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Vampires of the Sun

Page 3

by Andrea Glenn

  The young girl looked down. “I'm sorry. How should I know if she was seeking you? She just ran through as usual. She's doesn't see any need in allowing me into her personal thoughts or feelings."

  Sebastian nodded, feeling ashamed he had been so rude to this poor creature trapped by a sadistic witch. “Does she do this to men often? Does she cause them to be momentarily stunned in hopes of them coming to her, and then she just ... leaves? I would think she would try to trap them and possibly eat them.” He chuckled.

  Olivia covered her mouth with her hand and giggled lightly. “She is very mysterious, Sir. But, I don't recall her ever eating a man."

  Sebastian smiled awkwardly and nodded, not knowing exactly what to say next. He couldn't explain his compassion for this girl, for compassion was not a sensation that came easily to him. But it became of utmost importance that he do something about such an intolerable situation. This lovely maiden must be set free.

  Sebastian cleared his throat, realizing he was still holding the warm metal. “Are you in very much pain?” He gently placed her foot back on the ground and stood before her. They were extremely close. His eyes swept across her beautiful face.


  He frowned. “Are you mortal?” he blurted, because he did not experience the usual thirst for blood at her nearness. He turned his back in frustration. “I'm sorry, Olivia. I'm not myself this evening."

  "I am mortal.” Her white teeth glistened. “But I know you're not. I know you are one of the immortals. I know you are a vampire. I've seen your kind before."

  Sebastian casually leaned against the cave wall. “How do you know these things?"

  "Madame has shown me things. I am a prisoner here. She tells me everything she wants me to know, so I can help her. I really have no choice, as you can see. I even know your name. It is Sebastian."

  He smiled at her. “I see. So, I do know this Madame, yes?"

  "Possibly.” She said blushed slightly. “And I know, Sir, that you are the most handsome man I have ever seen. The immortals that normally come here are terrifying and make me very ill."

  Sebastian's smiled grew wider. “Oh, and you have seen many men in your short life?"

  Olivia joined him in the smile. Then her face became serious. “I will never know the joy of a man. All I see is those that come to ... Madame.” Her shoulders shook and she looked down, a stricken look flashed across her delicate face. She could see her words were beginning to melt the ice in Sebastian's heart. She needed him to come to her, to feel for her. This was her chance and she couldn't let it slip by.

  * * * *

  Sebastian again experienced overwhelming sympathy. He must get this girl out of this situation immediately. Once more he stooped down and took the metal chain in his hands, and growled deep in his chest. With all his terrible strength he tried to break the metal apart.

  She laughed at him sadly. “It's a spell,” she said again. “I told you even you, Sebastian the all powerful vampire, cannot break this spell."

  He stood up, his face inches from hers. It was so strange, this feeling of empathy ... this total absence of thirst. “You, My Dear, are a puzzle."

  * * * *

  "Actually,” she went on, her breath warm on his face. “You can help me.” Olivia knew what she was about to say would either help her, or get her killed. She had no choice but to press forward. She looked at him and took a deep breath.

  Chapter Five

  Sebastian looked at the young girl and an odd feeling began to creep up his spine. He knew what she would ask would more than likely change his life forever. How he knew this was a mystery, but something told him there was much more to this young lady than met the eye. “Tell me.” He looked into her eyes. “How can I help you?"

  "You are a vampire, are you not? You have the power to create those in your own form. I beg of you, transform me into an immortal. Only then will I have the strength to break this spell."

  He looked at her carefully. “I cannot break the chain, Olivia. A vampire cannot break the metal links. You said that yourself."

  She smiled confidently. “If I were a vampire, I could break it."

  "I don't understand that, and, well ... you have no idea of what you ask. It is not something to be taken lightly. I cannot give you this burden. I will wait here, with you, and speak with Madame.” He moved away from her. It was now obvious to him he couldn't think clearly with her so close. She had stirred something from deep inside him.

  "No I beg you. Please, with everything I have.” Olivia cried, her voice raising hysterically, her hand clutching at his arm and pulling him back to her. “I cannot take one more minute of this pathetic existence.” She began to panic. This had to work. Sebastian couldn't turn his back on her, not now, not after all she had been through.

  * * * *

  He sighed. He knew exactly how she felt. Her closeness was becoming almost more than he could take. Even though he had drank earlier that evening before his walk on the beach, an overpowering thirst instantly settled upon him. Her blood emanated so rich, so sweet, so tempting. He shook his head. “No. I ... can't."

  "Sebastian, please. I know what I'm asking of you. Don't you understand what I experience every day of my life? I cannot go on like this. I will go mad, and Madame will kill me, for I will no longer be of use to her. Knowing her, she will torture me cruelly and then kill me. Do you want that to happen to me, or are you just as cruel and evil as she is?"

  Sebastian felt his body begin to heat. He suddenly felt passion mixed with sympathy as he watched her breathing increase, her full breasts heaving. He now wanted to drink from the beautiful creature more than he wanted anything. “Olivia, please.” He wanted to take her into his arms and make love to her.

  "Do you want me to die a horrible death, Sebastian? I want to live. I want to be free. You are free, are you not?"

  "Not really,” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair, trying to settle his thoughts. He slowly glanced up and into the face of this beautiful temptress. “You can't possibly understand."

  "I do.” She was so close, so close she could almost taste it. Freedom.

  * * * *

  "Damnation!” he cursed loudly and hit the wall of the cave with his fist. He glared at her. “Damn! Damn! Damn!” He cried out, and with a sudden animal growl, he leaned forward and took her into his arms roughly.

  She was light, soft and enticing beyond words. He lowered his mouth to her throat, and without any hesitation, his sharp fangs pierced the vein and rich blood gushed into his mouth. He drank deeply, but stopped before she would die. As he released her, she fell to the ground in a heap.

  His head was spinning. “Quickly, you must drink from me, now.” His body began trembling violently. With a razor sharp fingernail he sliced a vein in his wrist and put it to her lips. She lifted her head and surprised him with her vigor. Her mouth closed about his open wound and she sucked noisily and hungrily. “Ahhh!” An angry snarl sounded deep in Sebastian's throat. She was taking too much of him, and he had to yank her back by her long hair back in an attempt to break free from her fierce grip. “Stop ... now!"

  Olivia fell back once again, moaning. “Sebastian."

  Looking down, he inspected the wound on his wrist, as he watched the lesion close and heal. He turned to her and stared. He knew she would begin to feel real pain. It would be the last time she would ever experience real physical pain.

  Within seconds, Olivia's body began to writhe and shake, her animal wails filling the night air. But it didn't last as long as usual, and within minutes she tossed her hair back and stood strongly before him. She smiled broadly. The deed had been done. Sebastian had come through and now everything would fall into place. She was confident as she brushed her dress off and blinked. “Well?"

  He looked at her face, studying her. The features appeared crueler, older, and maybe wiser. She was still beautiful, but she no longer appeared vulnerable, no longer a sweet innocent child.

  "Sebastian, My
Love.” She held her arms to him. “At last I have you here, my equal. At last I stand before you as strong as you ... or possibly stronger?"

  He took a step back. “What do you mean, stronger?"

  "Well, I'm a combination of witch and vampire. Surely that is more powerful than a mere vampire?” Olivia felt like dancing, but knew that would be taking things a bit too far. She couldn't hide her joy. “Dear Sebastian..."

  He realized his terrible mistake. “You are the Madame?"

  "Of course I am, my darling Sebastian. And now, here you are, with me. I have loved you for centuries. I have followed your life."

  He closed his eyes, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. “I don't understand."

  "I lived in your village so very long ago, and became a witch just as my mother and grandmother before me. I learned many great things. You see, over the years I've traveled all over the world learning things from great mystics, shaman, and witches. While I was in the Orient, I learned my powers were unmatched by any other, and that includes vampires, My Sweet. I've been able to drink from the fountain of youth and have been waiting all this time for you. I knew at some point you would become restless with what you are and you would need me, as I have needed you."

  Sebastian breathed deeply, his nostrils flaring. “I don't..."

  "Let me take this slowly. Dear, you look positively ashen ... worse than usual. I watched as you left on your journey to the New World so many years ago with Coronado, and I saw when you returned a changed ... man. If that is what you still want to be called. I've lingered through the slow passage of time, waiting patiently for my powers to increase so they might match yours."

  He looked at her blankly. “Why?"

  "Because I want to live with you, silly man. I want to be yours, and for you to be mine. It was I who coaxed your precious Elise to leave and make a new home in America, New Orleans, to be precise."

  That was too much for him to hear. His mouth dropped. “What?"

  "My darling, she is much better off, very happy. I see her from time to time.” Olivia looked at him, her eyes hungry and glowing. “My love, I'm the one who adores you. I love you. It just wouldn't do to have her here with us as well. Three is a crowd.” She moved eagerly across the floor toward him. It was obvious everything was slowly soaking in. Men can be so thick, even when they are enlightened vampires!

  Sebastian frowned as he heard her thoughts. “Back.” Looking down, he noticed the chain no longer bound her ankle and she stepped freely, almost floating above the ground. He fought for control. “You lying ... deceitful..."

  "Now, now. Let's not quarrel. It was for the best, and she is fine. You can go visit her ... in time.” She came close and looked up into his eyes. “I love you. I love your amber eyes. I treasure those exquisite lips. I cherish your hair, so long, so dark ... so rich. I worship your strong body, so elegant, so sensual. I want you to possess me, Sebastian. I've wanted it for all ages, ever since I first saw you board Coronado's ship—the hero."

  He laughed mirthlessly. “Possess you? What more do you want? I'm no demon. I've done what a vampire can do.” Yet as he said the words, he sensed a primeval sensuous ache of sexual desire within his loins the like of which he had not experienced for many years. Not since he himself was a mortal.

  * * * *

  "Sebastian...” She moved closer. Olivia knew she had him. He was almost in the palm of her hand. He needed her ... he ached for her. She could see it all in his eyes, the longing that was there made her heart squeeze. “I'm not evil, Love."

  "Wait! Have you put a spell on me?” She was so close. Desire coursed through him.

  Olivia smiled. Her breathing was becoming rapid. She leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the lips. “No, I don't need a spell for you. This is as it was meant to be. Don't you see?” She watched as Sebastian took it all in. “Kiss me.” She moved forward again.

  To Sebastian's surprise he found himself opening his mouth to allow her tongue entry. His fangs had smoothed away, their sharpness gone for now. His arms clutched the small body to him. He could feel her smoothness beneath his hands, and he knew he must have her. He must take her. Sexual desire filled every fiber. The kiss became urgent, animal-like as their bodies were straining together.

  Chapter Six

  Within seconds, Sebastian began ripping at the too tight confines of his clothes. His sharp nails tore at fabric in a mad attempt to be free of restricting attire until he stood naked before her. “Is this what you want? It is what I want, as you can see.” His eyes lowered as he reached down and stroked himself.

  Olivia's emerald eyes glowed as they slid over his body. “You are truly beautiful, my Sebastian. This is exactly what I want.” She took his hand in her own and led him across the cave. She couldn't help but steal glances at him as they walked together. He was beautiful and was about to be hers forever.

  His eyes widened in surprise as a bed appeared from the shadows, its enticing comfort tempting him to lie down amongst its softness. “This is madness!” He chuckled and reached out for her, encircling her waist.

  "No, no, My Darling.” Olivia laughed as he pushed her down to the bed and climbed upon her body, his impatience obvious. “We must take this slowly. I've waited so long for you."

  * * * *

  They kissed slowly, and as the kiss continued, the passage of time was difficult to define. Sebastian wondered how long he had lain there pressing his lips to her and caressing her. It seemed like an eternity. But as he was wondering this, her strong fingers curled around his firmness and stroked him eagerly. “Ah...” he moaned.

  "Oh! You're so ready, My Immortal. Enough kissing. I want you inside me now.” Olivia shifted beneath him. She was beyond happy. The intense joy that filled heart was spilling from her. I've waited so long...

  Hearing her thoughts, Sebastian nodded. “Yes.” His hunger for her knew no bounds at this point. He yearned for the moist confines of her to close tightly around his arousal. He took a deep breath and pushed forward. The squeezing sensation as he entered was delicious. He began moving within her slowly, slipping in as far as he could possibly go. Deep, low grunts emitted from his throat as he felt her contract her muscles around him.

  Her long slender legs wrapped around his torso, her arms held him tightly. “Faster, Sebastian! Faster, deeper, stronger. Never stop!"

  He straightened his arms, the muscles rigid and taut. His back arched and his center joined with hers. As he thrust above her he looked down into her beautiful face, alive with hungry pleasure. His hips rammed vigorously, ecstasy making him wild with intense pleasure. He had never known such rapture. He was finally at one with a woman, a witch. This was much more than he had with Elise. She paled in comparison to this new feeling overwhelming him. This had to be magic. With a gasp, he suddenly filled her with his warm seed, not even aware how close he was to his release. “Olivia.” He groaned loudly as he buried his face into the side of her throat and fell against her moist skin, exhausted.

  Olivia did not release him from her clutches. “Again, My Love!” She held him tightly. “Again!” She knew this couldn't be it. She had expected so much more.

  He lifted his head to look at her. “Again! Are you serious, Woman?” He could barely catch his breath. Absolute fatigue washed through him. “I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it. It has, well, it has been a long while."

  She slapped his face angrily. “Do it again! I want you to do it again. I demand it, Sebastian!"

  "I'm spent, My Dear. This is something a vampire doesn't have much control over, regrettably.” He lay back against the satin pillow. “Unless you can conjure up a spell, I cannot do it again. Not for a while anyway. In this regard, I'm very much like a mortal man. And if you slap me once more, I will hit you."

  He glared into her eyes. “Hard, and that, My Witch, will be very powerful. I promise you it will hurt."

  She sat up and pouted. “I didn't know this.

  "Didn't know what?” He looked at her, confused.<
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  "That a vampire is like a man in this way, so fragile. I want more, but I must wait. It's so unfair. I don't like it.” Olivia rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe after all this time she would have to wait for more.

  Sebastian laughed and took her into his arms, kissing her forehead. She made him feel light and giddy. He hadn't laughed in an age. “Yes, well, I've always heard life is unfair.

  "But surely this is death?” She gestured dramatically.

  "Well, death is even more unfair.” He stroked her hair. With a sigh, she joined him in slumber, and together they slept as the moon made its passage across a dark sky.

  Chapter Seven

  The sound of birds in their morning chorus awoke Sebastian. He sat up in the bed in total alarm; his frightened eyes watching as dappled sunlight spread its evil way across the dirt floor toward him. The roots of the huge tree above them offered no protection and allowed the awful sunlight to travel within the cave. He leapt from the bed with a cry and pressed his shivering naked body against the wall. The orange glow moved closer, and he could feel its dreadful warmth.

  His shrieks awoke Olivia. “Sebastian, how rude of you to wake me this way.” She grumbled, rubbing sleep from her green eyes.

  "The sun! The sun! It will kill us!” His voice rose hysterically.

  "No it won't. You have my protection inside you. You can walk in the sun now, Love.” With this, she tumbled from the bed and sauntered toward the speckled daylight. This is what she looked forward to showing Sebastian. This was her gift to him. “You see, not only did I want your body, I wanted to give you something."

  Sebastian shrieked inhumanly and covered his eyes, expecting her to turn instantly to ashes. But the sun didn't harm her. She walked from the cave and into the light, its golden glow caressing her white skin. “See.” She turned to him and held out her hand. “Come into the sunlight, my beautiful Sebastian. Join me in its warmth."


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