The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 15

by K R Martin

  “I assume you’ve heard something interesting?” If he wasn’t at the docks, he was almost glued to Mei’s side.

  “Yes. Guess whose ship was just spotted heading into port?” His eyes practically glowed with excitement.

  “It’s too early for Bartholomew to have returned, and Ama Lei will meet us at the island. Wait.”

  “Yes!” he said as he realized she had figured it out. “Shall we meet him?”

  “I believe a jaunt into town would be very nice. The kids should still be down for a little while. I’m sure Mei would love a stroll as well.” She couldn’t help but wink at him; it was far too much fun teasing him until he became flustered. “Go find her; I’ll wait.”

  He practically dashed from the room, her laughter following him out. The joy in her heart filled her steps as she strolled to the front courtyard. The sun shone brightly, keeping the day somewhat warm, even if the wind was a bit brisk. Thankfully, the true winter months had passed, though spring hadn’t truly started.

  Still, she stepped back inside, collecting her cloak. By the time she returned, Little Wolf and Mei had gathered their own capes and stood with heads close together. How long would it be until he actually declared his intentions? Something told her he’d ask Ama Lei first.

  “Are we ready?” she called, trying not to laugh as they jolted apart.

  “Let’s go,” Little Wolf said as he held both arms out, allowing Mei and Renee to slip their hands into his arms. It still gave Renee a shock that the little boy had grown into a young man taller than her.

  His chest beamed with pride as they strolled through town, his witty comments bringing giggles from both girls. With the wharf a short walk, they found themselves there rather quickly, and just in time for the southern ship to be lashed to the docks. The man standing on deck sent her a wave, and she couldn’t help but wave back.

  Of course he was stopped on his way down by the dock master, but the conversation was quick, and soon he strode towards them.

  “My dear Captain Varda,” Luca said as he gave her a flourished bow, doffing his hat.

  “Luca, I have missed you,” Renee spoke as she released Little Wolf’s arm, stepping over to her dear friend with an embrace. The dear man’s arms wrapped around her in a fatherly hug, his chest vibrating with deep chuckles.

  “I promised I’d be back in time.” He stepped back.

  “I never doubted it.” She grinned at him.

  “Good. And, I have some rather surprising news for you.” She wasn’t sure she liked the glint in his eyes.

  “What news is that?” Leaning back, her arms crossed over her chest.

  “You know I left to visit my family.”

  “Yes. You haven’t seen them in quite a long time. I hope your visit was enjoyable.”

  “Very.” The smile bloomed on his face. “I’ve missed my brother, and his family.”

  “I hope you can see them again soon. It’s not enjoyable to be away from your family.”

  “I’ll be seeing them a lot sooner than you think.” That glint of mischief returned. “My brother has expressed a desire to meet you and Will, and should arrive in a few months.”

  “Your brother is coming here?”

  “Yes. Now, I know there’s still some chaos at the moment, which is why I suggested he wait a few months, especially as he is eager to meet you.”

  “I suppose a few months would be nice. And I do look forward to meeting them.”

  “Good! I thought you would say that.” Now his grin had a mischievous tilt. She opened her mouth, prepared to ask what he was up to.

  “Uncle Luca!” The voice drifted to them, and Renee turned to see a girl leap to the docks. Her skin was even darker than Luca’s, which was surprising considering his was a rich chocolate brown. But she had the same deep brown eyes, filled with the same youthful mischief of her uncle.

  “Nya,” he pulled her in with one arm. “Varda, this is my niece, Nya.”

  “Varda? The Varda? Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I already get to meet you. You’re amazing!”

  “Well, um, nice to meet you too.” Renee felt as if a whirlwind of energy had just jumped from that ship. “Actually,” finally her feet seemed to find solid ground, “it really is a pleasure to meet any of Luca’s family. He’s been such a great friend to me, and I’ve looked forward to meeting his family for quite some time.”

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you! We’ve heard plenty of tales of Captain Varda, and Luca told us so many stories as well. That’s why I chose to join him.”

  “I believe I told you how in my family the younger siblings tend to find their own vocations? Apparently, my niece has decided to learn the merchant trade.”

  “Yes. I am going to be a merchant pirate!”

  “Nya!” Luca’s eyes darted around. Renee released the laugh billowing inside her.

  “Princess Nya, I think you will be a most welcome addition to our crew.” Renee told her. “However,” she lowered her voice, “you really shouldn’t be so forthcoming about our special missions.”

  “Right, sorry, I know that, it’s just that you are incredible! I’m so excited.”

  “Nya, perhaps you can remember some of your manners?” Luca spoke as he motioned to Little Wolf and Mei.

  “Sorry,” Nya said as she ducked her head.

  Renee laughed. “Allow me to present my dearest friend, my brother Sir Little Wolf, and my dear friend Lady Mei.”

  “You’re Princess Mei!” Nya all but squealed as she leapt at the other girl, wrapping her arms around in a tight embrace.

  “Nya.” Luca shook his head and Renee allowed the laughter to bloom again.

  “Sorry.” Nya stepped back. “Good to meet you, Sir Wolf, and Lady Mei.”

  “It is nice to meet you too.” Little Wolf gave her a gentlemanly bow.

  “I agree.” Mei grinned. “And it is always nice to have another woman join us.”

  “Absolutely.” Renee agreed. “Come along, we can talk more at the castle.” Renee looped her arm through Nya’s, Mei looping her arm through Nya’s other arm, and together they strode back through town. Nya’s excitement was contagious as she pointed out the buildings asking questions about the architecture. Her grasp of Renee’s language surprised her, and Renee couldn’t help but be proud showing off her kingdom.

  “Uncle Luca’s told me so many stories about the places he’s traveled, but hearing about it and seeing it are two different things.”

  “I understand. Growing up, I’d always heard stories about other lands, but I’ve seen so many wondrous things in my travels that the books couldn’t begin to describe how amazing other cultures are. Someday I’d love to see your kingdom as well.”

  “I know my father would love to meet you. The heroic deeds of Espan Rose have done much to help our people, even if she didn’t realize.” The words were spoken so softly, but Renee couldn’t miss the glint in Nya’s eyes. For once, no words formed on Renee’s lips; how could they? “Many of our people have been taken over the years, sold into the slave trade. No matter how good our navy, how defended our merchant vessels, our people disappeared. Then, several years ago, a foreign vessel entered our ports, and from it disembarked our people. They told tales of a pirate woman who rescued them from becoming slaves. A woman called Espan Rose.”

  Renee’s heart jolted in her chest. She had almost forgotten about that one slave ship she had subdued, all of the slaves having come from the southern lands. There had been others through the years: a family here, a few crew members there, all apparently Luca’s people. She made sure they were released along with her own people. The knowledge that they had found their way home hit Renee in ways she couldn’t comprehend.

  “Since then, more of our people have returned, rescued by the great Espan Rose, and Lady Varda.” Tears burned Renee’s eyes, her chest constricting with pan. If she ever wondered why she became a pirate, all she had to do was remember the faces of those returned home.

, the castle is incredible!” Nya’s voice turned cheerful and Renee was surprised to see they’d already returned. That and watching Will stride out the door, Desiree on his arm. It really was a shame to see Desiree once again donning the black wig. Someday, they’d all be free.

  “Lady Varda.” He might be playing court to Desiree, but he could never hide the warmth in his voice or desire in his eyes. “We just received word that Sir Luca has returned and were on our way to greet him, but it appears that you’ve beat us to it. Welcome back, Sir Luca,” Will addressed the man now standing at Renee’s side.

  “It is a pleasure to be back, Your Majesty.” Luca spoke even as he bowed.

  “And it seems you brought guests.” he brought his eyes back to Renee.

  “King William, allow me to present my niece Lady Nya.” Luca motioned to the girl in question.

  “Your majesty, it is an honor to meet you,” Nya said as she stepped forward, giving Will a bow as identical as her uncle’s.

  “I have the feeling that we’ll be honored to have you as our guest. And allow me to present Lady Desiree, crown princess of Retanny.”

  “Hello,” Desiree said, rather shyly.

  “You’re Lady Desiree? You’re even prettier than my uncle described!” Nya almost danced towards her. “I have to admit, you’re who I’ve been most excited to meet as we are near the same. Well, you and Mei,” she spoke as she nodded at the other girl. “I was rather hoping we could be friends.”

  “I think I would like that,” Desiree smiled as she closed the gap between them.

  “I would as well,” Mei added.

  “Good! Now, where can we go to talk about all the juicy stories my uncle refuses to tell?”

  “Nya!” Luca’s face turned practically red.

  Desiree laughed, her voice almost childish as she took hold of Nya’s hands. “Oh, you are going to be lots of fun. What do you think, Mei? Think we should go find a spot and tell a few stories?”

  “Oh, I would like that,” Mei sad as she joined them. Giggling, the three locked arms and strolled back into the castle.

  “Anyone else feeling a little old all of a sudden?” Renee spoke to no one particular.

  “Says the woman who became captain at, what seventeen?” Luca teased.

  “Wow, that seems so long ago.”

  “Not that long.” Will remarked. “I, for one, still feel rather young myself.” He sent a wink Renee’s way. She’d roll her eyes if it wasn’t so endearing.

  “We’ve all been through a lot in the past few years,” Little Wolf added. He might have been as young as the girls who left, but he’d always been wiser beyond his years.

  “Enough gloom, we should celebrate your return, and of course finish preparations for our upcoming voyage,” Will spoke. “And, I look forward to tales of your home.”

  “Oh, I think Nya will be more than happy to regale you.” They all laughed as they entered the castle, feeling once more complete and ready for their next adventure.

  Chapter 26

  Ama Lei stood at the bow, unable to sleep even as the moon sat high surrounded by stars. They should be at the island not long before the next sunset. She hoped Renee had already arrived; she really did miss her friend.

  “I thought I would find you here.” How could Jian’s voice fill her with such joy and contentment?

  “You were looking for me?” she managed to ask.

  “Yes. I heard we should be docking tomorrow.” He paused, and Ama Lei could sense the words bouncing around his mind. “Will her highness be there?”

  “Perhaps,” she responded softly. She still didn’t know how to approach his presence with Renee and the others.

  “Could you do me a favor? Don’t tell her about her brother. My motives might have been unselfish, but the truth? The truth can hurt more than my betrayal.”

  “Nothing could hurt more than the betrayal of the one you love.” Though, learning of her brother’s intentions did sting.

  “I just, she already hates me. After what I did, I doubt she’d truly forgive me, and I’d hate for her to be even more disillusioned with life. “

  “What if she could forgive you?”

  “I don’t dare dream,” his voice hitched. “She was always full of life and light, and I brought her darkness. I don’t deserve forgiveness.”

  “You’d prefer an execution to finding she could still love you?”

  “Yes. For how could she love a monster like me? She deserves much better.”

  “You love her that much?”

  “More.” His smile was like a star, vibrant, but small. Oh, if only he knew. But, was she ready for that? “Anyway, please don’t tell her. Let her begin to reign without uncertainty.”

  Ama Lei watched him walk away, her heart joining with his steps. How was it that she had fallen even more in love with him? Would he even accept her back? She didn’t know what the future held, if they could move past the past. She hoped Renee would have some insights. After all, her path through love was just as difficult. If Will and Renee could find a way, perhaps there was hope for her and Jian.

  “Ama Lei!” Renee cried as she ran to her friend, both wrapping their arms around the other. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” Ama Lei replied as she bit back the tears. Oh, she needed her friend, especially now.

  “I was surprised to receive our message asking to meet here on the Dawn Chaser.” Renee spoke as she crossed to a chair, motioning for Ama Lei to take the other. “I know you have learned much, but still, to insist on a private audience the moment you arrived tells me something important happened.”

  “You are correct. Funny enough, I found myself with a guest during my travels. A rather annoying development.”

  “And just who might this guest be?”


  “The Jian?”

  Ama Lei merely nodded. “Oh, wow.” Renee breathed as she leaned back. Having told her friend the truth long before, Ama Lei was certain Renee’s mind had to be racing with questions. “I assume there’s a reason he is here? Aside from wanting a public execution.” Ama Lei winced at her friend’s words, though she couldn’t blame her.

  “He was charged with the task of bringing me in. Instead, he offered his complete surrender, as long as I made it look like I defeated him and took him captive. So I did. And somehow managed to not kill him, and keep my identity secret. He also, eventually, trusted Phoenix enough to tell me why he did what he did.”

  Ama Lei managed to tell the truth, the revelation that her brother had evil plans for her, and Jian’s actions saved countless lives. Even after so much time, it still stung to remember that day, to speak about it. But she managed to recount everything, with Renee listening silently. Only when Ama Lei had finished did Renee speak.

  “What is it you wish to do now?” she asked.

  “I haven’t told him my identity, and I don’t know how, or when, or even if. I might just allow him to assist in gaining the throne, and send him on his way before I take my place on the throne.”

  “But you won’t.”

  “What?” Ama Lei squeaked at Renee’s matter-of-fact statement.

  “You cannot toss him aside just as you cannot cut out your heart. Ama Lei,” Renee took her friends hands, “I can tell by your tone that you still have feelings for him. Truthfully, I’ve always known you never fully lost your love. Learning he is as honorable as you’ve ever known him to be has only reminded you of those feelings. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  “I can’t,” Ama Lei whispered. “But I’m not strong enough to tell him. I don’t know what to do from here.”

  “I suppose we can keep your secret. It shouldn’t be too hard to spread word to only address you as Phoenix.”

  “Thank you. And, I might need to warn someone else...”

  “Ama Lei!” The door burst open and Ama Lei barely twisted in her chair when arms wrapped around her, squeezing tight. “I missed you!”

  “I missed you too, Mei.”
Ama Lei hugged her sister back.

  “I think I should join you next time. We’ve been apart far too long.”

  “I know.” Ama Lei swallowed the lump in her throat. “By the way, I have a special guest joining us, but he can’t know we’re here. So, mind wearing a mask while we’re here?”

  “I can do that.” Mei spoke with hesitation, but her voice still rang with trust. Ama Lei hated to hide this from his sister, but she really needed to figure out his place in her life first.

  “Thank you; I’ll explain everything later. I promise.” Mei nodded with a smile. Sometimes it really was hard remembering that her baby sister was now a young woman. Tonight, she’d explain everything.

  Chapter 27

  Jian really should have put his foot down. Oh, he insisted on staying aboard ship, multiple times, but Captain Phoenix refused to listen. No, she assured him that the princesses would not be in attendance, and that she required his presence. So here he stood, a drink in hand, a mask tied around his own face, watching the revelers in the firelight. The past hour had been spent in merriment as crews from both ships reunited, trading stories of the past months. Jian mostly stayed on the sidelines and in the shadows. Even Phoenix seemed to have left him alone, aside from a quick introduction to Captain Varda, also masked, and Lord Luca. Then, he seemed to have been forgotten.

  Watching the crews reunited brought memories of time with his family, and a wave of homesickness wafted after him. For the first time, he hoped that Princess Ama Lei would grant him mercy and allow him to return home. He didn’t realize how much he missed them. For so long, he’d been on his own, but seeing the camaraderie, the almost familial bonds, these people shared made him ache for the friend he lost.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Luca called all attention to himself. “It is with great pleasure that I announce that our lovely captains have agreed to grace us with a dance!”

  The crowd roared, and Jian stood amazed as he watched Phoenix and Varda step into the center, all others moving to circle around the women. A third masked woman sat at the edge, in her lap a stringed instrument. She bent over the wood, and her hands plucked the strings, coaxing the music forth.


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