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Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Destiny Hawkins

  Zyas looked up again and caught the eye of a girl with blue eyes that almost lit up in the dark. She was incredibly beautiful, and he wondered why she was there? He was told that Oceanian girls didn’t fight, yet she was a prisoner. Maybe she had done something terrible back in her world, and they had no choice but to send her to the sector?

  Alcia frowned back at Zyas, but he couldn’t help but think it was cute. Her blue eyes and white pupils simply amazed him. He didn’t pay the Oceanian soldiers such close attention that he could see their eyes, but now he got the chance, and couldn’t bring himself to look away.

  When Alcia saw that Zyas meant no harm from his intense staring, she straightened out her face, then nodded to him, and turned back to the line in front of her.

  Tren rested his hand on Zyas’s shoulder, “give it up. They won’t let us anywhere near the girls, I bet.”

  Zyas brushed Tren’s hand off, “I’m not worried about that.”

  Marian laughed quietly, “Sure, he’s not.”

  Tren didn’t laugh with him, and pretended that he didn’t hear anything.

  Once Angel and the boys made it across the bridge, they came into a large, open spaced room with a line of rectangular showers lined up against the wall.

  Angel was stopped by an officer, “first name?” he asked.

  Angel frowned, “Angel.”

  The officer flipped through papers in his hand, then held one out to Angel. Angel took the paper and read it, “S.A?”

  “Shower A, now move on, your holding up the line.”

  Angel looked back at Tren, who just shrugged, and went ahead towards the showers. He came across one closed shower door with the letter L on it, and figured that shower A would be further down. Once he made it to shower A, he looked to his right and saw that there was a long line of prisoners waiting for their turn to get in.

  “Back of the line,” an officer by the shower said, “you’ll get your turn.”

  Angel nodded, then headed to the back of the line. He stood there for thirty minutes, and saw further down that Marian had been doing the same thing. Waiting. It was finally time for him to take his shower, and he wondered what change of clothes would he be wearing? He hoped he didn’t have to put back on his same dirty ones.

  The shower door slid open and Angel stepped inside. There was a dim yellow light over him so that he could see what he was doing. Angel sighed and began to undress, then he dropped his clothes down in the clothes shoot on the wall with a sign above it that said ‘drop clothes.’ He then pressed a red button on the wall next to it with the word ‘shower’ above it, and waited for whatever was going to happen next. He had never been in a shower before, but figured that water would be coming through pretty soon.

  The shower started, letting out lukewarm water from the ceiling, then foam soap spurt from the walls, and he tried his best to avoid getting it in his eyes as he quickly washed, then the rinsing began. That all fit into seven minutes, and then the showers stopped. A few seconds later a white towel shot out of the shoot, and Angel wrapped it around his waist. The other side of the wall slid open and Angel stepped out.

  Marian stepped out of the shower and looked over at Angel, who was walking towards the dressing room for slot A. He then went for the changing rooms with a large M on the door, and waited for his turn to step inside.

  It only took a few minutes to get through the line and into the changing room. There was another shoot on the wall like the one in the showers, only it had the word ‘towel’ above it. Marian took off his towel and dropped it down the shoot. Seconds later, his new clothes shot out at him.

  Marian slid on a stained white t-shirt, with black boxers, and dark green pants. He also had a pair of green gloves sitting on top of a pair of brown boots on the floor.

  The opposite slide door slid open, and Marian stepped outside, where he saw hundreds of men digging under the hot sun.

  Zyas walked up to Marian with a shovel in hand, “why is everyone digging?”

  Marian shrugged as he picked up a shovel that was waiting for him outside of the changing room, “I don’t know,” he spotted Angel, who already started his own hole away from everyone else, “over there.”

  Marian and Zyas walked over to Angel, and began to dig.

  “So, why are we digging again?” Zyas asked Angel.

  “I’m not sure,” Angel answered, “but I was told that we had to continue digging until they say stop.”

  Marian sighed, “This is stupid. So we’re just digging- not looking for anything?”

  Angel nodded, “that’s what the officer told me.”

  Tren had finally spotted his cell mates and joined them, “those were some high quality showers for a prison.”

  Marian dug his shovel into the dirt, “they said that cleanliness is really important here.”

  Tren shrugged and continued digging. He couldn’t get over the fact that one of his cell mates was a young Firow soldier, and probably one that killed many Machinians.

  Zyas looked around and saw that there were officers everywhere, then started digging again when one spotted him staring.

  The officer pulled out his baton, and was headed towards him, when he spotted two officers pulling over the Oceanian girl Zyas noticed earlier.

  “There’s your girl,” Tren teased.

  Angel stopped digging, and watched as they pulled the girl over. He knew nothing good was going to happen next.

  “What’s going on?” The officer asked.

  “This girl refuses to work,” One of the officers answered, “thought we’d see what you wanted to do with her.”

  Alcia frowned up at the metal mask, “this is stupi-”

  The officer slammed his baton into her gut, and she fell onto her knees while holding herself up with one hand.

  “You will do what we tell you. I don’t want any trouble back here, so I advise you to get to work,” the officer said in a stern voice.

  Alcia coughed, then looked up at the officer, “screw y-”

  The officer hit her across the head with his baton and she fell, unconsciously, onto the ground.

  The two officers looked down at her, “sir?”

  “Leave her there, and when she wakes up have her dig through supper,” the officer glanced over at Zyas, then walked away.

  “Damn,” Tren said, “she’s out cold.”

  Zyas clenched his teeth and gripped his shovel tightly, then began to dig again.

  “Can they really do that to her?” Marian asked.

  “I guess so,” Tren answered.

  Marian gave Tren a devilish grin after hearing him respond. Tren frowned, then got back to work. Angel just sighed and did the same, while hoping that the girl would be okay.

  The prisoners were digging for hours, and were now hungrier than ever. The sun seemed to be going down, and they were getting blisters through their gloves.

  Alcia finally opened her eyes and jumped from the surging pain in her head. She pushed herself onto her knees and rubbed her bruised cheek. When the officer noticed that she was waking up, he marched over to her.

  A shovel was thrown down next to her, and when she looked up, she saw the officer glaring down at her. She knew it was the same guy that had knocked her out because of his lightning colored eyes.

  “Pick up the shovel,” he ordered.

  Alcia frowned. She did as she was told, then stood up, but the officer hit her with the baton again against her ribs. She yelped in pain and fell down to the ground for the second time.

  “I didn’t tell you to get up,” the officer snapped.

  Alcia coughed a few times while holding her ribs.

  “Now pick up the shovel,” The officer ordered again.

  Alcia reached for the shovel, but then the officer hit his baton against her hand, causing her to cry out in pain.

  Zyas grunted and dropped his shovel to go and help Alcia, but Tren grabbed his shoulder, “No, Zyas.”

  The officer looked over to Zyas, who was ball
ing his fist, then turned back to Alcia. He crouched down next to her, “its yes, sir.”

  Alcia frowned up at the officer with angry tears in her eyes.

  “Now pick up the shovel,” The officer stood tall again.

  Alcia clenched her teeth, then swallowed, “Yes, sir,” She the grabbed the shovel with her better hand, but didn’t stand up yet.

  “Now stand up,” The officer ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” Alcia sighed and stood up.

  “Now dig,” The officer turned to Zyas, who was trying to control himself, “let’s go everyone, back inside!”

  Alcia watched as all the men passed her by and went inside to get another shower and dinner, then used her one good hand to try and dig into the dirt ground.

  Zyas watched her for a moment, “she’s strong,” he said, “just like my sister.”

  Tren rested his hand on Zyas’s shoulder, “just your type, huh?”

  Angel shook his head and walked ahead. It’s been a long day and he couldn’t wait to eat.

  Chapter 7: The Sector- Part Two

  1 Month Later

  Alcia sat on the top bunk during her free hours and read a book that she got from the prison library. So far, reading was the only thing that could help her escape from the sector. Well, that, and her new friend Zyas. She and he had grown to be very close friends, and she couldn’t help but get excited around him.

  During free hours, then men and women on good behavior were allowed to mingle, play games, and hook up. The only time it was prohibited is if one of the men tried to be forceful, then they couldn’t merge for a month, and no one wanted to ruin that privilege.

  There was a knock on her open cell door that snapped her out of the free world of her book, “hey, your friend, Zyas, is out there waiting for you,” one of her cellmates, Jamie, said.

  Alcia closed her book and tossed it on the bed next to her, “oh shoot, he’s out already?”

  “Yeah, girl. Go get ya’ man, before I take him,” Jamie laughed, “he is just my type.”

  “Whatever,” Alcia jumped down from the bunk bed and headed out, “thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Alcia walked down the hallway full of female and male prisoners, and then headed down a few steps, and into the recreational room. She passed Marian, who was punching on the punching bag, then Tren, who was bench pressing, and finally Angel, who was busy kickboxing another prisoner on the mats.

  Zyas was sitting over on the bench, on the far side of the recreational room, with a big smile on his face. He was happy to see Alcia, once again, and did his best to contain himself when she sat down next to him. Lately, every time she comes around, he starts to feel butterflies like no other in the pit of his stomach.

  “Hey, Zyas,” Alcia blushed.

  “Hey...” Zyas’s smile faded when he realized that he called her over for a serious reason, “we need to talk.”

  Alcia’s curved lips made a straight line, “talk?”

  Zyas scooted closer to Alcia and took her hand.

  “What’s going on?” Alcia asked, “did I do something wrong?”

  “No, not at all. It’s what your about to do,” Zyas replied in a matter of fact tone.

  Alcia frowned in confusion, “what?”

  “I want to get out of here,” Zyas whispered, “and I think I know how we can do that.”

  Alcia let go of his hand, “Zyas, it’s dangerous to talk about these things”

  “Yeah, I know, but I have a plan, and you’re a big part of it.”

  “And who else is involved?” Alcia looked over to the boys, who all glanced back at her simultaneously.

  “Angel’s involved?” Alcia asked, “He barely even speaks to us, why would he join?”

  Zyas shook his head, “never mind that. Just listen. Angel has a sword, something incredibly powerful. If we can get our hands on that, then we could get out of here.”

  “Okay?” Alcia wasn’t so sure about what she was hearing, but she was willing to listen.

  “Well, first, Marian and Tren will start a fight to distract the guards. You and I will sneak over to the showers, where you can try and break the pipes and flood this place. Those things have to be loaded with water. Once it’s flooded enough, you’ll have to clear a pathway for us to get to our weapons. Angel is going to grab his sword and figure out how to get us out of here.”

  Alcia stared at him for a moment just to see if he was serious, “that’s your plan? We’re all going to die.”

  “We could either die, or live the rest of our lives caged up,” Zyas responded.

  Alcia shook her head, “when does this plan take place anyways?”

  Zyas gave a devilish grin.

  Alcia’s eyes widened “Zyas… n-”

  “What do you think you’re doing!?’ Marian yelled at Tren, “Get the hell off of the bench press bro. It’s my turn.”

  Tren laughed, then stood up from the bench, “you’re small ass can’t lift this. Go sit down.”

  “You go sit down,” Marian pushed Tren.

  “No, you!” Tren pushed him to the floor.

  Marian looked up at Tren with a smile, and lit an orange flame in his palm.

  “Hey!” An officer yelled.

  “Yeah, stop that!” another one yelled.

  “Let’s go,” Zyas took Alcia’s hand, then led her out of the recreational room, and down the hall. They both walked as quickly as they could towards the shower area, and once they made it, they had no idea what to do next.

  “I’m sure this is Oceanian proof,” Alcia sighed.

  Zyas smiled, “but you’re strong. Just try it.”

  Alcia shook her head as she raised her hands while thinking that this is a horrible idea. She made a fist with both of them and concentrated on the water flowing through the pipes. It was hard to feel it at first, but then she could feel the water on her fingertips, and could literally see the water flowing.

  Alcia took a deep breath and grunted. She stopped the water flow all together, and struggled to pull her hands closer to her body, while trying to rip the water through the pipes.

  “You can do it Alcia,” Zyas said. He looked around and spotted an officer that spotted him, “and you have to hurry.”

  “Hey!” The officer pulled out his baton, “what are you doing!?

  “Come on, Alcia,” Zyas rushed.

  “I’m trying, it’s been a while,” Alcia gave it a yank, and then suddenly, the pipe water came spurting out in heavy loads, knocking the shower doors down.

  “Come close,” Alcia pulled Zyas close to her side and watched as the wave passed around them.

  “This is amazing,” Zyas said, “you’re amazing.”

  “Thanks, I try,” Alcia blushed, “wanna see something else?”

  Zyas held onto Alcia’s hand and continued watching as the water passed him by, “what?”

  Alcia reached her hand out into the water, “it’s a quicker way of traveling. Don’t let go of my hand though.”

  Zyas nodded and gripped her hand tighter. A second later they were yanked away by the flood and traveled with the ongoing wave. Alcia grabbed Zyas’s other hand and kicked towards the surface. Once she was on top, she then pulled Zyas on with her, and they rode on the wave like surfers on a beach, only without the surfboards.

  Zyas took a deep breath while trying to keep his balance. He felt as if one moment of distraction would pull him under, and to his death. When he looked over to Alcia, he saw that she too was concentrating, and figured that after a month of no training, she may have been a little rusty.

  They both looked ahead, and watched as the wave knocked over countless officers and prisoners. Alcia hoped that the boys were on higher ground, or else they would be washed away as well.

  “There go the stairs!” Zyas yelled.

  Angel stood on top of the steps and waited for Alcia and Zyas to arrive. Two guards lay passed out against the wall next to him.

  The wave crashed against the steps, sending
Alcia and Zyas flying into the air and slamming to the floor next to Angel’s feet. Zyas quickly stood and then helped Alcia up, “so much for that clear pathway plan.”

  “You guys did fine. Took out most of the officers,” Angel said, “c’mon,” he turned around and ran up the stairs, “and have your guard up.”

  Alcia looked at Zyas, who just shrugged and then followed.

  As they got closer to the top of the steps the alarms began to grow louder. Where ever the commotion was, was where the alarms were the loudest, so that the officers knew exactly where to go when something popped off.

  Angel grabbed Alcia by her arm and yanked her to his chest. She had just been saved from one of Marian’s flames that just flew by, “thanks,” she said as she awkwardly pulled away.

  Marian and Tren were finishing off the last few officers that were trying to recapture them, so that they could get back to their weapons and find a way out of the sector.

  Tren had wrapped his arm around an officers’ neck, and squeezed as tight as he could until the officer gave out and fell to the ground, “let’s go!”

  The whole team had ran down the long hall and stopped at an opening where they could go either way.

  “Which way do we go?” Zyas asked Angel.

  Angel clenched his teeth. He didn’t know how to contact his sword, because it only contacted him, “I don’t know.”

  Tren looked to his left and spotted a team of officers coming from around the corner, “we have to go that way!” He started running in the opposite direction, but was stopped by another group of officers, “oh, great,” he took a deep breath and got into a fighting stance. He could hear Marian start shooting flames like crazy behind him, and wished that he had his guns. How much damage could he possibly do without the help of his weapons?

  The officers pulled out their batons, showing the electrical current that ran up and down the pole.

  Tren closed his eyes, knowing that it would be dangerous to use it, but then again, it was dangerous if he didn’t. He clenched his fists tighter, and flexed his biceps, squeezing out oily black liquid like sweat. The liquid oozed out and then hardened into armor on his arms and fists, “I guess I have to use this,” he sighed, feeling drained already.


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