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Raiya_Starter Zone_A LitRPG Saga

Page 19

by Russell Wilbinski

  The next prompt was also very exciting.

  Congratulations, Zuka has reached levels 11 and 12. Zuka now earns 2 companion skill points per level starting at level 11. By reaching level 13, Zuka has earned 6 skill points, total skill points available: 7. Zuka earns 3 attribute points per level, total attribute points available: 9

  After their initial bonding, he had been unable to spend all of the points, leaving Zuka with one skill point in reserve. 7 points could buy him another tier three talent or three additional tier two talents. Finally, being able to assign attribute points was also very nice, instead of the game auto-assigning Zuka’s attributes like when they had first bonded. Now he could really start shaping his companion in way that would suit them both.

  First, he checked Zuka's attributes.


  Level: 13

  Health: 410

  Mana: 230















  At first glance, it looked like the obvious choice would be strength, since Zuka was a melee fighter and that would ramp up his damage substantially. The thing about that plan was that he needed Zuka to be more than just a meat shield. His companion was already displaying an incredible amount of intelligence, even though his primary attribute was merely 13. He wanted to see how pumping up that stat would affect Zuka, so he put 6 points into intelligence and 3 more points into constitution. He confirmed his choices, minimizing the prompt.

  Zuka's mana increased by 60 points to 290. Hopefully, the additional intelligence could change more than just his companion’s mana pool. He decided that he would spend some real time going through the companion talents when he had a bit more time, so he just minimized the prompt.

  With that taken care of, he refocused on his surroundings as they made their way through the Kobold Warren. All around him, Kobolds were celebrating, their lives forever changed with the return of the Heart of the Island. The Kobolds had received a massive amount of experience and bonus attribute points, accelerating their growth as a people. Dozens or hundreds of Kobolds would be able to choose a class now and increase their attributes to crazy new levels that would have normally taken them a very long time to reach. It really was something worth celebrating. Obviously, he was celebrating too, having received the same massive boost as well.

  "Sharing is caring after all, just like momma used to say." No matter what he would have gained by claiming the Heart of the Island for himself, this feeling of accomplishment was worth a thousand levels. Seeing the Kobold clans made whole, able to claim their rightful place in Raiya was a treasure he would always have, no matter what happened to him in the future.

  Walking through the jubilant warren, he saw a familiar face in the crowd who was dancing hilariously for a few of the younger kobolds, tittering as they watched the old Kobold with bright smiles.

  “Nice moves Carver!” he hollered to the old leatherworker, causing him to stumble in his shock.

  Looking abashed, he waved the kids away who scattered into the crowd, playfully squealing as they went. “Master Skree, welcome back. You too put on quite the performance earlier. Well done.”

  Skree smiled at Carvers words, his speech much more clear and concise. “Thanks, just doing my best. How’s the workshop?”

  “Oh, not too bad, still gotta train these idiots how to use a knife but I am hopeful some of my apprentices will use those new attribute points on some intelligence.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it. You know how youngsters like to do all the wrong things.”

  “Aint that the truth, Master Skree. Say, you didn't happen to find anything special out there in the wilds? I have been wanting to make something truly special and with my poor-quality leather, there is no way I would be able to do make what I want.”

  Skree’s eyes lit up at the question, remembering he had quite a bit to offer the old craftsman. “I have more than just some boring old leather my friend. Let me show you.”

  Carver moved in close, watching the human dig around in his satchel which was now bursting at the seams with loot. Skree removed the Mana-Warped Leather and handed it over to a wide-eyed Carver.

  “Where did you get Mana-Warped leather, stuff is nearly impossible to find.”

  “Let’s just say, there is one less giant ass lizard walking around up top.” He couldn't help himself, channeling his best Billy Mays he said, “But wait, there’s more!” He revealed the Mana-Warped Fangs and Spikes, depositing them on top of the leather Carver was already holding.

  “Oh wow, that must have been one big lizard to have this many head spikes. You took it down all by yourself?”

  “Zuka helped, and so did a mysterious female human we found fleeing from the bastard.” The wolf barked in agreement.

  “Mighty fine work, Master Skree, mighty fine indeed. I tell you what, give me a day or two, and I will have this whipped up into something extra special.”

  Skree held up a finger, still digging around in his satchel. He pulled out the Essence Stone and showed it to Carver who nearly dropped the materials in an effort to inspect the stone.

  “I haven't seen one that ripe in years! Must be 50 essence points in that thing.”

  “Actually, it has 80 Essence points. Is that a lot?” he asked with a shrug. He was completely ignorant on the subject after all.

  Carver looked at him like Fenna had, his expression clearly communicating that he thought Skree might have brain damage. “Yes, it is a lot. You could do some serious enchanting with that amount of Essence.”

  Depositing the Essence Stone atop the pile, Skree thought he could see Carvers mouth watering. “I think this should just about do it, what do you think?”

  Carver looked at the pile of goods in his hand, then to Skree and back to the pile. “I don't think you understand the basics of trade. This stuff is worth a hundred times what I made for you.”

  “Excellent! Consider it my payment with interest.”

  “You have my thanks, master Skree. I should get this stuff to my workshop, I have work to do.”

  Skree nodded, giving him a charming smile. “See you later Carver.” He watched as the leatherworker waddled away, tail swishing happily. As the creature ducked into his workshop, a prompt appeared.

  Congratulations, you have completed the quest - "Pay Your Debts" You have earned 16,250 experience. You have fulfilled your promise to Carver the expert leatherworker of the Kobold Clans. You have repaid your debt with interest, far exceeding what was required.

  Bonus Reward: 7,500 experience

  He dismissed the prompt with a smile.

  Taking some time to wander around the warren, Skree met many of the Kobolds, exchanging introductions and speaking about their lives. He shook the hands of many and kissed a lot of Kobold babies just like a politician. Eventually, he returned to the room where he had recovered after his fight with Gertrude. The open space was still warm and inviting, the bed still unmade from his previous stay. Zuka moved around the room, sniffing every nook and cranny. When he was satisfied that the room was free of dangers, Zuka laid down for a nap, sighing the way only a wolf could.

  Sawbones bounced in a few minutes later, carrying a bottle of something and two stone cups. He placed them on the table and beckoned Skree to join him. He poured some of the dark brown liquid into each cup, re-corking the bottle. The Kobold handed one cup to Skree and extended the other in toast.

  Skree took the cup and held it out, looking at his friend, now adorned with the stunning crown of the High King. The center jewel sparkling beautifully in the dim light of the cavernous space.

  "Skree..." the Kobold began, speaking softly. "Your actions. I do not know if I will ever be able to repay you for what
you have done for my people." Skree gave a cough that sounded suspiciously like "Our People" in the Kobold tongue. Sawbones nodded with a smile. "Our people indeed." The king extended his cup in toast, clinking it with Skree’s. Together they drank deeply of the stinging liquid.

  Skree gagged as the disgusting liquid hit his lips, spitting it back into the cup and wondering if his friend had suddenly decided to poison him. "Unholy terrors, what is that?" He asked incredulously. "Tastes like fermented boar urine." He spat a few more times, nearly gagging again as he watched Sawbones drink the rest of his glass in a single gulp.

  Sawbones licked his lips, then licked the last bits from inside the cup. "This is Samolin, a holy wine of the Kobold people." The king poured himself another cup, chugging it greedily, brown liquid dribbling from his mouth. "You should consider yourself lucky, very few humans will ever have the pleasure of drinking Samolin."

  Skree shook his head. "I don't think I would describe it as a pleasure. More like, very few humans will ever have to endure tasting it, let alone drinking it. What the hell is that made of?" He asked in disgust, still trying to get the rancid taste out of his mouth. He searched the room, finding a water jug, which he used to wash his mouth out several times.

  Sawbones watched him in amusement before explaining what ingredients could be found in Samolin. "Distilled black fungal spore, venom from a rare cave spider and water from the algae pools deep in the mountain." The Kobold tossed his cup aside, choosing to drink from the bottle directly, the foul brown liquid splashing to the floor. Skree watched in absolute horror as the small creature drank what must have been a pint of the foul liquid.

  "Uhm, that stuff isn’t dangerous if you have too much, is it?" He asked the king hesitantly, concerned his friend might get something like alcohol poisoning.

  "Dangerous? Oh no." The king responded, wiping his sleeve across his dribbling snout. "In fact, it is actually a powerful healing tonic!"

  Skree's eyebrows shot up. "Healing tonic?" he asked, remembering the foul flavor again. "I think I would rather die."

  Sawbones shrugged. "Just more for me then. As I was saying before you wasted your Samolin, we will never be able to properly thank you for reuniting the Kobold clans and returning the Heart of the Island to us. I know that you could have taken this relic and claimed it as your own. But, just because we will never be able to thank you does not mean I will not do everything in my power to make us even." Skree started to protest but Sawbones held up a hand, cutting him off.

  "I am the High King - a station with many responsibilities, but also a station with many perks. Since this kingdom is so young, I extend you my gift. The only gift I can give you that will show you how important you are to our people. I, Sawbones, High King of the Kobolds and King of the Blue Stone Island name you - Lord Skree of the Blue Stone Island."

  A prompt appeared in his Vision.

  Congratulations! You will receive the title "Lord of Blue Stone Island" denoting you a noble in any land you visit. The weight this carries will vary by the power and prestige of the kingdom issuing your nobility and because the Blue Stone Island is a small, fledgling kingdom, this will not bestow many benefits at this time. Increasing the prestige of the Blue Stone Clan will also increase your personal power in this regard.

  Will you accept High King Sawbones offer of noble station and serve these people to the best of your ability? YES or NO?

  "Sawbones, you know I am leaving the Island..." he looked at his friend with sadness in his eyes. "I feel it would be wrong to accept your offer of nobility when I am just going to leave, basically abandoning these people." He shook his head, knowing that he would never be a good noble as he traveled the world.

  Sawbones, ever magnanimous, nodded in understanding. "Skree, I think you are looking at this all wrong. I want you to be the very first and possibly, only human noble representing my kingdom. I want you to travel the lands of Raiya, to see the world and proclaim that the Kobolds have returned! Be the messenger and tell the world that the Blue Stone Island will rebuild and become everything we were meant to be." He winked at Skree, a devilish grin on his face.

  "You see - I am actually being pretty selfish here. You go out, save a couple more kingdoms and they will all see you are a member of the Blue Stone Island nobility. They win, you win and by our connection, so does the Blue Stone Clan." His face grew dead serious. "And if you don’t accept, I will have you thrown into the dungeon."

  Skree did a double-take, a silent moment passing between them before they broke the silence with gut wrenching laughter. After a minute of happy giggling, they fell quiet. Skree nodded to his friend and accepted the offer. He received a notification -

  Congratulations, you have become a member of the nobility in Raiya. Others will see your title and know the strength of a kingdom lies behind you. As an envoy for the Blue Stone Island, any reputation gains you make will also increase the reputation of the Blue Stone Kobolds with other kingdoms. He dismissed the prompt with a smile.

  Sawbones clapped twice, and the priestess entered, along with four Kobolds carrying a large chest. Sawbones nodded to the priestess, who bowed deeply. "You remember Priestess?" Sawbones asked.

  Skree nodded but interjected. "I know who you are, but I do not know your name Priestess."

  She nodded. "I do not have a name other than Priestess. As my mother Priestess and all other priestesses before her, we give up our name to understand that we are no longer individuals. We live to serve the Kobold clans and no priestess shall ever claim her own name." She pointed to a small Kobold standing beside the chest. "Kamilla, come."

  The small female Kobold that had led him to the ceremony moved to stand beside Priestess. "You have met Kamilla, who is my daughter Priestess. She will soon shed her name, becoming priestess like I did. I will teach her the many ceremonies and rituals of our station. She will live to serve the Kobold people until her name returns, spoken on the day of her death."

  He considered her words with great care. "You and Kamilla sacrifice your own dreams and ambitions for the good of the clan?"

  Priestess nodded. Kamilla stepped forward, placing her hands together in a gesture not unlike a catholic prayer, head bowed to her clawed fingertips. She spoke a few words of power, which resonated deep in his soul, but the meaning he did not understand. Just like when he cast a spell, he didn't know what the words meant in the literal sense, only in their intent.

  He felt her pride, her resolute dedication to her path. He felt a connection to her in a strangely emotional way. With her head still bowed, she spoke.

  "Champion Skree of the Blue Stone Clan, we bestow upon you the gifts of the priestess, the knowledge of generations. A gift of words and of a vow of servitude, freely given." She lifted her head, her piercing gaze blazing with an inner fire. She wiggled her fingers, extending her hands toward him. Ribbons of scintillating light streaked from her fingers, swirling around him. Power filled him, permeating his being. A prompt appeared in his vision.

  Congratulations, you have been granted the Gift of the Priestess, a knowledge of magic and tradition. Kamilla has accepted her responsibilities as a priestess and wishes to bestow her knowledge upon you, so that she may shed her name and her personal desires. If you accept her gift, you will receive the following boons:

  You will learn the spell Minor Blessing - this is a spell of Life Magic. Minor Blessing will increase all of the targets attribute points by 1 for the duration of the spell. If cast on an undead creature, they will instead have all their stats reduced by 3. Duration: 24 hours, Cast Time: 1 second, Cooldown: 15 seconds. Mana Cost: 20.

  You will learn the spell Weak Sanctify Area - this is a spell of Life Magic. Weak Sanctify Area will create a circular zone, 60 feet in diameter at the point of origin. This sanctified area will completely repel undead creatures of level 8 or lower and will bestow a negative penalty to undead creatures up to level 20. -5 attribute points to any undead in the sanctified area. Duration: 8 hours, Cast Time: 15 minutes, Cooldow
n: 12 hours. Mana Cost: 310

  You will learn the spell Minor Lizard Skin - This is a spell of earth magic. Minor Lizard Skin will cause your outer layer to harden like the scales of a stout lizard, giving you a strange appearance and granting you a damage reduction of 3. Damage reduction reduces any damage you receive by the amount of damage reduction you have. This does not stack with any other damage reduction spells, including more powerful versions of Lizard Skin. Duration: 5 minutes, Cast Time: 1 second, Cooldown: 2 minutes. Mana Cost 145

  Additionally, you can choose one of the following skills -

  Analyze - Rank 2: The Analyze skill will display additional information about targets including attribute points, class, and detailed professions. Rank 2 will also inform you of elemental weaknesses of creature’s level 40 and lower.

  Pickpocket - Rank 1: you can nick small objects, pouches, and other items without being caught. You can only attempt on targets unaware of your presence or not hostile to you. Know that any failed pickpocket attempt will likely result in a loss of reputation and possible aggression from your intended victim

  Identify - Rank 1: You can now use the arcane knowledge of the priestesses to determine a magical item's properties. Identify - Rank 1 will not discern if an item is cursed or otherwise sentient, regardless of item level.

  Scribe - Rank 1: You can scribe documents that cannot be changed or altered, allowing you to create binding contracts. If anyone violates the terms of a scribed contract, they will suffer the penalties as described in the document immediately. Higher ranks will allow you to scribe single use magical scrolls and create single copies of magical spell books that can be used by others to permanently learn the spell.

  By accepting the gift of the Priestess, Kamilla will renounce her name and her personal dreams and desires, until the day she speaks her name again. Beware - once you have accepted the gift of a Priestess, she is bound to serve you and your cause until her death. This is not something to be accepted lightly. However, if you refuse, she will be unable to shed her name until the current priestess dies.


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