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Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Michelle Love

  He got up and she heard him in the kitchen making tea. He brought the steaming cup to her.

  ‘Now,’ he said, ‘what’s this about a revenge plot?’

  Zea blew out her cheeks. ‘It’s just…I keep thinking, what if someone finds me? Like a family member of one of the people David killed? What if they come after me for revenge?’

  Jared chewed his bottom lip for a few moments. ‘Do you think you should perhaps move on? Maybe you’re right.’

  Zea smiled suddenly. ‘That’s not helping.’

  ‘Sorry, but we need to be realistic here.’ He sighed, rubbing his head. ‘Look, I have a suggestion, if you want to stay…maybe you should get a roommate.’ He flushed red then, and Zea realized where he was going.

  ‘Jared, I…don’t know. We barely know each other.’

  He nodded. ‘I know. But I have a duty, to you, to David. I need to protect you.’

  Zea smiled and took his hand. ‘You’re a sweetheart, and I promise, I will think about it. If it means staying in Portland, then, yeah, maybe we could make it work.’

  She let go of his hand. ‘Jared…there’s something I have to tell you. Since being in Portland, I…I’ve been…with someone.’

  His expression didn’t change. ‘With?’

  Zea felt her face burn. ‘Physically with. It’s very casual, ha,’ she gave a short laugh, ‘very casual. I don’t even like the guy. But I didn’t want us to move forward without you knowing that.’

  ‘Zea, what you do with your life is up to you,’ Jared got up, went to the window. ‘Should we call the police about the intruder?’

  Zea shook her head. ‘No. Look, Jared, I would never want you to feel that I’m using you.’

  He turned and gave her a strange look. ‘Why on earth would you think that? Now, look, have you got a spare blanket and pillow? I’ll spend the rest of the night on the couch.’

  Zea went back to bed, and she couldn’t deny she felt better with Jared around. Don’t tell the sisterhood. But Jared was right; they were family. She fell asleep almost immediately.


  Emory and Luca walked back from the burger place, chatting and laughing. It wasn’t until they were almost at the apartment that Luca stopped, frowning.

  ‘What is it?’ Emory, nestled in the crook of his arm, looked up at him.

  ‘I think I left something in my car. Something for us to enjoy,’ he grinned suddenly, a sexy, wicked smile, and she laughed.

  ‘Well, let’s go get it, soldier. I’m feeling really rather overdressed…’

  Luca laughed. ‘Let’s go quickly then.’

  They took the elevator down to the parking lot, kissing and fooling around. As Luca made his way over to his Mercedes, Emory suddenly stopped. ‘Luca.’

  He turned and looked to where, ashen and pale, Emory was pointing.

  Bree’s car.

  ‘What the hell?’

  It was well after midnight; there was no way Bree would interrupt them at this late hour. They walked over to the car, and as Emory rounded the car to the driver’s side, she gave a cry of distress and ducked down. When she came up, she handed Bree’s cell phone to Luca.

  ‘Oh god…’

  Emory was trembling. ‘Luca, look.’

  On the wall of the garage, written in block letters…

  Emory for your daughter. I will call.

  Emory looked bleak as Luca groaned. ‘It’s Ray. He’s taken Bree. He’s trading my life for hers.’

  Clem was exhausted but happy. She and Max had made love all night, and now, as dawn began to poke its fingers across the sky, she lay in his arms, not wanting the moment to end.

  Across the room, she heard her cell phone buzz. ‘Do you want to get that?’

  She loved the way Maximo’s voice seemed to rumble through her, the deep, luscious baritone of it so sexy and mellifluous. ‘No, leave it. It’ll go to voicemail.’

  But it didn’t stop and, sighing, Clem got up. She squinted at the caller i.d. ‘It’s my ex-husband. I’d better take it; it might be something about my daughter and him.’

  Luca’s first words changed everything. ‘Bree’s been taken.’

  Clem felt all the blood drain from her face and her legs gave way beneath her. Maximo was up, out of bed instantly, his strong arms around her. Clem still had the phone clamped to her ear as she looked up at him, panic, fear, terror in her eyes. She spoke briefly to Luca then hung up.

  ‘Bree’s been abducted. Emory Grace’s ex-husband took her – he wants to swap her for Emory. Oh god, oh god…he just called them. He wants Emory or he’ll kill Bree.’

  Maximo was horrified. ‘Che cazzo? What the fuck? And then what happens to Emory when Grace has her?’

  Clem looked at him, her eyes full of pain. ‘She dies.’

  Emory was very calm. Too calm, Luca thought, too calm for this nightmare.

  ‘It’s a no-brainer,’ she had said to him earlier. ‘I will not let Ray hurt Bree. This is between him and me, Luca.’

  ‘No. No way,’ Luca had raged, almost out of his mind with grief and rage, ‘That man has hurt you enough.’

  ‘There’s nothing more to be discussed,’ Emory had said but her voice shook, and he took her in his arms.

  ‘He will kill you, do you understand that?’ He buried his face in her hair, his arms firmly around the woman he had fallen so deeply in love with over these last few weeks. She was his destiny; he knew this with all his heart. He couldn’t let her go; he couldn’t let her die.

  He felt her nod. ‘I know. But what else can we do?’

  ‘We can call the police, we can…’ He cut off as his cellphone rang. ‘It’s him.’

  His arm tightened around her as he answered the call. ‘Saffran.’

  A rough laugh. ‘Good. This will be easy, Saffran. Emory for your daughter.’

  ‘I want to speak to Bree.’

  He expected Ray to argue with him but a moment later his heart dropped and his chest clenched as Bree came onto the phone. ‘Dad?’

  ‘Baby…’ his voice broke, ‘Are you okay? Has he hurt you?’

  ‘No, Dad, I’m fine. Look…don’t give him what he wants…’

  Luca heard her break off with a cry, the sound of flesh hitting flesh. ‘Bree!’

  Ray laughed softly. ‘Don’t worry, Saffran, that was just a little tap. She's a brave little soldier but listen to me. There’s nothing I won’t do to her if Emory doesn’t come back to me. Your little girl will suffer in the worst ways before she dies.’

  Luca was frozen, and Emory gently took the phone from him. ‘Where do you want me to come to, Ray?’

  Ray laughed again. ‘Good to hear your voice, Em. How about we meet at the dockyard, tonight, midnight?’ He named a particular row. ‘Bree will be kept in one of the containers away from there. When I have you, I’ll call Saffran and tell him which one. Don’t even think of calling the police, Em, or I’ll kill her.’

  ‘Fine.’ Her voice was steady, but her heart was pounding in her chest. ‘I’ll meet you tonight.’

  Ray hung up the phone, and Emory put Luca’s phone down on the coffee table. Luca pulled her into his arms. ‘I won’t let him kill you.’

  Emory pressed her lips to his. ‘Just focus on getting Bree back. I’ll handle Ray. But now, Luca…please, take me to bed. I want to remember these last hours together…’

  ‘Don’t say that,’ he groaned, but he swept her into his arms and took her to his bed, knowing it might be the last time.

  Clem was numb. Maximo moved around the hotel suite, phone clamped to his ear, barking out orders in Italian. Occasionally he would touch her, comforting, keeping her from screaming. Now, he sat by her and took her hands in his. ‘Bella, we will find her, I promise. We need to go see your ex, see what he is doing to recover your daughter. It would be bad if we sabotaged each other’s efforts.

  Clem looked at him and blinked. ‘I shouldn't involve you in this,’ she whispered, ‘You should not feel obliged to help.’

sp; Maximo looked stung. ‘I don’t feel obliged, Clementine, it’s what any decent person would do.’

  Clem felt her skin vibrate, a desperate need to get out of here, not to sully their evening together with this horror. ‘Maximo, no. I must go. I must get to Luca. He’ll be devastated.’

  Max rocked back a little. ‘If that’s what you want, I can take you there.’

  ‘No.’ Clem stood. She still felt so numb, so robot-like. ‘I must go. Thank you for a lovely evening, Maximo. I must go.’

  As she started to walk away, he stopped her, pulling her into his arms. ‘Don’t push me away, Clem. I can be of help.’

  She shook her head. ‘We don’t know each other, Maximo. Please, just walk away.’

  She freed herself from his arms and opened the door. Before she left, she turned back and looked at him. ‘You really are a wonderful man,’ she said softly, ‘but I just can’t do this right now.’

  Maximo, his face blank now, nodded. ‘My driver will take you wherever you need to go, Clem.’

  ‘Thank you, Goodbye, Maximo.’

  ‘Arrivederci, Clementine.’


  Zea told Jared gently that she didn’t think him staying with her was a good idea and he nodded and said ‘Okay.’. She was thankful he didn’t press the matter and that he didn’t hold a grudge.

  She just couldn’t imagine living with him, even as a roommate, reminding her of David every waking moment. But she was glad their friendship remained and now, late in the evening, he was helping her as she cleared the diner.

  ‘You look tired.’ Jared said, helping Zea to put the chairs up on the tables. She had closed the diner late tonight and sent Teresa home straight away.

  ‘Long day.’ She smiled at him. Chairs on tables, she went to take the cash out of the till. ‘Thanks for helping, I appreciate it.’

  ‘Anytime.’ He sat at the counter watching her. ‘It’s late, shall I drive you home?’

  She shook her head. ‘Thank you, no. I’m fine.’

  ‘Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?’

  She thought for a second and nodded. ‘I’d like that, thank you.’ She put the takings into the night safe. ‘That will do for tonight, I think.’ She yawned. ‘Sorry.’

  Jared grinned. ‘You sure you’re safe to drive?

  She laughed and nodded. Outside the diner, she locked the door. They walked out to her car.

  ‘Thanks Jared. Thanks for being a friend.’

  He bent down and kissed her cheek, paused for a second, pressed his lips against her forehead. ‘Goodnight, Zea.’

  Flynt stared at the tall man kissing Zea. There was something hinky about this son-of-a-bitch, he just knew it. Zea drove off and Jared looked over to where Flynt was standing. He saw Flynt watching him and gave him a sarcastic salute. Flynt sneered and got into his car, pulling out into the road. In his rearview mirror, he could see Jared watching him as he drove away and Flynt grinned. He knew exactly where he was going.

  For a moment, when Zea opened the door to him, he thought she would slam it again, shut him out. Instead, after a moment’s hesitation, she stood aside to let him in.

  ‘Hey, girl,’ he said softly.

  ‘Thought you were done with me,’ she said, but her voice wasn’t reproachful or antagonistic. That’s what he liked about her; no games, no manipulation.

  He touched her face. ‘Tried to be. Longevity isn’t my style. Commitment’s not my style. But there’s something about you, Zea; you fascinate me.’

  She half-smiled. ‘Flynt, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. All I ask is for respect. Don’t treat me like a whore. That’s all.’

  Flynt smiled. ‘You got it.’

  Flynt cupped her face in his big hand and she leaned into the warmth of it, closing her eyes, letting out a shaky breath. She could feel the heat of his body close to hers, the comfort of his presence.

  When his lips met hers, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Zea felt his fingers twist in her hair, heard his breath quicken. Her hands were against his chest. He picked her up, sat her on the counter, his kiss becoming deeper, fevered. His hands slid under her top, cupped her breasts, stroked her stomach. She opened her eyes and he was gazing at her, his eyes dark with desire. He bent his head to kiss her neck, her throat, and she leaned into him, sighing. He was trouble, no doubt, but such good trouble.

  Because underneath the bad boy swagger, the seeming indifference, she could sense the grown-up in him, the sensitive man. If Flynt chose not to show that side of his character – well, that was up to him. He owed her nothing.

  He was carrying her into her bedroom now, and it didn’t occur to her until after he’d given her the last of three shattering orgasms. She looked at him, breathing hard, and frowned.

  ‘How did you know?’

  Flynt, still recovering from his own climax, looked confused. ‘What?’

  ‘How did you know where my bedroom was?’

  He hesitated, still processing the accusatory tone in her voice. ‘I guessed.’

  Zea stared at him for a long moment then sat up, pushing herself off the bed and grabbing her robe. ‘Oh, my god.’

  Flynt swung his legs over the side of the bed. ‘What’s wrong?’

  Zea tugged her robe tightly around her. ‘It was you.’

  ‘What was me?’

  ‘You broke into my apartment, attacked me.’

  Flynt’s handsome face flushed red. ‘What the hell are you talking about? I did no such thing…Did someone attack you? Why didn’t you tell me? When did this happen?’

  She told him but then moved away from him as he reached for her. ‘Please go.’

  Flynt looked angry, indignant as he yanked his pants on. ‘You know what, Zea, believe what you want. It’s easier to believe I’m some kind of asshole…but you don’t know me. I would never hurt you.’

  ‘But you would break into this apartment?’ Zea was beginning to feel foolish, ashamed but she couldn’t stop herself, covering her own embarrassment by throwing accusations at this man.

  Flynt just shook his head, and for a moment, she thought he was going to break down. He breathed heavily. Then he raised his head, and she could see the defeat in his eyes.

  ‘Go right ahead, think what you want. Of course, I didn’t break in, but I’m the easy pick, right? Couldn’t possibly be a random break-in, or maybe even that creep of a brother-in-law, could it?’

  He tugged his t-shirt on. ‘Well, this time, I am really done, Zea. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t get involved with the women I fuck.’

  He moved passed her before stopping at her front door. He looked back at her for a second. ‘The reason I knew where your bedroom is, Zea, is that I own this building. This whole block. I just don’t go around talking about it. See you around.’

  And he was gone. Shit. What the hell had just happened? Why had she gone off at him like that? Clearly, the attack had affected her more than she’d thought. Zea sighed and went to get a glass of water. Her body was still zinging from making love, but her mind was tired. Exhausted. She drained a couple of glasses of water then went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror above the sink, she took in the drawn face, the shadows under her eyes, the pain in them.

  You’re cracking up, she told herself. She knew that she needed to move on; therapy and time alone. She needed Jared to leave her alone for a while. She needed to closure on what David had done.

  She needed not to be afraid of getting involved with anyone again.

  Clem sat in the apartment of her ex-husband’s lover, staring at the women who had replaced her. The woman who had saved the life of her daughter once, and was now offering to give up her life once more for Bree. Clem would never admit it, but she could see why Luca had fallen for Emory so quickly. The younger woman was achingly beautiful, her features soft and warm. Clem couldn’t help comparing herself to her. When Clem was all high cheekbones and patrician breeding, Emory was all full rosy cheeks and dusky skin, her da
rk eyes huge in her lovely face.

  And now she might die. Clem couldn’t fathom it, the horror of the decision in front of Emory but if it had been Clem in her position, she too would have offered up her life. Emory seemed really calm; it was Luca who was falling apart.

  ‘Look, there’s no way we’re going there alone,’ he was saying now. ‘If not the police, then my own security team can fan out and…’

  ‘He’ll know,’ Emory said softly. ‘Look, Luca, I promise you – I won’t give up. Once Bree is clear, I’ll fight. I won’t die as easily as Ray thinks I will.’

  ‘He could kill you both. He has nothing to lose.’ Clem’s voice was flat, dead and Emory came over to her and took her hand.

  ‘No. I know Ray – he doesn’t want to have to kill her. He just wants me. We’ll get her back, I promise.’

  Clem nodded then pulled away from her, going over to the window. Her mind was a whirl of fear for her daughter, admiration and sadness for Emory and Luca – and she couldn’t get the look of hurt in Maximo’s eyes when she’d said goodbye to him.

  Don’t be stupid, don’t get maudlin over a one night stand. But that was just it…if this hadn’t happened, she didn’t think it would have been a one night stand. Maximo was like no-one she’d ever met before. Open, guiltless and so damn sexy she could barely cope. When he’d first launched himself into her – God, that feeling of his cock sinking hard and deep inside her. He was a masterful lover, sensual and commanding and she had opened up to him in a way she had never done, even with Luca.

  Why does everything have to go to hell? She leaned her head against the cool glass of the window and looked down at the street below. Bree’s face swam before her eyes; she and her daughter had a fractious yet loving relationship. Maybe she wasn’t friends with Bree the way her daughter was ‘friends’ with her more easy going father, but that was okay. Clem and Luca had raised Bree to be a fine young woman, and Clem had played her role as the disciplinarian happily. Clementine had herself been raised for cotillions and society and the fact that Bree, so tomboyish and geeky, had turned out the way she did had delighted her. Clem had hated that world, even though, as her mother and grandmother had often told her, she was made for it. Even the way she looked, with her finely angled face and elegant manner, made her a perfect fit.


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