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Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 15

by Michelle Love

  Bree nodded, her own emotions threatening to spill over. She was silent for a while then…’Mom? Do you think Dad will ever be okay, again?’

  Clem sighed, ‘I don’t know, honey. I honestly don’t know.’

  Luca Saffran was at his office, working late into the night. He’d found a way to block out his pain by throwing himself into work, even making extra work for himself. He had seen the concern on his co-workers’ faces, sensed them talking about him in hushed tones. It didn’t matter; if work was the one thing that distracted him from seeing Emory’s face everywhere, then he didn’t care what other people though.

  He heard a soft tap on his door and looked up to see Betty, his personal assistant, at the door.

  ‘Betty, for crying out loud, what are you still doing here?’ His words were spoken softly not in anger, and Betty, s striking, graceful woman in her fifties smiled at him.

  ‘You might have needed me.’

  Luca shook his head. Betty was unfailingly loyal. ‘Go home, Betty, I’m almost done.’

  ‘There’s someone here to see you – Grant Willis?’

  Luca’s blood turned to ice. Grant was the head of the search team who were looking for Emory. If Grant was here in person, it meant they had found something.

  Jesus. Luca steadied himself on his desk as he stood, the grief almost overwhelming. ‘Show him in, Betty.’

  Betty, her expression one of concern, turned and spoke to the man, who thanked her and walked into the room. Betty closed the door to give them privacy. Luca steeled himself.

  ‘You’ve found a body,’ he said in a flat, dead voice.

  Grant Willis nodded. ‘A couple, actually. The Seattle police will be in touch with you shortly. Thing is, Mr. Saffran…I don’t think either will be identified as Emory Dutta.’

  Luca who had been tensed, looked up in surprise. ‘What?’

  ‘I think she’s still alive.’

  Luca’s legs gave way and he sank into his chair, staring at the other man. Grant took the seat opposite and waited for Luca to collect himself.

  ‘How? How do you know?’

  ‘This time of year,’ Grant said, ‘The Bay is cold. Real cold. If Emory was shot then if she fell into the water, it could have given her a chance. After all, we only have Ray Grace’s claim of where he shot her. If it was a flesh wound and she was able to swim further along the coast…I can see I’m not convincing you. I just have a gut feeling that she is still alive, somewhere, and hiding out. After all, she doesn’t know we have Ray Grace. She could be protecting not only herself but you too. Your family.’

  Luca rubbed his hand over his eyes. ‘Grant…’

  ‘We have scoured land and sea. I mean, everywhere, Mr. Saffran. Everywhere. Our men and Mr. Neri’s too. We would have found something. If you know me better, you’d know I don’t say these things lightly. The bodies they pulled out look like they’ve been down there for months. We would have found Emory, I swear to God, if she was dead, we would have found her by now.’

  Luca started to feel a small flame of hope ignite in his chest. ‘You really think she’s out there somewhere?’

  Grant nodded. ‘I’m saying it’s a real possibility. She might have been picked up by someone, someone who could help her. Someone who would look after her.’

  ‘I hope so, I really do. There is the other possibility though.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  Luca held the man’s gaze. ‘That she is alive – and being held somewhere against her will.’

  Zea moved like a robot through the next few days. Flynt had gone out of town so it was no drama to go back to her apartment. She refused to sleep in the bed where Jared had raped her though- or in the guest room where he stayed. No, she went and bought a new comforter and hunkered down on her couch to sleep. She felt sick inside and so, so alone. Jared’s threats hadn’t been empty; she knew now the violence in him. Had it been buried in David’s heart too? Had it erupted from having been pushed down so long?

  More than once over the last couple of days, she had contemplated ending it all. A handful of pills, a quick slice to the carotid – all over. No more pain. But the thought of never seeing Flynt again – or Teresa, or any of her friends here in Portland was too much to bear.

  And there had already been so much death – David, the kids, his colleagues – and Emory, of course. She’d seen on the news that Emory had been murdered by Ray Grace, who had since disappeared. Bastard. She’d never liked him; he was an egotistical man who hated that his wife was younger, kind and worst of all, more intelligent than him. I would have killed the bastard long ago, Zea seethed to herself, and then stopped.

  No. No. She couldn’t be thinking of…but she was. I could kill him. I could kill Jared. Problem solved. For a moment, Zea froze, her mind racing through all the ways she could do it.


  Just stop it and think rationally, she told herself fiercely. If she told Flynt about Jared’s threats, she was scared Flynt would fly off the handle and do exactly what she had just been thinking. Kill Jared.

  No. She was making way too much of this. She’d talk to Jared. Make him realize it wasn’t going to happen between the two of them. Ever.

  She started as she heard a thump from downstairs. The front door of the apartment building. It’s just a neighbor, she thought, but she couldn’t help the clenching fear that paralyzed her.

  Her cell phone beeped. Text message from Flynt. Missing you, beautiful. Hope you’re making yourself at home. See you soon. F. x

  Zea’s eyes filled with tears. The small window of happiness she had enjoyed was closing too fast and she had no idea how to stop it.

  Maximo Neri posed for the paparazzi alongside Valentina Siamarco, the actress he had been seeing for a week now. Screwing, he amended in his head, as he grew tired of the flashing bulbs and shouts around him. What the hell was he doing? Valentina, a friend who had always harbored a crush on him, had been delighted when suddenly he took her to his bed and now Maximo felt like a heel, He should have known better. He should have behaved better.

  But, goddamn it, he couldn’t get Clementine Saffran out of his head and screwing Val had seemed like the best solution. He would not let himself fall in love with an unavailable woman. Scratch that – he wouldn’t let himself fall in love, period.

  Val was gorgeous, honey blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a luscious pouty mouth which only an hour ago, had been wrapped around his cock, in the back seat of the limo, on the way to this movie premiere. Even this was deliberate; he wanted to show the world that Maximo Neri was in control of who he fucked and when.

  He wanted to show Clemmie. He wanted her to see he was okay without her. Just like a spoil child, he thought to himself. That’s what you’re acting like, a spoiled little rich boy.

  Because she had touched him. Had seen inside him, in that one, incredible night. When she’d left that evening but then called him for help, he had held out hope that she would be his. But then he had seen her with her family; her daughter and he ex and he’d known – she wasn’t ready.

  So be it. Maximo could do without the drama, he’d seen enough of that. When he’d looked into Luca Saffran’s grief, he seen his own reflected back at him.

  Ophelie. His love. His life. She had been taken from him by his jealous, obsessive brother. So yes, Maximo knew exactly how Luca Saffran was feeling and he knew – he would need his family with him, and Clem, despite the divorce, it was still Luca’s family. Maximo, would not get in the way of that.

  Maximo was good at shutting off his emotions now and that’s what he was doing. He wouldn’t think of Clementine at all, would concentrate on his business and of screwing as many women as he liked. That way he knew, for sure.

  He would never be hurt again.

  ‘You look terrible.’

  Zea tried to smile at Teresa’s bluntness but found that her eyes filled with easy tears instead. ‘Hey, hey,’ Teresa looked alarmed. She reached to hug Zea but Zea backed away and fl
ed into the back of the diner.

  Teresa found her in the backroom. She took one look at Zea’s face and put her arms around her.

  ‘Oh sweetheart.’

  Zea started to cry. ‘I can’t do this, Teresa. I feel so stupid, so weak.’

  Teresa smoothed her hair away from her face. ‘What is it, honey? This isn’t like you and you look like you’re sick as well.’ She studied her friend’s face, frowning. Zea’s complexion, usually so glowing, was almost green, her eyes red-rimmed and dull. ‘You’re pale too. Zea, I’m serious, I’m worried. You haven’t been yourself since Jared left…you need to see a doctor, this isn’t normal.’

  Zea shook her head, pulled away and grabbed a tissue. She sat on the edge of the couch. ‘I just need to pull myself together. Jesus. This is all so very high school, isn’t it?’ She tried to smile.

  ‘No, it isn’t,’ Teresa took her hand. ’You’ve been through so much, I wouldn’t blame you if you had a nervous breakdown let alone a few tears.’ She regretted her words when she saw Zea’s face crumple again. ‘Oh God, I’m sorry…it’s just you need time to grieve, Zea.’

  Zea took a deep breath, dashing away the tears with the back of her hand. ‘I’m tired of grieving, Teresa. I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing for a year.’ She looked away from Teresa’s penetrating gaze and when she spoke again, her voice cracked. ‘I’ve lost so much, Teresa.’

  ‘Oh honey…’ Teresa felt tears prick her own eyes. She didn’t know what to say to make her friend feel better.

  Zea sighed. ‘I have to figure out what to do with my life now. I can’t keep living like this…I have to do something on my own, not plan my life around someone else. It can’t be like that anymore. It just can’t.’

  Teresa frowned. ‘What about Flynt? I know I warned you about him but I’ve never seen him so besotted and – ‘

  Zea shook her head. ‘I have to finish things with Flynt, Teresa. I have to.’ Her voice was little more than a whisper and she looked away from Teresa’s searching gaze.

  ‘Zea…what’s going on? You’re starting to scare me.’

  Zea stayed silent but the tears coursed down her cheeks. Teresa wrapped her arms around her friend. ‘Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. Is it Flynt?’

  Zea shook her head and closed her eyes. Teresa could see the strain on her, it was palpable. ‘Is it David?’

  Another shake of the head. ‘Jared?’

  Zea began to sob in earnest and as Teresa hugged her, she began to wonder what the hell that man had done to her friend. She persuaded Zea to go upstairs to the small apartment above the diner that the staff could use if they wanted, and lay down.

  When she saw Zea had fallen asleep, she grabbed her cell phone and called Flynt. ‘Dude, whatever you’re doing, I think you need to come back to Portland.’

  Flynt sounded alarmed. ‘What is it? Is it Zea? Is she okay?’

  Teresa sighed. ‘No. I really don’t think she is and it has something to do with that brother-in-law of hers. She wouldn’t tell me anything more.’

  She heard Flynt curse. ‘Okay, Terry, I’m on my way now. Don’t tell her I’m coming – we need to get her to tell us what’s happening and catching her off-guard is the best way to do that.’

  ‘Gotcha. See you soon.’

  She checked on Zea but the other woman was obviously exhausted and was fast asleep. Teresa went back down to the diner – and found Jared Podesta waiting at the counter. She arranged her features carefully so not too give herself away.

  ‘Hey there, can I get you some coffee?’

  He smiled at her but she saw his eyes flicking around the room. ‘Thank you. Is Zea here? I called at her apartment but no-one’s there.’

  Teresa caught the edge of annoyance in his voice. ‘She’s just running some errands. I can leave her a message if you like?’

  She passed him a cup of steaming coffee. ‘No, it’s okay, I’ll wait, thanks.’

  She nodded at him and moved away to take another order. She kept an eye on him as she worked, saw him checking the door constantly, even standing, pretending to stretch his legs but scanning the street outside for any sign of Zea.

  Teresa felt her chest tighten. Something was off about this guy, and it concerned her. No, concern was the wrong word. Unsettled. Disturbed. Frightened.

  Come on, Flynt, get here soon, she thought to herself. Something is very wrong here.

  Something is very wrong indeed.

  After Bree got through to Jesse’s voicemail for the twelfth time, she gave up and drove to his house. He had been avoiding her calls for days now, not answered any of her texts either. What the hell is going on? By this time, Bree was more angry than upset and as she pulled into the driveway of Jesse’s home, she had worked herself up into a temper.

  She banged on his front door. ‘Jesse Kline, you get your ass out here now!’

  The door opened and a young, pretty blonde woman stared out at her. ‘Who are you?’ The blonde asked Bree in a flat voice.

  Bree gaped at her. ‘Who am I? Who the fuck are you?’

  ‘Bree, that’s enough.’

  Jesse’s voice came from behind her and she whirled around to see him. He looked wretched, exhausted and drawn but Bree was wound up so much she didn’t care. ‘Where the fuck have you been? And who is this whore? Someone else you’re screwing?’

  Jesse sighed. ‘Bree, this is my sister, Kizzie.’

  That took the wind out of Bree’s sails and she looked between the two of them dumbly for a moment, now noticing the resemblance. Kizzie half-smiled at her.

  ‘Well…nice to meet you.’ She grinned widely suddenly and that broke the tension. Bree, her anger fading away, felt her face flame red but she started to smile.

  ‘God, I’m so sorry. I lost it there for a moment.’

  Kizzie grabbed her hand and pulled her into the apartment. Jesse followed her, his face creased with tension. Bree looked at him.

  ‘You’re not off the hook though, mister. You’ve been avoiding me.’

  Jesse looked at Kizzie, who nodded. ‘I’ll get us some drinks. Bree, are you hungry?’

  Bree shook her head and, smiling, Kizzie slid quietly out of the room. Jesse sat down opposite Bree but made no attempt to touch her. ‘Bree…something’s happened and I’ve tried to sort things out before I talked to you, but it’s a goddamn mess.’

  Bree watched him as he struggled to find the words. ‘Just say it, Jesse.’

  Jesse rub s his hand through his hair. ‘Bree, before I met you, after Lexi died, I kind of went mad a little. Drank a lot, slept around. It was because of you that I finally got my life back and it’s why this is so difficult to say.’

  ‘You’re ending it with me?’ Bree’s heart was thudding, her stomach roiled with unease.

  Jesse sighed. ‘I don’t want to but when you hear what I have to say, you might not want anything more to do with me.’

  Bree got it suddenly, and to both their surprise, she laughed aloud. ‘Jesse Kline, please tell me that you haven’t done the most prosaic thing ever and knocked someone up? Please tell me you’re not that much of a cliché?’

  Jesse remained silent and Bree knew that was exactly what had happened. ‘I don’t believe this. Have you never heard of condoms?’

  She got up and he stood, his hands reaching for her but she ducked away from him. ‘Don’t touch me. What are you going to do about it?’

  ‘She’s keeping the baby, and I won’t abandon my child. I’ll support him or her for life but as for Julieta…’

  ‘That’s her name, is it? The mother?’

  Jesse nodded. ‘Yes. She’s as shocked as me.’

  Bree scoffed. ‘I’ll bet.’

  Jesse smiled coldly. ‘Bree, she’s not a gold-digger. Her family is wealthier than yours and mine put together.’

  Bree stared at him. ‘So, it’s you she wants, not your money, is that it?’

  Jesse gave a slight nod, two pinks spots of embarrassment high on his cheeks and B
ree sighed. ‘What is it you want, Jesse?’

  He looked away and Bree felt her heart harden and shatter. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know if he wants you…

  ‘Well, I’ll make this easier,’ she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. ‘Goodbye, Jesse.’

  ‘Wait, Bree…’ but she was already stalking towards the door. She pulled open the door and saw Kizzie lurking guiltily outside the door, having obviously been listening.

  Bree gave her a half-smile. ‘Sorry about before, nice to meet you.’ Her voice did shake then and she sped up, almost running out of the front door and down to her car.

  As she drove away, she looked in her rearview mirror. Kizzie was staring after her but what Bree realized was that Jesse was not.

  It was over. Very, very over. It was only then that Bree started to cry.

  ‘I don’t understand. So, Grant Willis thinks Emory is alive but he has no evidence, no proof?’

  Clem was still trying to process what Luca was telling her. He shook his head. ‘No proof. And, God, Clem, as much as I want to believe him, as much as I want to think she’s alive somewhere, I can’t handle more heartbreak if I get my hopes up.’

  Clem stood and wrapped her arms around her ex-husband. ‘I know…it seems all we have had lately is false hope.’

  Luca buried his face in her hair. ‘Clemmie…this is my fault. All of it. If I hadn’t divorced you…’

  ‘Then you would still be miserable,’ Clem answered with a shaky laugh.

  Luca shook his head. ‘I was never miserable with you, Clemmie, know that. You never made me unhappy. It just felt as if we were both waiting for something…something. You know?’

  Clem let him go and smiled up at him. ‘Luca, I think we both had a glimpse of that ’something’, so yes, I do know.’

  Luca reached for the glass of scotch she had poured for him earlier and took a sip. ‘It wasn’t because I stopped loving you.’

  Clem smiled. ‘I know that too. You thought it was the best for both of us and I think you were right. There was something missing, or something that had faded.’


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