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The Pirate Empress

Page 23

by K R Martin

  She also secretly loved that at least a third of the crew were women, and a mix of married and single. If she had time, she wanted to learn their language and know all their stories.

  The thuds behind her brought her thoughts back to the task at hand, and she turned in time to watch Will assist Desiree over the edge. She instantly tempered her annoyance; a Retanny vessel sailed directly behind them and they really didn’t need to arouse any suspicions. At least she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable, if the clenched jaw on Fedor’s face was any indication. That jaw clenched even tighter when Desiree slipped her hand into Will’s arm.

  “If you will follow me,” a voice called, and Renee turned to see a younger woman beckoning them forward. Fedor quickly reached her side, offering his own arm.

  “Thank you,” Renee whispered as they took their place behind Will and Desiree.

  “Of course. We are in this together,” he whispered back.

  She let him lead her, glad that Arrow hadn’t protested when she left him in her rooms. This was awkward enough without him swopping around, as much as she loved her little shadow. Their guide stopped at the door, knocking softly.

  “Come in,” rang out in reply, and she opened the door before stepping aside, motioning for them to enter. Will and Desiree disappeared first, Renee following them. “Welcome,” Faraji called as he approached, shaking Will’s hand.

  “It is lovely to see you all,” M’bali spoke as she stepped to Renee, pulling her in for a simple hug.

  “Thank you for the invitation to dine with you,” Renee replied as they stepped apart.

  “You are welcome. Now, all the windows have been draped over, and no one can see inside, so I insist that mask be placed aside for the duration of your stay.”

  Realizing she didn’t have a choice, Renee chuckled as she removed her mask and veil, setting it on a side table.

  “Good. Tonight should be one of honesty and trust,” Faraji spoke. “Come,” he motioned to the table, or rather two tables, as a second had been produced to accommodate all. Surprised to find place cards, Renee took her place beside Will; Faraji took his place at the table’s head, on Will’s other side, and M’bali sat at her husband’s right. Desiree took her place at the queen’s other side, with Fedor following her. Caleb and Sonia filled out the rest of that side, while Jonathan, Katie, and Bartholomew joined Renee’s side.

  “Now that we’re all settled,” M’bali said before she clapped her hands together twice. Renee panicked, her eyes darting to the door before she hid her face. However, the door remained shut, and instead, crew members emerged from the corner staircase, each laden with food. “I told you,” M’bali’s voice brought Renee’s eyes back to the woman, “you don’t have to hide here.”

  Renee merely nodded her thanks, not trusting her voice. Simple exclamations filled the table as everyone voiced their surprise and delight at the plates sat before them. Even Renee was astonished at the level of craftsmanship, and fresh ingredients.

  “I had some men go ashore when we were stopped at the last port,” Faraji said with a wink.

  “So did we, but they didn’t come back with quite the same ingredients,” Will replied.

  “We were planning for this evening. Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves.”

  Conversation flowed freely around the table, as stories were told, and cultures shared. Faraji and M’bali told stories about their home, tales of their children, and even stories of Luca as a child. Somehow, Renee had a hard time picturing the man who’d become a father to her as a scamp of a boy getting into mischief. Although, given his desire for adventure, she really shouldn’t have been surprised.

  Talk turned to sea-faring adventures, and Caleb and Renee took turns adding embellishments to each other’s tales, causing laughter to ring around the table.

  “You,” Faraji nodded to Renee, “knocked that man,” he motioned to Caleb, “flat on his back?”

  “Twice,” Renee responded.

  “Not like anyone’s counting,” Caleb muttered.

  “I can admit that you have helped me a time or two as well.”

  “Oh, are you referring to the time I saved your life?” he quipped.

  “You mean the time you refused to follow orders?” she quipped back.

  “Yet you’d be dead if I didn’t.”

  “Fine, I will concede that one time.”

  “You are all quite close, aren’t you?” M’bali asked.

  “After Will was presumed dead, Bartholomew took me in, and his crew became my family. They saw me as Renee, not a princess, and I will always have a special place for them.”

  “Families bonded by adversity and friendship can be just as strong as those formed by blood,” the queen remarked.

  “Here, here,” Jonathan spoke. “As close as Sonia and I are, I’ll admit that Will is my dearest friend.”

  “Don’t use such formal language, you are my brother and nothing less,” Will said.

  “All the way.” Jonathan lifted his glass in salute.

  “I am glad to see Luca’s tales of your affability were not exaggerated,” Faraji said.

  “Well, when one has to live in hiding, the royal ego tends to be tossed aside,” Will noted.

  “Especially when said royal becomes a pirate sailor,” Renee added.

  “Or a slave,” her husband countered.

  “True, that definitely does cause a hefty dose of humility,” she chuckled with him. It was nice to be able to laugh about some of the darker memories each had.

  “I’ll admit, I’m a little envious,” Desiree spoke, bring the attention to her. “My life has always been easy and lavish, even spoiled at times. Being with you all, well, you’ve let me be me, and opened my eyes to so much. I just hope I can live up to the expectations you all have in me.”

  “Darling, you have a good heart,” Katie said. “We can all see that.”

  “I, for one, couldn’t imagine Cecily without having you around to help,” Sonia added.

  “I would like to believe that I’m a good judge of character,” M’bali stated.

  “It is true, she has yet to be wrong about anyone we have met,” Faraji jumped in.

  “As I was saying,” M’bali shot a look of adoring annoyance at her husband. “I have a decent ability of judging people, and you, my dear, are a good person. I can tell you have a good heart, a heart wishing to help and serve others. You will be good for your people, and I believe the world.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.” Desiree’s voice cracked and a tell-tale sheen fell over her eyes.

  “As a boy, we had merchants travel the world, and return with stories of foreign lands,” Faraji said. “Luca and I loved hearing them, and when the time came, he chose to join those merchants and see the world for himself. I almost envied him when he left, but my heart was always to care for my people. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine being here, surrounded by people from many countries.”

  “Just wait until the wedding festivities,” Desiree said. “Not that the wedding will happen, but there will be visitors from pretty much every kingdom: Jenha, Vikieva, Sanskia, Espan, and Cartiana, and of course your own kingdom.”

  “I just realized, I don’t believe I know the name of your kingdom,” Renee said. “Luca always said he was from the Southern Lands.”

  “He always did have a way of immersing himself with whoever he was with,” Faraji chuckled.

  “To answer your question,” M’bali stepped in, “Our kingdom is known by our people as Shi’anda.”

  “That is a beautiful name,” Renee said.

  “Thank you. In our ancient language it means ’sun’s glorious reflection’. Our earliest settlers called it that after seeing how brilliantly the sun’s light reflected off the jewels. Before long, the explorers had created a center of a thriving trade that grew into a city, and eventually a kingdom.”

  “What a wonderful way to start a legacy,” Will remarked.

  “Thank you,” Faraji said. “Well, how
about some desert and perhaps a game?”

  “Oooh! I love a good game,” Katie exclaimed, causing even more laughter.

  The evening continued on, filled with laughter and fun. Many games were played, shared from the different pasts. By the time Renee put her mask back on her face, she felt lighter than she had in years. Rejuvenated, she found herself ready for the future.

  Desiree swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She’d spent enough time tossing and turning, perhaps some night air would help her finally relax. Not that she blamed her nerves. Barring any extravagant delays, they would arrive at the capital the following day. She would see her uncle. That was why she couldn’t sleep.

  Pulling a wrapper on, she stepped into the hallway. Thuds reached her ear as she neared the opening. As she emerged on deck, she saw the cause of the sound.

  Renee stood on deck, a bow in her hand and quiver of arrows sitting beside her. Desiree stayed back for a moment, just watching as Renee notched arrow after arrow, sending them flying into the main mast, landing in a small cluster. Funny enough, on her shoulder perched her falcon, Arrow. That bird continued to surprise her in his abilities and loyalty. After some time, Renee set her bow down, and went to retrieve her arrows.

  “I see I am not the only one who can’t sleep,” Desiree said as she stepped forward to join Renee at the quiver.

  “I needed to release some pent-up energy,” Renee shrugged, the falcon finally lifting from her shoulder. “Want to join? I do have a second bow.”

  “That might be what I need,” Desiree replied as she took up the bow Renee motioned to.

  They took potions to either side of the arrows, each taking and notching an arrow. The falcon had decided to find a new perch, and currently looked down on them from the crow’s nest.

  “I’m surprised you have these,” Desiree noted.

  “Little Wolf took his bow with him, along with a good portion of arrows, but he left these with me. Told me I needed to practice.” Renee winked before letting her arrow fly.

  “Wait, is that a board hanging on the mast?” Desiree asked as she noticed the rectangle shape.

  “I didn’t want my main mast damaged.”

  “True enough.” Desiree pulled her own arrow back, aiming it at the circle on the board. She pulled a deep breath in and released the arrow. It hit just inside the circle.

  “Well done,” Renee praised.

  “I am glad Little Wolf took the time to teach me. I didn’t get many lessons, but it feels natural.” Desiree let another arrow fly, this time landing just shy of the center.

  “Wow.” Desiree blushed at seeing Renee’s dropped jaw. “You really are a natural.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know what it is, but holding this in my hands makes me feel confident, empowered.”

  “That’s how I feel holding my sword.”

  “I don’t want to see my uncle,” Desiree whispered.

  “I’m sorry.” Renee gently squeezed Desiree’s shoulder. “I, for one, know how hard it is to face someone you hate and put on a smile.”

  “How did you do it? How were you able to face my father, every day, and smile?”

  “I did that because I had to. My family, the man I love, was in danger, and a smile was needed to save them.”

  “You made it sound so easy.”

  “It’s not.” Renee’s voice turned to steel. “It was anything but easy to see him and be forced to be kind, to smile and laugh and pretend he hadn’t destroyed my life.” She pulled back the bow in one swift motion, releasing the arrow almost before the string was fully pulled back. The arrow landed dead center. “I had a lot of rage, and fear, that I had to keep hidden. If I didn’t, I would probably lose the man I love.”

  Desiree couldn’t find words to respond, and instead, notched her own arrow; she released it, and watched as it landed very near Renee’s.

  “Tomorrow, you will be crown princess Desiree of Retanny. It is a mantle you must don, a role you must play. You can be charming, and sweet, looking like a blushing bride excited for her wedding. But inside you will burn a fire of expectation, a readiness to take your rightful place on the throne to save your people, the ones you love.”

  The words sank deep into Desiree’s heart. She had always worn some sort of mask; these next days wouldn’t be any different. And she would be fighting as Renee had, was ready to fight. After all, she had her own love to fight for.

  “Thank you,” Desiree eventually said.

  “Think you’re ready?”

  Desiree took an arrow, notching it as she pulled the bow back, releasing it as soon as she could. It landed right beside Renee’s.

  “I am more than ready.”

  Chapter 41

  The cheers were almost deafening. Word of their arrival had reached the capital long before the ships came into view. Renee kept herself almost hidden within her crew members, Arrow perched faithfully on her shoulder. She really should have stayed below, but she was far too curious to see how Retanny welcomed their princess home. Based on the eager faces and excited voices, the people adored their princess. It gave Renee relief to know that she’d be welcomed as monarch.

  It really brought some things into perspective. For so long, she’d seen Retanny as an enemy, this massive imposing empire bent on conquering the world. Now, seeing faces so similar to her own people’s, she realized that her enemy was only one man. It helped her relax, and feel hopeful for the future.

  Lines were tossed, and the ship was soon secured to the dock, the gangway lowered. Will stood at the edge, Desiree on his arm. The twins stood near, each holding one of Jonathan’s hands, while Katie held Louisa just behind them. Renee knew the minute Retanny’s emperor came into view, even if she couldn’t see him. Everyone tensed, almost in unison.

  “Our princess has come home!” The masculine voice grated her ears. Desiree’s lips thinned in its smile. The clipping sound of boots on wood hit her ears before a figure emerged above the side.

  The emperor had a hard glint in his eyes, eyes that seemed like deep holes of blackness. He held his head higher than she thought possible, as if the entire world were beneath him. Which was almost comical as he barely stood taller than Will, and far shorter than Caleb who stood behind the royal party.

  “Your majesty.” Desiree curtsied before him, and everyone else followed suit. Even Will gave a half bow for a moment.

  “I see you’ve brought my wayward niece home,” the emperor directed that comment towards Will, and there was no denying the threat filling the tone.

  “Princess Desiree has been a breath of fresh air, and so understanding in giving me time needed to truly appreciate her as much as she deserves.” Will’s adoring gaze might have been for show, but Desiree’s gratitude was genuine enough.

  “Yes, well, some monarchs have the luxury of waiting for feelings to secure a match.” Could there be a more snide remark?

  “I suppose I am quite lucky.”

  “Well, we shouldn’t dally. We have far too much to do in such a short time.” The man descended in a whirl of arrogance and condescension.

  Will sent a look of solidarity to Renee assisting Desiree down the plank. A parade seemed to follow them, as Jonathan, Kate, the kids, along with Caleb and Sonia descended. A few others followed as well.

  “Do you plan on your entire crew to join us?” the emperor sounded disgusted.

  “A king always travels with a retinue,” Will said so innocently, it was hard to hear the clipped tone behind it.

  “You’re not following?” Fedor asked as he stepped to her side.

  “I’ll head to the castle with the next group, after the crowds die down. Hopefully, I can slip in unnoticed.”

  “With a mask?” Amusement lit his eyes.

  “I’ll change into just a wrapped shawl to help hide. And you? Prince of Vikieva?”

  “Same as you. I figured I’d slip in with all the baggage deliveries. I can stay with Caleb or Jonathan until my sister arrives.”

I’m sure the palace is big enough with enough new faces that we can hide in. I hope.”

  “Here’s to keeping the charade.”

  Cheers drew their eyes to the shore where open carriages were bearing the visitors through the crowd, the emperor seated higher than everyone.

  “This is going to be awful, isn’t it?” Fedor asked.

  “Yes. Sadly, yes.”

  Desiree followed her uncle through the halls, forcing her heart to slow its pace. He’d been completely aloof, but cordial enough she supposed. Once they reached the palace, the servants had all been lined up, offering to lead the parties to their destinations. She had been ordered to rest a little, freshen up, and then meet him. Granted, the rest had been simply a courtesy; she knew she needed to get washed and changed into something he’d consider befitting her station, and do it quickly.

  “I am surprised you were not more worn-out after such a long voyage,” he finally spoke.

  “Oh, no, I’m fine,” she replied. “After all, I’ve been gone for so long; it is nice to be home.”

  “Good. You were gone for quite some time.”

  “I am sorry it took longer than expected.” She forced herself to sound contrite.

  “Well, you are here now, and we have a lot of work to prepare for your big day.”

  Desiree forced her breathing to remain even, and her hands to not clench. “Hopefully, it won’t be too difficult, as I made many arrangements before.”

  “Oh, yes, we received your requests.” He sounded as though he had smelled something sour. “Thankfully, I’ve managed to keep everything on track.”

  “I’m certain this would not be possible, without you.”

  “You shall soon see our efforts paid off.”

  She wasn’t sure she liked his tone, but she still followed him into a room. Her vision was immediately blinded by white.

  “Your majesty,” the voices echoed around the room. After blinking, she was able to focus on the items that filled the room.

  To her left, tables all but overflowed with white flowers, mostly roses and lilies, both native to her home. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the rest of the room. Centerpieces filled another table, all filled with symbols of Retanny. The place-settings looked exactly like the ones she’d seen numerous times during formal dinners, and the table of food was laden with familiar dishes.


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