The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 16

by K R Martin

  Phoenix and Varda stepped in sync, their movements graceful. This dance, he knew it well; it had been Ama Lei’s favorite. How many times had he watched her perform just this dance, her arms so majestic in her movements, pure grace and poise? She spun with such ease, elegant in her reaching.

  She was stunning to watch.

  Wait... he was watching Phoenix, not...

  “Oh, my...”

  Ama Lei danced with her heart. She’d always loved this dance, this song, and dancing with Renee only made it more enjoyable. When had she last danced, truly danced? Aside from the festival they put together a few months before her voyage, she hadn’t allowed herself to be that girl again. But now, now she was a princess once more, surrounded by friends, and doing what she loved most: dancing.

  The music seemed to flow through her body, and her movements reached out like waves. Her feet stepped on their own, remembering the intricacies as if she mastered them yesterday. She allowed her heart freedom, true freedom, dissolving the ice wall she had long held tight. No more. To truly sit on her throne as empress, she’d have to be true to herself, and allow her heart to heal.

  The music ended, and she turned to Renee, each curtsying to the other. As she stood, her gaze roved over the crowd, and her whole body froze. Jian’s eyes captured hers as he slowly strode towards her, his face a mask of pure astonishment. His eyes, so full of wonder, and... no, no it couldn’t be. She knew that look, well.

  He stopped just before her, his eyes searching hers. “Forgive me,” the words barely reached her ears before he dropped to a knee, head bowed. “Your highness,” he spoke louder. “I am your humble servant, and I await your judgment.”

  How long had she longed to hear those words, to have him on his knees before her, head bent for her justice. But the fiery vengeance that had long clenched her heart had died, and in its place, a longing for peace, and more recently, hope.

  “I forgave you long ago,” she said softly. “For so long I tried to hate you, but I found that I couldn’t. After all, how could I hate the man I love?”

  Jian’s face lifted, his eyes meeting hers and glistening with hope. “You never stopped.” He spoke rather than asked.

  “Neither did you,” she replied.

  “My dearest Ama Lei,” his hands lifted and she slipped hers into them. “You’ve always held my heart. I know I have no right, but all I wish is to serve you, my lady, to be by your side, always.”

  “Is that truly all you wish?” Ama Lei almost cringed at the disappointment in her voice. “I had thought you wanted more.”

  “I no longer deserve to ask you that, even if that is my heart’s deepest wish.”

  “And what if I wanted you to?” The hesitant smile instantly filled his lips and lit his eyes. “Jian.” She released his hands, untying her mask and letting it fall to the ground beside her. “Will you ask me?”

  His eyes shone with understanding and he undid his own mask, once more taking Ama Lei’s hands, his own warm as he squeezed hers. “My dearest Ama Lei, I know I am but a humble soldier, and I have no true right to ask, but when has that ever stopped true love? My heart, my heart is, has always been, and will always be yours. I wish for nothing more than to always be at your side, as your husband, if you’ll have me?”

  “All I wish is to be called your wife. So yes, yes I will marry you.”

  Cheers erupted around them, and Ama Lei jolted as she realized their most intimate moment had been witnessed by so many. Fire filled her cheeks, and Jian stood beside her, his own face turning positively crimson. Seems both had been so lost in their own thoughts that they forgot they were not alone.

  “Congratulations!” Renee squealed as she wrapped her arms around Ama Lei. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” Ama Lei told her friend.

  “Finally!” Mei’s voice broke in as she ran to Ama Lei, mask tossed aside before throwing her own arms around her big sister. “You found him! I knew you would. I just knew it!” Mei stepped back, grinning at Jian. “Took you long enough.”

  Jian chuckled but opened his arms to embrace his soon-to-be sister. “I missed you too, little princess.”

  “Mei.” The girl spoke. “We’re to be family.”

  “Very well, Mei. And may I just say that you’ve grown into such a lovely young lady.” Jian spoke smoothly.

  “Thank you.” Mei beamed at him. For once, Ama Lei was glad of her sister’s never-ending naïve optimism. Even after learning the truth, Mei never stopped believing in Jian’s loyalty, insisting that he would never betray them.

  Soon, they were surrounded by even more well-wishers, and congratulations filled the air. Ama Lei pressed closer to Jian, neither used to such attention.

  “Well, I do believe there are enough captains and monarchs present to make an official ceremony.” Luca sent Ama Lei a wink.

  “Here?” she squeaked.

  “Why not?” Renee added. “And why not tonight? Everyone is already in a festive mood. Let’s enjoy it.”

  “Jian?” she asked, wondering if he was as nervous as she.

  “I’ve waited many years, believing I’d never have you. Now that I do, I find I don’t want to let you go ever again.” His smile melted any hesitation on her part.

  “Then tonight.” Ama Lei agreed. “Now.”

  “No. Later.” Renee took Ama Lei’s arm. “Now, you are coming with me.”

  Ama Lei could say nothing as she was practically dragged onto Renee’s ship and into her room. The next several moments were a blur as Renee, Mei, Katie, Sonia, and Desiree bustled around her. Before Ama Lei knew what they each were doing, her hair had been piled back, and her simple gown had been exchanged for multiple layers of gold and white.

  “You just had this in your armoire?” Ama Lei asked Renee.

  “No, Luca had it. He told me he had been saving it for a very special occasion.” Renee winked at her, and Ama Lei had a feeling Luca had been saving the dress for just this occasion.

  So, Ama Lei decided to relax and allow her friends to pamper her and prepare her for her wedding.

  Her wedding. She was truly about to marry Jian, the love of her life. She still couldn’t believe he had been returned to her, and soon they’d be together, truly together. The nerves fluttered in her stomach once more.

  “Alright, I declare that you are fit to be a bride.” Renee spoke and all the women stepped back. Smiles lit every face and most eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  “Ama Lei,” Mei’s voice filled with wonder. “You look beautiful.”

  “Like a princess,” Desiree added.

  “Here, take a look.” Renee took Ama Lei’s shoulders, turning her to face a large mirror.

  “Oh,” Ama Lei sighed. She barely recognized the woman gazing back at her. The gown flowed around her in layers of gold and white silk, rippling like waves every time she moved. Around her waist was a white sash, gold thread used to embroider a dragon in the center. Her hair had been pulled back, framing her face, and showing the painted ruby lips and slightly powdered cheeks and eyes. Just that hint of color reminded her of who she was, a princess. The last time she appeared a princess, she was a girl, but now, now she was a woman.

  A knock sounded at the door, and Mei moved to answer.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Luca called as he stepped in. “Oh, wow.” He froze in his tracks, his face filled with awe. “You, my dear, are a stunning bride.”

  “Thank you, Luca,” Ama Lei said as she stepped toward him. “For everything.”

  “Of course. I’m just glad you’ve finally found your heart again. And, I have a gift for you.”

  “Oh, Luca, this gown is gift enough.”

  “This gift is not from me.” His eyes twinkled as he held out the long, small box.

  Curious, she took the white box in hand, gently pulling the red ribbon. Once removed, she lifted the lid, and stopped breathing. Atop sat a card, on it written in elegant scrawl: For the most beautiful blossom in the garden. Her hand t
rembled as she reached in and lifted the ebony stick, pink blossoms cascading from its end.

  “They’re perfect.” Renee spoke as she approached. She took the hair decoration from Ama Lei’s hand, and its match still in the box. Gently, she pushed the items into Ama Lei’s hair, crossing them so it appeared that blossoms showered above her.

  Ama Lei bit back the tears as she once more gazed at her reflection, the blossoms truly finishing the look. Now. Now she was Princess Ama Lei, future empress of Jenha. No. Now she was just Ama Lei, a woman about to marry her love.

  “I think they are ready and waiting for you,” Luca said once more before stepping from the room.

  “We’ll meet you out there,” Katie said before she, Sonia, and Desiree followed Luca out.

  “Are you ready?” Mei asked.

  “Maybe?” Ama Lei admitted. “Am I supposed to feel like thousands of butterflies are dancing in my chest?”

  “Nerves are normal,” Renee added. “I needed to hold Jonathan’s arm just to stay on my feet. But, seeing Will stand there waiting for me, I knew I wanted nothing more than a future by his side.”

  Ama Lei smiled at that thought, the idea of always being at Jian’s side. She’d fought the idea for so long, but now it’s all she wanted. She couldn’t imagine going one more day without him.

  “Alright, let’s do this.” Ama Lei said.

  “You sound like you’re ready for battle,” Mei teased.

  “Maybe that didn’t come out quite right.” Ama Lei agreed with a chuckle. “But I am ready.”

  “Good.” Renee spoke as she stepped from the room, Mei following close behind. She froze at the door, nerves once more threatening to hold her feet captive. No more. The love of her life waited outside that door and she felt he had waited long enough. The door opened before her.

  Chapter 28

  If Jian hadn’t been counting the minutes, he’d think it had been hours since he last saw Ama Lei. After she had been bustled onto Renee’s ship, he’d been nudged back to Phoenix... Ama Lei’s. Somehow he managed to change into his formal officer's uniform, though he left his family’s sword. Then, he dug through his belongings, his heart jolting as he found the box he sought.

  He pulled the white box out, lifting the lid to verify the blossoms were still there. Afterwards, he managed to find a red ribbon, tying it neatly around the box, and took it with him as he traveled back to the other vessel. Stepping aboard, he was shocked to see it decked out with numerous fabrics of gold, white, red, and pink. Somehow, a canopy had been erected at the bow, Deshi already there and dressed in his finery. This had to be the work of Lord Luca, and he worked swiftly! Even now, men and women were finishing by hanging lanterns all around the ship, lanterns obviously obtained in Jenha.

  Ah, there was the man responsible. Jian swiftly moved to Lord Luca’s side, and gave him the package to give to his bride. His bride. He couldn’t stop the smile at the thought as he strode to Deshi. The older man’s eyes glistened with pride as he gazed at his pupil.

  “I was not sure if I would ever see this day,” he spoke.

  “I suppose that does make two of us,” Jian agreed. “Thank you, for all you’ve done for her.”

  “Of course. She is my princess, and my pupil.”

  “I’m sorry. I never told you, but I am sorry for what happened, and my part in the coup.”

  “I have always known you to be an honorable man. You will make it right.” The way Deshi spoke, not threat but statement, bolstered Jian’s resolve, and gave him hope for the future. “It looks like we are finally ready.”

  With those words, Jian turned. Luca stood just outside the captain’s cabin, nodding with a smile. Several women had also emerged, making their way to waiting men. Then, Mei emerged along with Captain Varda, both moving to stand near the tent.

  The door opened once more, and stole the breath from his lungs. The opening framed the loveliest sight he ever beheld.

  Ama Lei stepped out, her eyes practically dancing in the lanterns’ light. But her dress, the white and gold glistened in the moonlight, rippling around her as she stepped towards him. The gown hugged her curves and billowed around her majestically. The pink cherry blossoms danced above her raven tresses.

  She stopped before him, her eyes shimmering with uncertainty. “You are so beautiful,” he managed to say, and her entire face lit up. He reached out his hand, his heart warming as she slipped her hand into his.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Deshi spoke, drawing all eyes to him. “This evening we are here to witness the union of Princess Ama Lei and Captain Jian.”

  “Please, just Ama Lei,” she spoke.

  “And Jian,” he added as he gazed at her.

  “Very well, Ama Lei and Jian.” Deshi spoke warmly, drawing their eyes back to him. With warmth and pride, he continued to perform the ceremony of Jenha. Though traditionally they’d be surrounded by family, this was just as intimate, surrounded by people who became a family for Ama Lei when she lost hers.

  Nothing could be more perfect.

  Ama Lei still couldn’t believe she was standing aboard the Dawn Chaser, listening to Deshi perform her wedding ceremony. Luca, obviously utilizing some of the goods he’d obtained as a merchant, had managed to transform the ship into a place worthy of a wedding, complete with the ceremonial canopy that she now stood beneath with her groom. Her hand was warm nestled in Jian’s, though a sliver of regret seeped into her heart that Jian’s family wasn’t here to witness their union. When they returned, she vowed to give them a ceremony as well.

  Deshi called for their vows, and she felt a twinge that when her hand was unclasped by Jian’s, though now they faced each other. He began, pressing his hands together, and bowing at the waist as he spoke his vows, promising love, honor, and fidelity, to protect and cherish her for all his days. As he straightened, his eyes glistened and Ama Lei almost forgot to give him her own bow. Her words were similar, vowing love and honor, trust and loyalty, to be faithful to only him until her dying breath.

  Vows spoken, they once more faced Deshi, and knelt on the cushions before him. He spoke the blessings passed down through generations as he filled a decorative cup with the wine of Jenha. Small and unassuming, it was still lovely with symbols of love and unity etched in gold against the white. Deshi handed the cup to Jian first, and he took the cup between his hands. He sipped the liquid, and he handed it to Ama Lei.

  Her heart fluttered as her hands brushed his while taking the item. She lifted the rim to her lips, the warm liquid slipping down her throat. Finished, she handed the cup back to Deshi.

  “Let this cup be a symbol of your new bond, two individuals, now one being. May your love grow, your bond grow ever stronger, and though trials may form along your path, remain strong together.”

  “I so vow,” Ama Lei’s voice was joined by Jian’s.

  “Though I may have no power, I believe there are those here that do,” Deshi said as he motioned for them to rise.

  “As King of Cartiana,” Will spoke beside him.

  “And Queen of Espan,” Renee added at his side.

  “We recognize this union,” they spoke in unison. “And are proud to proclaim them husband and wife.”

  “You may now kiss your bride,” Deshi added.

  Somehow, Jian’s arm wrapped around her back, and pulled her against his chest. His other hand caressed her face, his eyes filled with such love and adoration. He tugged her closer, claiming her lips with a kiss filled with the longing of all those years apart.

  Cheers and whistles echoed around them, jolting them from the kiss. Jian’s face looked sheepish, but his eyes shone with such joy and promises. Her husband. Her love. Ignoring all others, he pulled her in once more, kissing her with such sweet intensity that the world fell away, carrying her mind to pure paradise.

  Chapter 29

  The sun beckoned her from her dreams, but Ama Lei didn’t want to wake up. She was enjoying the dreams, the warmth that seemed to wrap around her. Carefree, t
hat’s how she felt. No worries weighed her down, and the pain of betrayal had long since been washed away. In its place rested hope and love, so much love. Speaking of love, arms wrapped around her, pulling her further into a warm embrace, and a moan of contented joy reverberated in her chest.

  “Good morning, dear husband.” She rolled to her back, gazing at his face. “I don’t know if I’ll ever tire of calling you that.”

  “I doubt I will tire of hearing it,” he added as he found her lips yet again. Oh, she could lose herself in his kisses. “But,” he pulled away. “As much as I would love to remain abed with you all day, we are here for a purpose.”

  “That is true,” Ama Lei muttered. Well, part of why she loved Jian was his honor and drive, so she couldn’t fault him for reminding her of her duties.

  “Once you have your throne again, we can find a way to truly celebrate.”

  “I will hold you to that promise,” she teased before slipping from the bed. Looking back, he had an appreciative gleam in his eye as he gazed at her. “Get dressed,” she told him even as she giggled. Together, they slipped into simple suits, finishing by strapping on their swords. Somehow, between the time he proposed and the celebrating finished, all of Jian’s belongings had been moved into her cabin. Once dressed, she nearly reached for her mask, before realizing that she had no need to hide anymore, at least not among friends.

  “I still can’t believe I married a pirate captain,” he joked.

  “Says the captain of the royal guards,” she joked back. “Well, I suppose it’s time to meet our allies.”

  He took her hand, smiling reassuringly. They would face the future together.

  “I still can’t believe you are already awake and ready for this discussion.” Renee spoke as she sat at the make-shift table, Will taking a spot beside her. As soon as she settled, Arrow decided to rest on her shoulder.


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