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Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups

Page 15

by David Wayne

  168. Summers, Goddess, 300-301.

  169. Claire, “Why the Mafia had to Murder Marilyn Monroe”

  170. Claire, “Why the Mafia had to Murder Marilyn Monroe”

  John F. Kennedy—

  November 22, 1963

  U.S. President

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  Cause of Death:


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  Official Verdict:

  President Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, who fired three rifle shots from behind the motorcade, from a window of the sixth floor of a building.

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  Purpose of trip to Texas was political “fence-mending” within the Democratic Party. But JFK had some very serious enemies in Texas—conservatives, mafia, “Big Oil,” and even his own Vice-President, Lyndon Johnson.

  * * *

  Actual Circumstances:

  1. The kill-shot came from the front and the evidence proves it (Oswald was at the rear of the motorcade during the shooting). Footage of the assassination clearly documents the President’s head being driven sharply backward from the impact of a frontal shot. The blood spatter evidence and eyewitness and ear witness testimony also confirm shots from front.

  * * *


  An exhaustive review of the medical evidence concludes that: “ ... multiple witnesses saw the intact entry hole high in the right forehead at the hairline.”171

  Sworn testimony of the emergency room doctors in Dallas confirms an additional frontal entry wound in the President’s throat. 172

  The evidence of gunshots from the front is simply overwhelming and, by any reasonable standard, meets all requirements of proof.

  2. Oswald could not possibly have done the shooting that is officially attributed to him. The best sniper in military history tried and couldn’t match it, so how could Oswald?173

  “Oswald was a patsy. There’s no question about it.” —COLONEL L. FLETCHER PROUTY, MILITARY LIAISON TO CIA FOR CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS (Focal Point Officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412 and Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense)174

  3. More than three shots were fired at the motorcade which necessitates a conspiracy involving several shooters. The utterly preposterous”single-bullet theory” was literally invented to address the existence of too many bullets.

  4. Oswald was operational with U.S. intelligence, and over a dozen Intelligence veterans have verified that fact. Indications are that he was “working penetration” on plots against the President and was set up as the “patsy” by renegade operatives. Oswald’s recorded voice holds up to the scrutiny of Voice Stress Analysis which indicated that he was actually speaking truthfully when he said “I didn’t kill anybody. I’m a patsy.”175

  “That’s not an allegation—that’s a fact. Oswald was Military Intelligence.” 176 —William Robert Plumlee, former Military Intelligence operative and CIA “Special Ops” pilot

  5. A blatantly obvious cover-up was instituted by the government to blame the assassination on Oswald, to ignore, reject, or obfuscate all evidence to the contrary, to mask Oswald’s associations with U.S. intelligence agencies, and to preclude a genuine investigation.

  Alarm bells went off all over Washington the second that Oswald’s name was mentioned, because U.S. intelligence had been dramatically compromised.

  * * *

  “You may never get the truth in your lifetime, and I mean that seri-ously.”

  —Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, head of the Warren Commission, entrusted with investigating the JFK Assassination on behalf of the American people


  Frames 312-to-320 of the film, below, of the JFK assassination (taken by Abraham Zapruder), reveal in shocking detail the frontal head shot that killed President Kennedy. The President had already been shot through the throat and Governor Connally, seated in front of JFK in the presidential limousine, has also reacted to at least one bullet that has passed through his own body. So at Frame 312, First Lady Jackie Kennedy, aware that something is dreadfully wrong, is leaning over toward the President, who is lurching forward in reaction to his throat wound. A frontal shot of extremely high velocity then strikes President Kennedy in his upper right forehead and drives his head and entire body sharply backward and to his left. The impact of the shot was such that it literally drove blood, bone, and brain matter of President Kennedy into the air and splattered onto the windshields of the two motorcycle officers flanking the limousine at the left rear of the car.

  The assassination of President Kennedy was filmed at a rate of about 18 frames per second. At frame 312, the President is clutching his throat, precisely where emergency room physicals indicated an entry would. Governor Connally, to the President’s right, is also reacting to a wound from a different gunshot, which came from the rear. Frames are courtesy of the Combined Costella Edit, produced by John P. Costella, Ph.D., at the web site of www., an electronic journal for advanced study of the death of JFK, edited by James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.

  The backward impact is even more dramatic when viewed in the film footage. When the Zapruder film finally made it to the light of day for an American television audience, viewers were stunned at how obviously it revealed a shot from the front. An enhanced print of the Zapruder film is available online— every American who can, should view this important historical footage. The frontal impact of the bullet is vivid and unmistakably clear: iU83R7rpXQY

  A large piece broken off from the skull of President Kennedy is also visible in the film footage. It flies off his head immediately after impact, traveling backwards onto the trunk of the limo. First Lady Jackie Kennedy instinctively reaches backwards to grab the piece of her husband’s head which had “flown off” (her exact words). The common myth was that Jackie was attempting to help Secret Service Agent Clint Hill climb onto the trunk of the limo, which is erroneous. She was reaching for the large skull fragment of President Kennedy which had been driven backward out of her husband’s head as she stared at him; she reaches backward, grabs the skull fragment in her hand, and returns to the limo, her hand never touching Clint Hill, who then climbs aboard without her assistance.177 The above is clearly discernable in the film footage at: http://jfkhis-

  At frame 313, a high-velocity round impacts at the right front of the President’s head, near the hairline.

  Jackie Kennedy also confirmed that, repeatedly stating:

  “I have his brains in my hand.”178

  By frame 317, the President is already driven violently backward and to his left from the impact of a high-velocity frangible round (exploding ammunition).

  The evidence regarding the final shot is dissected and diagrammed frame-by-frame in the excellent video study, The JFK Assassination—the Last Shot by Bob Harris.179It can be accessed at:

  Note that some of the forensic evidence in the Harris study indicates that President Kennedy was actually struck by two head shots, striking him almost simultaneously: one from the front, one from the rear. However, note that for the verification of multiple assassins, all that requires being established is one frontal gunshot. There were undeniably at least two frontal shots: The shot that entered the right-front forehead, verified by the exhaustive analysis of evidence and testimony conducted in Douglas P. Horne’s epic “Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, 2010; and the shot that entered the President’s throat, verified by the sworn testimony of the doctors who treated him at the emergency room in Dallas.180

  It is very clear that Jackie Kennedy was holding a
piece of the President’s head in her hand. Moreover, large skull fragment would not be driven backward in the split-second immediately following impact unless there was a shot from the front; skull fragmentation would only be driven backward from a frontal impact.

  At frame 320, less than half of one second after impact, the President’s body is farther back and to his left, indicative of a high-velocity shot from the front and right of the limousine. He is soon slumped over completely to his left, low in the backseat.

  Minutes later, when emergency room physicians were scrambling to do what little could be done for President Kennedy at Parkland Hospital, Jackie Kennedy nudged one of the doctors and showed him what she had been closely guarding in her hands: a large piece of the President’s brain. Dr. Marion Jenkins confirmed that:

  “As she passed by, she nudged me with an elbow and handed me what she had been nursing in her hands—a large chunk of her husband’s brain tissue.”181

  The blood spatter evidence (his blood, bone, and brain matter immediately splattered the windshield of the two motorcycle officers who were flanking the presidential limo at the left-rear) is consistent with the frontal-right entry wound seen in the Zapruder film.

  Sherry Gutierrez Fiester is a retired Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and Court-Recognized Expert in Crime Scene Reconstruction and Blood Spatter Analysis. Based on her detailed reconstruction of the crime scene and decades of scientific analysis, she has reached the following professional con-clusions:

  •“The head injury to President Kennedy was the result of a single gunshot fired from the right front of the President.”182

  •“I believe the shooter’s location for the fatal headshot was from a location near the south end of the triple underpass. That position mathematically supports trajectory with angle and elevation; provides concealment, even from those standing on the overpass; and with unhindered access to an adjacent parking lot, offered ready vehicular egress from the scene. Moreover, as Kennedy was looking generally toward that location, it was almost a straight on shot—only slightly right of center—a trajectory that corresponds with the medical evidence indicating the injury to Kennedy’s head was confined to his right side.”183

  Contrary to a study sponsored by the Discovery Channel, which was calculated upon parameters and assumptions not proven to have existed at the actual time, the blood spatter evidence actually at the crime scene is clearly indicative of a frontal shot. (The Discovery Channel Study in 2008 was flawed in many respects.184 For example, the car in which they studied the blood spatter was not the car in which President Kennedy was shot; it was a test vehicle that supposedly “matched” as far as having the same wounds upon the “victim” after a simulated shooting. However, the wounds that “matched” were only those professed by the official government version of the event and not the actual wounds that were apparently inflicted. Put simply, they “proved” the official version by assuming that it was already true. They did so via a legal faux pais known as assuming facts not proven in evidence. Put simply, they took points that are hotly contested and assumed that the official answers to those points are correct. That’s much like saying the following: If we assume that women have prostate glands, they then have the same prostate problems that men have. In the field of logic, that’s known as the fallacy of falsely assumed premises—it matters not what the conclusion is, because the premises are totally corrupt.)

  It has also been clearly established from many reports that the presidential limousine slowed dramatically after the first two shots, almost to a complete stop. Therefore, the directional momentum of the vehicle itself is virtually a moot point as regards the blood spatter evidence.

  More Blood-Spatter Evidence of Frontal Gunshot:

  In the above photo, note how far back and to the left of the limo the two motorcycle officers Bobby Hargis and B. J. Martin are riding behind the President’s limousine (they are actually nearer to the Secret Service Follow-Up car). The fact that both of their windshields were splattered with large amounts of blood and brain spatter immediately after the head shot is highly indicative of a shot from the right-front of the limousine.

  Officer Bobby Hargis, Dallas Police Motorcycle Officer (riding flank left-rear side, immediately behind President Kennedy’s limousine):

  “When President Kennedy straightened back up in the car the bullet hit him in the head, the one that killed him and it seemed like his head exploded, and I was splattered with blood and brain, and kind of a bloody water ... well, at the time it sounded like the shots were right next to me.”185

  Officer Hargis then dropped his motorcycle and ran up the knoll embankment, as did scores of others, who all thought the shot came from up above that grassy area.

  Motorcycle Officer B. J. Martin was also riding flank left-rear behind President Kennedy. His position was even farther out (he was to the left of Officer Hargis) from the vehicle, and his windshield was also splattered with blood, bone, and brain matter from the head shot to the President.186

  U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Paul Landis

  Special Agent Landis was riding in the Secret Service Follow-Up car, the car immediately behind the President. He was standing on the right-side running board of the car and was therefore directly behind and only a few feet away from where the President was seated. At the time of the last shot, SA Landis can be seen in the photographic evidence, focusing all his attention exactly where he testified it was:

  “My reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road.”187


  Overwhelming medical evidence proves conclusively that at least two shots in the President’s body were frontal entry wounds: An entry wound in the front of the throat and another wound of entry high in the right forehead at the hairline. Furthermore:

  “multiple eyewitnesses saw the intact entry hole high in the right forehead at the hairline.”188

  In his 2010 exhaustive examination of every document available relating to the medical evidence in the JFK assassination (a five-volume study totaling 1,807 pages), Douglas Horne documents that:

  “Multiple witnesses, who were medically and otherwise credible, confirmed that they clearly saw an entry wound in the FRONT of President Kennedy’s head, in his upper right forehead at the hairline.”189

  As Researcher Bob Harris points out in his video study of the assassination, the issue of a frontal shot is a medical certainty:

  “The 3 top independent experts to study the JFK X-rays at the National Archives were Dr. Joseph Riley, Dr. Randy Robertson and Dr. David Mantik. They each did their research at different times and formed their conclusions independently. But all 3 of them expressed absolute certainty that the President was hit in the head twice.”190

  Dr. Joseph Riley, Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy, independently concluded:

  “John Kennedy was struck in the head by two bullets, one from the right front and one from the rear.”191

  Dr. Randy Robertson, M.D. and Board Certified Radiologist, independently concluded:

  “In sum, it is a medical and scientific fact that the damage to the President’s skull did not result from a single shot but was instead caused by two separate bullets.”

  Dr. David Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. in Physics, Board Certified Radiologist, independently concluded:

  “ ... there were two shots which struck the head.”192

  The medical consensus of the Dallas doctors on the frontal entry wound clearly identifiable in the President’s throat was also certain; it was also certain on the fact that the entry wound at the front of the head caused a massive exit wound at the rear. One hundred percent of the medical personnel who viewed President Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital described a large exit wound at the back of the President’s head and have testified as such for the historical record:

  •Dr. Charles J. Carrico was a treating physician on the emergency medical team that treated President Kenn
edy in Dallas. He described a large exit wound at the right rear area of the President’s head. The circumstances were vividly memorable and the recollection is with certainty.193

  •Dr. Charles Crenshaw was a treating physician on the emergency medical team that treated President Kennedy in Dallas. He described a large exit wound at the right rear area of the President’s head. The circumstances were vividly memorable and the recollection is with certainty.194

  •Dr. Richard Dulaney was a treating physician on the emergency medical team that treated President Kennedy in Dallas. He described a large exit wound at the right rear area of the President’s head. The circumstances were vividly memorable and the recollection is with certainty.195

  •Dr. Ronald Jones was a treating physician on the emergency medical team that treated President Kennedy in Dallas. He described a large exit wound at the right rear area of the President’s head. The circumstances were vividly memorable and the recollection is with certainty.196

  •Dr. Robert McClelland was a treating physician on the emergency medical team that treated President Kennedy in Dallas. He described a large exit wound at the right rear area of the President’s head. The circumstances were vividly memorable and the recollection is with certainty.197


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