cold. David. He looked so much like her dead husband; she couldn’t breathe. He smiled at her.

  ‘Hello, there, Zea? I’m Jared Podesta.’ He held out his hand, and she shook it.

  ‘Zea Azano.’ She completely forgot to use her maiden name; such was her shock.

  His eyes opened wider for a second. Zea frowned at him. ‘Is there something wrong?’

  Jared shook his head. ‘No…I’m sorry, it’s just…I came to Portland to see you about David Azano, but I was told you went by a different name now. It’s a shock to hear his name is all.’

  Hearing David’s name on the lips of this look-a-like stranger was like a sledgehammer to the chest, and she could feel the blood drain out of her face.

  ‘Hey,’ Jared was holding her elbow now, his face a mask of concern, ‘are you okay?’

  Zea suddenly couldn’t breathe and for the second time in twenty-four hours; she found herself in a stranger’s arms as he swept her into a chair.

  ‘Put your head down, take deep breaths.’ His hands were on her shoulders. Zea did as he asked but after a few moments, she looked up.

  ‘If you’re a reporter, I don’t know how you found me, but there’s no way I’m talking to you.’

  Jared rocked back a little. ‘What? Reporter? No, that’s…I’m not a reporter, Zea.’

  Zea sighed. ‘What do you want, Mr. Podesta?’

  He stood, pulled up a chair next to her and sat his body slumping. ‘I came to find out about David, Zea. I haven’t been in the country, but I heard about what happened at his school, I had to come see if you were okay.’ He dropped his head into his hands.

  Zea was even more confused. ‘Who are you? How do you know David?’

  He looked up, eyes red and stricken. ‘He’s my brother, Zea. I came here to find out about my brother.’

  Zea closed the door to her home. Jared stood in her hallway. He’d driven her back to her apartment so they could talk privately and now he was here. David’s brother. His brother. She knew the shock she felt was still visible on her face. Jared cocked his head to one
side and smiled ruefully.

  ‘I’m sorry to have blurted it out like that, but honestly, I couldn’t think of a way to dress it up.’

  ‘Please come through.’ She started to move towards the kitchen. ‘Can I get you some coffee?’

  Jared smiled. ‘That’d be great.’ He stopped at the occasional table. He picked up a heavy stone picture frame. Zea and David’s wedding day. Zea swallowed, feeling her chest constricting. Jared looked up from the photo and smiled at her.

  ‘You were a beautiful bride.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Zea’s voice was scratchy. She went into the kitchen to make coffee. She heard him put the picture frame down and follow her. She saw him look around the kitchen, take in the few pieces of furniture she’d brought with her. The bookshelves overstuffed with cookbooks and folders of recipes. The large, heavy oak table, pitted and ringed from years of use. The huge refrigerator covered with photos, letters, magnets. Jared picked up a couple of paperbacks she’d left on the table, flicked through them, a crime novel Teresa had loaned to her, and a self-help book that an overly familiar customer had given her. Zea flushed at Jared’s raised eyebrows at that one. She took a coffee filter from the pack and realized she was trembling. Jared noticed and took the filter from her.

  ‘Let me.’ He took over, and Zea sat down at the table and took a deep breath. Jared put the coffee on and joined her.

  ‘I’m sorry, I’ve blind-sided you. Would it help if I explained my circumstances, my family?’

  Zea nodded. He was so elegant, his presence so virile, so masculine. Even his movement was graceful, the opposite of David’s loping, easy gait. Jared smiled at her.

  ‘Our parents – our birth parents – put us both up for adoption when we were born, and sadly we were separated.’ Jared stopped. ‘You did know David was adopted?’

  She nodded.

  Jared smiled. ‘A little over a month ago, I was contacted by a lawyer from New Orleans. My birth father had just died and as it turned out I was the main recipient of his will – along with my twin brother. Fraternal twins, not identical, I’m told.’

  The coffee was ready. Jared got up, looking around for cups.

  ‘That cupboard.’ Zea spoke, at last, pointing. Jared smiled his thanks and poured them both a cup.

  ‘Thank you.’ Zea burned her tongue on the hot liquid and winced. The bitter taste revolted her. She felt the cup shake in her hands.

  ‘Careful now.’

  She tried to smile. ‘Mr. Podesta…’


  ‘Jared, please go on.’

  He stirred creamer into his coffee. ‘I didn’t know. I didn’t know he even existed but when I found out…well.’ He sat back in the chair, his manner relaxed. ‘I had to find him, didn’t I? I went to the Seattle PD., and after a lot of persuasion they gave me your address.’ His face turned serious. ‘I’m just so sorry I was too late. You must have been through hell. Was David suffering from depression?’

  Zea was silent for a moment. She didn’t want to share details about their lives with this man if he wasn’t who he said he was.

  ‘I don’t want to be rude, Jared, but do you have any identification?’

  ‘Of course.’ Jared reached inside his jacket. He pulled a sheaf of papers out and handed them to her. Everything was there, birth certificates, adoption papers, legal papers. And all of it backed up what Jared was saying. She glanced up under her lashes. He was looking around the room. She studied him as he took in the details of their lives. He was taller than David, imposing but it wasn’t hard to find David in his features - Jared’s face was more finely angled, somehow more adult than David’s sweet face had been. Then he did something that made her heart stop. It was so small, so insignificant. He rubbed his left eye with the heel of his hand. Zea felt a wave of grief flood over her as she watched him repeat the movement with his right eye then again with the left. David. A simple gesture, one of the first things she’d noticed about him. She’d used to tease him about it. Seeing this stranger repeat it made her reserve crumble and she felt her body start to tremble, the air in her lungs disappear.

  Jared reached across the table and took her hand in his. His big fingers were warm; his thumb stroked the back of her hand.

  ‘You are having a hard time with this.’ He moved his other hand to cover hers.

  Zea gave a shaky laugh. ‘Sorry, it’s just….’

  ‘I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I don’t want to steam-roller you.’ He squeezed her hand gently and leaned back. ‘I’m sorry, so sorry, Zea, about David. I didn’t mean to upset you.’

  Zea took a deep breath in. ‘It’s been…I can’t even tell you, Jared, what it’s been like. I just don’t understand.’

  She could feel the tightness in her chest become unbearable. She got up and rinsed her cup, brought the coffee pot to refill Jared’s cup. He caught her hand and gazed up at her, his eyes soft with understanding.

  ‘I’m sorry to bring all of this for you. I just…I always felt I was half a person, that something was missing. I had to come. And…’ He smiled at her. ‘I’m still glad I did. I’m sorry David is gone, Zea, but I can’t help but be glad you’re here. The woman my brother loved.’

  Zea felt lost in his eyes, so familiar and yet so strange. ‘I’m glad too,’ she managed to whisper, and the warmth of his smile made her chest ease. He sat back in his chair and drained his coffee.

  ‘Thank you. I think I’ve inconvenienced you enough for one day.’

  ‘No…’ she stopped as he held his hand up.

  ‘I have. You have been a very gracious hostess, thank you.’

  She walked him to the door where he took her hands in his. His thumb stroked over the back of her hand, his fingers warm and dry.

  ‘Despite the circumstances, it has been a pleasure to meet you. I would like to take you out to dinner tonight, if I may. I noticed a restaurant in town; George’s is it? I won’t take no for an answer.’

  She nodded. ‘Of course. I would like that, Jared.’

  ‘Good. I’ll pick you up at eight. Until tonight, Zea’ He lingered as if to say something else, changed his mind and left.

  Yesterday she’d had no family, no-one in the world. Now she had an actual bonafide brother in law, and she didn’t know how she felt about that. About him. Jared.

  She wondered how David would have reacted. He would have welcomed Jared with open arms, she realized, but there was something else bothering her.

  It was only later when she discovered what it was. Betrayal. She felt she had betrayed two people now with her tryst with Flynt. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind. A one-night stand meant nothing and it wasn’t as if it would ever happen again.

  ‘Thank you for being a lovely dinner companion.’ Jared opened her car door for her but lingered. Just before midnight, Main Street was quiet and still. Zea smiled at him.

  ‘Thank you for dinner. Jared, I’m really happy you decided to come and find me.’ Zea knew she meant her words too; Jared was like a balm on her grief, someone she could talk openly with about David.

  Jared leaned against the hood of the car, and Zea was surprised to see the sadness in his face.

  ‘I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry you had to go through that…David’s death…alone. I’m sorry I didn’t know about him, about you.’

  Zea swallowed over the sudden lump in her throat. ‘It’s okay, Jared. I just wish you had known him. You would have loved him; I promise you that. It’s just damn bad luck is all. Don’t believe what the papers say. He was a good man. Something must have happened to him.’

  ‘I’d like to visit his grave. Say goodbye and, well, hello too, I guess.’ A small smile. Zea shifted uncomfortably.

  ‘David didn’t want…he hated mausoleums. He wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered in the Sound. I’m sorry, Jared.’

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. She slid her hand into his and held it, feeling him squeeze her fingers briefly. They stood like that
for a few minutes until Jared gave a short laugh.

  ‘Well, if you’re sure you’ll be okay.’ He let go of her hand and kissed her cheek.

  Zea sat in her truck and watched him cross the street to the apartment. Before he went inside, he turned and waved at her. She waved back and sat there for a moment. There was a strange feeling inside her, a warmth she didn’t recognize. Family, she thought, I still have a family. It felt weird to contemplate that. She laughed softly to herself and, starting the car, turned for home.

  The pictures broke on the web while Luca and Emory were flying back from the Caribbean. Neither was checking the news; they were enjoying a far more pleasurable time in the bedroom of the plane.

  So when they alighted the plane and walked through arrivals, they were stunned and shocked by the amount of press waiting for them.

  Luca cursed harshly and threw his coat over Emory. ‘Fuck, we should have arranged a limo from the plane. Hurry, darling, let’s just get through this.’

  He steered her through the throng of pushing and shoving men and got her into the car as soon as he could manage. ‘Floor it,’ he barked at the driver who did, tires squealing as they raced away from the airport.

  Luca took a trembling Emory in his arms while yanking his cell-phone out of his pocket and checking it. ‘Damn it, damn it…’

  Emory looked at him with wide, frightened eyes. ‘What is it?’

  He shook his head. ‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. They have pictures of us.’

  ‘How? When?’

  ‘On the island. In our villa….’ Luca hesitated, tightening his grip on her. ‘In our bed.’

  Emory crumbled. ‘Oh, no, no, no…poor Bree. You need to talk to her.’

  Luca half-smiled. It was just like Emory to think of Bree’s feelings before her own. ‘I’ll call her now.’


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