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The Pirate Empress

Page 26

by K R Martin

  “Luca,” Faraji’s face lit up as he pulled his brother in for an embrace.

  “Brother,” Luca replied, his own fists pounding the king’s back.

  “Mother!” Nya practically flew into her mother’s arms.

  “I missed you, my darling,” M’bali said as she clutched Nya tighter.

  “I can’t wait to tell you more about my adventures!”

  “Perhaps another time,” Faraji admonished, even as his smiled remained indulgent.

  “Of course,” Nya said, slightly subdued, but Renee was sure that the girl will be spinning her tales the first chance she got.

  “I am glad you are here,” Luca said. “I honestly wasn’t sure you would be.”

  “Well, an event of this magnitude does not happen every day,” M’bali said. “Besides, we traveled to better our relations with other nations and their rulers. What better way to meet them than at an event such as this?”

  “It is remarkable,” Renee admitted. “I wish I could enjoy it more, but sadly I will be relocating to my ship until it’s time for me to return home.”

  “We heard about what happened,” M’bali spoke softly. “I am so sorry.”

  “Thank you.” As a mother herself, Renee knew she understood better than most.

  “Is there anything we can do?” Faraji asked.

  “Keep your ears open. If you hear anything, Luca can get word to me.”

  “Of course. If you need anything,” M’bali took Renee’s hands, “please, let us know.”

  “Thank you, and I will.” Renee squeezed the older woman’s hands. “For now, I think I will return to my room. If anything happens, send word.”

  “I will.” Luca nodded.

  Renee said her goodbyes and slipped through the crowds. Her eyes met her husband’s, the sorrow in them threatening to be her undoing. Holding back her own emotions, she nodded her own goodbye, and stepped out of the room.

  The halls were blessedly quiet, and Renee allowed her steps to slow, inhaling deep breaths to help calm the emotions that clamored for control. She couldn’t lose control, not now. Too much was at stake.

  “Lady Varda?” Her head jerked up to see Vasilissa walking towards her.

  “Your majesty,” Renee curtsied.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  “I feel it is the best that I not remain here any longer.”

  “I see. Well, before you leave, I would like to show you something.”

  “Of course,” Renee replied before she fell into step with the other woman.

  “I am sorry we have not had more time to speak.” Vasilissa began. “My brother has spoken much of you, but is not the same as speaking to you.”

  “I quite agree.”

  “I am hoping to speak more when certain events are finished, though I must return home soon.”

  “It must be difficult, ruling a vast empire alone.”

  “Ah, but I am not alone. I have advisors, and my Sasha to assist. Much as you have many you rely on.”

  “I suppose no one is ever truly alone.”

  “No. We are not.” Vasilissa stopped for a moment, her eyes conveying that she, too, was there for Renee. “My brother has been most helpful,” she said, continuing to walk. “He is light and laughter, while I am aloof and serious.”

  “Fedor certainly wasn’t lighthearted when he first came to Espan. I thought I'd never met a more serious person. Then he met Desiree, and any harsh exterior evaporated beneath the sparks they shot at each other.”

  “I do not follow.”

  “Desiree was meek and polite, and Fedor had this air of severity, but they would constantly bicker with each other, trading barbs and glares. It made both have to drop their masks, and I think grow a little as well.”

  “My brother never could fancy a girl without teasing.” Vasilissa’s face lit up from memories. “I never thought he would pass that into something deeper, though. I never thought a woman would allow it.”

  “Well, Desiree certainly gave back as much as she got.”

  “Good. I like her. I think she is good for him, and I believe he loves her. I believe she loves him too.”

  “I am no expert, but I like to believe I know love, and I do believe those two have it.”

  “I am glad I am not the only one. I like her, and I like him with her. I only hope...”

  “Things will work out the way they’re supposed to.” Renee reassured the empress, even if she didn’t feel sure herself.

  “I believe so myself. Now,” she stopped before a door. “I have something important to share, but you must promise not to share.”

  “If nothing else, I know how to keep a secret.” Renee winked and Vasilissa chuckled.

  “Come.” Vasilissa spoke before gliding through the door. Renee followed, even into a second room. Vasilissa spoke to a lady in her native tongue before the lady disappear into yet another room. “There is someone I want you to meet.” Vasilissa sat, motioning for Renee to join her.

  “Oh?” Renee found herself curious as she sank into the couch.

  The door opened, and in stepped the lady, followed by a man holding the hands of a little girl and little boy.

  “Mama!” they cried in unison before launching themselves into Vasilissa’s arms.

  Her entire face lit up as she spoke to them, her words foreign but her tone familiar. Gently setting them back a little, she motioned to Renee, and while Renee didn’t understand the words, she did recognize her own name.

  “Hello,” the two children said in unison as they gave Renee a bow.

  “Renee, these are my children, Koshka and Mir.”

  “Very nice to meet both of you, your highnesses.” Renee told them.

  “Are you Dya Fedor friend?” Koshka asked.

  “Yes, Fedor is my friend.” Renee replied.

  “Then you friend to us,” Koshka grinned at Renee, making her heart skip. Both children seemed about the same age as her twins, breaking her heart while giving her joy. “Are you.... sad?” Koshka asked, her wide blue eyes inquisitive.

  “You remind me of my children.”

  “You have children?” Mir’s eyes widened eagerly.

  “Yes, two little girls, and a little boy. They are about your age.”

  “Can we play?” Koshka asked her mother.

  Vasilissa’s apologetic eyes met Renee’s.

  “My children are not here at the moment, but I know they would love to meet you.”

  “Oh.” Both faces fell into identical pouts.

  Vasilissa’s voice turned equal parts admonishing and soothing as she brought the children in for hugs. She motioned once more to Renee, her foreign words giving way to “nice to meet you.”

  “Nice meet you,” the children told Renee in haphazard union.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you too.”

  The little ones turned back to their mother, giving her kisses before skipping out of the room with the lady and gentleman following behind.

  “Your children are lovely,” Renee spoke after a moment.

  “Thank you. I am sorry for causing pain.”

  “It is alright. I am honored that you chose to share them with me, although I am surprised Fedor never spoke of his niece or nephew.”

  “We do not speak much of them. Too many threats and evil in the world. Our people know there is an heir, but not much more. Only a trusted few know that Princess Vasilissa will be the next empress.”

  “Princess Vasilissa?”

  “Oh, yes, my daughter has my name, but we call her Koshka. It means... kitten in your language. As a baby she seemed to mew more than cry.”

  “I think that is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I wish you luck on journey, and your children found soon.”

  “Thank you. If you hear anything, send word to Luca.”

  “I will.”

  “Thank you for this talk, and your trust.”

  “You are good woman, good queen. I believe in you and will be ready to assist your figh

  “I pray a fight will be unnecessary, but I fear I will need your sword before this all ends.”

  Chapter 47

  Renee stood on the deck of the Dawn Chaser, watching as the sun crept above the horizon. One day. She had just one day left to find and save her children. The next time the sun rose, it would herald in the wedding. Her chest clenched as she fought the panic, the fear that she might even now be too late. Not even Arrow’s nuzzling helped relieve her.

  “We will find them, Renee.” Ama Lei’s voice did nothing to alleviate the fears plaguing Renee.

  “Will we?” The tremor filled her voice. “I have failed them...”

  “No, none of that. You had trusted guards watching them constantly.”

  “But not close enough. I don’t know how, but he managed his way around them, and still snatched my children. They were taken, and no one knew where.”

  “We will find them. Even Desiree is trying. From what I heard, she demanded that the children be returned, healthy, immediately following the wedding or there would be no wedding night, and no Retanny heir. Apparently, she also threatened annulment if they were harmed.”


  “She has quite the spirit, and her uncle is seeing that. He needs her to have a child, and she has made it quite clear that there will be no child until the others are returned.”

  “I owe her so much for that.” Renee felt a ghost of a smile form. Who knew Desiree would think of the one thing that could threaten his plans to keep Renee’s children safe.

  “You have far too many people behind you for us to fail.”

  “But the one man we are up against has more power at his disposal.”

  “True, he has power, but he is evil, and you are light. We will prevail.”

  Renee squeezed her friend’s shoulder, hoping some of Ama Lei’s confidence would flow into Renee.

  “Riders approach!” The call came from above, causing Renee to jolt and Arrow to jump off. He found a new perch as Renee rushed to the gangway. Three horses halted just at the dock.

  “Permission to board, Captain?” Luca’s voice drifted to her.

  “Please!” Renee called them up, motioning for one of her men to take the horses. He’d see them returned, or at least properly stabled.

  Luca stepped onto the deck, followed by Caleb and Little Wolf.

  “Any news?” Renee asked.

  “We found them,” Luca replied. Relief flooded swift and sure through Renee.


  “They’re being held at the city just to the east of here, on a ship. The plan is for them to return in the morning, arriving after the ceremony.”

  “Well, that won’t happen. Prepare to sail,” Renee ordered.

  “I’ll bring the Crimson Thorne as well,” Ama Lei said before dashing down the gangway.

  “Caleb? Little Wolf?” Renee asked them.

  “You’re our family, and so are those kids,” Caleb replied.

  “We’re helping you get them back,” Little Wolf added.

  “Thank you. Now, let’s go get my children!”

  Will stood in the shadows, nursing a drink as he watched those around him. Most seemed to celebrate the impending event, but he could pick out those friends who were less than enthusiastic. He couldn’t seem to work up much of a smile himself. The letter Caleb left gave him hope, though he still despaired. The wedding was in the morning and they still hadn’t returned.

  “You seem a man with a lot on his mind.” Will turned to see Jian had joined him.

  “Captain Jian, I believe?”

  “Yes, your majesty.”

  “It is pleasant to see you again.” Will kept his tone light, remembering all that had been said since their second introduction.

  “The princess seems excited.” Jian nodded to Desiree, currently flitting between guests, a bright smile on her face.

  “She has been planning this for some time.”

  “I received a note today.” Will finally noticed the tension around the man’s eyes. “It seems one of my ships had some issues so it has been taken out to work on the problem.”

  “Hopefully it will return fixed,” Will remarked.

  “Gentlemen.” Will’s teeth clenched as he watched Retanny’s emperor join them.

  “Your majesty.” Will inclined his head and Jian bowed.

  “You seem in deep deliberation.” There was accusation in his tone.

  “Oh, no, just simple conversation,” Will spoke.

  “I was simply remarking that I might be extending my stay, allowing me to better his majesty’s acquaintance.” Jian spoke so smoothly, reminding Will that the man spent years hiding behind his words.

  “Oh?” the emperor asked.

  “Yes. Sadly, one of our ships has been causing us issues. Some of my men took it out to try to fix the problem.”

  “Ah, that would explain why it was missing. I was also informed that one of the Espan ships had left as well.”

  “I gave permission for that one.” Desiree’s voice floated over them as she joined the group. “There were some that, well, needed space until the wedding was over.” Her eyes narrowed slightly, enough to cool the entire room. “I’m sure you can understand.”

  “I would have preferred they remain here.”

  “We can’t always have what we want.” She spat back. “Besides, it is your fault, so you have to live with it. Now, leave my betrothed be to enjoy his final night as a bachelor, though I’m sure his thoughts are of his wife as, after all, I have heard most men contemplate their first marriage on the eve of their second. I will see you in the morning.” Desiree nodded her goodbyes before dragging her uncle away.

  “I don’t remember her being that intimidating,” Jian whispered.

  “She found her inner royal,” Will remarked.

  “Your majesty,” Fedor spoke as he joined the men.

  “Fedor,” Will nodded. “You remember Jian?”

  “Pleasure to see you again.” Fedor nodded.

  “Your highness.” Jian bowed.

  “I hope I am not interrupting?”

  “Oh, no, we were simply remarking on her highness’s new strength,” Will replied.

  Fedor’s face lit up. “Yes. It was certainly something watching her march in all storm and fury, absolutely demanding he bring the children back immediately. I was also surprised when she threatened him after his initial ‘no’.”

  “That took a lot of gumption,” Will admitted.

  “And intelligence,” Fedor added. “Not many would be able to discover the one weakness that man has.”

  “What would that be?” Jian asked.

  “Control. Power. If she never has a child, there would be no Retanny heir for Espan and Cartiana, leaving him with no ability to rule them.”

  “And, especially should that child be the only royal, Retanny’s emperor would declare himself regent.”

  “That will never happen,” Will growled.

  “No, it will not,” Jian agreed. “They will return victorious.”

  “Yes. Yes, they will.”

  Chapter 48

  “There you are.” Renee all but gritted her teeth at the sights of the Retanny vessel. Though darkness had fallen, she could still see the ship by all the flames lit on it. “That is who we’re looking for, right?” she asked Luca.

  “That is the name I discovered,” Luca agreed.

  “Good. Prepare for battle!” she called, feeling satisfaction that not only her men but those on Ama Lei’s ship scurried about determination fueling their movements.

  Renee stood at the bow, watching their prey grow closer. Her sword had already been unsheathed, now gripped in her hand, ready for action. She needed that action. Anger had filled her veins, growing more intense with every passing moment. She even had to remove her veil just so she could breathe. Even Arrow danced on the railing beside her, eager for action.

  Close. So close. Energy buzzed through her, her free hand reaching for the r
ail as her legs bent in anticipation. The Dawn Chaser slid beside its prey, and Renee leapt, sailing over the railings.

  Her feet landed just before her sword sought its first victim. Men rushed at her, and she dashed through the waves, sword swinging ahead of her, seeking blood. Not for lives, never to take a life unless absolutely necessary. But she was more than willing to incapacitate them for a time. Arrow flew past her, almost a blur, his claws out and sinking into any assailant he could.

  Ama Lei appeared at her side, her own katana swinging with ease. Flashes of her other friends would appear, of Luca with his staff, Taras with his cutlass, and especially Little Wolf and Caleb with their own swords drawn. And in her heart, she could feel Will, his love and support pushing her forward.

  Pain laced her face, and she turned to kick the man who had the audacity to cut her. She sent him flying towards Caleb, who bashed him hard enough to render him unconscious. She nodded her thanks before dashing to the hold, slowing just enough to navigate the steps.

  The darkness forced her to pause, blinking to focus. Doors came into her vision, and she rushed to the closest, nearly ripping the door open to discover it empty. Not wasting time, she dashed to the next, continuing through every door she could find. Panic crept in as room after room turned up empty. They couldn’t be empty; they had to be there. If her children weren’t on the ship...

  No, she would not accept defeat. She couldn’t.

  Her momentum jarred to a stop as the door refused to open to her. Locked. Hope filled her chest. “Children?” she called, hoping she wasn’t talking to air. “If you can hear me, stay away from the door!”

  She stepped back, mentally counting to three. Her foot flew as she kicked with all her might. The door flew open and she rushed into the room.

  “Mama!” Spera’s voice reached her ears first, and Renee dropped to her knees, choking out a sob as Spera ran into her arms. Renee clutched her daughter tightly, unsure if she could ever let her go.

  “Mama?” a new voice jolted her thoughts, and she looked up to see Willy and Rosa gazing at her with wide eyes. Blinking her thoughts away, she reached up and felt skin where cloth should be. Her mask was gone, probably torn when her face was cut. “Mama, that you?” Willy asked again.


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