The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 18

by K R Martin

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “And I will have this wedding the way I want, am I understood?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Good. This event will mark an era of lasting peace and unity, and I want my wedding to reflect that. Have the invitations been sent out?”

  “They will when I return.”

  “Good. I would like invitations sent to the rulers of Vikieva and Sanskia, as well as Retanny’s allies. Oh, and I plan on bringing many guests from Espan and Cartiana with me.”

  “I will need a number at some point to be sure to have enough space, as well as enough food for your wedding dinner.”

  “I should have a number in a couple of months. I’m sure that’s more than sufficient to finish the preparations. And speaking of dinner, I want many dishes, and at least one from each kingdom visiting.”

  At this point, the man had turned white. Renee couldn’t help but enjoy watching him squirm.

  “Employ chefs from the kingdoms and regions if necessary. Oh! And the flowers should be similar, all white but I want the bouquets to have different flowers from as many guest kingdoms as possible.”

  “I’m not entirely sure...”

  “With the invitations, you could add a request for chefs and florists to travel early to assist in the planning.” Did Desiree look smug? Oh, Renee really liked this girl, even if she was planning a wedding with Will as a groom.

  “I shall see it done,” the man conceded.

  “Good. Tell my uncle I send my regards, and I’ll be supplying a steady stream of instructions. If he has problems, he can wait until I arrive.”

  “Yes, your highness.” He stood, bowed, and all but fled the room.

  “You know, I just might enjoy this.” Desiree grinned, her eyes bright. Renee’s own gaze met Will’s, sure hers shown with the same shock filling his. “Don’t worry, I won’t be saying ‘I do.’ However, I meant what I said about this event being a celebration of peace. This will mark a new era of unity, and I plan for it to be unforgettable.”

  Renee couldn’t help but admire the woman before her. Desiree had arrived as a girl and a pawn, and now she sat a woman ready to be queen. Retanny would be in good hands under her leadership.

  “Enough doom and gloom. If I’m to be paraded about, I will be looking my absolute best.” Desiree stood. “Would you mind a ladies’ afternoon?”

  “I have a lady in mind that I think would do just the trick.” Renee replied. “She is such an artiste that you will be far more than a bride.”

  “Good. Because I don’t plan to be a bride, I plan to be an empress.”

  Arms linked, Renee and Desiree stepped into the boutique. Colors flooded their vision, and Renee smiled at the sight of so many gorgeous gowns draped on forms.

  “I will be right with you!” the voice called from the back. Renee took the chance to wander the room, allowing Desiree to browse while she checked to verify that they were alone in the store.


  “I am sorry for making you wait,” the cheerful voice preceded the older woman’s entrance. “Ah! Lady Varda, it is good to see you again,” she spoke as she enveloped Renee in a warm hug. “What brings you here today?”

  “Madame, allow me to introduce my friend, Princess Desiree of Retanny.”

  “Hello,” Desiree spoke as she joined them.

  “Your highness,” Madame said as she curtsied.

  “Oh, no, please just Desiree.”

  “May I ask what brings you here?” Madame’s tone was no longer bubbly, but a bit more reserved.

  “I need a rather special gown, and heard you create wonders with fabric.”

  “I am flattered and truly undeserving. However, I fear I cannot help you.”

  “May I ask why not?”

  “I am truly sorry, but I cannot create a wedding gown for the woman marrying my dear friend’s love. Forgive me for my impertinence.”

  “No, it’s alright. Renee meant so much to you?”

  “Yes.” The woman’s face lit up as she softly smiled. “Renee was a princess like none other. She spent her days with us, her people, learning skills most would scoff at. And, well, I created her wedding gown when she married her love. I just couldn’t make one for another woman.”

  “Perhaps you won’t have to,” Renee spoke. “Do you mind if we speak in the back?”

  Madame nodded and led the girls behind the curtains into an area filled with plush seats and tables ready for refreshments. She motioned for them to sit before taking a chair herself.

  “Would you mind explaining what you meant?” Madame asked.

  “Yes, the gown we need will be for the planned wedding of Princess Desiree and King William,” Renee spoke. “However, the ceremony will not be completed.”

  “Instead, it will be a coronation,” Desiree said. “It still has to look like a wedding gown, but I won’t be marrying Will.” She looked to Renee.

  “After all,” Renee reached up to pull off her mask. “Will is my husband.”

  “Renee,” Madame breathed. “You’re alive. You’re alive!” She leapt up, her arms wrapping around Renee for a hug.

  “I'm sorry; technically I’m still considered dead, so this has to remain between us.”

  “Very well, so what exactly is the plan?”

  “As I said, I need a gown that appears to be a wedding gown but will service as a coronation gown,” Desiree stated.

  “Then you will want something elegant, refined, and fit for an empress. And what about you, Renee?” Madame asked as she sat back.

  “Me?” Renee asked. “Oh, I wasn’t planning on a new gown.”

  “I assume her coronation would mean your return to the living. Since very few saw my masterpiece of your wedding gown, you should allow me the chance to create a masterpiece that all will see.”

  “Alright, alright, just make sure it’s combat-capable. Just in case.” Renee sent an apologetic look Desiree’s way.

  “A gown fit for a warrior queen.” Madame winked. “Let’s take your measurements, and begin some sketches. I promise by the time I am done, you two will shine like the monarchs you are.”

  Chapter 32

  Laughter filled the room as Renee sat with Katie and Sonia watching the children chase each other. Someone began the game of chase, and it seemed that Rosa was now tasked with catching the others. Currently, she had Willy in her sights, and chased with complete abandon. Spera toddled after everyone, squealing with all the delight of a nearly two-year-old.

  “Wosa, get me!” Louisa called, catching Rosa’s attention.

  “I coming!” Rosa called as she changed her direction, sending the others splitting before her.

  Baby coos brought Renee’s attention to the infant sitting in Sonia’s lap. Cecily clapped and reached at the other kids when they dashed in front of her.

  “It truly is remarkable how much little ones grow in such a short time,” Sonia said, the serene smile on her face, even if her eyes were darkened beneath.

  “Is she still waking through the night?” Renee asked.

  “At least she’s limited it to once, well, occasionally twice.” Sonia giggled, even as she pulled the baby closer against her chest.

  “It took Louisa almost a full year to stop waking up. At least Jonathan was always willing to help out, and she usually just wanted to play. Oh!” Cecily had tossed her rattling toy, and Katie grabbed it before handing it back to the infant.

  “Caleb’s been great, helping out whenever he can. And Ferdinand loves having a baby sister.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Katie said. “He’s such a sweet boy.”

  “I’ll admit that I’ve been a tiny apprehensive. I love that boy so much, and I don’t ever want him to forget that.”

  “He won’t," Renee spoke. “This family is not made of blood, but our bonds are stronger than iron. He knows he belongs with us, and always will.”

  “I agree,” Katie added. Sonia just smiled and nodded before turni
ng her attention to her boy, pride in her eyes.

  Now this was a family. They had been brought from so many paths, but now remained united. She couldn’t wait to shed the mask and truly regain her place amongst them.

  Renee’s eyes turned once again to the children, only to watch Spera trip and land face-down. The girl wailed for a brief moment, before climbing back onto her feet, once more chasing the rest.

  “Alright, little one.” Renee stood on her own feet, allowing them to carry her to the tyke. “It is definitely time for you to take a nap.”

  “No.” Spera cried, her eyes almost immediately releasing tears.

  “I'm sorry, darling, but it is time to rest.” A chorus of little voices soon echoed as the children gathered around her, all with wide eyes and pouty lips, and all begging against naps.

  “Oh, no, all of you need a rest,” Katie added as she came to scoop up Louisa.

  “Can I help?” Ferdinand asked as he approached Sonia.

  “I’ve got little Cecily, but it would be a big help if you can help with Willy and Rosa.”

  “Yes, Mama,” he smiled wide at her before turning to the twins. “Come on Willy; come on Rosa.” he said as he took each of their hands. “We can play after nap.”

  “Okay,” they bemoaned in unison, and Renee stifled the laugh. She looked forward to more moments of this, to watch them grow.

  As they stepped from the room, each split their own direction. Thankfully, Spera managed to pass out in Renee’s arms before she even stepped through her bedroom door. Spera shifted slightly, but quickly settled into her crib.

  “I see she is asleep,” a male voice spoke from behind Renee. Turning, she smiled at the older man who had once been her swordplay instructor.

  “She played a lot,” she told Sorik. “It’s good to see her play with other kids.”

  “Why don’t I watch her while you take some time for yourself? You’ve been so busy lately with the wedding planning that you haven’t had much time just for you. Please, I can watch her. You go.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  She brushed one more kiss across her daughter’s brow and stepped from the room. The halls seemed quiet, even as she passed servants moving from one task to another. They nodded at her, but otherwise she was left to her thoughts. Not exactly how she wanted to relax.

  Girlish giggles caught her ears, and she followed the sounds to the grand hall where Desiree stood laughing, with Will sitting on the floor before her, joining her in the laughter.

  “Your Majesty, you really should focus on the steps,” the Retanny dancing master spoke.

  “No offense, but they are quite complicated,” Will spoke as he accepted Desiree’s hand to stand.

  “Once again, from the beginning.”

  The music started, and Will and Desiree got into position. They started the movements, Desiree graceful and Will awkward. Laughter continued to ring as they stumbled through the steps.

  Chest filled with pain, Renee forced her steps away from the sight. She knew part of the ruse meant that they had to prepare by learning the traditional first dance, but did they have to have that much fun doing it?

  “You sick too?” Fedor stopped her in her tracks with his voice, even if his eyes remained focused behind her.

  “I thought it would be boring,” Renee responded.

  “I assume the dance is somber and elegant, but it looks far more fun.”

  “I'll grant you that it does look fun. I almost wish I could try it myself.”

  “Well, why not?” He actually turned to look at her. “Would you care to dance?”

  “Why not?” She smiled and took his hand, allowing him to bring her back to the edges.

  “Your Majesty,” the teacher’s tone was pure exasperation.

  “Oh! Fedor, Lady Varda, would you like to join us?” Desiree called. “Perhaps having someone else doing the steps will help.”

  “Your highness, this dance is a highly special one...”

  “It’s not that special, and we could use some help. Show us the beginning, and we’ll try it together.”

  “Very well, your highness,” the man said before going slowly through the motions, demonstrating both the man’s and woman’s parts. It really did appear complicated, but also lovely once put together. “Now, you begin.”

  Renee took Fedor’s hand, trying to copy the steps, but somehow they managed to get tangled. Laughter filled the air as they untangled, before Renee noticed that Will was keeping Desiree from falling.

  “Perhaps a change of partners?” Desiree suggested as she righted herself.

  “Your highness! This dance is meant for you and...”

  “And my future husband, I got it. But I’m not married yet. I think a change could make things easier for all involved.”

  Renee didn’t know if she should hug the girl or knock some sense into her. But, once her hand was secured in her husband’s, she couldn’t be too mad.

  “From the beginning. Again.”

  Somehow, with Will, the steps came naturally. They flowed together, the intricate steps part of a puzzle and they fit perfectly. She soon hit the end of the demonstrated steps, and stepped back, only catching Will’s eyes once, but even in that moment she could see the joy and passion filling them. Turning her attention to the other couple, Renee noticed they had continued the steps. Apparently, Fedor had watched much longer than he gave on.

  He and Desiree flowed together, moving as one, their limbs weaving together, their steps almost ethereal as they performed them. Mesmerizing. It was the only word that could describe them dancing together.

  The dance finally ended, and the two seemed frozen as they gazed at each other surprise filling their faces.

  “Well, that is how it is supposed to appear when dancing with your husband.” The teaching master sent a pointed look Will’s way.

  “I suppose we should practice together.” Will spoke as he walked to Desiree.

  “Good. Now if you can just focus.”

  “We will get out of your way,” Fedor spoke as he stepped back.

  “That would be for the best.”

  Renee could throttle the man for his demeaning and haughty airs. Instead, she turned and marched after Fedor.

  “Perhaps a sparring match would have been better than a dance sojourn.” Fedor snipped.

  “It was enjoyable while it lasted,” she managed to get out. “However,” her fists clenched. “I have a weapon just begging to be let loose.”

  “I'm right behind you.”

  It was days like this when Will really missed having Little Wolf around. Not that he wasn’t happy for the boy; he must be having a grand adventure traveling with Ama Lei, and of course Mei. Things seemed a lot quieter without the boy around, and not just because he’d have caused an excited commotion the moment the foreign ship sailed into port. Now, Will had to learn through rumors, and much later than if Little Wolf told him.

  Now, Will strode through the streets as quickly as he could while maintaining his regal dignity. He just hoped he would arrive with enough time to give his new visitors the welcome they deserved.

  At least he got to welcome them the way he wanted, with Jonathan at his side instead of Desiree. She and Renee had wedding plans to take care of, and Katie chose to remain behind to help prepare for their guests.

  As they stepped nearer the docks, Will’s eyes immediately caught the foreign vessel. It had already docked, its gangplank lowered. Looking around, he found the man he sought talking with the dock master. It really was hard to miss the tall man with skin almost as dark a brown as Luca’s. Allowing the smile to form on his face, he approached the man.

  “Ah! Your majesty,” the dock master hailed him. “This is Captain Bako. Captain, I present to you King William of Espan and Cartiana.”

  “Your majesty,” Captain Bako bowed to him. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you, the pleasure is mine.”

  “I carry some guests who wish to meet y

  “Lead the way,” Will motioned before following the man onto the ship. He’d be lying if he didn’t feel an initial shock at the sight of so many from the southern continent, but he pushed it aside and focused on the excitement at what the future held.

  “And I thought I felt like a foreigner with Little Wolf’s people.” Jonathan joked softly.

  “This way,” the captain said as he motioned them to the main cabin. The moment he stepped in, his jaw dropped. The room was spacious, lavish, far larger than the cabin aboard the Dawn Chaser. Several large windows sat on the walls, curtains of gold, teal, and white framing them. Built in bookshelves covered two walls around the windows, and each shelf had a wooden strip to help secure the myriad of books. The third wall had a landscape painting of a land so beautiful and unfamiliar, and the other a family portrait, at least Will suspected it as the five younger people in the portrait, three boys and two girls, bore resemblances to the older couple.

  A decent sized ornate table sat at one end, six matching chairs surrounding it. The other side boasted a few comfortable chairs, almost like a parlor. Wait, a man sat in one of the chairs, a book in his hands.

  Captain Bako cleared his throat and bowed as the man looked up. “Your Excellency, it is my honor to present King William.”

  Will gave the man a nod of the head as he stood.

  “King William, I am King Faraji. I believe you know my brother, Prince Luca.”

  “Yes, sire, I am well acquainted with your brother. He informed me of your arrival, and I am so pleased to welcome you to Espan.”

  “Thank you.” The older man’s smile was full of wisdom and youthfulness. “You may call me Faraji, as I do hope we shall be friends.”

  “I look forward to that. And my friends call me Will, so I hope you will do the same. Speaking of friends, I would like to introduce my right-hand man, the man who is like a brother to me, Jonathan.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, your majesty,” Jonathan said as he gave a bow.

  “I am glad to make your acquaintance. And speaking of brothers, where is mine?”

  “Unfortunately, he and Princess Nya had to leave almost as soon as they arrived. They are currently on their way to Jenha to assist a friend of ours, Princess Ama Lei.”


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