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Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance

Page 7

by Hunter, Adriana

  “Should I make a reservation…”

  “No. No reservations.” Melody could hear the rising tone of her voice and she took a deep breath.

  “Is everything alright? You sound a little panicked.” Logan’s voice was heavy with concern.

  “There are some things here that just don’t make sense. I’ll be there in a little bit and we can talk. I’m fine. Can you order dinner? In your room?”

  “For you, I’d order the moon if they’d deliver it. I’ll order wine as well. I’m having the feeling you’re going to need it…that we both will.”

  * * *

  “I think she’s somehow connected with Ryan.” They’d had dinner and Melody was curled up on the sofa, a glass of red wine in her hand. Logan sat at the end of the sofa, her bare feet in his hands, slowly rubbing the bottom of her feet.

  “Ryan is missing. And when Joe came to offer me the interim partner position, he said he didn’t give him permission…”

  “Melody. Slow down. One thing at a time. Start with Ryan.”

  “Okay, sorry. He’s missing. Or at least he’s not answering his phone. Joe said Ryan had called him last night, told him he was resigning... And when Joe tried calling back, there was no answer. He tried Ryan’s house, but the housekeeper said he wasn’t there. And today there was no answer. But then he was in his office. I saw him there…” Her words trailed off as the thoughts in her head swirled in a maelstrom.

  Logan looked up at Melody, a bemused look on his face. “Melody?”

  “It…it was like he was waiting for me, or knew I was going to be there.” She closed her eyes, brows drawn together in concentration. When she opened them, her gaze was fixed on Logan.

  “Logan, when I went to get the file, what happened? With Victoria, I mean?”

  “Nothing. I went into your office, she went back to her desk. She’d asked if I wanted anything and I said no.”

  “Could you hear her? Do you remember anything else? Anything at all?”

  Logan frowned, the corner of his mouth drawing down. “She may have been on the phone. But honestly, I wasn’t really paying attention.” He colored briefly. “There was a call from Claire right then, and I was distracted by that.”

  “Oh, we never listened to her message. Or did you?”

  Logan shook his head. “No. Not without you there. Not falling into that pattern again. But go back to Victoria. What is it you’re thinking? That she’s got something to do with Ryan?”

  Melody shrugged. “I don’t know for sure. But it’s odd; she was hired by Ryan. Ryan knew when you’d be at my apartment, and he repeated some of our phone call. And then today. He’s there, when I am? Joe said, as a partner, Ryan would have access to almost any place in the building.”

  She sat up, pulling her feet away from Logan’s hands. “What if she’s a mole for Ryan? What if he planted her in the office, to keep track of me, of us?”

  Logan shook his head. “If it’s true, it explains a great deal of things. But was she listening with her ear to your door? How would she know what we said on the phone?”

  “Victoria can listen to my calls, from her desk. Melissa could as well. The phones are set up that way. With Melissa, we’d have conference calls through that system. But all Victoria has to do is press the mute button, hit the extension line I’m on and listen in. There’s nothing on my phone that even shows whether she’s listening.”

  “So any conversations we’ve had, she might have heard, and then repeated them to Ryan?”

  Melody nodded and swallowed hard. Logan’s face was suffused with the same anger she’d seen in Ryan’s office and she was startled by its intensity. I never want to be on the receiving end of that anger…ever.

  “Bastard. Fucking bastard. Is there nothing he wouldn’t do to hurt you? I wish now I would have hit him again.”

  Melody shook her head in disbelief. “I’m stunned…if it’s true. Remember, I really don’t have solid proof, just a whole bunch of coincidences and hunches. Nothing solid. But I think we need to be more careful, not only of Ryan, but of everyone else.”

  “Aye. I agree. We lay low.”

  He turned to Melody. “And among the ‘everyone else’, there’s Claire. She’s called again this afternoon, left another message.” His cell phone was lying on the coffee table, looking innocent enough. But Melody knew it was a ticking time bomb.

  “We should listen to them, Logan. You can’t avoid her forever.”

  Logan picked up his cell phone, flipping open the display. After a moment he set the phone between them on the couch. At the sound of the woman’s voice, as the lilting Scottish accent filled the room, Melody’s hands went cold, her body numb, as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her head.

  ‘Logan…it’s Claire. Please…I know you’re there. Pick up…please.’

  “That was today, in your office. This was later.” Logan tapped a button on the phone.

  ‘Logan. Please. I know you’re avoiding me, but we have to talk. It’s important. Please call. I need to talk to you. There’s something you need to know.’

  Logan picked up his phone, flipping the display closed. “Well, nothing much there.”

  “Will you call her? Or answer her call?”

  Logan’s nonchalant shrug belied the tension in his body. “I will, I suppose. I just don’t want to hear how much she loves me and all that bullshit, or how she wants me back.”

  Melody was silent, the echo of Claire’s voice in her mind.

  “And then there’s the pain it’ll cause you…already is causing you. I can see it in your face, in your eyes.” He slid across the couch, pulling her against him.

  “Even though I tell ye I love ye, you’ll have doubts. It’s just the way the mind works. The heart knows, but the mind plays tricks on ye.”

  He held her hand, tracing the lines on her palm. “You’re in my heart, Melody and nothing will take that away. Nothing. She’s of the past, ye ken. And all her asking or pleading won’t bring her into my life…our life.”

  His fingers were beneath her chin, tilting her face to his. “Ye believe me, don’t you, Melody? I don’t like seeing you like this, knowing that something from my past is playing a part in how you feel.”

  “I know…and I believe you. I do. And you’re right. My mind is going in a thousand directions, none of them good. And none of them the right way.”

  “Then let’s just leave it for now. You’ve had a horrible day and I’ve missed ye.”

  He kissed her gently at first, and she tried to let her mind follow her body, to let the touch of his lips, then his hands as he moved them over her body, and later, the feel of him beside her in bed sooth her mind, ease her fears.

  And he did sooth her mind, while deliciously exciting her body. Melody let herself be wrapped in Logan’s arms, her legs around his waist, their bodies moving as one. When she arched against him, opened herself fully to him, every worry she had was erased in the swell of passion, of love, in the physical release she felt.

  It wasn’t until later, after they’d recovered, lying in the dark listening to Logan’s slow breaths that the fears came back. It wasn’t only Ryan, an insidious presence, but somehow easier to deal with than the nebulous fear that Claire had instilled in her heart. Even with Logan’s reassurance that the past was just that, there was a dull empty feeling inside her.

  She lay awake a long time, the window turning from black to felted gray to a dim yellow as dawn approached. When Logan stirred beside her, she was still awake.

  “Morning…” His voice was sleep-roughened, sexy and husky, and she turned to him, burying her face against his shoulder. Tears she’d thought she’d pushed aside rose to the surface, and Logan held her as she cried against him.

  “Melody, what is it?” He gently pulled her away from him, pressing her back against the pillow.

  “Have ye slept at all? What is it?” The concern in his voice and on his face made her heart swell with love, made the empty feeling grow sma

  “I’m…it’s just…not knowing is worse than knowing what Claire wants.” The words tumbled out in a rush.

  “I just want to know what it is she’s after. I can’t know how to think about something if I don’t know what it is.”

  Logan’s mouth curved into a smile but the warmth of it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He lay back on his pillow, pulling her against him. She curled into the protective crook of his arm, her hand on his chest. He covered hers with his, wrapping his fingers around hers.

  “I know…I understand. But don’t let it eat at you, Melody. We’ll find out and then we’ll both know. Whatever it is, it won’t change what’s between us. I won’t let it.”

  He turned to her, his gaze intent on hers. “You believe me when I say that, don’t you?”

  She nodded, sniffling. “I do. It’s just…in the dark, it’s harder to believe.”

  “Go to sleep. It’s not dark any more.” He pulled her to his chest and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Sing to me, Logan. Sing me a song.”

  “Aye. A song. Any one in particular?”

  She closed her eyes. “Something in Gaelic, something I don’t need to understand to like. If that makes sense.”

  He laughed softly. “I know what you mean.”

  She fell asleep with the dawn breaking outside, listening to Logan’s soft singing. She knew it wasn’t the song from the pub, the song about home. The melody was different, the few words she might recognize not there. But she drifted off, Logan’s arm around her, his body warm against hers.

  * * *

  Melody woke with a jolt. The bed was empty and for a fleeting instant she thought Logan had left. She sat up, clutching the sheet, searching his pillow for the note she’d hoped he’d left.

  But the sound of the shower brought her fully awake. She lay back, her heart thudding in her chest. This has got to stop.

  She was still sitting up in bed when Logan came into the room from the bathroom. Even with just a towel wrapped around his hips—or maybe because of the towel—he radiated charisma.

  “Hey…” She lay back, stretching beneath the sheet, letting it slide from one shoulder.

  Logan stood at the foot of the bed. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

  “Uh-uh…I woke up on my own. But I missed you.” She arched her back and the sheet slid further, revealing the curve of one breast.

  “You did? Imagine that.” Logan’s mouth turned up in his characteristic charming grin and he stood, hands on hips, watching her improvised strip tease with the sheet.

  His hair was still damp, curling around his face. Melody let her eyes wander down his body, lingering on the towel, before traveling back to meet his gaze. She thought she saw a not-so-subtle movement beneath the towel.

  “I did. And I think you miss me too.” She raised a questioning eyebrow. Logan walked slowly to her side of the bed, just out of arm’s reach, taking hold of the edge of the sheet. Slowly he tugged it away from Melody’s body, revealing more of her, his eyes traveling over her body as the sheet moved lower.

  “I did miss you…taking a shower alone is no fun. And I want you very much.” He tugged the sheet past her hips.

  “And I think you want me.”

  By the time he’d uncovered her feet, Melody’s breathing was fast and shallow, her lips parted, heart racing. Logan dropped the sheet on the floor, leaving her naked on the bed.

  Her eyes strayed back to Logan’s towel, now barely concealing exactly how much he wanted her.

  “Do you want me, Melody?” His voice was low, teasing, so seductive it sent a ripple through her body. She nodded.

  Logan pulled the towel away from his hips, dropping it to the floor with the sheet. She held out her arms and he climbed onto the bed, kneeling between Melody’s legs.

  “Say it…say you want me.” Logan bent forward, hands planted on either side of her shoulders.

  “I want you, Logan. Now…”

  Logan sat back, holding her gaze a moment longer.

  Then he was pulling her toward him, fingers digging into her hips, sliding up his thighs, taking her so fast she cried out in surprise.

  He was rough and sensual and dominant. And she surrendered to him, letting him control everything, letting go completely, letting him use her while giving her so much in return.

  At the end she clung to him, as he knelt, hands splayed across her back, holding her hard against his chest. She rode the waves of her release, head back, arms around his neck as Logan buried his face in her breasts, his noises muffled against her skin. He trembled as he held her, his body taut as a wire, as he shook with the force of his release.

  He finally lowered her gently to the bed, collapsing beside her. She stroked his back, tracing her fingers along his shoulders and down his spine, over and over, until he rolled onto his side.

  “I suppose then you’ll be wanting more of that later. That being so grand and all.”

  She laughed, swatting his arm. “You’re full of yourself today, aren’t you?”

  “That I am. And it’s a good feeling.” Logan pulled her down, kissing her hard. When he finally broke the kiss and spoke, his voice was serious, but the glint of laughter was still evident in his eyes.

  “But you will be wanting more, yes? Because I know I will.”

  * * *

  It was late Sunday when Melody finally got ready to leave for her apartment. They’d skirted around the subject of Claire, Logan reluctant to either answer her calls or return them, and Melody decided she’d rather enjoy the little bubble of peace Logan had created for her than think about it. It’ll still be there Monday, whatever it is she wants.

  “I almost forgot about work. Oh, shit. I’m supposed to give Joe an answer about being interim managing partner.”

  She sat down on the couch. Logan was sitting at the table beneath the window, the notebook he wrote lyrics in open in front of him. He’d steadfastly refused to let her read anything he’d written and as tempted as she was, she’d honored his request.

  He closed the notebook, joining her on the couch. “It’s a good sign they offered it to you, no? Ryan obviously hadn’t said enough to whoever it matters to then to make them take you off the list for partner.”

  “I know. And it is a good thing. I do want partner, but this is going to be a huge amount of work and responsibility, all at once. I’m not sure…”

  Logan reached for her hand, the severe tone of his voice startling her. “Never doubt what you can do. Never. You’re stronger than you know. It won’t be easy, but you’re not one to back away from hard work.”

  Melody drew a deep breath, sitting back against the cushions. “I guess I’m feeling a bit fragile after all that’s happened. It’s shaken my confidence in more ways than I care to think about. I’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine.”

  She leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “I need to go home, get some clothes for tomorrow. I love you, Logan.”

  “And I love you. You’ll be back in time for dinner? We’ve yet to exhaust the extensive menu room service has to offer. I’ll order something for you, if you like.”

  “I should be back by then. Nothing fancy, maybe just a salad. I’m not sure I can stand all these big dinners every night for much longer.” She ran her hands down her sides. “I’ll need a new wardrobe and you’ll stop loving me because I’ve grown as big as a house.”

  Logan stood and pulled her up from the couch. “If that’s the case, then we’ll just have to devise a strategy to work those meals off of you. I’ve got some ideas…” His hands slide from her waist, cupping her against him. He leaned forward to kiss her but she ducked aside, laughing.

  “Logan. I’ve said it before…you’re incorrigible.”

  “And it’s one of the many things you love about me.” He stopped trying to kiss her but still held her in his arms.

  She was laughing up at him. “Yes. It is. One of many. Now let me go so I can come back.”

  * * *
br />   It was raining as she came out of the hotel and she ran from the lobby door into the waiting cab. She gave the driver her address and settled against the seat.

  As the cab hesitated before pulling away she glanced back at the hotel. And froze.

  Standing in the shadow of the awning that stretched over the sidewalk was the figure of a man, dressed in a dark coat. For all the world, it looked like Ryan Marshall.

  The cab was moving into traffic and she turned, looking out the rear-view window. The man had detached himself from the building, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, watching her cab. Or so she thought. She kept him in sight as long as she could, until the cab turned and he disappeared from sight.

  She fished her cell phone out of her purse and punched in Logan’s cell phone number. It rang unanswered and then went to voicemail, the automated voice requesting that she leave a message. Leave a message? What message?

  “Logan…I’m…I think I saw Ryan outside the hotel. I can’t be sure…” The cab swerved in traffic and she juggled the phone, disconnecting the call.

  “Damn.” I’ll call from home.

  The cab dropped her half a block away from her apartment and by the time she was inside, she was soaked. Dropping clothes and shoes along the way, she headed to her bedroom.

  * * *

  Victoria was already at her desk when Melody arrived. As much as she wanted to confront the woman, she knew she couldn’t.

  So she pasted a smile on her face and treated Victoria as if it were any other Monday morning, offering a friendly greeting as she passed the woman’s desk.

  Victoria looked up from the document on her desk. “Did you have a good weekend?”

  Melody paused outside her office door. “Yes. I did. You?”

  Victoria nodded. “Yes, thanks for asking. I did spend it alone, but…sometimes that’s nice too.”

  Melody nodded and went to her office. Her message light was flashing; Joe Hunter was already anxious to meet with her.

  * * *

  Joe was pleased with her acceptance, telling her he’d issue a formal announcement later that morning. Melody went first to find Lori, who greeted her with a big smile.


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