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Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 56

by Michelle Love

  Next time, she dies.

  Jakob swallowed the knot of fear in his throat and went to call his dad.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Hey Boo.

  Samadamadingdong: ‘Sup? You’re online late tonight.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Had a strange day. Met someone.

  Samadamadingdong: Woah! Do tell!

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Not like that. She’s just the coolest person – apart from you, of course

  Samadamadingdong: I’m only your imaginary friend, though. What's she like?

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Funny, smart, gorgeous. And someone I think could be a true friend one day. I wish I were able to say more.

  Samadamadingdong: You know the rules. But I’m glad you have someone like that, dude. I think I may have met that person as well.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Spill it.

  Samadamadingdong: Nah, too early to say for sure. When and if things progress etc. He's kinda messed up at the moment.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Bad news. But I know how he feels so don’t be too judgey.

  Samadamadingdong: Judgey’s my middle name.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Some days I wish you were here so we could really talk.

  Samadamadingdong: I know me too, but then we wouldn't have the luxury of spilling our darkest moments to each other without fear of recrimination or exposure. God, that’s deep for this time of night. Willies bum pee pee.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Lunatic.

  Samadamadingdong: Ya, bruh.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: The fuck? Is that some young person’s talk I don’t know?

  Samadamadingdong: Ya, bruh.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Anyway, should probably get some sleep. Just wanted to check in.

  Samadamadingdong: Ya, bruh.

  SkunkMaladyBibble: Stop that. Sweet dreams.

  Samadamadingdong: Right back at cha. Night, dude.

  Skandar waited as his car was brought around to the back of the house. His grandfather, tensed and antsy, shook his head at him. ‘This really isn’t a good idea.’

  ‘I’m going stir-crazy. Pops. Just sitting here listening to Zoe plot out pre-canned sound bites and statements, waiting for the Italians to drop the bomb on me. The press is already eviscerating me. I need to get out, even for just a few hours.’

  Ran sighed. ‘Just don’t bring Hayley into it. I don’t want those girls harassed. And if Jakob is right, if this is all Gregor Fisk’s doing, I don’t want him targeting Hayley or Nan.’

  Skandar put his hands up. ‘That’s why we’ve planned this down to the last detail. Hayley will meet me there.’

  ‘Halfway up a volcano, in a visitor’s center.’

  ‘Exactly. No-one will think to look for us there. And they have a great little café.' Skandar, rich beyond his wildest dreams, still had enough of his father in him that he still enjoyed a homemade bowl of soup in a family run café.

  Ran nodded. His grandson was willful, had always been so and besides; he was an adult.

  ‘Okay, but, and I mean this, any hint of paparazzi, you hightail it out of there.’

  ‘Like Road Runner, Pops, I promise.’

  Thinking about what his grandfather said, Skandar got an unexpected jolt of pleasure when he saw Hayley waiting for him. His pulse raced, his stomach warmed when he saw her, regulation wooly hat pulled down over her hair, bundled up in a parka, skinny legs in her usual jeans and boots. Up this high on Mt. Rainier, even in the summer, the snow fell relentlessly, densely packed and towering above the few people that were milling around.

  Hayley waved at him as he parked the car and got out. Already, they felt like real friends – since the first night, they had talked on the phone a few times, late into the evening.

  She hugged him now, and Skandar relaxed into her embrace, breathing in her clean scent of her hair. ‘That’s a good, strong hug you have there, Miss Applebee.’

  ‘Oh shut up,’ she said, good-naturedly. ‘Can we get inside? It’s freezing.’

  They queued up with the other visitors, Hayley opting for the tomato soup and hot chocolate, Skandar grabbing a salad to go with his soup, and a bottle of o.j.

  They secreted themselves away in a far corner of the restaurant, away from the other patrons.

  ‘So, got tired of holing up in the castle?’

  Skandar nodded, swallowing a mouthful of soup. ‘I'm sorry for complaining about being captive in a luxury mansion but yeah. And I wanted to see you.’

  Hayley grinned, completely guileless. ‘Of course, why wouldn’t you?’

  ‘How’s your sister?’

  ‘Desperately in love with your dad, it’s quite revolting really.’

  Skandar laughed. ‘Nauseating stuff. How about you? Seeing anyone?’

  ‘Oooh details. Okay, well, yes and no. Yes, I’m seeing someone, no, I’m not seeing anyone.’

  Skandar, ignoring the sting that passed through him, shook his head. ‘That makes no sense.’

  Hayley rolled her eyes. ‘It's complicated…his name is Tim; we dated a while back, last year of high school. He turned up at my college this year, and we reconnected. Now it’s getting where we have to decide whether we’re a couple or just friends.’

  Skandar speared a tomato with a little too much force, and it burst, spattering him with juice. ‘Shoot. Well, how do you feel?’

  ‘Weirdly obligated.’ Hayley admitted, handing him a napkin. ‘I think it’s a case of…’

  ‘He’s more into you than you are him.’

  ‘Yep. And he’s the nicest guy too so…’

  Skandar pushed his plate away. ‘Want my advice?’

  Hayley grinned, and Skandar knew she was about to mock him. ‘I'm just saying as a friend; you deserve better.'

  Hayley shrugged. ‘Truth is…unless I feel a real connection, a meeting of minds, I can’t be bothered. Do you know what I mean? In that case, sex is just sex, not anything of worth.’

  Skandar was surprised. ‘You believe it should be?’

  ‘Well, yeah. Look, I’m all for ‘in the moment’ stuff, don’t get me wrong, but there comes a time when a girl needs to connect with the mind as well as the body.’

  Skandar shook his head, grinning. ‘How’d you get so wise at nineteen?’

  Hayley smiled. ‘You sound like an old man.’

  ‘I feel it at the moment.’

  Hayley reached over took his hand. ‘Skan, this will pass – you did nothing wrong, and they've already admitted that they have no evidence. As for your grief, ride it out. I’ll be here for you, and your family too but it’s not something we can make go away.’

  He twisted his fingers between hers. ‘I’m damn glad my dad met your sister, Hays.’

  She smiled but after a beat gently withdrew her hand. Skandar felt bereft but hid it with a smile. ‘So, tell me more about this mind/body thing you have going on.’

  Hayley grinned wickedly. ‘I could show you a thing or two, Mallory. Um, I mean…god…deploy filter,’ she muttered to herself, tapping her temple, as Skandar laughed out loud. Hayley’s face was red. ‘You know what I mean.’ She waited until he’d stopped laughing and her face had returned to its usual color and heat. ‘What’s your kink rating, Skandar Mallory?’

  Skandar, his mouth full of orange juice, had to swallow before answering. ‘We’re really talking about this, huh?’

  Hayley shrugged. ‘Hey, look, I was brought up in a very sex-negative environment. It wasn’t until I got to college and read The Story of O and Anais Nin that I realized what a beautiful thing sex could be, almost like an art form.'

  Skandar shifted uncomfortably, starting to get turned on. ‘Dude…you really into being pierced and led around by a chain in your hoo-ha?’

  Hayley grinned. ‘Firstly, I’m impressed you’ve read O, and secondly, nope. But they did set something free in me.’

  ‘So, that being said, have you ‘connected’ with anyone who satisfied you like that?’

  ‘Oh, I haven’t slept with anybody yet, this is all just a theory.’ She said it so
nonchalantly that it took a moment for him to process what she’d just said.

  ‘Wait, what? You’re…’

  ‘A virgin? Yep.’


  ‘Why ‘wow’?’

  Skandar blinked at her. ‘Have you seen you?’

  ‘What do my looks, good or bad, have to do with it?’

  Skandar didn’t answer her for a moment. ‘Nothing, I’m just…you talk about sex as if you’ve really thought about it…so why?’

  ‘I told you. I’m waiting to have that connection. And I have thought about it.’

  Skandar smiled at her. ‘You are something special; you know that?'

  Hayley’s eyes narrowed. ‘Mocking me?’

  ‘I swear, not at all. Impressed. Really impressed. I hope whoever you do decide to sleep with first, deserves you.’

  ‘Thank you. You didn’t answer my question.’

  ‘My kink?’ He smiled at her. The restaurant had emptied out now, so he felt more relaxed. ‘Well, okay. Let's start with my history. Cashed in my v-card at sixteen. Haven’t formed any lasting attachment – until Annika. That night was the best one of my life – my sex life. And, of course, the worst.' He felt hollow again. Hayley pushed the rest of her hot chocolate over to him.

  ‘It's only lukewarm now, but it helps, the sugar helps.'

  He smiled at her gratefully. ‘Can we do this again?’

  ‘Of course. Anytime. Next time, how about we meet in a mall, get some pretzels and hang out like teenagers?’

  ‘You are a teenager.’

  ‘Only my body is. I’m actually forty-nine in maturity.’

  He laughed. ‘I can believe that. And pretzels sound good.'

  Skandar drive back into the city, feeling more relaxed than he had in weeks. Hayley Applebee was enchanting. That was the only word he could up with. And, damn, if she hadn’t turned him on with her brutal honesty about sex. A virgin at nineteen, these days? Alone now, he allowed himself a little fantasy about kissing that rose-bud mouth of hers, twisting his hands in her long hair, letting the fine blonde strands running through his fingers. He thought about the weight of her slender body on top of his, straddling him, her full pert breasts bouncing as she rode him…jesus, man, pull yourself together. You cannot fall for your dad’s girlfriend’s sister. God, that was way too complicated. Still, he felt lighter, almost high, a smile plastered on his face. At the turning for his grandfather’s place, he let the car drive past the entrance to the property, knowing where he really wanted to be. Home. His condo where all his stuff was. Yeah, there might be paparazzi, but it had been weeks – maybe they had better things to do now. If nothing else, he needed to grab some more clothes. With that in mind, he turned the car and drove into the city.

  Hayley got home, and distracted, walked into Nan’s bedroom without knocking. ‘Hey, I…oh god…’

  She turned around quickly at the sight of Joel Mallory orally pleasuring her gasping and moaning sister. Seeing her, Joel leaped up, off the bed, and Nan shrieked in shock.

  ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry!’ Hayley made a dash for her bedroom and shut the door behind her. God, to unsee that. Luckily Joel had yet to remove his pants, so she was spared the sight of…Little Joel. Despite herself, she giggled but straightened her face when her sister knocked on the door.

  ‘Come in.’

  Nan, scarlet, wrapped in her robe came to sit down on the bed.

  Hayley waited a moment then asked 'Where's Joel?'

  'Um, he left.'


  For a moment they avoided looking at each other, then Hayley could stand it no longer, and a laugh escaped. Nan stared at her in horror for a beat then her own face crumpled and soon they were both laughing hysterically.

  ‘Stop, stop, my insides hurt,' Nan pleaded after a while, and Hayley dragged some air in her lungs.

  ‘I’m really sorry, Nanny,’ Hayley said, using her childhood nickname for her sister. ‘I didn’t think.’ She smothered a grin and started to sing, ‘Skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight…’

  Nan swiped playfully at her. ‘We thought you were out with Skandar all afternoon.’

  Hayley looked at her watch. ‘It’s seven p.m.’

  ‘We may have got distracted. How was your date?’

  Hayley got up to find some food. Nan followed her into the kitchen as Hayley grabbed a box of Pop Tarts. ‘Want one?' Nan nodded. ‘It wasn't a date; we're friends. It turns out I think we'll be good friends. So, mommy, you don’t have to worry.’

  ‘Not your mommy,’ muttered Nan but she smiled.

  ‘No, you’re not,’ Hayley suddenly grabbed her sister and hugged her, ‘You’re better than she ever was. Ever.’

  Nan hugged her back. ‘You too, weird butt.’

  ‘Have not got a weird butt.’

  ‘Have too.’

  Hayley gave up, laughing. She grabbed the pop tarts from the toaster, cursing as the hot sugar burned her fingers. She dropped one onto a plate and handed it to her sister.

  ‘How was Skandar?’

  ‘Fun,’ Hayley said, gingerly biting into her pastry, ‘I think he’s coming out of the slump. I wish they would hurry up and let him know where he stands. He needs to grieve that poor girl and get on with his life.’

  Nan waved her into the living room. ‘Sit. I need to tell you what Joel said to me.'

  Hayley grinned wickedly. ‘How could you hear? Wasn’t his voice muffled?’

  ‘Oh ha ha. Annoying brat. Anyway, here’s the thing…they think it might be tied the ex-partner of Jakob’s, the one who attacked Quilla. They seem to think he might be targeting all of the family as revenge.’

  Hayley put her Pop Tart down. ‘Asshole. And they still don’t know where he might be?’

  Nan shook her head. ‘He has unlimited funds to hide himself away with, plus Jakob thinks he was planning to usurp Jakob or the Mallorys for years. Getting Jakob hooked on drugs, weazling his way to the Board, positioning himself for a takeover. When Jakob fired him, he went insane – or was already halfway there. Gregor Fisk is a billionaire – and a corrupt one at that, he could literally pay anyone to do anything. Which is why the Mallory’s homes are like Fort Knox now.’

  Hayley frowned. ‘Has he told Skandar any of this? Because him tipping up alone to meet me today probably wasn’t the wisest thing.’

  ‘Probably not, but hey, the guy has to live.’

  Later, when Hayley crawled into bed and switched on her iPad, there was an email from Skandar.

  Had a blast today, thank you. Let’s do it again very soon, deal? S.

  She grinned, typed back. Deal, I had a great time too. Here for you whenever. H.

  She sat back and thought about him. There was no doubting Skandar Mallory was drop dead gorgeous; his dark blonde hair cut short was never tidy, and she loved the undone-ness of it - nothing less sexy than a young man who spends more time doing his hair than his girlfriend – his crooked grin, his little-boy swagger. She loved that when he smiled, his eyes would crease so much they would almost close. God. A small heat shot through her groin. Yeah, that smile could ruin a woman, and he damn well knows it too, she thought to herself. Do not fall for him.

  Do not fall for Skandar Mallory…

  He’d gotten away with it by the skin of his teeth, had to lose a couple of paps, but Skandar was home. Before he switched any lights on, he regretfully closed the drapes – with drones nowadays, even a condo as high up as this one could be spied on – but it shut out the view of the city that he loved so much. The place smelled dank and unlived in. He was used to leaving it for extended periods of time when he was on tour, but this seemed different. He walked around the place, trying to get the feel for it again. This had been his solace, his cave but now…

  It's not the place that's changed; it's you, he thought to himself. The condo seemed empty, hell, his day seemed empty – without Hayley in it. Shit. He didn't want to complicate their friendship by having feelings for her; he really didn't. And after what had
happened to Annika – he was gun shy and a little paranoid.

  He took a shower and went to bed, logging on to see if Samadamadingdong was online. No dice. Damn. He could do with someone to talk about Hayley with. Hayley Applebee.

  ‘Virgin,’ he said out loud, shaking his head. He still couldn't believe it – but he did think she was telling the truth. He thought back to what she said and on a whim, downloaded Delta of Venus by Anais Nin to read in bed.

  And when he went to sleep that night, he dreamed about Hayley Applebee in his arms, sweating, panting, crying out his name, and definitely no longer a virgin…

  Quilla looked up from her paperwork as her boss turned off the lights in his office. Gerry smiled at her. ‘It’s after seven, Quilla, go home.’

  She smiled, waved a wad of paper. ‘I will, just want to finish this before the weekend. Jakob’s coming for me in twenty minutes anyhow.’

  ‘Well, goodnight.’

  The art department at the college was quiet in the evenings. Occasionally a student would pop by for supplies or to borrow some equipment and they would always stop and have a chat with Quilla. She was one of the most popular grad students to go to for advice.

  Tonight, though, all was quiet. Good, I can concentrate, and then she groaned as her phone rang. I jinxed that, she shook her head ruefully and picked up the phone.


  Nothing. She heard the line crackle.

  ‘Hey, I can’t hear you, so…’


  Her palms started to sweat. Gregor. ‘What the hell do you want?’

  He laughed. ‘I’ll you that in a while. For now, I wanted to apologize for…hurting you.’

  ‘Hurt me? You stabbed me, you son of a bitch,' She was mad now, and her voice rose, ‘and you killed that tennis player, that poor girl. Why?’

  His chuckle made her want to scream. ‘No, why would I want to do that?’ So fake – he wasn’t even trying to convince her. Bastard.

  ‘To set Skandar up, to punish the family, because of the pathetic psycho you are.’

  ‘You listen to me, you little whore,' he spat out suddenly, and Quilla's body started to tremble at the hatred in his voice. ‘You tell that boyfriend of yours that I will never stop until I've destroyed everything he loves. Everything and everyone. And Quilla?’


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