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Stone (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #1)

Page 5

by Victoria Ashley

  “Nothing can keep my shit down, Man.” I smirk and grab my crotch. “I’ve got a magic dick is what I’ve been told.”

  “Yeah, well tell your magic dick to toss me a beer.”

  Aspen stands up, pulling the blanket with her. “I’ll be upstairs showering and finishing what you interrupted so thanks for that, Stone.”

  I smile against my beer. “Hey, no one said you had to stop. It’s not as if I’ve never seen it before.”

  Aspen’s face turns red. “Well I think you’ve seen it enough.” She walks over to kiss Slade on the neck. “I’ll be waiting for you upstairs.”

  Growling, Slade grabs Aspen’s ass through the blanket and slaps it as she walks away.

  Laughing, I toss Slade a beer and he catches it, quickly popping the top off. “So how did things go last night? Sage show up?”

  “Yup.” I pull out a bar stool and take a seat. “She’s still pushing my ass away.” I tilt back my beer. “But at least she came.”

  He smiles and takes a swig of his beer. “It’s been what . . . six or seven months since she’s watched your annoying ass dance. Good shit. So you’re going all in this time? You really want more?”

  “Yeah.” I set my beer down and watch as he searches through the fridge. “I only held back the first time because I was respecting the fact that she wanted nothing more than to mess around. I did things her way and now I’m doing them mine. We were roommates for a whole damn year, messing around when she wanted to. I want more, Man. I know she’s scared, but I won’t hurt her.”

  He pulls out some lunchmeat and begins making a sandwich. “You sure about that?”

  “Hell yeah,” I say without hesitation. “I may have been pushed around and kicked in the past, but I’m not scared of love, Man. Not like her. It’s the opposite for me. I want it.”

  He nods his head and tosses some bread my way for my own sandwich. “You better hope so. If you hurt Sage; Hemy will break your ass in two.”

  I think about it for a second and my answer remains the same. She’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about since laying eyes on her. She means something to me and I want to find out just how much.

  “Positive.” I throw some turkey and mustard on my bread, before taking a huge bite. “I just need her to spend some time with me out of the house so she can see how much fun we used to have.”

  Slade watches me for a few seconds, before speaking again. “Make sure your ass is at Fortunes tonight then. She asked Aspen to come out with her and Jade for a few drinks around nine.”

  “No shit.” Smiling, I stand up and look at the clock. It’s a quarter to seven. “You and Aspen going?”

  He shakes his head. “Nah, Aspen’s had a long week. We’re staying in.”

  “Looks like Kash’s ass better prepare to come out then.” I shove the last bite of sandwich in my mouth, before finishing off my beer and tossing it in the trash. “You’ve just made my night a hell of a lot better. I need to get my ass home and change.”

  “Anything to get you out of my house, Fucker. My woman is waiting upstairs for me to finish what you interrupted.” He tosses his empty beer in the trash. “Lock the back door on the way out.”

  With that, he walks away, leaving me alone in his kitchen.

  I quickly clean up the mess we made and then let myself out the back, locking the door behind me.

  Once back in my jeep, I send Kash a quick text, letting him know that he’s coming out tonight.

  He responds within a few seconds.

  Kash: I’m down.

  I knew he would be and I need someone to keep Jade busy so I can get close to Sage tonight.

  As close as she will allow me . . .


  JADE HAS BEEN IN HER room for the last hour finishing up her makeup, so I’ve been watching her little brother, Jake, and one of his friends play pool.

  Her brother just turned eighteen two days ago and seems to think that now that he’s of age, that I’m going to give him a shot and let him take me home to his parents’ basement.

  I don’t think he realizes how creepy that sounds.

  The kid says he has huge plans for me and that his parents hardly ever come down to the basement.

  Apparently, his friend seems to get a kick out of him trying and being turned down and put in his place by me, because he’s been laughing his ass off for the last hour.

  “You know . . .” Jake pauses to take his shot and misses. “I just upgraded to a queen-sized bed, Baby. That means it’s fit for a queen. My queen.”

  Laughing, I about spit my beer out. “I’m sorry, but I only lay with a king, Kid. Let me know when you get your next upgrade.”

  “Oh damn.” His friend covers his mouth with his fist and busts out in laughter.

  “Really, Jake?” Jade laughs from the doorway. “You definitely got your game from uncle Frank and trust me, it’s not strong, Kid.”

  Jake rolls his eyes. “Stop calling me kid. Did you miss the part where I turned eighteen? Dammit, Jade. You’re always trying to embarrass me and crap.”

  Smiling, she grabs her brother’s chin and starts talking in baby talk about how cute and adorable he is.

  This causes him to turn red with embarrassment and toss his cue stick down. “Dude . . . let’s get out of here, Myles, while I still have some dignity left.”

  “Bye, Cutie,” I tease. “Don’t forget to call me when you get an upgrade.” I wink, causing him to smirk and smooth out his shirt.

  “It’s the shirt, right?” He nudges his friend. “Told you she’d dig the shirt.”

  Jade grabs both of the boys and begins pushing them through the house. “Time to leave. Tell mom I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  Myles stops to check Jade out in her black skinny jeans and teal blouse. “I turn eighteen in three months.” He licks his lips. “Just sayin’.”

  “Out!” She points. “Jake, don’t forget your weird little sidekick.”

  We both look at each other and laugh as the boys argue their way out the front door about who’s game needs the most work.

  “Well . . . that was interesting.” Jade smiles. “You ready to go out and see some real men now? I just heard that the after party for the MMA fights from tonight is going to be at Fortunes. Plenty of hard powerful, hot men to choose from.”

  The thought of these MMA fighters being at the bar tonight is sort of exciting, but I can’t help but to think of the fact that Stone is built the same way, but even better than most of these fighters.

  When I think hard, powerful and hot . . . I think Stone.

  His body is hard and powerful and he’s definitely got to be the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  Trying not to fall for him has been harder than I imagined. Especially when he opens his sexy mouth, telling me what he wants without holding back.

  He’s gone months being quiet, but I have a feeling that’s about to change.

  “Let’s go.” Shaking my head of thoughts of Stone, I follow Jade outside to her jeep.

  Fortunes is already busy by the time we get there. My guess is that the fights are over and everyone is gathering around to drink with their favorite fighters.

  The crowd is already rowdy from drinking and watching the fights so the bar is so loud that you have to practically scream to hear each other.

  “We’ll take two beers,” Jade yells to the bartender, while holding up two fingers for her to see.

  “Holy shit,” I say next to Jade’s ear as she hands me a beer. “You can’t even move in this place tonight. Is it always this way after a fight? It’s so hot in here and smells like sweat.”

  “Always, Honey. You need to get out more,” she yells. “And tell me about it. They need to crank up the air with all of these sweaty men in here.”

  Holding onto Jade’s arm, I pull her through the crowd until I spot the last empty table in the whole bar.

  It just so happens to be next to the table that a few fighters have just arrived at. The whole
table is screaming and congratulating the guys on their wins, while passing cans of beer around.

  “See that guy with the black shirt?” Jade asks, while pointing to the hot blonde with bulging muscles. I nod my head. “That’s Knight Stevens. He was the main event at the fights down the street. Looks like he won.”

  Within seconds, trays full of shot glasses arrive at their table, most of them being passed over to this Knight guy as he continuously slams them back, accepting them all.

  I tilt back my beer while watching him. “He’s a fucking trooper. Holy shit, I’d be puking my ass off by now.”

  “Tell me about it. I love a man that can handle his liquor.” She takes a swig of her beer. “He’s single too. Maybe we should go over and congratulate him.”

  This Knight guy must catch us looking at him and talking, because his eyes land on us and stay there as he tilts back one last shot.

  Winking, he nods his head and grabs two shot glasses, before heading over to our table. He sets the shot glasses down, before eyeing us both over like he’s ready to take us to his hotel room and show us a good time. “Drink up, ladies. Shots are on my table.”

  Jade grabs a shot and nudges me when I don’t make a move to grab one. “Thanks. Can’t refuse a drink from the champion.” She waits for me to grab mine, before clinking her glass against mine and downing it at the same time that I do mine.

  Satisfied, Knight helps us both to our feet, before grabbing our table and pushing it against his. “The prettiest girls here and you guys are sitting alone. I won’t have that shit. You’re with me now.” He winks, while getting pulled away by one of his guys.

  Jade squeezes my leg and leans in. “What’s wrong? Loosen up a little. You look so tense.”

  I pull my eyes away from Knight, who hasn’t seemed to take his off of me since we sat down at our now joined tables. “I’m fine.” I cover my head as one of the guys at the table stands up and starts tossing beers across the room to other tables, while drunkenly screaming. “These guys are just really fucking drunk and stupid. If one hits us with a beer, I’ll kick them in the balls.”

  “You want to move? We can, but there aren’t any other tables available. We’re lucky we found this one.”

  Ducking around the crowded table, I begin looking around to see where we can possibly move to, when a beer flies right next to my head, almost hitting me.

  Instinctively, my arm goes up to cover my head and anger floods through me. These dicks just really don’t give a shit and I’m not about to spend the whole night dodging beers.

  I stand up and grab Jade’s arm, while keeping my eyes on the asshole with the beers. “We’re moving. I don’t care if we have to stand, but we’re not staying here and getting knocked out by flying beers.”

  My heart about beats out of my chest, when Stone appears out of what seems like nowhere, and grabs the drunken guy by his shirt, slamming him into the table.

  “Watch where the fuck you’re throwing those beers, Asshole. Hit one of those girls and I’ll fuck your shit up.”

  Knight stands up and rushes over to help his friend when he notices him in trouble, but stops when he notices Stone and Kash, as if he’s seen them before and doesn’t want any trouble.

  Instead, he places his hand on Stone’s shoulder and says something to him that has Stone releasing his grip on his asshole friend.

  “He’s cut off for the night, Bro. No worries,” Knight says loud enough for the whole table to hear. “You hear that? Tanner is done so don’t send anymore shit his way. Let’s just enjoy the night.”

  Pulling his eyes away from Knight, Stone walks over and pulls out the chair next to me. “You alright?”

  Still in shock that a fight didn’t just break out, I nod my head, thankful that he’s here to calm them down. “I am now,” I say with a hint of a smile. “Thanks for that. I was about to drag Jade out of here.”

  Kash pulls up an empty chair next to Jade and takes a seat, instantly grabbing her attention away from any other guy at the table.

  I’m a little surprised, because the way she’s been looking at Knight, I expected her to go after him, but she’s over there smiling as if he’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen.

  Pulling my chair to face him, Stone pulls me closer until I’m between his legs. “I’ve dealt with these fuckers before, and I wouldn’t have hesitated to fight every single one of those fuckers if you got hit with that beer.”

  I suck in a breath, as he reaches out and swipes his thumb over my bottom lip. “Stop making that sexy little sound when you breathe, before I bend you over in front of everyone and give you a reason to.”

  Holy shit . . .

  I didn’t even realize I was softly moaning, while looking him over in his fitted white t-shirt and dark jeans until now. Not to mention him standing up for me to a table full of fighters and their friends practically had me fighting for air.

  This man is beyond sexy in everything he does and says and there’s no denying it.

  Damn him for being so fucking cute and irresistible.

  “I bet you wish that I’d let you,” I say next to his ear, while patting his chest.

  Smirking, he grabs my wrist as I’m about to pull away, placing my hand back on his flexed chest. “I do . . . and you would.”

  I smile. I can’t help it. I love this side of Stone, even though I know it will probably get me where I’ve been trying not to be. “What makes you think that?”

  “Because you’ve always wanted to have sex in a public place and what better way to do that than with a male stripper that will make you scream until your throats raw?”

  “Oh shit!” Jade yells from beside me. “I heard that. Someone’s got one dirty mouth.”

  Apparently, so did Knight, because he glares over at Stone, looking pissed that these male strippers have our attention and he doesn’t.

  A fighter is hot, but nothing is hotter than a man that can move his body in the dirty way that these W.O.S boys do.

  Knight looks like he’s about to say something, but gets distracted when a female throws her arms around his neck and begins whispering in his ear.

  Relief washes over me, because having Stone get into a fight is the last thing I want right now, especially with some MMA fighters.

  “Need another beer?” Stone questions.

  I point at his empty hands. “Where’s yours?”

  “I’m not drinking tonight.”

  “Why not?”

  He stands up and grabs my waist, helping me to my feet. “Someone has to keep an eye on you with all these rowdy assholes here eyeing you up.”

  Grabbing my hand, he pulls me through the crowd and over to the bar, holding onto me protectively.

  Smiling, I watch as he orders two beers, I’m guessing one for Jade since Kash didn’t look like he was drinking either.

  As we’re about to walk back over to the table, two girls stop Stone, acting all giddy and excited as if they’ve just spotted a celebrity or some shit.

  “Come dance with us,” one girl says.

  “None of these other guys here tonight can dance. Please, Stone. Come play with us.” The tall redhead smiles, but then gives me a dirty as hell look when she notices Stone holding my hand.

  It pisses me off, yet makes me feel good that these other girls want him, and it’s my hand that he’s holding right now.

  It has the feisty Sage wanting to come out and play. Bitch better back off.

  “I’d watch that face because bitch does not look good on you, Honey.”

  Stone smiles as if he’s impressed and then surprises me when he pulls me into him and runs his tongue across my lips, before biting the bottom one, causing my insides to jump with excitement. “Fuck me, Sage. You’re sexy as fuck when you’re feisty. Feel that?” He presses his hips into me, showing me that he’s now hard. “Your mouth does this to me.”

  The girls give up and walk away, looking pissed that he didn’t pay them any attention.

  “Keep poking
me with your big dick and I might just bite it.” I smile against his ear. “Nice and hard. I don’t think you want that.”

  I get ready to walk away with the beers, but Stone presses up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  My pussy clenches as he bites my ear and possessively grips the button on my jeans as if he can rip it off any second and take me how he wants. “I’ll take your mouth on my dick anyway you want. Don’t think that a little pain will scare me. It will only make me fuck you harder.”

  Jade whistles, getting our attention as her and Kash stand up as if their ready to move somewhere else.

  “Not tonight, Big guy,” I manage to get out, even though my whole body is buzzing with need.

  Wriggling out of his grip, I make my way over to Jade and hand her a beer, while following her over by the dartboards.

  We start up a game and I try my best to not imagine Stone fucking me here in public and making me scream, but the way he keeps looking at me, makes it impossible to stop imagining.

  It doesn’t help any that those jeans he’s wearing fit him so damn perfectly that any girl wouldn’t be able to think straight after setting sight on his backside.

  I swear my eyes have been glued to his firm ass every single time that he goes up to throw his darts.

  I want to bite it.

  “There’s so much sexual tension between you and Stone that it’s getting my dick hard,” Kash whispers next to my ear, just as I’m about to throw my dart.

  Laughing, I elbow him in the stomach, causing him to grunt and step back. “Stop trying to distract me just because I’m kicking your ass.”

  “Hey, I speak the truth.” He wraps his arm around my neck and kisses my cheek. “Think Jade’s into me? She keeps looking at my crotch and shit.”

  I look behind me to see Stone and Jade at the small table, talking, but her eyes keep lingering over to Kash’s ass as if she can’t control them.

  “I’m going to take a wild guess and say yes.” Smiling, I slap his chest and push him out of my space. “Now move the fuck out of my way so I can finish winning.”


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