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Stone (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #1)

Page 12

by Victoria Ashley

  Grabbing my chair with force, he yanks me into the middle of the aisle and straddles my lap, dancing against me.

  Getting lost in the moment, I bite my bottom lip and moan under my breath when he grabs my hands, placing them to his chest and abs as he grinds on me.

  Then he does something that completely and utterly surprises the shit out of me and sends my heart soaring.

  Grabbing the back of my head, he crushes his lips against mine, kissing me hard and deep as if letting the whole room know that he wants me and doesn’t care what they think.

  I would’ve never in a million years expected him to kiss me during a performance, knowing that it could mess up his popularity and high demand here at the club.

  But the way he’s kissing me feels like more than just a kiss. It feels like he’s baring his soul for the world to see. Myself included and I don’t know what to do with it.

  So I just kiss him back.

  My heart continues to beat out of my chest the whole time that our lips mold together, our tongues desperately seeking each other’s as if we’re alone in the privacy of our home.

  When his lips finally separate from mine, he leans in to whisper in my ear. “No one else gets this kind of treatment, Babe.” He tangles his hand in my hair and tugs, while breathing heavily against my ear. “The question is . . . what are you going to do with it?”

  With that, he stands up and pushes my chair back to the table, before rushing back up to the stage to finish the last part of his routine.

  Most of the girls look at me with jealousy, while some of them just look even more excited as if they expect me to just be some random, lucky chick that got a kiss from the sexiest damn stripper that has walked that stage.

  You’d have to be blind to think it was just random. He made it extremely clear that he has feelings for me.

  Not to mention that he made sure to make it clear that I need to figure out what to do with them.

  That thought scares me, yet I can’t move from my spot when his show is over.

  “You okay,” Jade asks. “That boy cares for you. Looks like the whole room knows now too. That kiss was something deep and meaningful. You’re lucky, Sage. Stone is a great guy.”

  “He is. He’s the greatest guy I know other than my brother,” I whisper, while still lost in thought.

  And I want to be here for him when he gets off for the night. I’m not leaving until he does.

  Maybe a small part of me does know what to do with it . . .


  “DUDE, WHAT THE HELL WAS that? I still can’t get over the shit you pulled out there on the floor,” Kash continues to go on about my kiss with Sage. “You do realize that you probably just fucked up your reputation here, right? That kiss was deep, Bro. Real deep. The women won’t like that.”

  I throw my shit into my locker and slam it closed. “Does it look like I give a shit?” I rake my hands through my wet hair in frustration.

  The only thing I’m thinking about is what I whispered in her damn ear and how she’s going to take it.

  There’s a huge fucking chance that I’ve just messed things up with Sage completely and she’ll back off, wanting to go back to being strictly roommates again. I can’t have it. I won’t.

  There’s no way in hell I’ll be able to live with her and not want her like I do every day. I need to see how she truly feels about me. It’s been eating at me the more and more that I touch her.

  “This job isn’t everything, Fuck face. The hundreds of women that grab at me every damn night, begging to take me home to fuck them, will never keep me satisfied for longer than a night. I’ve been fighting to hold onto Sage for over a year. Do you get that?”

  Kash nods his head in understanding and slips a clean shirt on. “I get it, Man. I do. I’ve been there in the past. I’ve been hurt and I’ve moved on, but you still have to think about your career and what you’ve built here. The women want us to come off as available to them. They want to go home fantasizing that they have a chance with us. It keeps them coming back. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Get off his fucking ass,” Styx grinds out, while stepping out of the shower, completely fucking naked as usual. “Worry about what you do and he’ll worry about his own shit. I’d do it in a heartbeat for the right woman. If I ever get lucky enough to fucking find her.”

  “Fuck off, Styx. I’m just trying to give him some advice and get him thinking straight. I’m down for him winning Sage over as much as you two dicks are. I’m just thinking about the club too.”

  I throw my dirty clothes into my duffle bag and throw is over my shoulder. “I am thinking straight. I know what I want and I’m going after it at all costs. Fuck the club. Fuck what anyone thinks. She’s all that matters. Later, Dickheads.”

  Not wanting to listen to Kash and his logical fucking bullshit any longer, I hurry out of the locker room and outside toward Hemy’s motorcycle.

  I borrowed that shit without him knowing, while he took off to work on my jeep earlier. He told me to take his old truck, but I said fuck it and took off on his bike. He hasn’t called me yet to kick my ass, but the nights still early. At least for me.

  When I walk outside there are still groups of women hanging outside by the building, checking me out and going on about our performances tonight, but there’s one woman in particular that catches my attention and keeps it.

  No one else ever seems to exist when it comes to this woman.

  Sage is leaning against Hemy’s motorcycle, looking lost in thought and slightly confused. She looks torn . . . almost pained.

  She’s so deep in thought that she doesn’t even notice me approaching her.

  I hope like hell that it’s me she’s thinking so hard about right now.

  Thankful that she’s still here, I wrap my arms around her and pick her up, her legs instantly wrapping around my waist and squeezing.

  I flash her a smile, showing her just how happy I am to see her. “Waiting on me, Babe?”

  She nods her head and returns my smile. “Yeah, I thought I owed it to you after that amazing kiss that you surprised me with.”

  “It was pretty amazing.” I lift my brows and tangle both of my hands into the back of her hair. “Especially the way you kissed me back. It was sweet and hot as fuck. I haven’t stopped thinking about it all night.”

  Her eyes catch mine and we just look at each other. Like really look at each other for the first time in a long time. Hell . . . maybe even ever. At least on her end.

  I take this moment to look into her soul and search for any kind of feelings she might be hiding for me. She may be good at hiding her emotions, but I see something there. Even if it’s just something small as hell. It’s there. I just need to spark it and make it grow so she can’t fight it anymore.

  Breaking eye contact, Sage turns her head and clears her throat, before sliding down the front of my body and fixing her shirt. “Mind if I get a ride, Big guy?”

  “Depends on where you’re going, Beautiful girl,” I tease, while grabbing the helmet and placing it on her head.

  “How about for a ride,” she says sweetly. “Anywhere. I don’t care where. I just want to feel the wind on my face and get lost in my head. I need to get away for a bit.”

  “I’ll take you anywhere you want.” It’s the honest truth. I care about this woman so damn much that I’ll do anything she ever asks of me.

  I hop on the front of her brother’s bike, before grabbing her hand and helping her on the back. It feels good having her behind me. I really need to invest in one of these bikes my damn self.

  We’re both quiet as I take off and just drive for a while. I don’t give a shit about where we’re going or where we end up. Just as long as I’m with her and her arms are wrapped tightly around my waist as if she doesn’t want to let go.

  Every once in a while, I feel her press her face into my back and squeeze me tighter. My heart speeds up, wondering what she’s thinking about. It’s almost as if she’s taki
ng this as a free moment to hold onto me without any worries of where it might lead us.

  We ride for about an hour, with her holding onto me for dear life, until I finally find an open field to park at.

  I turn off the engine, but her arms stayed wrapped tightly around me. The last thing I want is for her to leg go, so I spin around on the bike to face her, bringing her up to straddle my lap.

  I wrap her arms back around me, before bringing my hands up to cup her face. “How do you feel right now? Don’t worry about the future or what could happen. Right here. Right now. What do you feel? What do you want?”

  She looks me in the eyes, but hesitates before responding. “It’s complicated and completely confusing. I . . . I want to . . . never mind. It’s just stupid.”

  Frustrated, she pulls her face away from my hands, but I capture it again, wanting her to look at me. I never want her to be ashamed to look at me.

  “I promise you . . . whatever it is, it isn’t fucking stupid. Tell me.”

  Giving up, she scoots further into my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “I want to feel what it’s like to have you make love to me. Nice. Slow. Passionate. Deep. I just want to experience it once with you and not have to worry about the future.”

  “Then I’ll give that to you,” I whisper against her neck. “Anything you want. Ask me and I’ll give it to you.”

  Maneuvering us both off of the bike, I press my lips against hers and carry her over to the grass, gently laying her down in it.

  She watches me as I slowly strip out of my clothing, until I’m down to only my briefs.

  “You want to do this right here? Right now?” she questions, while looking me over.

  “Fuck yes,” I growl out. “More than anything.”

  Spreading her legs, I press my body between them and capture her lips with mine again, tasting her slowly and passionately, wanting her to feel how much she truly means to me.

  Moaning softly, she wraps her arms around my neck and lifts her ass up off the ground so that I can pull her jeans and panties down her slender legs. Then, she sits up, allowing me to strip her of her shirt and bra.

  Lowering my body, I press kisses down her breasts and stomach, before moving back up to kiss her lips. “If I’m making love to you, I’m doing it without a condom,” I say against her lips. “I want you to feel me the right away.”

  She nods her head. “Okay,” she whispers. “I want that too. If I’m going to experience it with anyone . . . I want it to be with you.”

  Standing up, I pull my boxer briefs down, tossing them aside, before lowering myself back in between her spread legs.

  Biting her bottom lip, I slide my hand under her neck and gently guide my hard cock into her pussy. I push into her, moaning as her tightness hugs me completely.

  Her body moves with mine, her nails digging into my back as I slowly grind my hips, being sure to hit every spot of pleasure I can find. Hearing her moan and feeling her grip on me tighten, pushes me to want to pleasure her even more. I can never get deep enough when it comes to Sage.

  Being inside her this way feels too good emotionally and physically, and I can’t help but to feel selfish and only want it to be me from now on. Hell, I’m praying that I’ve been the only one so far. I can’t even imagine this happening with anyone else.

  Bringing her legs over my shoulders, I slightly lift her hips and rock into her, biting the side of her calf as I bury myself as deep as I can, causing her to let out a small cry of pain.

  “You okay,” I whisper.

  She nods her head. “Yes,” she moans. “Keeping going.”

  Forty minutes later, both of our bodies are covered in sweat. We’re both breathless and completely lost in each other as I continue to thrust deep and slow for what feels like hours.

  Wanting to be closer to her, I sit on my knees and bring her body up to straddle my lap. Our bodies are plastered together, not even an inch of breathing room as I kiss her flesh all over and bury myself inside of her over and over again.

  I feel her nails dig into my skin and her breathing picks up next to my ear. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

  Holding her as close as possible, I press my lips to hers and sway my hips, pulling her body so I can get as deep as I can. I feel myself close to orgasm so I suck her bottom lip into my mouth, moaning as she clenches around my cock.

  A few seconds later, I rock into her one last time, releasing my load inside of her, being sure that she gets every last drop. I’ve never come so fucking hard in my life.

  She drops her forehead to mine and grabs my face, looking into my eyes as we hold each other. Looking back at her, I feel an emotion rush through me that can hurt us both. Tonight everything is perfect, but what happens when we get back home and she goes back to her room and I get stuck going back to mine.

  I don’t want that. I want to spend the whole night, holding her in my arms, showing her that it’s safe to let me.

  We stay still for a while. Ten minutes. Maybe twenty. Doesn’t matter. I’ll stay here all night, looking at the stars with her, naked, in my lap.

  Knowing that she most likely has to be up early though, I kiss her a few more times, before helping her back to her feet and helping her get dressed.

  The way she watches me as I gather my own clothing, gives me hope that she wants me to spend the night in her room just as badly as I want to.

  “Let’s get you home, Beautiful girl.”

  I secure her with the helmet, just like on the way here, and then help her onto the back of the bike.

  Her arms come up to wrap around me, holding me just as tightly as on the way here. Maybe even tighter.

  Gives me more hope.

  By the time we arrive back at the house, it’s close to three in the morning. We’re both exhausted, neither one of us jumping to speak.

  We both stay quiet as I unlock the door and guide her inside and to her bedroom.

  Without a word, I undress us both, before laying her on her bed and crawling in behind her, covering us up with the sheet.

  Surprising me completely, she grabs both of my arms, holding me tightly as I rest my face into her neck, getting as close to her as our bodies will allow.

  “Goodnight,” I whisper.

  She doesn’t say anything back. Instead, she kisses my arm and buries her face in it.

  Fuck . . . please tell me she won’t regret this in the morning . . .


  FOR THE PAST WEEK, STONE has been crawling into my bed in the middle of the night and catering to my needs as if making me happy and pleasuring me is his only need in life.

  It’s been the best week of my life and the sex has been so intense that it’s hard to breathe sometimes when he’s inside of me.

  The man is so damn good that it makes my heart ache just imagining us going back to how things were a few weeks ago. Back to just friends, when I avoided spending time with him, afraid to get too close.

  It also makes my heart ache to imagine what it could be like to allow myself to keep falling deeper and deeper into his world and then have to possibly wake up without him each morning. It’s easy to get too used to a good thing and then slowly die from pain and loss when it’s no longer in reach.

  I remember the feeling all too well, after depending on my brother for love and protection and then to have him ripped away from me without a choice.

  I’m not going to lie . . . it scares the living shit out of me. Every day I continue to fall more and more for Stone, losing my strength to fight my feelings for him. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell myself that I’m not falling in love with him.

  I feel it in my heart and soul.

  I find myself wanting to talk to him all day, every day. It’s becoming routine to text each other every chance that we get and I find myself waiting for his random pictures to pop up and brighten up my day.

  We’re beginning to feel more and more like a couple as each day passes and I have no clue how to fee
l about this or what to do.

  “Hey gorgeous, Ladies. Did ya miss me?”

  My heart speeds up at the sound of Stone’s voice as he enters the salon, greeting, Aspen, Onyx and myself.

  “You know it. Us ladies are always happy to see you boys.” Aspen smiles as he walks by, kissing her on the side of the head, before he heads over to greet Onyx.

  “Hey, Babe. You smell nice.” Onyx quickly greets him, trying not to lose focus on her current client. “Tell me what that is later so I can make Hemy buy it.”

  “I’m sure his ass would love to smell like me,” Stone jokes. “Is he still mad about his bike?”

  Onyx laughs. “He’s over it.”

  Smiling, he makes his way over to me, wrapping me in his strong arms and kissing me as if it’s just so damn natural.

  And it is.

  Everything about us together just feels natural.

  Keeping his arms around me, he picks me up and sets me on my table. “Jesus, you’re damn beautiful.” He steps between my legs and cups my face. “I wanted to stop in before I head to the club.”

  My arms instinctively wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me. I can’t think when I’m around him. “Mmm . . .” I breathe. “You do smell nice. Sexy. I just want to eat you up.”

  He pulls my bottom lip into his mouth, roughly biting it, before releasing it. “Don’t get my ass worked up right now, Babe. It’s bad enough I’ll already be wanting to hurry home to see you.”

  I smile and slap his chest. “I’m nothing special to hurry home to. I’m sure you’ll have more fun at the club.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” he says against my lips. “You’re very fucking special to me. All I can think about is being close to you. You’ve ruined me, Sage. Completely.”

  His words stop my heart and panic sets in.

  Swallowing, I quickly kiss him on the lips, before jumping down to my feet. “My client just walked in.” I force a smile, pretending with everything in me that his words had no affect on me. “Get your sexy ass out of here before you’re late.”

  “I’ll text you when I can.” He grabs the back of my neck and firmly places a kiss on my lips. “Stop thinking too hard. Please.”


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