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Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Destiny Hawkins

  “You should be careful,” another girl around the same age warned, “you could fall over. No railings.”

  Shalina turned to the girl, “o...k...” she lost her breath at the sight of a brunet with blue eyes and white pupils.

  The dark haired boy standing on the other side of the girl looked over with a confused look on his face, “are you alright?”

  “Shalina?” Verenda said, “You’re staring.”

  Shalina had finally snapped out of her trance and smiled, “oh, so sorry. Your eyes, I’ve never seen anything like them.”

  The girl smiled, “I’m from Oceania, it’s how we’re born.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend!” Shalina panicked.

  “It’s no problem, I’m not offended at all. I’ve just never met anyone that hasn’t heard of an Oceanian before,” The girl held out her floater, “So what’s your names?”

  “I’m Shalina,” Shalina answered.

  “Verenda,” Verenda nodded, “pleased to meet you.”

  “I’m Alcia and this is Jermya,” She nodded over to the dark haired boy, “I’m pleased to meet you as well. You two plan on riding together?”

  Shalina smiled over at Verenda, “well, yeah...”

  “Well, you guys make a cute couple. They are celebrating some couples day here in the village, so enjoy yourselves,” Alcia said.

  “Thank you- you too,” Shalina said.

  Alcia went back to talking to Jermya.

  Shalina turned to Verenda, who had grabbed a floater, and let it drop over the platform. It had stopped midair and he had stepped on in with ease, then he turned around and put out his hand to help Shalina get on.

  Shalina hesitated at first, but then took his hand and slowly stepped onto the leaf, “how is this possible?”

  “It was said a traveling prince came here and gave this village some of his power,” Verenda said, holding Shalina close to him so she wouldn’t fall off, “why don’t we sit down for now.”

  “Yes, I don’t know how you’re able to balance yourself on this thing,” Shalina and Verenda sat down on the leaf with their legs kicked out. She didn’t really want to, but laying back on him was the only way that they were going to pull of sitting down together.

  Shalina took a deep breath and relaxed as they floated over the village among many others, who were also completely relaxed.

  They floated around together in silence for what felt like forever, and Verenda was glad that he was able to control his heart beat in fear that Shalina would feel it.

  “Thank you,” Shalina started, “you’ve just only met me and went out of your way to find me a weapon, and show me such a beautiful place. I can see why you stay out here.”

  Verenda’s eyes glistened in the sunlight, and his wild brown hair blew freely in the wind. Shalina’s soft voice made him think back to the love he once had for another, and he sighed softly, “it is beautiful here,” was all he said.

  When they finally finished, they returned the floater and began to make their way down to the middle of the village where they ran into Alcia and Jermya on a bridge.

  “Hey,” Jermya waved, “I’m assuming you guys enjoyed the ride.”

  Shalina blushed, “yes, it was lovely.”

  “That’s good,” Alcia said, “so where are you guys headed now?”

  “Oh,” Shalina turned to Verenda, “I don’t-”

  “Some place to stay for the night,” he smiled down at Shalina, knowing that she wasn’t ready to leave just yet. It had been a long time since he had made any kind of connection with someone, or even so much as interacted with another person before she arrived. He wanted to make sure that Shalina enjoyed herself on her first day free from the castle.

  “Well, closer to the bottom of the village there are a few vacant homes. Just hope that you find the right one or else you’ll be walking right into someone’s house,” Jermya laughed.

  “Thank you,” Shalina said.

  “No problem, I hope you two have a wonderful night,” Alcia said as she and Jermya made their way across the bridge.

  “Thank you, we will,” Shalina said, “so,” she turned to Verenda, “we’re staying the night?”

  Chapter 12: Mooralshia- part 3

  Angel looked up and admired the many couples that flew together through the wind. The love that the villagers wore on their faces made the village look even more beautiful, and he couldn’t wait until the one day that he could settle down and be with a woman that he loved.

  Angel took in the clean air and then let it go, along with all of his stress. After a long night of watching over Tasa, he had finally come to a conclusion. He was going to stop Darrengiy and save Shalina from him. The thought of what Darrengiy could be doing to her tortured him, and he couldn’t stand to wonder anymore. What could he have possibly done to turn her against someone that loved her?

  Angel stopped walking and looked over the bridge, just to watch the village below him, but then was distracted by a man that had bumped him hard on his shoulder.

  “Sorry,” the man said, glancing back at Angel.

  Montago didn’t recognize Angel, but Angel certainly recognized Montago


  Montago stopped where he was and turned back to Angel with urgency, “what is it?”

  “Are you going to see Tasa?” Angel asked.

  “Yes,” Montago nodded, “she is in her home recovering, right?”

  Angel nodded.

  “Ok, and what happened to her?”

  “Two poison darts hit her out of nowhere,” Angel replied to the worried man.

  “Ok,” Montago nodded and then continued rushing up to the village to see his woman. Once he finally made it into her home he froze at the sight of her trying to walk. He had never seen her look so weak and helpless before.

  Tasa snapped her head to face Montago, then tears filled her eyes, “Montago,” her voice cracked.

  Montago gently got a hold of her before she lost her balance, then slowly helped her back down on her pallet, “you must rest, Tasa.”

  Tasa reached up and touched the scar on his forehead, “you’re alive,” she smiled, “thank goodness.”

  Montago took Tasa’s hand and kissed it, “I told you that I would be okay,” he said, you shouldn’t have worried, but what happened to you?”

  Tasa coughed a few times, “darts. I was out looking for the newcomer, Angel, and before we made it back up here, darts were shot at me,” she said, “he rushed me back up here to get help.”

  Montago frowned, angered by the fact that he wasn’t home to keep his woman safe, “I’m glad,” was all he could say.

  Zyas walked into the room, but stopped when Montago frowned back at him, “oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”

  “It’s okay Zyas,” Tasa went back to her original stern self.

  “You know this boy, Tasa?” Montago asked.

  “Yes, he is another new comer,” Tasa answered.

  Montago turned back to Zyas with the same expression, “I am Montago,” he said.

  Zyas nodded, “it is nice to meet you,” he nodded to Tasa, “I will be back,” he backed out and closed the bark door behind him, then he headed back up the steps and out of the tree, where he noticed Alcia and Jermya walking together on the bridge connected to the platform that he was standing on.

  Zyas took a deep sigh and walked towards the two. He had declined on taking the tour with Jermya and left Alcia to go alone. Now that he sees how happy she is with him, he regretted not going.

  “Hey, Zyas,” Alcia said happily, she was clearly enjoying her day without him.

  “Alcia, we have to go now,” Zyas said, “I’m sure you and Jermya can hang out later on.”

  Alcia gave Zyas a confused look.

  “Remember? Angel said that he needed to talk to us?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Alcia turned to Jermya, “Jermya I have to go. Sorry, I had completely forgotten about this.”

“It’s alright,” Jeremy turned around, but not before he gave Zyas a malicious smile, “I’ll catch up with you later,” he walked away.

  Alcia turned back to Zyas, who still wore the same angry expression, “Zya-”

  “Come on,” Zyas turned back around and started walking.

  They went back to Tasa’s home, where the rest of the crew linked up together. They all stood, and turned to Zyas as he walked in, “sorry, I just had to get Alcia.”

  Marian smiled, “what were you out there doing?” he asked Alcia.

  “Nothing,” Alcia frowned, “just enjoying the day.”

  Angel pushed himself off of the wall that he was leaning back on, “never mind that,” he started, “we need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

  Alcia sighed and looked over to Zyas, knowing that his choice would leave them separated.

  “If any of you choose to go home, then I will do my best to get you back, but if you stay with me, I’ll need your help in stopping Darrengiy from ruling over Vernasia. It’s alright to decline in helping me, I know that you all have families. All I’m asking is that you help me protect those families from a very dangerous man. So...who’s with me?”

  Zyas nodded his head, “I’m with you, brother.”

  Marian smiled, “I been made my decision. I’m going to help you out man.”

  Tren sighed and shook his head, “I’ve been thinking, and I want to see my lady,” he frowned, “but I also want her safe. I’ll help you stop this mother fucker, but after that, I want to go home.”

  Zyas turned to Alcia, who looked lost in thought, “Alcia, have you made a decision?”

  “Yeah, and I don’t be the party pooper,” Marian said.

  Alcia bit her lip. She was actually really enjoying her time in the village, but then again, she wanted to go home. If Darrengiy takes over though, she won’t have a home to return to, and this beautiful village would be nothing but burning wood, “I don’t really...know yet.”

  “Alcia,” Zyas turned to Alcia with and emotionless expression painted on his face, “he’s asking for our decisions now. You had time to think.”

  Tren turned his head and cleared his throat, then he smirked over at Marian, who smirked back.

  “Yeah, come on Alcia,” Marian slapped a hand on her shoulder, “your being a party pooper.”

  “I said,” Alcia continued to watch Zyas with a frown, “that I don’t know.”

  “But-” Marian’s arm slipped through her shoulder, causing him to pull away in pure disgust. He shook off his wet hand.

  Angel watched his friends, and even though he hadn’t made a real connection with any of them, the thought of even one of them splitting up would upset him, “Alcia,” Angel said in a soft voice. He slowly walked up to her with an intense look in his eyes that almost made Alcia blush, “if you want to go home, I can take you, and if you want to stay here, I won’t force you to come with us, but as a friend, I am asking you to help me. To help us. We need you.”

  For the first time, Alcia saw Angel’s soft side and it took her by surprise. She looked up into his bright green eyes and admired the fierce, yet kind, glow in them. With vision that could see for miles out, they helped her see deep within his warrior’s heart, who she knew could save Vernasia.

  Alcia looked back at the boys. First at Tren, then Marian, and finally Zyas, who were all waiting on her decision.

  “Well?” Montago asked. Everyone but Tasa had forgotten that he was even there, “they look like they need your help. No man, not even I, can survive long without a woman to aid me.”

  Alcia smiled, then turned back to Angel, “I will, but after all of this is over, I would like to go home. This all sounds too dangerous, but I want to protect my people.”

  Angel’s lips made a slight curve, “I’m glad you’ve decided to go with us.”

  Alcia nodded, “yeah...”

  “Awesome,” Marian hesitated to touch her shoulder again, “the crew is finally a team. So what should we be called? The mighty five?”

  No one answered.

  “No? Okay, what about the Angel’s-”

  “Now that we have that established,” Tren started, “what’s the plan?”

  “Well, the goal is to stop Darrengiy from gaining anymore power,” Angel said, “we all know what his main source of power is, and if we can get her on our side, then we may have a better chance at taking him down,” Angel had just remembered that Darrengiy was in the woods the night Tasa was shot, “but if any chance we run into Darrengiy before we get to her, then we’ll do our best to kill him then.”

  “And what are our chances of running into him before we get to her?” Marian asked.

  “High,” Tasa said in a raspy voice.

  Angel turned to Tasa, “yes,” he sighed, “he was in a cave talking to someone the night Tasa got hurt. I recognized his voice.”

  “Are you serious?” Tren asked.

  Angel nodded, “he was talking to someone. I’m betting a Moorenof.”

  “What were they talking about?” Montago asked as he stood up.

  Angel looked to Tasa in confusion, but then she nodded, telling Angel that Montago knows of Darrengiy.

  “He wants me dead, and…Tasa. He said that he would help them with the war...” Angel answered.

  Montago sighed, looked down at his injured woman and shook his head, “that damned...that’s why the Moorenofs were so strong.”

  “What are you talking about Montago?” Tasa asked.

  “My group. We were ambushed by Moorenofs, and powerful ones. I was the only one to get away.”

  “He’s already gotten started,” Alcia said breathlessly.

  “So what are we going to do?” Marian asked. Everyone turned to Angel, but he was just as new to this as they were. Angel had no idea where to start.


  The night had finally come, and Alcia wanted to spend it alone, so she went up to the platform with the floaters and sat at the edge with her legs dangling over. She loved how Mooalshia had a full moon every night that lit up the sky, along with all the bright starts.

  Alcia let a tear fall from her eye as she worried that she might not ever be able to see a sight so beautiful again. Even though she had said yes to Angel, she still craved for her homeland where all kinds of fishes lived, along with her family. It’s only been two months, but it had felt like forever since she had seen them, and she wondered how they were doing, or if they were even alive.

  “You know,” Alcia jumped at the sound of Jermya’s voice, “beautiful girls like you look better when they smile,” Jermya had continued to the top of the bridge, and then went to sit next to Alcia.

  Alcia smiled and rubbed away the remaining tears, “sorry, I’m just feeling a little emotional,” she sniffled.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Jermya asked.

  Alcia didn’t say anything, just sighed and looked back out at the night sky.

  “I understand,” Jermya looked up with her, “you can’t tell me. Everyone has their secrets.”

  “Really? What are yours?” Alcia asked softly.

  “I can’t tell you if you won’t tell me,” Jermya met eyes with Alcia and smiled, “see, you look much better with a smile on your face.”

  “Thanks,” Alcia was glad that it was dark so that he couldn’t see her blushing.

  “So,” Jermya started, “did you enjoy our date?”

  Alcia laughed, “That wasn’t a date. It was a fun time out.”

  “Oh come on. It was couples still is,” Jermya licked his lips, “and I’m happy we get to continue where we left off.”

  “And where did we leave off?”

  “Well, I didn’t really get the chance to give you a kiss goodbye...” Slowly, Jermya made his move.


  Angel, Tasa, and Montago sat in the room alone while thinking of their next move. The others were out enjoying the night while a plan was being brewed.

  “We have to stop Darrengiy before...” h
e turned to Tasa, then snapped back to Angel, “I won’t let him hurt anyone else that I care for.”

  “Anyone else?” Angel asked.

  “Yes,” Tasa said sadly, “my father.”

  “Tasa’s father was more of a father to me than my own blood, but Darrengiy felt threatened by him and- he had him killed. I won’t let him take Tasa too.”

  “Neither will I. They obviously shot her under his orders, and he probably thinks that she is dead.”

  “Good, that means that she’s safe for now,” Montago sighed.

  “Yes,” Tasa looked down at her hands, “but only for now. My body still need’s a lot of recovering, and with Darrengiy backing up the Moorenofs, they could easily take our village down. We need power of our own.”

  “I have power,” Angel said, “my sword-”

  “You don’t want to over use it,” Tasa said, “everything wears down after too much use, even your sword.”

  “What are you saying? It’s losing power?” Angel immediately became alarmed.

  “No,” Tasa shook her head, “I’m saying that even the sword can get tired, and in a battle with thousands of enemies, you don’t want to use it up until it’s drained.”

  Angel sighed, “So, what do you suppose that I do?”

  “You guys would have to go there,” Tasa said.

  Montago shot a confused look at Tasa, “Tasa, that’s forbidd-”

  “Where else will you get power?” Tasa asked in a stern tone.

  Montago considered the thought of going there before she even suggested it, but it was too dangerous, and forbidden for any villager to travel to that dreadful place.

  Montago shook his head, “Angel, can I speak to you outside?”

  Angel looked from Tasa to Montago, then nodded.

  The two men made their way up the steps and onto the platform. They both stood in silence for a moment, enjoying the night air.

  “So, what was she talking about?” Angel asked.

  Montago sighed, showing signs that he was completely against the idea, “we call it the devils town. It’s a place crowded with demons and Moorenofs alike, and a very dangerous place for villagers.”


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