The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 10

by K R Martin

  After one last gaze over the sea, she wandered back to her cabin. Her mind couldn’t stop thinking of the girl she’d been, so innocent and filled with wide-eyed hope for the future. Knowing what she did now, she wondered if that future could have even happened. Had her mother known how much of a monster the emperor was? Perhaps he had truly loved her, in his own way, but somehow she felt that his love was not the same as the Empress’s. At least he kept his darker side hidden from her.

  Ama Lei fell onto her bed, just gazing at the wooden planks above her. Some days she really missed that girl, the one who lived a fairytale. Her heart seemed heavier, with far less joy than she once carried. Jian said she had light emanating from her when they met. For the first time, she wished she could travel back, become that girl once again...

  Months had passed since the Empress’s funeral. Such a grand affair it had been; all who could had attended, lining the procession's path. Ama Lei barely remembered it, aside from the warmth surrounding her as her people mourned with her.

  The snow had been her constant companion as she wept in the gardens. Well, snow and Jian. He remained at her side, holding her as she sobbed. His comfort gave her the strength to hold and comfort Mei. Both had lost so much, and some days all they could do was cling to each other.

  As the snow melted, it seemed to pull the sorrow with it. Mei had become her cheerful girlish self, and even Ama Lei had started feeling joy again. Jian had spent hours with her, just walking and talking. She listened to tales of his family, told stories of her own. They discussed art, theatre, and music, and learned about world cultures together. It helped ease the pain and heal the tears in her heart.

  The flowers had finally emerged, blossoming with new life. Sitting amongst the cherry trees, the pink and white blossoms surrounding her, she realized that her heart was ready to blossom again. Her mother would have wanted her to be happy, even said so before she passed. But, did Jian feel for her the way she felt for him? That, she didn’t know.

  “Good afternoon.” Ah, there was that heart flutter at his voice.

  “Good afternoon,” she replied. “Today is lovely, isn’t it?”

  “Very,” he replied, though his eyes never left her face.

  She found her head ducking under his gaze, her hand reaching to tuck her hair behind her ear, tugging her fingers through the strands.

  “Your Imperial Highness,” he knelt before her. Her heart began racing as she gazed at his earnest face. “I know your life has been difficult lately but knowing you has been such a great joy in my life. Your compassion for others, along with your intelligence, quick wit, and pure joy has made me think of life in a new way. I adore how strong you are, how capable in a fight, how skilled both with sword and without, and I... I am drawn to your grace when you move, and when you dance, and when you make music, your heart sings with every note. You are... you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and I, well, I have found that I have fallen in love with you.”

  Ama Lei gasped as her hand flew to her mouth.

  “Forgive me my forwardness, but I had to tell you. One word, and I will go, forever be your protector and nothing more. But, if you think that you could come to have feelings for me, then may I ask for a simple chance?”

  “You have that,” she replied softly. “For a long time, you have had my admiration, and my heart.”

  “Truly?” his eyes lit up, sparkling with excitement. She nodded in return, not trusting her voice. “My dearest princess, you have made me the happiest man.”

  “Ama Lei. I want you to call me by my name.”

  “Ama Lei,” the name sounded like music with his voice. “My dearest Ama Lei, you should know I spoke with the empress before her passing. She guessed my feelings and told me that as long as you returned them, she would give me her blessing, along with the emperor’s.”

  “She told me the same.”

  “I have yet to speak with the emperor, but I need your permission first. I couldn’t force you into a union you would not wish.”

  “And for that, I am grateful, but I want you to know that I couldn’t imagine any other man meaning as much to me as you do. You are a dear friend, and I would love nothing more than to be with you. I... I love you.”

  “Oh, Ama Lei, I love you too. I love your heart, and your mind. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she felt her chest nearly burst with happiness. “Yes, I will marry you.”

  “Thank you,” he took her hands, kissing them. “I know I only go to ask your father’s permission for a formal betrothal, but I will wait as long as it takes knowing that someday I will call you my wife.”

  “I look forward to one day calling you husband as well,” she responded.

  “You know, there is a custom when one declares love, one becomes engaged.”

  “Oh?” she teased.

  “Ama Lei, may I kiss you?”

  “Yes, Jian.”

  His eyes seemed to glow as he leaned closer. Her eyes drifted closed as her body leaned towards him. Soft lips pressed against hers, flooding her with warmth. Arms wrapped around her back, pulling her against his chest. He was so gentle, but love poured into her as he caressed her with his kiss.

  The moment he pulled away, cold greeted her, but as she opened her eyes, the love and adoration in his sent waves of warmth through her body.

  “Wow,” he breathed. “I never thought a kiss could be so incredible.”

  “Well, there must be a reason spells in fairytales are broken by love’s kiss.” she replied.

  “I would love nothing more than to waste hours drinking your lips, but I also want to gain your father’s official blessing. I shall return,” he once more took her hands in his. “I love you.” He kissed the backs of them, lingering as his lips pressed against her skin. “I will return soon...”

  Ama Lei watched him stride off, his step lighter and quicker. Someday, someday she would call herself his wife. She yearned for that day, especially when she could enjoy his kisses. Her hand lifted to her lips. Oh, she looked forward to more of his kisses.

  Chapter 18

  Ama Lei awoke as the sun peeked above the horizon, the dream still vivid in her mind. In fact, her lips tingled. Years may have passed, but she could still feel his pressed to hers. The memory had always felt bittersweet. The kiss was pure magic, pure passion, but that was the last time she saw him. The next was when she watched him step into the bloody carnage that had been the throne room.

  At least now she could smile at the memory of his kiss rather than hate the joy it always brought. Feeling even more refreshed and jubilant than she had in years, she dressed in a simple tunic and trousers. She went ahead and put on a mask, more out of habit than anything, and decided to take a relaxing morning. Taking one of her few books, she curled onto her bed.

  Soon, she was lost amidst forests, trying to find her way back to the castle, hoping to arrive before the villainous cousin and army. Heart pounding, she ran, hoping to save her people. She alone carried the evidence proving his crimes, and her innocence. As long as she arrived first...

  Knocking jostled her thoughts, pulling her from the book. “Yes?” she called, setting the book down.

  “Good morning, Captain.” Taras beamed as he stepped through the door. “Last night was wonderful. Exactly what we all needed.”

  “Yes, Captain Jian’s family was quite nice.” Ama Lei smiled as she moved to sit at her desk, placing the book on top. “I assume our course is set for Espan?”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  “Good. Let’s try to avoid conflict this time. The sooner we arrive, the sooner true work can be done.”

  “Of course. Though, we do have one planned stop first.”

  “I almost forgot! Master Deshi is going to give me a long lecture over that.” Ama Lei chuckled.

  Another knock sounded in the room.

  “Enter,” Ama Lei called. The door opened, revealing the cook, followed by Jian.

  “Good morning, Captain. I thou
ght you would enjoy breakfast,” the cook said as he placed a tray down.

  “This looks delicious,” Ama Lei said as she breathed in the scent of freshly made food. It was certainly a treat, and she had a feeling she had Jian’s family to thank for that. “You do realize you made too much...”

  “It won’t last long, so enjoy it while you can.” The cook winked at her before striding to the door. “Oh, this one missed the meal I made for the others.” He motioned to Jian before stepping out.

  Ama Lei chuckled, even as Jian shuffled on his feet, clearly embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I overslept and when I asked if he had any left he told me to follow him,” he shrugged.

  “That’s alright, like I said, there is plenty. Taras?” she asked.

  “Oh, I already ate. Besides, someone needs to keep us on course.” Taras winked at her before whistling as he too strolled out.

  She could merely watch him leave with jaw hung open. Did her first mate truly just try to orchestrate her and Jian spending time together? At least he could have been subtle about it.

  “I can just wrap a few items and take them with me,” Jian said.

  “No, there’s no need. Like I said, there’s plenty of food, and I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled a chair to the desk’s other side and sank into it. Together, they divvied up the food, and Ama Lei took a bite, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the sweet taste that danced on her tongue. “Is that a novel from Espan?” His voice brought her eyes back to the book sitting on the table

  “Yes. It is one of my guilty pleasure, and I enjoyed picking a few new ones last I was in Espan.”

  “I never thought I’d meet another Jenhan who could read the language.” Jian smiled at her.

  “You read?” Ama Lei teased.

  “The princess and I would spend hours learning the language from the empress. Some of my favorite memories involved sitting in the garden with her, reading tales of history and heroism in the language, discussing the cultural differences. I miss those days.”

  So do I, Ama Lei thought. In her mind, she could see them sitting together, heads bent close over a book. They took turns reading and discussing the tales. She loved hearing his voice as he read the tales of heroism, the thrill in his inflections. Of course, he also insisted on her reading any romantic moments. It was hard not to blush when she spoke of true love’s kisses.

  Shaking the memories, she saw his hungry eyes devouring the book. “Would you like to read?”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She merely nudged the book his way. He didn’t need to be told again as he reverently took the book, opening it to the first pages. Ama Lei savored her meal as she watched him read. He seemed to be a child watching fireworks for the first time.

  There were moments when he stumbled; she could see it written on his face, the lines deepening as his brows drew together. But he was also smart and figured it out. He leaned over, his eyes widening as his lips parted. Oh, he must be at the forest chase. He really did look adorable when he was wrapped in a good story.

  Then, his eyes narrowed, eye brows pulling together. His eyes darted around the page before resting back at their first place. “I’m afraid this word is foreign to me.” He flipped the book around, pointing to the word in question.

  “Considering the book was written in the language of Espan, all the words are foreign,” she teased, earning a chuckle from Jian, even as she looked at the word he pointed to. “Resilient,” she read. “The word invokes the ideas of strength, resourcefulness, and drive. The princess is in an unfamiliar environment, alone. Most women would have called for help, waited to be rescued, but not this princess. She did what she had to even if she had no idea what that was.”

  “She is quite a unique princess.”

  “You haven’t met many have you?”

  “Aside from Princesses Ama Lei and Mei?” That brought a chuckle from Ama Lei’s lips. ”No. And I can’t see either in this position, well, perhaps Princess Ama Lei. She has always been stronger than most women, but her upbringing was sheltered, comfortable. I’ve always worried how she’d faired, and I’m glad she found someone to help her.”

  She looked away, unsure how to respond. He wasn’t wrong. The girl he knew was sheltered, pampered.He was also right that she was strong, and circumstances forced her to be resilient.

  “Thank you for this, by the way,” Jian spoke. “After the coup, well, thankfully the library was left unharmed, but it’s been several years since I read a new tale.”

  “You’re welcome.” She smiled, glad to have brought him joy. “You know, the voyage is planned to be quieter, and Taras is more than capable of any hiccups. In fact, you have almost reached the point I read to. Benefits of being Captain means I can choose to relax for a few days. I know I am not the princess, but would you like to read with me?”

  “Thank you,” he didn’t hide his surprise. “I would like that.” His beaming gaze lit the room, and Ama Lei felt pure joy with him. “Well, would you care to start?”

  “I would love to.”

  “No, forgive me, but I cannot believe a princess could run through the foliage barefoot and not stumble with pain,” Jian spoke.

  “She did what she had to,” Phoenix replied. “If the story had been about a prince, I doubt you would be making the same argument.”

  “Actually, I would. No one who spent their lives pampered could be physically able to traverse that much ground, barefoot, without it taking its toll.”

  “You might have a point there.”

  “Is that a begrudging respect?” he teased.

  “Don’t push it.” her smile was mischievous, and she was fun to banter with.

  “Besides, it is far-fetched to believe a princess able to run from her castle, rally an army that had never seen her as more than a piece of art, and then lead them into battle with no formal training or experience. Not realistic.”

  “Wow, you have an issue with a princess being more than a pretty face.” She sat back, arms crossed over her chest.

  “Look, I know you are a woman, and very capable, but you can’t seriously argue that a princess is capable of being such a warrior?”

  Her eyes lowered to the table for a moment, thoughts dancing across them. When they looked up, they were filled with determination. “Let me tell you a story,” she began.

  “In Espan, there is a story told in hushed whispers, but with excited eyes. The master swordsman had taken a pupil, training in secret. The child became a protégé, surpassing all others, but none could know the truth, that the child was the sole heir to Espan’s throne, the kingdom’s beloved princess.”

  “What?” He couldn’t stop the shocked exclamation. It was true that Ama Lei had trained in combat arts, but he knew that was a rarity, especially amongst the western kingdoms.

  “That is only the beginning,” her grin told him that she knew she’d gotten him hooked. It annoyed him, but not enough to stop her from telling him the rest.

  “Did you ever hear the name Espan Rose?” she continued.

  “A little,” he admitted as he sat back, sorting through his memories. “She was a pirate captain in the western waters. Not much was spoken, aside from her being a pest to Retanny.”

  “That she was. Captain Espan Rose caused lots of trouble for Retanny’s slave trade and managed to oust one of Retanny’s pawns.”

  “Oh? Retanny had a coup in Espan as well?”

  “Not exactly. Many years ago, the king and queen of Cartiana were murdered, leaving their son, barely an adult, as king. Only, the man who assumed the throne was an imposter, a look-alike of the true king.”

  “I never heard about that.”

  “It was a very closely guarded secret. The few who knew involved the true king, and his betrothed.”

  “The princess of Espan,” some of the pieces of the puzzle were clicking. “So, how does this master swordswoman princess connect to the pirate?”

  “The princess
and hidden king truly loved each other and married in secret. But the imposter learned at least a bit of the truth, and the king was sent to his death. The princess, filled with grief and facing a forced marriage to the man who murdered her love, ran. She joined a band of vigilantes, putting her skills to use, learning and working to become a leader. To become a legend.”

  “The princess of Espan became Captain Espan Rose.” All the pieces fell into place. “She must be a remarkable woman. Or was? I heard she passed.”

  “Retanny’s doing.”

  “That empire needs to be stopped. They have far too much blood on their hands, and too many innocents have been destroyed by their greed.”

  “There are many who feel the same. But, back to my tale, the princess did become a pirate captain, and helped lead an army to reclaim her throne. Still believe a princess isn’t capable?”

  “Well, I am pleasantly surprised to have been proven wrong.” He sat back and smiled at her.” I assume this tale was written in honor of her achievements?”

  “In a way,” she grinned back. “Very few know the truth of the princess’s pirating adventures, or even that the king had been a fake for many years. This tale was written to honor their exploits, in spirit if not deed.”

  “I must admit, I look forward to meeting our friends in Espan. They seem remarkable, and perhaps what Jenha needs.”

  “I think they will be pleasantly surprised to meet you.” The way she said it, as if she knew a secret, made him rethink that. Although, when he arrived, there was a good chance he’d be face to face with the one woman he could never forget, a woman who wanted him dead. The jovial mood seemed to fly from the room.

  “I do have a few other recent tales from Espan,” Phoenix said as she gestured to the bookcase. “Neither of us is going anywhere.” she added with a glimmer. Well, he could at least enjoy a few new tales before his life took a bleak turn.

  Chapter 19


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