The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 17

by K R Martin

  “This is why we’ve all gathered here,” Ama Lei said as she took her own seat. “It seemed wasteful to make everyone wait.”

  “Still, I was expecting you to not leave your room for another day,” Will teased as he threw a wink Jian’s way.

  “You’re one to talk. After all, you were the one who dashed out the window the morning after our wedding night.” Renee jabbed him in the chest.

  “For the record, our marriage had to be kept secret or I would have spent the entire day in bed.” The wink he sent her way made her heart flutter even as she fought the urge to whack him again. She did not need those thoughts and memories right now. At least she wasn’t the only one with such thoughts, given how red her married friends’ faces were.

  “Alright, we probably should get started,” Luca spoke from his seat.

  Renee took the moment to look over those gathered. Will sat on one side, Ama Le sat on the other, and Jian sat on Ama Lei’s other side. The rest of the table was filled with Caleb and Sonia, her former sword instructor, Sorik, Jonathan and Katie, Deshi, Little Wolf and Mei, Fedor, Desiree, Taras and Luca. Her crew all ready for the next step to support her. Her gaze met Ama Lei’s, and her friend nodded, ready.

  “I suppose we should begin,” Renee addressed the entire table. “It probably would help if we catch everyone up on the past few months.”

  Renee began, allowing Desiree and Fedor to tell of her kidnapping and the unrest associated with it. Once finished, Ama Lei began, though Jian and Deshi added much of their own knowledge.

  “Basically,” Jian finished, “the army would be willing to follow Ama Lei against Retanny’s enslavement, but the problem would come from getting into the palace to defeat Orbert. A good portion of the guards are Retanny soldiers. Plus, organizing everyone is going to take some time.”

  “Not necessarily,” Deshi added. “I made plenty of connections during my time in Jenha, and the army is as organized as it ever was. If I entered Jenha same as before, I could have the loyal army ready within a few weeks.”

  “I am glad.” Jian smiled. “Now, all we have to do is figure out how to get you into the palace,” he turned to face Ama Lei.

  “I think I know a way,” she told him. “And it revolves around you.”


  “You must capture the elusive Captain Phoenix.”

  “Oh no, that is not happening.”

  “Hear me out. Deshi can spread enough word that loyal guards will be prepared when we dock. You could claim you finally overpowered me and stole from my ship onto a merchant one. With loyal guards at our side, I’d march into the palace as a captive and claim my throne.”

  “And that merchant would be me.” Luca spoke, drawing all eyes to him. “I can sail you to Jenha, have the Crimson Thorne following so you’d have two vessels at your command.”

  “Thank you, Luca,” Ama Lei said.

  “Once you have your throne, we will have to work quickly,” Renee continued. “With the army, we can sail directly to Retanny’s capital and insist on an abdication. It might take some time to mobilize, but I think we can manage this.”

  “There is a slight problem,” Desiree’s voice was soft, regretful. “Just before we left, I received word from my uncle. He insists that an engagement be announced immediately, and a wedding planned four months from now.” Silence descended on the group, heavy and suffocating. “If his demands are not met, I am to leave immediately, and war will be declared.”

  Will clasped Renee’s hand beneath the table, squeezing it to reassure her. Her eyes met his, desperate for his strength. His own eyes still had uncertainty, but also trust, a reassurance that they could get through this together.

  “Four months sounds doable.” Ama Lei spoke, drawing Renee’s attention. “It takes me two months to sail to Jenha’s shores, give me another month to secure my throne, and rally the army, leaving me with a month to sail to the capital.”

  “Most of our allies are already here,” Caleb added. “Bartholomew will be back soon enough, and it won’t take much to rally our army.”

  “Four months still seems a rather short time to prepare a royal wedding,” Will spoke.

  “My uncle can have everything prepared in such a short time,” Desiree added. “Including inviting any and every royal family to flaunt his power.”

  “Four months,” Renee muttered. It seemed such a short time, their entire futures resting on an event looming in the not-so-distant future.

  “We can do it,” Will said. “And, having so many dignitaries gathered would give her claim validation.”

  “That is true,” Desiree spoke again. “If he had to abdicate in front of so many, he wouldn’t have as strong a claim to return.”

  “And you’d have many allies supporting your reign,” Fedor added. Desiree turned to him, her face shining with hope and appreciation.

  “Then we have a plan,” Renee said. “Ama Lei, you have a kingdom to claim, and Luca you are charged with assisting her.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” he grinned, the childish light hitting his eyes. “Although, I should probably leave you with a letter of introduction for when my family arrives.”

  “We shall take very good care of them, and of course bring them with us when we meet up in Retanny.” Renee responded. “Meanwhile, we’ll prepare our allies to support us. Your uncle might be preparing for a wedding,” she told Desiree, “but we will prepare for a coronation.”

  The faces surrounding her were filled with hope and determination. Together they would beat this monster that plagued them all, and usher in a new age of peace for many.

  Chapter 30

  The Crimson Thorne slid through the water, Luca’s ship just behind it. Renee watched from Espan’s shore, already missing her friend. She might as well get used to it; should they succeed, Ama Lei would remain in Jenha, rightfully ruling her people. Though they would write, and occasionally visit, it wouldn’t be the same as the years they spent on ship together.

  “Good luck, my friend,” she whispered to the wind, hoping it would carry her hopes and blessings for her friend and her journey.

  She continued watching until both ships disappeared beneath the horizon. Now, Ama Lei was off to reclaim her throne, and Renee had her own battles to face. Turning, she strode back to her castle, hating the next part of her plan.

  That night, she dressed in one of her nicer garments as she joined numerous nobles for the extravagant dinner. At least she was able to spend a week with Ama Lei as they helped her prepare for her journey and make more solidified plans for when they’d meet back up. That, and Will needed time to invite the nobles for this special evening.

  Special. Renee could scoff at the thought. Tonight marked the beginning of the end of their fight with Retanny. Once the announcement was made, they’d be on the clock, and time was short.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Will’s voice rang in the hall, and all eyes turned to where he stood at the head table. His gaze caught Renee, and she sent him a reassuring nod. “Thank you for traveling to join me this evening as I have a very important announcement. Today marks the beginning of lasting peace for Cartiana and Espan. Tonight, I would like to announce that I have requested Lady Desiree’s hand in marriage, and she has graciously accepted.”

  Cheers flew through the hall, and Renee fought the urge to cringe. She couldn’t fault her people for wanting peace, but they didn’t know how high the cost was to be paid. Would they even be as enthusiastic should she return, or would she be kept at arm's length, the absent queen?

  “It is enough to make you want to swing a sword,” Fedor said at her side.

  “Or punch a target,” she responded.

  “Perhaps we could spar later?”

  “I just might need that.”

  “I do not understand how you are so calm. Here I am fighting the urge to roar, and I am not married.”

  “Oh, I may appear calm, but I have a tempest raging inside me. Only months of hiding my identity prepar
ed me for this.” She finally turned to look at him, noting the clenched jaw and flinted eyes. “And here I thought you disliked her.”

  “Never.” His eyes softened with his voice. “She might be a pawn, but she is still rather remarkable.”

  Renee turned back to the front, watching as Will and Desiree accepted the congratulations. Their hands never touched, and eyes barely met, though they both wore serene smiles, if a little tight. Anyone paying close enough attention would know that this was no love match. That was fine. Will didn’t need to be in love with Desiree; he just needed to be willing to marry her. The thought churned her stomach and she fought the urge to lose what little she ate.

  Desiree’s gaze landed on Renee. No, beside her, on Fedor, and the girl’s eyes softened with sadness, even while strengthening in their resolve. Renee could even feel Fedor relax beside her, even if just a tiny bit. She hoped that when all was said and done, the connection could grow into something special.

  “Okay, I need to breathe,” Fedor said as he stood abruptly. “Care to join me in the training fields?”

  “I would love to.” Renee replied as she followed him from the room, forcing her eyes forward so she wouldn’t look back. Granted, she could still feel a particular set of sea-blue eyes following her until the walls closed around her.

  At least the great hall was close to the courtyard. The moment she stepped into the moonlight, its glow seemed to seep into her chest, washing the tension away.

  “Would you prefer practice weapons?” Fedor asked.

  “I’ll leave that up to you.”

  “To be honest, a practice weapon is not the same.”

  “Well, I shall try not to do serious damage.” Renee joked, earning a relaxed chuckle from Fedor.

  “You can try,” he teased back, pulling his sword from its sheath. Renee pulled out her own, enjoying the ringing sound as she did. Just a few more months as she could once more use the sword Will gifted her, so until then, she’d enjoy the one found with Ama Lei.

  Fedor didn’t wait. He lunged at her, and she barely caught his sword in time. Oh, she would enjoy wiping that triumphant grin off his face. He might have caught her off-guard, but it would be short lived.

  She pushed him back, allowing her sword full rein as it continued to swing its attacks. The swords rang in the night, each hit jolting Renee’s arm, sending bolts of energy through her veins. She needed this, the thrill of the fight, the feel of being alive. With sword in hand, she was powerful, in control. No longer a pawn, but a pirate, a captain, and a queen.

  She dodged a blow, catching his sword just right. With a flick of her sword, she knocked his weapon from his hand.

  “You are ridiculously skilled,” he spoke as he moved to grab his weapon. “Best two out of three?”

  Renee laughed even while she lowered into her fighting stance. A shadow caught her eye, and she stood as she turned her attention to the castle’s entrance. Will stood, his figure barely illuminated by the moonlight. Pain clenched her chest. He wouldn’t come out to speak with her; their midnight strolls officially over. For the next four months, she had to stay away from him.

  Metal tapped her shoulder, jarring her thoughts from her husband. “I believe that point goes to me,” Fedor teased, even while his eyes shone with understand.

  “We might need more than two wins,” Renee replied.

  “I have all night,” Fedor replied.

  She nodded giving one more glance at the now empty archway. Tears welled up in her eyes; she couldn’t even give him a proper good-bye.

  “These next months are going to be difficult,” Fedor spoke.

  “Very.” She forced her eyes back to Fedor. “I hope you’re ready, because I have a lot of frustration I need to let out.”

  “You and me both.”

  Renee lost herself in the movements, unable to tell how much time passed beneath the stars. By the time they decided to call it a night, every inch of her body ached. Her muscles already screamed at her for relief; it was almost enough to black out the screaming of her heart.

  “I concede,” Fedor spoke between heavy breaths. “You are clearly the more skilled swordsman. I apologize, swordswoman.”

  Renee chuckled, even if it hurt. “I just happen to know some tricks that make it easier to overcome those larger than I.”

  “One of these days I should learn your tricks.” he added as he sheathed the weapon.

  “You actually have most of the groundwork already, as your style is influenced by Jenha. I would suggest working with Master Deshi for some unarmed training; learn to deflect and redirect. With a little training, you will be someone formidable.”

  “Thank you. I hope you won’t mind a few more bouts like this? I have a feeling I will need it. A lot.”

  “You’re not the only one.”

  “Hang in there. We will get through this.”

  “Thank you, Fedor.” Renee couldn’t help but smile at the young man. He just might become a dear ally in the following months. “You should get some rest, and if you need a bout, you know how to find me.”

  Fedor gave her a bow before striding back into the castle. Renee took a moment to breathe, to try to relax her muscles. Knowing she’d be unable to sleep, she allowed her feet to carry her through the silent halls. The merriment had long since died, and she doubted anyone would be awake before the midday sun.

  Well, if nobody was awake, she might as well enjoy herself. She turned on her feet, striding through the halls until she broke through the stone. Once more bathed in moonlight, she inhaled a deep breath, enjoying both the sweet roses and the bitter salt from the sea.

  “I had almost given up on you coming.”

  “Will.” Her gaze sought his form as he sat on the bench. “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Renee, please.” His pleading voice tore into her heart. “I can’t be without you. Not now.” He stood and made his way to her.

  “Will... if the emperor even suspects that you don’t plan to go through with the wedding...”

  “He won’t. I’ll play the part, plan the wedding. But I won’t do it alone.”

  “It’s too risky, Will.”

  “It isn’t, not really. After all, many kings have loved women other than their wives.”

  “Did you just refer to me as your mistress?”

  “No, my lover, always and forever, the only one.” He drew her into his arms and while her head screamed at her to resist, her body melted into his comforting embrace. “Please don’t abandon me. Not again.”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, you do. We do. I need you with me, always.”

  “Look,” she finally stepped back, instantly regretting the cold that came with it, “we have to convince them that you’ve chosen Desiree. You’re going to be busy planning the wedding with her. We won’t have time to be together and trying to sneak around is just going to draw attention to ourselves. I mean it, Will; we can’t do this.”

  “I have lived far too long without you,” his hand cupped her cheek. “Don’t ask me to endure more.”

  “I’m sorry.” The tears fell, and he gently brushed them away. “I’ll do what I can, but no more garden strolls. We have to be in a group if we’re together, never alone.”

  “Fine.” At least he agreed, even if his voice filled with tension. “Can you at least help Desiree? She puts on a brave face, but I can tell she’s scared. She could really use a friend.”

  “Of course. Whatever she needs, tell her she can always come to me.”

  He was swift, yanking her against him, and pressing his lips to hers, a hungry kiss filled with need. It lasted only a moment before Will pulled away. She could already feel the tension and sorrow gone from his body, and a tiny smile graced his lips. His eyes, oh his eyes were filled with hope, and a glint of something else. But wait, she knew that glint, and wasn’t fond of what lay behind it.

  Chapter 31

  Nope. She officially hated that glint. Perhaps she shouldn�
�t have offered to assist Desiree in whatever she needed, but it was too late to rescind the offer now, especially as Desiree had all but begged her to assist in the wedding preparations that morning. No, there was nothing to do but smile and help however she could.

  Sitting in a meeting with the liaison in charge of managing the event, Renee wondered if her own wedding would have been as stressful if she hadn’t married in secret. There was the ‘official wedding’ after Will regained his throne, but even that was simplified compared to this. Now, she did remember lots of plans for a wedding that didn’t happen, but even those were over many months and she was mostly kept out. Poor Desiree had to make most of the decisions immediately to give Retanny time to prepare.

  “Dressmakers should be arriving in three weeks to start fitting your dress,” the liaison droned as he read a list of items needed to be completed.

  “Actually, I thought I might hire a local dressmaker,” Desiree spoke. “There are some skilled artisans, and this would also save time as I wouldn’t have to wait to begin the process of creating my gown.”

  “While you do make some valid observations, as the heir to Retanny’s throne, you deserve only the best for your special day.”

  “As she is to be Espan’s next queen, I would settle for no less than the best Espan has to offer,” Will spat.

  Renee couldn’t blame his antagonism; this servant of Retanny easily dismissed her people as inferior.

  “Perhaps we should allow the bride her choice,” Renee spoke. “After all, these will be her people upon her marriage to his majesty, and as it is his wedding as well, there really should be some representation of Espan and Cartiana.”

  “I don’t see how that is relevant.” The man waved his hand in dismissal. “And I don’t understand why you are even here.”

  “She is here because I asked her to be.” Desiree’s tone took an icy chill. “She will be assisting in this wedding and her opinions will be taken into account, am I understood?”


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